Ville di Lusso Giappone

Japan, a land where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with cutting-edge technology, offers a captivating mix of old and new. Discover vibrant cities like Tokyo filled with neon lights and historic temples, or immerse yourself in serene landscapes of cherry blossoms and majestic mountains. From sushi to sumo wrestling, Japan's rich culture, delicious cuisine, and welcoming people make it a must-visit destination in Asia.
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 1
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 2
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 3
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 4
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 5
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 6
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 7
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 8
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 9
Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi image 10

Disinfected 车站近 独栋别墅 🏡环境安静 直达新宿/秋叶原/东京站 免费Wi-Fi

房源位于江户川区JR中央線离车站徒步5、6分钟的日本一户建,日式独栋别墅街区 入居环境 光照 舒适的床会让您爱上我们的房源,房源内部所有的配置都是从客人角度出发,为了您与朋友入住过程可以体会到我们的用心。是情侣自由行 独自旅游观光 来东京的旅行冒险家 商务出差者 有小孩的家庭 亲属小型团体旅游的最佳选择。 独栋两层别墅,最多容纳8人 二楼的两个房间 房间1一张1.4*2米双人床 2人 房间2一张1.4*2米双人床 2人 人数多于显示床位的预定 会每个房间各自配备一张全套高级地板床垫 每间房最多容纳3人入住 共6人 。 房间内部有衣架窗帘 台灯 垃圾桶 纸巾 浴巾等设施 一楼一个大的沙发床可附加地板床垫计两人 *床位准备完全已预定人数为准 独立的温水洗便马桶 花洒淋浴 独立洗面台 洗衣机 电吹风 洗衣液 基础洗漱用品 卫生用品等,贴心小物都体现了我们对您旅途生活的点滴关心 。宽敞的客厅大型液晶电视 免费wifi 电脑办公桌 茶几 沙发床 您可以和家人朋友晚上一起喝茶配点心 缓解一日旅途劳累。厨房有冰箱 微波炉 烤箱 电磁炉 热水壶 面包机 电饭锅。祝您有一份美好的旅行回忆 房子走路3分和5分就有两个大型生活超市seiyu和肉のハナマサ,徒步1-4分钟24小时便利店(lawson,711和family mart),车站一分钟免税药妆店(キリン堂),大型100日元商店/烧肉店/海鲜居酒屋/拉面店/吉野家/蛋糕店意大利面店/寿喜烧店/高级甜品店,日常饮食购物都在徒步范围内,我的房子一定可以满足您的住宿&旅游&短期生活需求哒!祝您有一份美好的旅行回忆。 整栋房源使用权限全部可以 日本是一个垃圾分类比较严格的国家 请注意垃圾分类 房东会和您提前告知需要注意的内容哟 如有任何问题可以和我联系房东 我会尽快回复您的消息 日式独栋别墅 房源周围环境优美安静、交通便捷的居民住宅区。这里绝对是您家庭旅行、朋友出游、商务出差的最佳选择。走路3分和5分就有两个大型生活超市seiyu和肉のハナマサ,徒步1-4分钟24小时便利店(lawson,711。family mart),车站一分钟免税药妆店(キリン堂),大型100日元商店/烧肉店/海鲜居酒屋/拉面店/吉野家/蛋糕店意大利面店/寿喜烧店/高级甜品店,日常饮食购物都在徒步范围内。入住我的房源会让您有环境来日本美美的街拍 感受当地人生活的面貌 以及房东热情的服务态度。 This apartment is near to Akihabara, within 11 min by train. It is very popular spot for young people. You can feel Japanese deep culture there. And The surrounding environment is quiet and tranquil. You can stay in peace There are convenience stores and supermarkets around there. 您即将入住的房源距离最近JR平井站平坦路段徒步只需6分钟,从成田机场到平井车站需66分钟,从羽田机场仅需55分钟。距离东京地标sky tree只需3站(押上站)。線路上交通四通八达,去东京的各个景点都方便,让您不会失望的住所选择。 ===热门景点路线=== *11分钟到秋叶原。(JR中央、总武线-秋叶原站) *16分钟到东京晴空塔。(JR中央、总武线-锦糸 町-半藏门线-押上站) *18分钟到上野。(JR中央、总武线-秋叶原站- 山手线-上野站) *21分钟到浅草寺。(东武龟户线-曳舟站-东武 晴空塔线-浅草站) *20分钟到银座。(JR中央、总武线-浅草桥站- 浅草线-银座站) *29分钟到新宿。(JR中央、总武站线-新宿站) *16分钟到东京。(JR中央、总武线-饭田桥-有 乐町线-东京站) *30分钟到东京迪斯尼乐园。(JR中央、总武线- 西船桥-武藏野线-舞濱車站) The closest station is HIRAI( JR line) within 6mins walk from the apartment, so you can travel to your destination easily From HIRAI station, you can go to NARITA airport within 66 min and HANEDa airport Within 55 min 语言 :中文 ,English,日本語 回复率:100% 回复时间:1小时

Limited to  1 pair per day "Travel Inn Ikuta" image 1
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Limited to 1 pair per day "Travel Inn Ikuta"

みなべ駅からタクシーで5分程度。近くのコンビニまで車で約2分、歩いても行ける距離です。コンビニまでの道のりは海岸沿いを歩くので、お散歩にもぴったり。 宿泊部屋は2階にあり、1階は割烹料理店がございます! 1階の割烹料理店を通り抜けて2階の宿泊部屋へ行きます。 ですので2階の宿泊スペースとそこに行くまでの通路が立ち入り可能範囲となります。 基本はSMSやメールでお願いします。 急ぎの時や緊急時は電話でもOKです。 近くの海では海水浴や釣り(渡船有り)、ダイビングや磯遊びが出来ます! アドベンチャーワールドまで車で30分で行けます! 最寄り駅の南部駅から徒歩15分、車で5分になります! 宿泊施設に隣接した無料の駐車スペースが3台分ございます。 ホスト崇が妻の奏子と二人で長い間営んいた割烹料理店が宿泊部屋下の1階にございます! ホスト崇は料理の道一筋の割烹料理の職人です! ホスト崇の妻である奏子はホスピタリティ溢れる接客で長い間、ホスト崇を支えてきました! 2人で営んでいた割烹料理店は、地元で採れる食材を厳選し、様々な調理方法で食材たちに魔法をかけ多くのお客様の舌を楽しませてきました! 是非ともお召し上がりください! 料金は 夕食2500円(税込み) 小鉢、刺身、煮物、焼き魚、 揚げ物、酢の物、鍋、白ご 飯、味噌汁、漬け物 朝食1000円(税込み) 小鉢、卵焼き、豆腐料理、干物、サ ラダ、白ご飯、味噌汁、漬け 物 お子さま向け料理の料金は 夕食1500円(税込み) 朝食1000円(税込み) です。 ※季節により多少の変更がございます。 ※ご予算に合わせてご提供させて頂くことも可能です。ご相談下さい。 ※現在は、宿泊者限定で料理をお出ししています。 ※食事は事前予約制になります。

Shiki Homes | IKKO  一耕の宿 9 image 1
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Shiki Homes | IKKO 一耕の宿 9

