लक्ज़री विला दक्षिणी कोरिया

Discover the dynamic blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation in South Korea. From vibrant cities like Seoul with its skyscrapers and bustling street markets, to serene temples nestled in lush mountain landscapes, this East Asian gem offers a rich cultural tapestry to explore. Dive into the tantalizing world of Korean cuisine, soak in natural hot springs, or immerse yourself in the country's fascinating history at ancient palaces and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Experience the harmony of tradition and progress in captivating South Korea.
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Jeju City

C#3 애월 리조트분위기 전망 최고 통창 모퉁이뷰 바다뷰

애월 한라산 중산간 300미터 고지에 위치에 있어서 탁트인 전망은 물론 바다뷰 아름다운 제주 서쪽 가슴벅찬 노을뷰를 감상하실수 있습니다. 저희 '르빌리지 애월' 1000평이 넘는 부지에 아름다운 제주 정원과 현무암 돌담 공항과 25분거리 위치로 제주 여기저기 여행다니기 좋은 숙소예요~ 교통의 요지라고 할수 있는 곳입니다. 모퉁이에 위치해 제주 뷰 맛집입니다. 산뜻한 분위기위 라탄 리조트풍 인테리어와 레트로 무드의 만남으로 감성을 자극합니다. 스튜디오이면서도 넓직한 평수라 지내시는 내내 불편함이 없으실거예요. 넷플릭스 시청 가능합니다. 어메니티 안내 주방 - 냉장고, 전자레인지, 인덕션, 식기, 냄비, 후라이팬, 조리도구, 정수기 와인잔, 소주잔, 맥주잔, 와인오프너, 주방 일회용품 욕실- 샴푸, 트리트먼트, 바디워시, 핸드워시, 세안제, 여성철결제, 치약, 칫솔, 샤워스펀지, 수건 기타- 헤어드라이기, 고데기, 스팀다리미, 물티슈 유아동반시 기본제공 -토퍼,이불세트, 식기, 욕조, 의자, 유아용 세탁세제, 젖병세정제, 로션(닥터바이오), 올인원워시(닥터바이오) 별도요청시 제공-젖병워머, 유아베개, 콘센트 덮개, 침대, 샤워핸들, 분유포트 유아-에어비앤비 시스템에서는 영아만 확인할수 있고 24개월 이상은 어린이로 표시되기 때문에 필요 품목 별도 요청을 주셔야 합니다. 펜션내 전기차 충전기(1대) 무료 이용가능 / 선착순, 2분이상 이용하게 될경우 조금만 양보해 주시면 하룻밤에 충분히 충전 가능합니다. (르노삼성차량 사용불가) 바베큐 이용안내 - 착화서비스 바베큐 - 시간예약필수 (프라이빗 바베큐 테라스- C동 1층에 위치) - 우선예약 요금 : 소형그릴 3만원(4인까지), 숯착화, 일회용식기, 허브솔트, 쌈장 준비해드립니다. *일반숯이 아닌 최고급 '비장탄'을 사용하기 때문에 착화까지 시간이 많이 소요되니 꼭 시간예약까지 부탁드립니다. 식재료만 준비해오시면 됩니다. 셀프 바베큐 안내(직접착화) 비용- 20,000원부터 소형기준 바베큐그릴,석쇠, 숯(일반숯), 토치, 장갑, 허브솔트, 쌈장 제공 바베큐 장소- 둘중에 선택 - 바베큐테라스(동시간대 1팀만 가능 선착순)- 냉장고, 식기, 인덕션, 전자레인지 - 정원 테이블 별도요청사항 유아용품-식기, 욕조, 의자, 젖병워머, 유아베개, 로션, 바디워시, 유아용 세탁세제&섬유유연제, 젖병세정제, 콘센트 덮개 애견용품 - 식기, 방석, 샴푸 다른 건물에 거주중이니 문의및 불편사항 발생시 대부분 즉시 대응 가능합니다. 차량 이동시 소요시간 안내 평화로 바로옆에 위치해 있어 서귀포나 애조로를 통한 차량이동이 용이합니다. 제주공항 : 30분 식재료 구매시 하나로마트 봉성점 10분(작아요~ 영업시간 확인후 방문) 농협 하나로마트(애월,하귀) 15분 대박이네 - 육류, 수산 (바베큐 장보기) 편의점 안내 세븐일레븐 애월천덕점 : 7분(연중무휴, 밤11시까지) 카페 어음분교카페 : 5분이내 카페새빌 : 10분 주변 관광지 981파크(5분), 아르떼뮤지엄(3분), 새빌카페, 연화지, 화조원, 제주불빛정원, 공룡랜드, 한담해변 해수욕장 곽지해수욕장, 협재해수욕장 주변 오름들 바리메오름,새별오름, 목화오름 금오름, 노꼬메오름, 궷물오름,정물오름 등 "주변 버스정류장 도보 30분 거리기 때문에 대중교통 이용은 힘들고 차량 이용을 추천드리고 택시를 이용하셔도 됩니다. 제주공항에서 숙소까지 택시요금은 대략 2만원정도 펜션 내에서도 카카오택시, Tmap택시, 애월 콜택시를 부르 실 수 있습니다." 정수기 설치로 커피포트를 치워두었는데 필요시 요청해주세요~ *얼리체크인/레이트 체크아웃 - 시간당 10,000원(상황에 따라 불가할수도 있음) *침구 : 예약 인원수에 맞게 침구셋팅 해드리고 그외 침구 요청시 1채당 15,000원 온수사용안내 전기온수기가 온수를 공급합니다. 사용하지도 않으면서 온수를 계속 틀어놓는 경우 다른 게스트에게 피해를 줄 수 있습니다. 이점 유의 부탁드립니다. *애견동반 추가금 안내(체크인 당일까지 선결제) - 10Kg이상 견종 불가 3만원 별도 비용 발생합니다. *장기숙박-예약전 문의(공일공-사이육이-칠공공팔)/ 보일러난방 시즌에는 연료비 별도청구 합니다. 객실내 금연이고 발코니&테라스에서도 흡연 절대 안됩니다. 적발시 퇴실조치되며, 펜션 부지 입구앞에서 흡연 부탁드립니다. 또한 객실내에서 돼지고기, 생선 등 냄새가 심한 구이류 조리가 금지되어 있으니 양해바랍니다.

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Goodplace notebook couple stay

2박 이상 숙박 예약 시 바베큐패키지(석식패키지) 제공 [주의사항] 사전 예약 인원 외 방문,입실 불가 Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 객실 스파 유리문으로 가족, 단체 입실객 이용시 래쉬가드, 수영복 등은 개인 지참 [입실/퇴실] 입실: 15:00 퇴실: 11:00 22시 이후 체크인 시 사전문의 필수 [바베큐] 숯+그릴 이용 : 2인 20,000원, 1인 추가 5,000원(03~04월 체크인 고객님들에 한해서 2인 15,000원 할인 이벤트 진행중) 이용시간: 입실시~23시 바베큐 숯불 제공시간 : 입실시~20시 현장결제 [인원추가요금] 영유아 기준인원 포함 및 추가요금 발생/ 최대인원 초과불가 1박 기준 1인당 20,000원 현장결제 [스파] 구비객실: Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 스파이용시간: 입실~22:00 입욕제 이용불가 무료 [인터넷] 무료wi-fi [애견입실] 반려(애완)동물 동반 및 입실 불가 [야외수영장] 하절기 운영(6월4일~ 9월초) / 온수수영장 아님 날씨에 따라 변동될수있음 복장: 레쉬가드,수영복,반팔,반바지 이용시간: 09:00~20:00 [불멍] 이용시간: 20~22시 이용장소: 펜션 카페 앞 이용요금: 무료 [펜션시설] 카페: 운영시간 09:00~21:00 현장 상황에 따라 이용불가할 수 있음 [공용시설] 전자레인지: 카페 내 구비 아래내용을 반드시 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. *예약시 요청사항란은 확인이 어려울 수 있어, 주요 요청사항은 반드시 펜션 연락처로 전달 부탁드립니다. - 객실가는 예약 상황에따라 변동될 수 있습니다. (요금 변동을 이유로 기예약건 환불 요청시, 취소수수료 규정대로 적용됩니다.) - 객실 예약현황은 실시간 예약특성상 100% 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다. - 경우에 따라 중복예약이 발생할 수 있으며, 이 경우 먼저 결제된 예약건에 우선권이 있습니다. - 결제가 완료된 예약건이라도 예약상황 및 현지사정에 따라 예약이 취소 될 수 있습니다. - 당일예약 후 당일이용건일 경우 이용이 불가할 수 있으니 업체에 사전확인 부탁드립니다. - 사전예약취소 없이 사용하지 않은 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 고객 연락처 오기재로 인해 연락이 불가할 경우, 예약이 자동취소 될 수 있습니다. - 예약변경 시 대표번호로 연락바라며, 업체규정에 따라 변경이 불가하거나 수수료가 발생할 수 있습니다. - 단순변심, 고객사정으로 인한 취소 시 취소환불수수료가 적용됩니다. - No-Show 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 최대인원 초과 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 늦은 입실 시 업체에 사전연락 부탁드립니다. - 보호자를 동반하지 않은 미성년자만 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 반려동물 전용 업체가 아닌 경우 반려동물 동반 시 입실이 제한될 수 있습니다. - 부대시설 및 객실비품은 업체 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. - 업체 이미지는 실제와 상이 할 수 있습니다

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Inje Darrani Pension

Unparalleled Convenience at Inje Darrani Pension At Inje Darrani Pension , we understand the importance of staying connected, which is why we offer free Wi-Fi in all our rooms. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, you can easily stay in touch with loved ones, catch up on work emails, or simply browse the internet from the comfort of your own room. Our high-speed internet ensures a seamless online experience, allowing you to effortlessly stream movies, upload photos, or video call with friends and family. With our complimentary Wi-Fi, you can stay connected throughout your stay at Inje Darrani Pension . Convenient Car Park at Inje Darrani Pension At Inje Darrani Pension , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer a convenient car park for our guests. Whether you're visiting us for a weekend getaway or a longer stay, you can rest assured knowing that your vehicle will be safe and secure during your time with us. Our spacious car park provides ample parking space, ensuring that you can easily find a spot for your car without any worries. So, leave your car with us and explore the beautiful surroundings of Inje-gun, South Korea without any transportation concerns! Indulge in Culinary Delights at Inje Darrani Pension At Inje Darrani Pension , guests are treated to a delightful culinary experience with a range of dining facilities to choose from. Start your day off right at the cozy coffee shop, where you can savor a freshly brewed cup of coffee while enjoying the serene surroundings. Whether you prefer a strong espresso or a creamy latte, the skilled baristas at the coffee shop will cater to your caffeine cravings. For those who enjoy the sizzle of a grill, the BBQ facilities at Inje Darrani Pension are a must-try. Gather your friends and family for an unforgettable outdoor dining experience. Indulge in mouthwatering grilled meats, seafood, and vegetables, all expertly prepared to perfection. The spacious BBQ area provides a picturesque setting, allowing you to enjoy your meal while taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. With its inviting coffee shop and fantastic BBQ facilities, Inje Darrani Pension offers a delightful dining experience that will leave you satisfied and craving for more. Whether you're starting your day with a cup of coffee or enjoying a delicious BBQ feast, the hotel's dining options are sure to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds. Spacious and Comfortable Rooms at Inje Darrani Pension Experience the ultimate comfort and relaxation at Inje Darrani Pension with their spacious and well-appointed rooms. Offering a variety of room types, including the 201 room which spans an impressive 40 square meters, you'll find the perfect accommodation to suit your needs. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with family and friends, Inje Darrani Pension has something for everyone. The 201 room provides ample space to unwind and enjoy your stay, with its generous size allowing for a comfortable and hassle-free experience. By booking your stay at Inje Darrani Pension through Agoda, you can take advantage of the best prices available. Agoda offers competitive rates and exclusive deals, ensuring that you get the most value for your money. Additionally, the seamless booking process on Agoda makes it easy and convenient to secure your desired room at Inje Darrani Pension , guaranteeing a stress-free experience from start to finish. Discover the Tranquil Charm of Buk-myeon in Inje-gun, South Korea Nestled in the heart of Inje-gun, South Korea, Buk-myeon is a picturesque village that offers a serene retreat from the bustling city life. Surrounded by lush green mountains and crystal-clear streams, this charming village is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. One of the main attractions of Buk-myeon is its stunning natural beauty. The village is located near Seorak Mountain, one of the most famous peaks in South Korea, known for its breathtaking views and hiking trails. Visitors can embark on a scenic hike to enjoy panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys, or explore the nearby waterfalls and rivers that dot the landscape. In addition to its natural wonders, Buk-myeon also offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of South Korea. The village is home to traditional hanok houses, where visitors can experience the unique architecture and lifestyle of the past. Stroll through the narrow streets lined with hanok houses, and you'll feel as if you've stepped back in time. Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors or a peaceful escape from the city, Buk-myeon in Inje-gun, South Korea is the perfect destination. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature, explore the cultural treasures, and create unforgettable memories in this hidden gem of a village. Getting to Inje Darrani Pension from the Nearest Airports Welcome to Inje Darrani Pension , a charming retreat nestled in the picturesque Buk-myeon, Inje-gun, South Korea. To reach this tranquil haven from the nearest airports, follow these convenient transportation options. For travelers arriving at Incheon International Airport, the most convenient way to reach Inje Darrani Pension is by taking a direct bus. Head to the airport's transportation center and look for the bus bound for Inje. The journey takes approximately 3 hours, offering breathtaking views of the South Korean countryside along the way. Once you arrive at Inje Bus Terminal, you can take a taxi or arrange for a pick-up service with the pension. If you are flying into Gimpo International Airport, you have two options to reach Inje Darrani Pension . The first option is to take a domestic flight to Yangyang International Airport, which is the closest airport to Inje-gun. From Yangyang Airport, you can take a taxi or arrange for a pick-up service to reach the pension. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Gimpo Airport to Inje Bus Terminal, and then proceed with a taxi or pick-up service to Inje Darrani Pension . Whichever airport you choose to arrive at, Inje Darrani Pension promises a peaceful and rejuvenating stay amidst the natural beauty of Inje-gun. Book your stay now and embark on a memorable journey. Explore the Natural Beauty and Historical Sites near Inje Darrani Pension Nestled in the scenic Inje-gun region of South Korea, Inje Darrani Pension offers a perfect getaway for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, this charming pension is conveniently located near several prominent landmarks and attractions. One of the notable landmarks close to Inje Darrani Pension is Daeamsan Mountain. With its lush greenery and stunning hiking trails, this mountain offers a picturesque setting for outdoor activities and exploration. Visitors can embark on a rewarding hike to the summit, where they will be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and forests. For those interested in delving into the region's rich history, Jangsudae and Gachilbong Battlefield are must-visit sites. Jangsudae is a historical monument that commemorates the brave soldiers who fought during the Korean War. Gachilbong Battlefield, on the other hand, is a significant historical site that played a pivotal role in the war. Exploring these landmarks provides a glimpse into the past