Ikkō 9 is one of three newly renovated vacation rental properties located in a tranquil setting just to the east of the Kamo River and minutes walk to UNESCO World Heritage site Kiyomizu-dera. This stylish Kyoto home was designed by an international team with a meticulous eye for detail. You will find everything you need for a comfortable stay. Ikkō 9 is one of three newly renovated vacation rental properties located in a tranquil setting just to the east of the Kamo River and minutes walk to UNESCO World Heritage site Kiyomizu-dera. This stylish Kyoto home was designed by an international team with a meticulous eye for detail. You will find everything you need for a comfortable stay. On the ground floor you have the living/dining area with a comfy sofa bed (full set of linens included), 50 inch TV, full size dining set, fully functional kitchen, separate shower room with a deep tub, washlet toilet, and washing machine free to use. We also provide amenity sets and fluffy towels for your comfort. The second floor of the property features two seperate bedrooms. The master bedroom boasting a full size queen bed dressed in stylish linens, and the second bedroom with a trendy double sofa bed and counter workspace. We use a professional linen service for all three properties on site. Book all three properties for groups up to 15 guests. This is a non smoking property. Thank you for your consideration. You will have private access to the entire house. Facilities include: * Wireless (cable) internet * Mobile (pocket) wifi to take out with you as you explore the town * Fridge, kettle, stove, cooking utensils, pots and pans * Basic cooking condiments * Microwave * Oven toaster * Glasses, cutlery and plates * Entertainment amenities * Complimentary Netflix for hundreds of movies and TV shows * AC/Heaters * Washing machine with complimentary washing powder * Toilets separate from bath/shower * Clean sheets and towels * Shower and bath * Body soap, shampoo, conditioner and detergent * Slippers * Iron and ironing board A detailed explanation will be provided after completion of your booking. Located in the same neighborhood as the famous UNESCO World Heritage listed Kiyomizu-dera and countless other temples and shrines. A short walk to the west will take you to the idyllic Kamo River and straight into the heart of Kyoto for world class shopping and dining. • 1 km to Kiyomizu-dera • 1 km to Shichijō Station (direct trains to Osaka) • 2 km to Pontocho walking street • Nearest bus stop is a 2 minute walk (Kamiumamachi) • Nearest convenience store is a 5 minute walk Kyoto is a wonderful city, one of the world's greatest - full of culture and history. So much so, that it might be hard to know where to start! We highly recommend spending at least 4-5 days exploring the town - and even then you will be left wanting more! A comprehensive information package will be provided post-booking detailing access to the property as well as the use of utilities but also covering recommended itineraries, sites, convenient transportation and the best dining/drinking options.

Meiji House, 4Room, 8Guests, 2min  from HIROO Stn. image 1
Meiji House, 4Room, 8Guests, 2min  from HIROO Stn. image 2
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Meiji House, 4Room, 8Guests, 2min  from HIROO Stn. image 10

Meiji House, 4Room, 8Guests, 2min from HIROO Stn.

GRAND CENTRAL LOCATION/SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.25%off stays 30 days or more. MONTHLY LEASES WELCOME! Newly renovated 3Rm(2LDK+attic) house/8 guests/ @elegant HIROO.The most sought after address in Central Tokyo.2min walk/Hiroo statn.HIROO is home to wealthy Japanese,a vibrant expat community & foreign diplomats. Shibuya, Roppongi, omotesando,harajuku all very close. CHECK attached maps.Free HISPEED FIBEROPTIC HOME WIFI .Great restuarants, shops, taxis only few minutes walk away. Please check our other listings;- Azabu Villa and HirooHouse. The house is beautifully designed and furnished to make guests feel that they are in a real Japanese house yet with all modern amenities provided. The house is fully renovated this July 2014, offers two floor and an attic . House features;- Living room/ bedroom that sleeps two comfortably with futons. (First floor) 2 bedrooms/2nd floor with 1 queen size bed 2 single beds, and an extra futons available . A spacious attic that can also be put to good use. The attic is spacious with Max height of 130 cm, well lit, air conditioned , renovated and can sleep up to two guests comfortably. Fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower And two toilets. An almost new Panasonic washer dryer combo is furnished to utilize. Hiroo is at the heart of Tokyo, and hiroo station is only 2 minutes walk away. Hiroo village is only 100 steps away. You will be staying at a quiet place but right at the center of the action. We guarantee satisfaction. :) Roppongi is 2 min subway ride on Hibiya line from hiroo station, or 15 to 20 minute walk. Shibuya is 15 min bus ride, or 10 minute train ride, or less that 20 dollars taxi ride. Ginza 10 minute train ride Tsukiji fish market 13 minute train ride Akihabara electronic city 15 minutes train ride Etc. please ask us for more details. We shall receive you , guide to the house, give you a house tour, give you tips on Tokyo, and let you enjoy your stay freely. YOU WILL NOT BE SHARING THE HOUSE WITH ANYONE ELSE. You will have access to the house in its entirety, and will not share with anyone else. We will receive you and give you a house tour, and of course will be at a constant contact for anything you may want to inquire about. You will have access to the house in its entirety, and will not share with anyone else. We will receive you and give you a house tour, and of course will be at a constant contact for anything you may want to inquire about. Wikipedia "Hiroo is one of the most upmarket, affluent residential and shopping neighborhood in Tokyo." It is charming , elegant, combines Japan Old and New . It is filled with embassies , and the international community is very vibrant. On top of that it's located at the heart of Tokyo. Major attractions ;- Roppongi, shibuya, harajuku, omotesando etc super close and easy to get to. We will assist you in finding the countless top quality resturants in the area :). Hiroo subway station is 2 minutes walk away, where you will take the hibiya line that will take you or connect you to other lines to reach your destinations in Tokyo in less than 30 minutes. There is also a great network of buses few minutes walk from the house, that will take you to nearest attractions in 10 minutes. Taxis are plentiful and very nearby.Hiroo location and the house location are extremely convenient for staying guests to explore Tokyo . THAT IS GUARANTEED. We the caretakers live nearby. We love Tokyo and been here over 25 years. We love hiroo, azabu areas and you the guest should have a very pleasant experience. A lot of attention has been paid to make the house, as comfortable, user friendly as possible, a lot of effort is employed to pick the location as to make it as convenient as possible to would be staying guests. You will have access to the house in its entirety, and will not share with anyone else.AGAIN NO SHARING. We will receive you and give you a house tour, and of course will be at a constant contact for anything you may want to inquire about. Wikipedia "Hiroo is one of the most upmarket, affluent residential and shopping neighborhood in Tokyo." Tokyo's most sought after address. Charming and elegant, Hiroo is inhabited by wealthy Japanese, and a vibrant foreign expat community. It is home to the Majority of foreign embassies. Hiroo commands a central city location at the heart of Tokyo where major attractions ;- Roppongi, shibuya, harajuku, omotesando etc are super close and easy to get to( check attached maps).We will assist you in finding the countless top quality resturants in the area :). Arisugawa Park is only 5 minutes walk away from the house. Hiroo subway station is 2 minutes walk away, where you will take the hibiya line that will take you or connect you to other lines to reach your destinations in Tokyo in less than 30 minutes. There is also a great network of buses few minutes walk from the house, that will take you to nearest attractions in 10 minutes. Taxis are plentiful and very nearby.Hiroo location and the house location are extremely convenient for staying guests to explore Tokyo . THAT IS GUARANTEED. We the caretakers live nearby. We love Tokyo and been here over 25 years. We love hiroo, azabu areas and you the guest should have a very pleasant experience. A lot of attention has been paid to making the house, as comfortable, user friendly as possible, a lot of effort is employed to pick the location as to make it as convenient as possible to would be staying guests. Hiroo is well known to be relatively quiet part of Tokyo with ample greenery. Guests can walk to top Tokyo restaurants in Hiroo, where we can assist in recommending many. The Hiroo Village is just on the next block from the house and guests access to 24 hour convenience stores, taxis etc all within literally 200 steps from the house.