and offers a deeper understanding of the region's heritage. Nature enthusiasts will also appreciate the proximity of Baekdamsa and Seoraksan to Inje Darrani Pension . Baekdamsa is a serene Buddhist temple nestled amidst the tranquil mountains, offering a peaceful retreat for spiritual seekers. Seoraksan, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is renowned for its rugged peaks, vibrant foliage, and diverse wildlife. Adventurous travelers can embark on exhilarating hikes, witness stunning waterfalls, and soak in the beauty of this natural wonder. Other nearby attractions include Hangyeryeong, Baekdam Temple, Manhae Literature Museum, The 4th Tunnel, and Yeocho Kim Eung Hyun Calligraphy Museum. Each of these sites offers unique experiences, from exploring underground tunnels to immersing oneself in the world of literature and art. With its prime location near these remarkable landmarks and attractions, Inje Darrani Pension is an ideal base for travelers seeking to explore the natural beauty and historical significance of Inje-gun, South Korea. A Culinary Adventure Awaits Inje Darrani Pension is surrounded by a plethora of dining options that will take your taste buds on a culinary adventure. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find Guno Pocha, a lively Korean pub known for its vibrant atmosphere and delicious street food. For those craving traditional Korean flavors, Revival Deok Jang offers mouthwatering dishes like bibimbap and bulgogi, prepared with the freshest ingredients. Head Family Awesome House is a must-visit for seafood lovers, serving up delectable dishes such as grilled clams and spicy squid stew. If you're in the mood for some local specialties, don't miss Millstone Mung-Bean Pancake, where you can savor the crispy and savory pancakes made from locally sourced mung beans. Ji Ye Ne is another gem in the area, offering a wide range of Korean dishes with a modern twist. For a taste of the sea, head to Best Dried Pollack Deokjang, a seafood restaurant that specializes in dried pollack dishes, including the famous pollack soup. Hosik I du Chicken is a must-try for those who love fried chicken, with its crispy and flavorful chicken wings that will leave you craving for more. Bok Rock Restaurant is perfect for meat lovers, serving up juicy grilled meats and hearty stews. Late Night Meal Village is a favorite among locals for its late-night dining options, offering a variety of Korean dishes that will satisfy your hunger even in the wee hours. Finally, Maxi Kan Chicken is the go-to spot for those seeking the ultimate fried chicken experience, with its crispy and succulent chicken served with a variety of mouthwatering sauces. With such a diverse array of dining options at your doorstep, your culinary journey at Inje Darrani Pension will be nothing short of extraordinary. Affordable Luxury at Inje Darrani Pension Indulge in a luxurious stay at Inje Darrani Pension without breaking the bank. With an average price of $160 per room, this charming accommodation offers exceptional value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Inje-gun, which stands at $93, Inje Darrani Pension provides an affordable yet lavish option for travelers seeking comfort and style. At Inje Darrani Pension , guests can expect top-notch amenities and impeccable service that rival those of higher-priced hotels. Each room is tastefully decorated and thoughtfully designed to provide a serene and relaxing atmosphere. Whether you choose a cozy standard room or a spacious suite, you'll find modern comforts such as plush bedding, a private bathroom, and a flat-screen TV. In addition to the comfortable rooms, Inje Darrani Pension also offers a range of facilities to enhance your stay. Take a refreshing dip in the outdoor swimming pool, unwind in the lush garden, or indulge in a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant. With its affordable pricing and exceptional quality, Inje Darrani Pension is the perfect choice for travelers looking to experience the best of