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Sunrise Villa Oarai

Sunrise Villa Oarai Sunrise Villa Oarai , located in Mito city center, is a popular choice for travelers. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's must-see destinations. Sunrise Villa Oarai offers impeccable service and all the essential amenities to travelers. Never be out of touch with your contacts, with free Wi-Fi offered throughout your stay. If you plan to arrive by car, you'll appreciate the resort villa's free parking, right on-site. Each guestroom at Sunrise Villa Oarai is furnished and equipped with handy amenities. Some rooms are equipped with linen service and air conditioning for your convenience. Some rooms at Sunrise Villa Oarai include special design features like a balcony or terrace. The resort villa also offers a refrigerator, a coffee or tea maker, bottled water, instant coffee and instant tea in some rooms for when you feel like it is needed. Knowing that bathroom amenities play an important role in increasing guests' satisfaction, the resort villa provides a hair dryer, toiletries and towels in some select rooms. Dining and things to do Nothing starts a morning better than a delicious free breakfast, which you'll always enjoy at Sunrise Villa Oarai . Sunrise Villa Oarai offers an excellent variety of recreational facilities. Finish your vacation days right by dropping in at the hot tub. Start your vacation off right with a dip in the pool. Around the property Take advantage of the opportunity to explore Mito while in the city. The best nights in Mito start at Hitachino Brewing Mito located 11.3 km away, where you can try cocktails or beers.

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Mountain View Niseko

Mountain View Niseko - The Snow Side Vacation - 広々とした静かなヴィラで、楽しい仲間たちと特別なひとときをお過ごし下さい。 4LDK 定員15名のコテージです。 1Fにはリビング、キッチン、ダイニング、洋室(布団2組)があり、 2Fには洗面所とバスルーム、マスターベットルーム(ダブルベット1台)、フリースペース、大部屋(ダブルマットレス3台、セミダブルマットレス1台がそれぞれ仕切りで区切られています)があります。 地下1階は洋室(布団3組)、トイレ2個あります。 大人数でもプライバシーが守れるコテージです。 10月末までBBQグッズ無料レンタルをしています 【BBQグッズ無料レンタル】※10月末まで ガス式BBQコンロ、屋外用椅子、パラソル付屋外用テーブル、プラスチック製仕切り皿 ※コテージの食器をお使いいただけますが、  割れやすい物が多いのでご心配な方は使い捨てのお皿をご持参下さい。 ※食材はついておりません。 ※お庭に強い雨・風をしのげる屋根はございません。  天候によりBBQができない場合がございますのでご了承ください。 ・アンヌプリ国際スキー場 ・モイワスキー場 ・五色温泉 ・有島記念館 ・ラフティング ・サイクリング ・登山 お車でお越しいただくのが便利です。 コテージ前に2~3台分の無料駐車スペースがございます。 ※冬は積雪状況によって変動する可能性がございます。 ●近隣にお住いの方がいらっしゃいますので、21時以降の騒音にご注意下さい。 ●ゴミの分別をお願い致します。分別がされていない場合は、分別作業料を請求させていただきますので、予めご了承ください。 ●当コテージは脱プラスチックを提言しております。  使い捨ての歯ブラシ、ヘアブラシはございませんのでご持参ください。

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Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage

Experience Tranquility at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Nestled in the picturesque town of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and lush greenery, this 4-star hotel provides a tranquil retreat for those seeking peace and relaxation. Step into a world of comfort and elegance as you enter the beautifully renovated premises of Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage . With its last renovation in 2017, the hotel boasts modern amenities and stylish decor that blend seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surroundings. Whether you are a nature enthusiast or simply looking to unwind, this hotel is the perfect destination for a rejuvenating getaway. At Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , check-in is available from 03:00 PM, allowing you to settle in and make the most of your stay. The hotel's warm and attentive staff will be there to welcome you and ensure that your check-in process is smooth and hassle-free. When it's time to bid farewell to this idyllic retreat, check-out is until 11:00 AM, giving you ample time to savor your final moments in this peaceful haven. Endless Entertainment at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Discover a world of entertainment at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , where boredom is simply not an option. This charming hotel in Hokuto, Japan, offers a wide range of entertainment facilities that will keep guests of all ages entertained throughout their stay. For those looking for some retail therapy, the gift/souvenir shop at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage is a treasure trove of unique and locally made items. From traditional crafts to stylish souvenirs, guests can browse through a delightful collection of products that reflect the rich culture and heritage of Hokuto. Whether you're looking for a special memento to take home or a gift for a loved one, this shop is the perfect place to find something truly special. In addition to the gift shop, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage also boasts a well-equipped game room. Step into this vibrant space and unleash your competitive spirit as you challenge your friends or family to a friendly game of billiards or table tennis. With a variety of games available, including foosball and darts, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Spend quality time bonding with loved ones or make new friends as you engage in friendly competitions and create lasting memories. At Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , entertainment knows no bounds. Whether you're exploring the gift/souvenir shop or engaging in some friendly competition in the game room, you'll find endless opportunities for fun and relaxation during your stay. Convenient Facilities at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Experience a hassle-free stay at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , where convenience is at the forefront. This charming hotel offers a range of convenient facilities, including a laundromat on-site. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, having access to a laundromat can be a game-changer. Say goodbye to the stress of finding a nearby laundry service or packing excessive clothes, as you can easily wash and dry your garments right at the hotel. The laundromat at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage is equipped with modern machines and is available for guests to use at their convenience. It's a perfect solution for long-term travelers or those who simply prefer to travel light. Convenient Transport Facilities at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage At Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer an array of convenient transport facilities for our guests. One of the highlights is our spacious car park, where you can park your vehicle free of charge. Whether you're driving your own car or renting one, you can rest assured knowing that you'll have a secure and convenient parking space right at the hotel. This means you can explore the beautiful Hokuto region at your own pace, without worrying about finding parking or paying exorbitant fees. Our car park offers peace of mind and easy access to your accommodation, making your stay with us even more enjoyable. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Hokuto, Japan Nestled in the picturesque Yatsugatake Mountains, Hokuto is a charming town that offers a serene getaway from the bustling city life. With its stunning natural scenery and rich cultural heritage, this hidden gem in Japan is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and history buffs alike. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of Hokuto as you explore the Yatsugatake-Chushin Kogen Quasi-National Park. The park is a paradise for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, boasting a network of well-marked trails that lead you through lush forests, crystal-clear lakes, and majestic mountain peaks. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a casual nature lover, the park offers a range of trails suitable for all skill levels. In addition to its natural beauty, Hokuto is also home to several historical and cultural attractions. Discover the rich history of the region at the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, which showcases a collection of captivating photographs capturing the essence of rural life. For a taste of local culture, visit the Kiyosato Highland Park, where you can admire beautiful gardens, traditional Japanese architecture, and even try your hand at pottery-making. With its tranquil ambiance and abundance of natural and cultural wonders, Hokuto is the perfect destination for a peaceful and enriching retreat. Book your stay at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage and immerse yourself in the beauty of this charming town. Traveling to Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage from Nearby Airports Nestled in the picturesque town of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers a serene and idyllic escape from the bustling city life. Traveling to this enchanting destination is a breeze, with several airports conveniently located nearby. For international travelers, the nearest major airport is Tokyo Narita International Airport. Upon arrival, you can easily reach Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage by taking a direct train from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station. From there, transfer to the JR Chuo Line and enjoy a scenic train ride to Kobuchizawa Station, which is just a short distance away from the cottage. A taxi or shuttle service can then be arranged to transport you directly to Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , where you can immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surrounding nature. Alternatively, if you are arriving from within Japan, the Haneda Airport in Tokyo is another convenient option. From Haneda Airport, take the monorail or a shuttle bus to Tokyo Station, and then follow the same route as mentioned above to reach Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage . Whichever airport you choose to fly into, the journey to Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage promises to be an enchanting experience, filled with breathtaking views of the Japanese countryside. With its peaceful ambiance and stunning natural surroundings, this charming cottage is the perfect destination for those seeking a rejuvenating getaway. Explore the Surrounding Landmarks near Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Nestled in the picturesque town of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers a serene and idyllic retreat surrounded by a plethora of fascinating landmarks and attractions. Just a short distance away, visitors can explore the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum, a captivating museum dedicated to the renowned Japanese artist's works inspired by the Silk Road. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture as you admire the intricate silk paintings and sculptures on display. For nature enthusiasts, a visit to the Sunflower Field of Akeno is a must. Located nearby, this expansive field is a sight to behold during the blooming season. Lose yourself amidst the vibrant colors and delicate fragrances as you stroll through rows of sunflowers, creating picture-perfect moments. Additionally, the Higashine Shiritsu Higashinechubu Elementary School offers a unique opportunity to witness traditional Japanese education in a quaint rural setting. If you're looking for a delightful treat, don't miss the Chateraise Hakushu factory, where you can indulge in a variety of delectable sweets and desserts. Sample their famous cakes, pastries, and ice creams, all made with the finest local ingredients. For those interested in Japanese culture, the Kiyoharushirakaba Museum showcases an extensive collection of traditional crafts and artifacts, providing a glimpse into the region's rich heritage. With its convenient location, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage allows guests to easily explore these remarkable landmarks and attractions, creating unforgettable memories of their stay in Hokuto, Japan. Convenient Public Transport Stations near Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Located in the scenic town of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers easy access to several public transport stations, ensuring a hassle-free exploration of the surrounding area. One of the closest stations is Hinoharu Railway Station, which is just a short distance away from the hotel. This station provides convenient connections to various attractions and landmarks in the region, making it an ideal starting point for your adventures. Another nearby station is Kai-Koizumi Station, offering further accessibility to travelers. From here, visitors can easily reach popular destinations such as the Yatsugatake Natural Park and the Yatsugatake Farm Stand. The station's strategic location makes it a convenient hub for those looking to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Hokuto. Additionally, Nagasaka Railway Station is within reach, providing yet another convenient option for guests staying at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage . This station offers connections to other major cities in the region, allowing visitors to explore beyond Hokuto and discover more of what Japan has to offer. Whether you're planning a day trip or a longer stay, the proximity of these public transport stations ensures that you can easily navigate your way around and make the most of your time in Hokuto. A Gastronomic Journey Awaits Embark on a gastronomic journey during your stay at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , as you discover a diverse range of restaurants in the surrounding area. Indulge in traditional Japanese cuisine at Joichi, where you can savor the delicate flavors of fresh sushi and sashimi. For a taste of local specialties, head to Fujitei, a charming restaurant that offers delicious dishes made with seasonal ingredients sourced from the nearby mountains. If you're in the mood for a fusion of Japanese and Western flavors, Shinagawa Okina is the place to be, with its innovative menu that combines the best of both worlds. Coffee enthusiasts will delight in Primum Beans, a cozy cafe that serves up aromatic brews and delectable pastries. For a unique dining experience, visit Beans Kobuchizawa Kitchen, where you can enjoy a farm-to-table concept with dishes made from locally grown produce. Gansen is a must-visit for those craving authentic Japanese izakaya fare, with its extensive menu of grilled skewers, sizzling hot pots, and refreshing sake. For a touch of elegance, head to Restaurant Anne Soleil, a French-inspired establishment known for its exquisite cuisine and romantic ambiance. Zakka&Cafeteatree is a hidden gem that offers a charming combination of a cafe and a lifestyle store, where you can enjoy a cup of tea while browsing through unique trinkets and accessories. For a casual and laid-back atmosphere, foo is the perfect spot to enjoy a hearty meal with friends, offering a variety of international dishes. Lastly, for those seeking a taste of traditional Japanese herbal cuisine, Furusatoyakuzen Shinju is the place to be, with its menu of nourishing and flavorsome dishes that are thoughtfully prepared using medicinal herbs and ingredients. With such a diverse array of dining options just a stone's throw away from Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage , your taste buds are in for a treat! Shop 'til You Drop at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage 's Nearby Shopping Landmarks Located in the picturesque town of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers not only breathtaking natural scenery but also a convenient proximity to several shopping landmarks. Just a short distance away, you'll find the Kumpei Dowa-kan Museum, where you can explore the rich history and culture of the region. For those looking for unique souvenirs and local crafts, Mudani and Risonare are must-visit destinations. Wine enthusiasts will delight in a visit to Charmant Wine, where you can sample and purchase a variety of exquisite wines. Fashionistas will be thrilled to discover the Yatsugatake Resort Outlet Mall, a shopper's paradise offering a wide range of designer brands at discounted prices. Art lovers shouldn't miss the opportunity to visit the Yatsugatake Shikandai Gallery, showcasing stunning works by local and international artists. With such a diverse array of shopping options nearby, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage is the perfect choice for those seeking a blend of natural beauty and retail therapy. Affordable Luxury at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage Escape to the serene and picturesque town of Hokuto, Japan, without breaking the bank at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage . With an average price of just $142 per room, this charming retreat offers exceptional value for money compared to the average room price in the city, which stands at $170. Nestled amidst the stunning Yatsugatake Mountains, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage provides a truly immersive experience in nature, coupled with the comforts of a luxurious accommodation. Each cottage is thoughtfully designed with a blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern amenities, ensuring a cozy and relaxing stay. Whether you are seeking a romantic getaway or a family vacation, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage caters to all. Indulge in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, take a leisurely stroll through the lush gardens, or unwind in the private hot spring bath. With its affordable pricing, this hidden gem allows you to make the most of your Hokuto adventure without compromising on quality or comfort. A Tranquil Retreat Surrounded by Natural Beauty Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Hokuto, Japan, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage offers a serene and idyllic escape for travelers seeking tranquility and relaxation. With an impressive overall rating of 7.6, this charming cottage has garnered positive customer reviews for its exceptional value, stunning location, and attentive staff performance. One of the standout features of Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage is its unbeatable value. Guests have praised the affordable rates and excellent amenities, making it a perfect choice for budget-conscious travelers without compromising on comfort. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway or a family vacation, this cottage provides great value for money, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable stay. Situated in a breathtaking location, surrounded by the majestic Yatsugatake Mountains, this cottage offers a truly immersive experience in nature. The stunning scenery creates a tranquil atmosphere, allowing guests to unwind and rejuvenate in the lap of nature. From the moment you arrive, you'll be captivated by the beauty of the surroundings, providing a perfect backdrop for a memorable vacation. The staff at Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage have consistently received high praise for their exceptional performance. Friendly, attentive, and dedicated, the staff members go above and beyond to ensure guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Their warm hospitality and willingness to assist with any requests create a welcoming and personalized experience, making guests feel right at home. Overall, Ambient Yatsugatake Cottage is a hidden gem that offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat. With its exceptional value, stunning location, and attentive staff, this cottage is a top choice for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

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Heiankyu dairi no yado

Modern Comforts and Connectivity at Heiankyu dairi no yado At Heiankyu dairi no yado , guests can enjoy a seamless stay with a range of convenient facilities. Stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms, allowing you to easily stay in touch with loved ones or catch up on work. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, this modern amenity ensures that you are always connected to the digital world. Additionally, the hotel offers a 24-hour front desk service, providing round-the-clock assistance to cater to your needs. Friendly and professional staff are available at any time to answer your queries, offer recommendations, or help with any requests you may have. This exceptional service ensures that you have a hassle-free and enjoyable stay at Heiankyu dairi no yado . Convenient Transport Facilities at Heiankyu dairi no yado At Heiankyu dairi no yado , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer excellent transport facilities to our guests. For those traveling by car, we provide a convenient onsite car park. You can rest assured knowing that your vehicle is safely parked within the premises, allowing you to explore Kyoto with ease. Our car park is spacious and well-maintained, ensuring that you have a stress-free experience during your stay. Whether you're driving from the airport or exploring the city's attractions, our onsite car park is the perfect solution for your transportation needs. Experience Authentic Japanese Accommodation at Heiankyu dairi no yado Discover a range of spacious and comfortable room options at Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto, Japan. Choose from a variety of traditional Japanese-style accommodations, each offering a unique and immersive experience. The ??: 95 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons, ??: 92 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons, ??(8?): 98 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons, Japanese Style House: 95 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons, Townhouse: 90 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons, and Traditional House: 90 square meters with 8 Japanese Futons are all designed to provide a serene and tranquil atmosphere, allowing guests to relax and unwind in a traditional setting. By booking these rooms on Agoda, you can enjoy the best prices and a hassle-free experience. Agoda offers competitive rates, ensuring that you get the most value for your money. With Agoda's user-friendly platform, you can easily browse through the different room options, compare prices, and make a secure reservation in just a few clicks. Whether you are a solo traveler, a couple, or a group of friends or family, Agoda makes it convenient for you to find the perfect room at Heiankyu dairi no yado for a truly memorable stay in Kyoto, Japan. Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Kyoto Nestled in the heart of Kyoto, Japan, Heiankyu dairi no yado offers a truly enchanting experience for travelers seeking a blend of traditional charm and modern luxury. Kyoto, often referred to as the cultural capital of Japan, is a city that effortlessly combines ancient traditions with contemporary vibrancy. From the moment you step foot in this historic city, you will be captivated by its timeless beauty and rich heritage. Heiankyu dairi no yado is ideally located, allowing guests to easily explore the many wonders of Kyoto. Just a short stroll away is the iconic Heian Shrine, a masterpiece of Shinto architecture surrounded by stunning gardens. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the gardens, adorned with vibrant cherry blossoms in spring and fiery autumn foliage. For those seeking a deeper understanding of Kyoto's cultural heritage, the nearby Kyoto National Museum offers a fascinating collection of art and artifacts, showcasing the city's rich history. As you wander through the streets of Kyoto, you will discover a myriad of traditional tea houses, quaint shops selling exquisite handicrafts, and charming temples tucked away in quiet corners. Indulge in the city's culinary delights, from savoring a traditional kaiseki meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant to sampling street food at the bustling Nishiki Market. Whether you are exploring the iconic Kinkaku-ji Temple, strolling along the picturesque Philosopher's Path, or taking part in a traditional tea ceremony, Kyoto promises to leave an indelible mark on your heart. Convenient Transportation from Kyoto Airports to Heiankyu dairi no yado When it comes to reaching Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto, Japan, travelers have several convenient transportation options from the nearest airports. For those arriving at Kansai International Airport (KIX), the most popular choice is to take the Kansai Airport Express Haruka train to Kyoto Station. The journey takes approximately 75 minutes and offers comfortable seating and luggage storage. From Kyoto Station, visitors can easily catch a taxi or take a short bus ride to reach Heiankyu dairi no yado , which is located in the heart of Kyoto. Another option is to fly into Osaka International Airport (ITM), also known as Itami Airport, which is closer to Kyoto. From Itami Airport, travelers can take a limousine bus directly to Kyoto Station, which takes around 55 minutes. Once at Kyoto Station, visitors can easily navigate their way to Heiankyu dairi no yado using public transportation or a taxi. Regardless of the airport you choose to arrive at, transportation options are readily available to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey to Heiankyu dairi no yado . With its convenient location in Kyoto, this traditional Japanese inn offers a perfect base for exploring the city's rich cultural heritage and iconic landmarks. Explore Kyoto's Rich Cultural Heritage near Heiankyu dairi no yado Nestled in the heart of Kyoto, Heiankyu dairi no yado offers easy access to some of the city's most iconic landmarks and attractions. Immerse yourself in the spiritual atmosphere at the Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine, famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates that lead up to Mount Inari. Marvel at the stunning golden pavilion of Kinkakuji Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its picturesque reflection on the tranquil pond. For a breathtaking panoramic view of Kyoto, head to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, perched on a hillside and offering sweeping vistas of the city. Step back in time at Nijō Castle, a magnificent feudal castle with beautiful gardens and intricate artworks. Ginkakuji Temple, also known as the Silver Pavilion, is another must-visit attraction with its meticulously designed gardens and serene atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the rich history of Kyoto at Sanjusangendo Temple, home to a thousand life-sized statues of Kannon, the goddess of mercy. Take a leisurely stroll along the Philosopher's Walk, a scenic path lined with cherry trees that bloom in spring and vibrant foliage in autumn. Discover the Zen beauty of Ryoanji Temple, famous for its rock garden that embodies simplicity and tranquility. Experience the grandeur of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, once the residence of the Imperial family, and explore its meticulously maintained gardens. Lastly, don't miss Nanzen-ji Temple, a Zen temple complex with stunning architecture and peaceful gardens. With such a wealth of cultural landmarks and attractions just a stone's throw away, Heiankyu dairi no yado is the perfect base for exploring the rich heritage of Kyoto. Convenient Public Transport Stations near Heiankyu dairi no yado Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto, Japan, is conveniently located near several public transport stations, making it easy for guests to explore the city and its surrounding areas. One of the closest stations is Nijojomae Subway Station, which is just a short walk away from the hotel. This station provides access to the Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line, allowing guests to easily travel to popular attractions such as Kyoto Imperial Palace and Nijo Castle. Another nearby station is Chayama, which is serviced by the Eizan Electric Railway. From here, guests can take a scenic ride up to Kurama Station, where they can visit the famous Kurama-dera Temple and enjoy hiking trails in the surrounding mountains. For those looking to explore further afield, Tofukuji Train Station is within reach. This station offers connections to the JR Nara Line, allowing guests to easily visit Nara, a city known for its ancient temples and friendly deer population. With the convenience of these public transport stations, guests at Heiankyu dairi no yado can effortlessly discover the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Kyoto and its neighboring areas. Delicious Dining Options Near Heiankyu dairi no yado When it comes to dining near Heiankyu dairi no yado , you'll be spoilt for choice. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find Okonomiyaki Katsu, a cozy restaurant known for its mouthwatering okonomiyaki dishes. Craving some delicious ramen? Look no further than Ramen Touhichi, where you can savor a steaming bowl of flavorful noodles. For those seeking traditional Japanese cuisine, Saryo Housen is a must-visit. Indulge in their exquisite dishes made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. If you're in the mood for some hearty udon, head to Men-Ya Gokkei, where you can enjoy slurping up their thick and chewy noodles. With such a diverse range of dining options nearby, your taste buds are in for a treat during your stay at Heiankyu dairi no yado . Shop 'til You Drop in Kyoto Heiankyu dairi no yado is surrounded by an array of shopping landmarks that will surely satisfy any shopaholic's cravings. Just a short distance away is Kintetsu Mall Miyakomichi, a modern shopping complex offering a wide range of fashion, electronics, and specialty stores. For those looking for fresh produce and local delicacies, The Kyoto Municipal Wholesale Market is a must-visit. Here, you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and sample some of Kyoto's finest ingredients. If you're in search of unique souvenirs, head to Shiki Sakura, a charming boutique selling traditional Japanese crafts and accessories. Book lovers will delight in Keibunsha Ichijoji, a renowned bookstore known for its extensive collection of literature and art books. For those interested in traditional Japanese arts, Tozando is a specialty store offering a wide range of martial arts equipment and attire. Lastly, music enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to the Kyoto Music Box Museum Gion, where you can browse through a collection of intricately crafted music boxes. With so many shopping landmarks nearby, Heiankyu dairi no yado is the perfect base for a shopping spree in Kyoto. Affordable Luxury at Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto Experience the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto. With an average room price of just $202, this stunning hotel offers exceptional value for money compared to the average price of a hotel room in Kyoto, which stands at $189. At Heiankyu dairi no yado , you can indulge in a truly memorable stay without breaking the bank. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Kyoto while enjoying top-notch amenities and unparalleled service. The elegant rooms are thoughtfully designed with modern comforts and traditional Japanese elements, ensuring a harmonious blend of style and relaxation. Whether you're exploring the historic sites of Kyoto or simply unwinding in the tranquil surroundings of the hotel, Heiankyu dairi no yado provides an oasis of serenity at an unbeatable price. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the best of Kyoto without compromising on quality and affordability. Book your stay at Heiankyu dairi no yado today and create unforgettable memories in this enchanting city. Unparalleled Excellence at Heiankyu dairi no yado Discover a truly exceptional stay at Heiankyu dairi no yado in Kyoto, Japan, where the hotel's customer reviews speak volumes about its unparalleled excellence. With an impressive overall rating of 9.6, it's clear that guests consistently have an extraordinary experience at this remarkable hotel. One aspect that stands out is the incredible value provided by Heiankyu dairi no yado . With a perfect 10.0 rating for value, guests can rest assured that they are getting the most out of their stay. From the moment they step foot into the hotel, they are greeted with exceptional service and top-notch amenities that far exceed their expectations. Another highlight of this hotel is its impeccable cleanliness, as reflected in its perfect 10.0 rating. Guests can expect pristine and well-maintained rooms and public areas, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic environment throughout their stay. The attention to detail and commitment to cleanliness truly sets Heiankyu dairi no yado apart from the rest. Furthermore, the staff at this hotel consistently receives a perfect 10.0 rating for their performance. Guests rave about the warm and welcoming attitude of the staff members, who go above and beyond to ensure that every need is met. From providing personalized recommendations to offering exceptional service, the staff at Heiankyu dairi no yado are dedicated to creating unforgettable memories for their guests. With a superb rating across various categories, Heiankyu dairi no yado is undeniably a standout choice for travelers seeking an extraordinary stay in Kyoto. Experience the unparalleled excellence for yourself and create cherished memories at this exceptional hotel.

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Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari

Convenience Facilities at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari Experience the utmost convenience during your stay at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari . With free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, you can stay connected and easily access information about the local area. Whether you need to catch up on work emails or simply browse the internet, the reliable and high-speed Wi-Fi ensures a seamless online experience. Additionally, the hotel offers a range of other convenient facilities to enhance your stay. Take advantage of the on-site parking, making it hassle-free to bring your own vehicle or rent one to explore the charming surroundings of Takeo. For those looking to maintain their fitness routine, the hotel features a well-equipped fitness center, allowing guests to stay active and energized throughout their stay. With these convenient facilities, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari ensures that your stay is not only comfortable but also effortless. Convenient and Complimentary Car Parking at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari At Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari , guests can enjoy the convenience of complimentary car parking facilities. With an onsite car park that is free of charge, guests can easily explore the beautiful surroundings of Takeo, Japan, without having to worry about finding a parking spot or paying for parking fees. The car park at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari provides ample space for guests to park their vehicles securely. Whether you are traveling in a small car or a larger vehicle, you can rest assured that there will be a suitable parking space available for you. This convenient facility allows guests to have the freedom to explore the nearby attractions at their own pace, without any transportation constraints. With the complimentary car parking facilities at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari , guests can have peace of mind knowing that their vehicles are safely parked while they enjoy their stay. Whether you plan to visit the famous Imari Shrine, explore the scenic landscapes of Takeo Onsen, or indulge in the local cuisine, having a car park onsite and free of charge makes it easy for guests to embark on their adventures hassle-free. Spacious and Stylish Rooms at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari Discover the perfect accommodation at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari in Takeo, Japan. With a variety of room types to choose from, you can find the perfect space to suit your needs. Room 1 and Room 2 offer a generous 70 square meters of space, providing ample room for relaxation and comfort. Whether you're traveling solo, with a partner, or with friends and family, these spacious rooms offer a stylish and inviting atmosphere for a truly memorable stay. Discover the Serene Beauty of Imari in Takeo, Japan Nestled in the heart of Takeo, Japan, Imari is a picturesque town that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Known for its exquisite porcelain, Imari is a haven for art enthusiasts and history buffs alike. The town is home to the famous Imari-yaki pottery, which has been cherished for centuries and continues to captivate visitors with its intricate designs and vibrant colors. Imari is also blessed with stunning natural landscapes, making it a paradise for nature lovers. Take a leisurely stroll through the Imari Park and immerse yourself in the tranquility of its lush gardens, serene ponds, and blooming cherry blossoms in spring. For a more adventurous experience, venture out to the nearby Mt. Mifuneyama, where you can hike through scenic trails and witness breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. In addition to its cultural and natural wonders, Imari boasts a rich culinary scene. Indulge in the local delicacies such as fresh seafood, melt-in-your-mouth wagyu beef, and traditional Japanese sweets. Imari is also home to charming cafes and restaurants, where you can savor a cup of matcha tea or enjoy a traditional kaiseki meal. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat, a cultural immersion, or an outdoor adventure, Imari in Takeo, Japan offers something for everyone. Discover the timeless beauty of this enchanting town and create unforgettable memories during your stay at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari . Getting to Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is a charming accommodation nestled in the picturesque town of Imari, Takeo, Japan. For travelers arriving by air, there are a few convenient options to reach this cozy retreat. The nearest airport to Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is Saga Airport, located approximately 30 kilometers away. From the airport, guests can take a taxi or opt for the airport limousine bus service that operates between Saga Airport and Takeo Onsen Station. The journey takes around 50 minutes, offering scenic views of the surrounding countryside. Alternatively, travelers can also fly into Fukuoka Airport, which is approximately 80 kilometers away from Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari . From Fukuoka Airport, guests can take a direct train to Takeo Onsen Station, which takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. Upon reaching Takeo Onsen Station, the accommodation is just a short taxi ride away. Discover the Rich History and Culture near Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari Nestled in the charming town of Takeo, Japan, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari offers a prime location for exploring the area's rich history and cultural landmarks. Imarishi Tokishoka Museum, just a short distance away from the hotel, is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Imari porcelain and learn about its significance in Japanese art and culture. For those seeking a glimpse into traditional Japanese craftsmanship, a visit to Okawachiyama Village is highly recommended. This historic village is renowned for its pottery production, particularly the exquisite Imari ware. Explore the narrow streets lined with kilns and workshops, and witness skilled artisans creating beautiful ceramics. Nature lovers can take a leisurely stroll to Yodohime Shrine, a serene and picturesque shrine surrounded by lush greenery. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. In addition to these landmarks, there are several hospitals nearby, including Sumida Hospital and Hotta Hospital, ensuring peace of mind for guests who may require medical assistance during their stay. With its convenient location and proximity to these attractions, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is the perfect choice for travelers looking to immerse themselves in the history, culture, and natural beauty of Takeo, Japan. A Gastronomic Adventure Awaits When it comes to dining options, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is surrounded by a plethora of fantastic restaurants. Just steps away from the hotel, guests can indulge in a variety of culinary delights. For those craving a taste of local flavors, Inakaryori Mansaku and Torihisa are must-visit establishments. Inakaryori Mansaku is known for its traditional countryside dishes, offering a cozy atmosphere and hearty meals that will transport you to the heart of Saga. Torihisa, on the other hand, specializes in mouthwatering grilled chicken skewers, perfectly seasoned and grilled to perfection. For seafood lovers, Uotami Imari is the go-to spot, serving up an array of fresh and delicious seafood dishes. For a fusion dining experience, Moana offers a unique blend of Japanese and Western cuisines, with a menu that features everything from sushi rolls to juicy burgers. With so many exceptional dining options just a stone's throw away, guests at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari are truly spoiled for choice. Shop 'til You Drop in Imari If you're a shopaholic, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is the perfect base for your retail therapy adventures. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find the Imari Nabeshima Gallery, where you can immerse yourself in the rich history and exquisite craftsmanship of Imari ceramics. For those looking to score some great deals, the Noritake Factory Outlet Imari is a must-visit. Here, you can browse through a wide selection of high-quality porcelain at discounted prices. And if you're in the mood for some local shopping, head over to Oshugama, a charming marketplace that offers a variety of traditional Japanese goods, including pottery, textiles, and souvenirs. With these shopping landmarks at your doorstep, you'll be spoilt for choice and guaranteed to find something special to take home. Affordable Luxury at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari Experience the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari . With an average room price of just $187, this stunning hotel offers exceptional value for money, providing a truly unforgettable stay in the heart of Takeo, Japan. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Takeo, which stands at $134, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari offers an incredible deal that is hard to resist. Despite its affordable rates, this hotel does not compromise on quality or comfort. Each room is meticulously designed with modern furnishings, ensuring a cozy and inviting ambiance for guests to relax and unwind. Whether you're a budget-conscious traveler or simply looking for a great deal, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is the perfect choice. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Takeo, explore the nearby attractions, and indulge in the hotel's top-notch amenities, all without breaking the bank. Book your stay today and experience luxury at an unbeatable price. A Haven of Excellence in Takeo, Japan Discover a true gem in Takeo, Japan with Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari . This exceptional hotel boasts an impressive overall rating of 8.8, reflecting the outstanding experiences of its guests. With exceptional scores of 9.1 for value, 9.0 for facilities, and a remarkable 9.5 for cleanliness, this hotel sets the bar high for excellence and guest satisfaction. One of the standout features of Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari is its commitment to cleanliness. With a remarkable rating of 9.5, guests can rest assured that their accommodations will be spotless and well-maintained. From the moment you step into the hotel, you will be greeted by a fresh and inviting atmosphere, ensuring a comfortable stay from start to finish. In addition to its excellent cleanliness, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari also excels in providing exceptional value for its guests. With a rating of 9.1, guests can enjoy top-notch amenities and services without breaking the bank. From spacious and well-appointed rooms to modern facilities, this hotel offers everything you need for a memorable stay. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, you can expect a high level of comfort and convenience at an affordable price. With its impressive ratings for cleanliness, value, and facilities, Rakuten STAY HOUSE x WILL STYLE Saga Imari stands out as a haven of excellence in Takeo, Japan. Book your stay today and experience the outstanding service and top-notch amenities that have earned this hotel its stellar reputation.

BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 1
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 2
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 3
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 4
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 5
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 6
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 7
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 8
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 9
BBQ・ハンモックでのんびり過ごす贅沢宿【古民家ドマノマ】 image 10


2022年12月九十九里不動堂海岸付近にOPENした、古民家宿「ドマノマ」 誰にも邪魔されることなくプライベートな滞在ができる一棟貸しの宿。 2階建ての古民家をフルリノベーションをし、和室2室と使い勝手の良い、コーヒー好きにはたまらない「NESPRESSO付」キッチン、タイル張りが美しいおしゃれなお風呂。土間スペースには寛いだり、PCを使ったりできるフリースペース。パティオのある庭先を見ながら揺られる心地よいハンモック。このハンモックに座って体を預けると、ゆらりとしたその揺れと、九十九里のスローな時間の流れ、そして青い空を見ながら聞こえてくる小鳥のさえずりが心を癒し、何もかも忘れてしまいそうな極上のリラックスタイムへ。 庭先にはBBQ用COLEMAN ガス式のグリルを準備*(有料10,000円) 夜は焚き火を焚いて炎を眺めながらゆったりとした時間を過ごすのも最高です。 プロジェクターを携帯に繋いで、映画上映会や子供の運動会動画鑑賞会も。 キッチンダイニングの壁には、SONOSのWifiスピーカー。スマホをWifiに繋ぐだけで、簡単に高音質でクリアな音楽を楽しめます。 1日1組の、2階建の貸切戸建別荘になります。 最初に目に入るのが、建物手前にある広めのベンチ付きパティオ部分。 公園のベンチ2台分くらいの大きさなので、女子トークをしたり、小さな子供が庭先で遊ぶのを眺めたり、ゆったりとした気分でNESPRESSOを飲みながらくつろげるスペースです。 ★焚き火用の炉も出来ました。薪、小枝、ライターはご用意いたします。 *必要であれば着火剤、チャッカマン、鉈などはお客様でご用意くださいませ。 ★BBQご利用の際はご連絡ください。(有料10000円となります) 玄関をあければ目の前に続く「土間」のフリースペース。こちらもそこでゆっくりお茶をのんだり、ちょっとつまみながら呑んだり、オフミーティングの方はそこでPCでワークしたりと、使い勝手のよいフリースペースになっております。 玄関左手の土間には「人をダメにする」噂のハンモックが天井からぶら下がっています。入館すると同時に、ここにすぐに座る人が必ず1グループに1人はいることでしょう。 そして1階の真ん中には8畳の小上がりの和室スペース。こちらは寝室にもなるのですが、プロジェクターを設置しており、またホワイトボードならぬホワイト壁面があるので、お子様が絵を書いたり、「18時BBQ開始!」など予定を書き込むのに使ったりもできます。 オフミーティングの方は、こちらの部屋を会議室として使うと便利です。 2階には10畳の和室スペースがあり、土間の部分から吹き抜けになっていてとてもおしゃれ。 1階のキッチンでは、ダイニングセット、パスタ鍋をはじめとするキッチンツールがしっかり揃っています。炊飯器、電子レンジ、NESPRESSOもあるのでとても便利。 バスルームはとても仕上がりのよい、美しいタイル張り。大人でも足を伸ばせるほどの大きな浴槽でちょっとした温泉気分が味わえます。 こちらの古民家宿「ドマノマ」は地元でも評判の清掃会社が運営しているため、清掃もしっかり行き届いており、洗面台のコップも紙コップを用意したり、BBQ用の紙皿の用意など、とても細かいところまで配慮しております。 調味料:塩・クレイジーソルト・ピュアオリーブオイル・ガーリックスプレッドをご用意しております。 食材はお客様でご用意くださいませ。 【1階和室8畳】 -シングル布団最大4セット -テレビ -モバイルプロジェクター+スクリーン -プロジェクタースタンド -ホワイトボード(ホワイト壁面) 【2階和室10畳】 -シングル布団最大5セット -テレビ -クローゼット -スタンドライト -ヘアドライヤー 【キッチン】*調味料(塩・クレイジーソルト・ピュアオリーブオイル・ガーリックスプレッドをご用意しております。) -4人がけダイニングテーブル+ 折り畳みチェア4脚 -炊飯器 -NESPRESSO -電気ケトル -冷蔵庫(冷凍スペースあり) -電子レンジ -オーブントースター -パスタ鍋・フライパン・鍋 -ボウル(大中小)ざる(大中小) -ガスコンロ3個口 -キッチンツール(包丁・まな板・おたま・フライ返し・トング・キッチンハサミ・菜箸・ピーラー・ワインオープナー・計量スプーン・鍋敷き) -サランラップ・アルミホイル、ふきん・台拭き・水切りマット -スポンジ・食器用洗剤 -マグカップ・コップ -皿(平皿・ご飯茶碗・豆皿・木の大皿) -カトラリー(スプーン・フォーク・ナイフ・ティースプーン) -BBQ用紙皿・箸 -洗濯機・洗濯用洗剤 【バスルーム】 -シャワー・バスタブ -シャンプー・コンディショナー・ボディソープ・ハンドソープ -歯ブラシ・紙コップ -バスソルト(Kneippクナイプ) -バスタオル(人数分) -ヘアドライヤー 【トイレ】 -ウォシュレット付きトイレ2箇所 -サニタリーバッグ 【その他】 -Wifi -SONOS WiFiスピーカー(SYMFONISKシンフォニック) -ハンモック -ガス式BBQセット+専用鉄板 -BBQ用折り畳みテーブル -ルームシューズ -マルチケーブル(iPhone microUSB type-c) 【STAFF ONLY】のスペース以外はご自由にご利用ください。 【周囲の見処】 -不動堂海岸: -九十九里ビーチタワー -九十九里海釣りセンター 【周囲の食べ処】 -浜茶屋向島:九十九里ビーチタワーの近くにある食事処。 店内は広く、客席はテーブル席と小上がりの座敷席があります。 おすすめは蛤のセット! 蛤、ホタテ、サザエ、イワシ丸干しのセットになります。新鮮で大ぶりな蛤をアツアツでいただくと幸福感でいっぱいです。 -浜茶屋網元:九十九里粟生海岸近くある浜焼屋網元です。海が見える店内で浜焼きが楽しめる人気のお店です。目の前で焼く蛤、ホタテ、サザエの浜焼きは最高に美味しいです。 -ばんや:建物からすぐ!地元の漁師が経営している人気店です。天丼を注文しましたが、スカイツリーのようなボリュームがあって美味しいです。座敷が、完備されているので、ゆっくりと食事できます。オススメのお店です。 -よし乃寿し:九十九里町小関の片貝漁港近くにあるよし乃寿しです。イワシのお刺身や天ぷらが人気のお寿司屋さんです。定食もあり値段もリーズナブルで気軽に利用できるお寿司屋さんです。 -えびせい:九十九里町片貝の片貝海水浴場近くにあるえびせいです。エビ料理がとても美味しいお店です。大きなエビが入ったエビフライ定食と天丼が大人気です。お魚好きには地魚定食もお勧めです。 【駐車場について】 敷地内に4台までの無料駐車スペースあり(建物奥側) 【周辺のコンビニ・スーパー】 ファミリーマート不動堂海岸店:徒歩4分・車20秒 ランドロームフードマーケット 九十九里店 〒283-0104 千葉県山武郡九十九里町片貝370-1 車:7分 業務スーパー 東金店 〒283-0062 千葉県東金市家徳55-4 車:11分 海の駅九十九里 〒283-0102 千葉県山武郡九十九里町小関2347-98 車:7分 →1階は九十九里の特産品、2階は海鮮料理など数店舗入ったフードコート。建物向かって右手に別の建物があり、そちらが鮮魚直売所です。時期によってハマグリもあります。1階にはいわしの大きな水槽やイワシ資料館を併設。 やぶ鮮魚店 〒283-0104 千葉県山武郡九十九里町片貝3544-1 車:5分 →鮮度の良いお刺身、貝類、干物を扱う地元で評判の魚屋さん。時間帯や入荷状況によって刺し盛などは手に入らない事もあるので、事前に予約電話を。道の向かいに🅿有。 漁協の直売所 おさかな新鮮大使 〒283-0102 千葉県山武郡九十九里町小関2347-36 車:6分 →漁港から水揚げされた魚が売られていて、鰯やハマグリなど安くて新鮮だそう。船が出ない日も多いので事前に電話で確認するのがおすすめです。 ★ご予約の際に、お部屋割りをお知らせください。(1階和室布団3組、2階和室布団4組など。チェックイン後に変えていただいても構いません) ★BBQご利用の際はご連絡ください。(有料となります)  *COLEMAN ガス式のグリルを準備いたします。 (令和2年度第3次補正 事業再構築補助金により作成)

KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 1
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 2
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 3
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 4
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 5
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 6
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 7
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 8
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 9
KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋 image 10

KYOBASHI8min, Near umeda&Kyoto. コモド京橋

【Komodo Kyobashi】コモド京橋 This location is the perfect base for traveling around the Kansai area (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara). It can accommodate up to 8 people, and the spacious 2LDK living room is equipped with a sofa and a workspace. ◆Nearest stations: JR-Kyobashi Station / Keihan Kyobashi Station - 8 minutes on foot ◆7 minutes by train to JR-OSAKA ◆1 minute by train to OSAKA CASTLE ◆20 minutes by train to USJ ◆35 minutes direct train to Kyoto ◆Convenience store: 3 minutes on foot ◆Supermarket: 3 minutes on foot This is a private room, not shared with others. ▼Room details: ・Bedroom 1: 2 double beds ・Bedroom 2: 2 double beds ・Air conditioner ・Vacuum cleaner ・Washing machine ・Mirror ▼Bathroom: ・Hairdryer ・Shampoo, conditioner, and body soap ・1 bath towel and 1 face towel per person ※No towel replacement. ▼Kitchen area: ・Refrigerator ・IH cooking stove ・Microwave ・Electric kettle ◎No Wi-Fi ▼Cleaning: The room is professionally cleaned and always kept spotless. Enjoy a comfortable sleep on ironed sheets without any wrinkles. ▼Local Information: Kyobashi: 4 minutes on foot (numerous restaurants and bars available) Numerous Japanese restaurants and bars also nearby the apartment. ▼Check-in/Check-out: ◎Check-in: From 16:00 ◎Check-out: By 10:00 ・Detailed check-in guide will be sent after the reservation is confirmed. ・24-hour self-check-in is available. Please note that any email or phone support after 22:00 may be responded to the next day. ・Baggage can be stored from 12:00 on the day of check-in. ※No baggage storage available after check-out. ※One towel is provided per person. No replacements. Please understand. ※No house cleaning during the stay. If desired, please let us know at least 2 days in advance. There will be an additional charge. If you have any questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「コモド京橋」は関西エリア(大阪、京都、神戸、奈良)を旅行するのに最適なベースとなります。 最大8人まで宿泊可能で、2LDKの広いリビングにはソファーとワークスペースが完備されています。 ◆最寄りの駅:JR京橋駅 / 京阪 京橋駅 - 徒歩8分 ◆JR-OSAKAまで電車で7分 ◆OSAKA CASTELまで1分 ◆USJまで20分 ◆京都まで35分(直通) ◆コンビニ:徒歩3分 ◆スーパーマーケット:徒歩3分 これはプライベートルームで、他の人との共有はありません。 ▼部屋の情報 ・寝室①ダブルベッド×2 ・寝室②ダブルベッド×2 ・エアコン ・掃除機 ・洗濯機 ・鏡 ▼バスルーム ・ヘアドライヤー ・シャンプー、コンディショナー、ボディーソープ ・バスタオル、フェイスタオル 1人各1枚 ※タオルの交換はありません。 ▼キッチンエリア ・冷蔵庫 ・IHクッキング・ ・電子レンジ ・電気ケトル ◎Wi-Fiなし ▼清掃 部屋はプロの手によって清掃されており、いつも清潔。シワのないアイロンがかけられたシーツで快適な眠りをお楽しみいただけます。 ▼周辺情報 京橋駅:徒歩8分(多くのレストランやバーがあります) アパートの近くにも多くの日本のレストランやバーがあります。 ▼チェックイン/チェックアウト ◎チェックイン:16:00以降 ◎チェックアウト:10:00まで ・予約完了後、詳細なチェックインガイドをお送りします。 ・セルフチェックインのため24時間チェックインは可能です。22時以降はメールや電話のフォローは翌日になる場合があります。ご了承くださいませ。 ・チェックイン日の荷物の預かりは12時以降可能です。 ※チェックアウト時の荷物の預かりはありません。 ※タオルは1人1枚あります。交換はありません。ご了承くださいませ。 ※滞在中のハウスクリーニングはありません。ご希望の場合は2日前までにお知らせくださいませ。有料です。 何か不明点や質問があれば、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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Hotel con spa a Giappone
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Hotel costosi a Giappone
Hotel di lusso a Giappone
Hotel di montagna a Giappone
Hotel economici a Giappone
Hotel fronte mare a Giappone
Hotel fronte mare a Giappone
Hotel in centro città a Giappone
Hotel per famiglie a Giappone
Hotel per luna di miele a Giappone
Hotel per nomadi digitali a Giappone
Hotel per soggiorni prolungati a Giappone
Hotel per soli adulti a Giappone
Hotel piccoli a Giappone
Hotel romantici a Giappone
Hotel sotto i 100$ a Giappone
Hotel sotto i 200$ a Giappone
Hotel sotto i 50$ a Giappone
Hotel storici a Giappone
Hotel yoga a Giappone
Motel per viaggi su strada a Giappone
Nuovi hotel a Giappone
Ostelli per zaino in spalla a Giappone
Resort accessibili a Giappone
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Resort con spa a Giappone
Resort di lusso a Giappone
Resort golfistici a Giappone
Resort per famiglie a Giappone
Ville fronte mare a Giappone