Inje-gun without compromising on comfort or budget. A Memorable Stay at Inje Darrani Pension Discover a hidden gem nestled in the picturesque town of Inje-gun, South Korea, where the Inje Darrani Pension awaits to provide you with an unforgettable vacation. With an impressive overall rating of 8.4, this charming hotel has received exceptional customer reviews, making it a top choice for discerning travelers. One of the standout features of Inje Darrani Pension is its incredible value for money, earning a remarkable rating of 8.0. Guests consistently praise the reasonable rates combined with the high-quality amenities and services offered. From the moment you step foot into this cozy retreat, you'll be greeted with warm hospitality and a sense of home away from home. The hotel's facilities also receive a noteworthy rating of 8.0. Whether you're looking to relax and unwind or embark on exciting adventures, Inje Darrani Pension has everything you need. Indulge in the soothing waters of the outdoor pool, surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking mountain views. Take advantage of the barbecue facilities and enjoy a delightful al fresco dining experience with your loved ones. Additionally, the well-maintained and clean rooms ensure a comfortable and pleasant stay for all guests, with a cleanliness rating of 8.0.

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Experience Luxury and Tranquility at andong bamhaul Welcome to andong bamhaul , a luxurious 4-star hotel nestled in the heart of Andong-si, South Korea. With its exquisite design, impeccable service, and serene surroundings, this hotel promises an unforgettable stay for discerning travelers. Upon arrival, guests are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. Check-in begins at 3PM, allowing ample time for guests to settle in and explore the hotel's exceptional amenities. The attentive and friendly staff are always on hand to ensure a seamless check-in process, making you feel right at home from the moment you step through the doors. andong bamhaul boasts a total of 1 elegantly appointed room, each meticulously designed to provide the utmost comfort and relaxation. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, the spacious and well-appointed room offers a sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge. With luxurious furnishings, modern amenities, and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, every moment spent in your room will be a true indulgence. Convenient Transport Facilities at andong bamhaul At andong bamhaul , we understand the importance of hassle-free transportation for our guests. That's why we offer a range of convenient transport facilities to ensure a seamless travel experience. One of our standout features is our spacious car park, providing ample parking space for our guests. The best part? Our car park is absolutely free of charge, allowing you to explore Andong-si and its surrounding areas without worrying about parking fees. Whether you're traveling with your own vehicle or renting one, our car park makes it easy for you to come and go as you please. With our secure and well-lit parking area, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be safe and protected during your stay. So, whether you're planning to explore the historical sites of Andong-si or embark on a scenic road trip, our free car park at andong bamhaul has got you covered. Discover the Tranquil Charm of Giran-myeon in Andong-si Nestled in the heart of Andong-si, South Korea, Giran-myeon is a hidden gem that offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life. This quaint village is renowned for its preserved traditional Korean houses, known as hanok, which exude an old-world charm and provide a glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage. As you stroll through the narrow streets, you'll be captivated by the picturesque beauty of the hanok, with their curved tiled roofs and intricate wooden detailing. Giran-myeon is also home to the famous Andong Hahoe Folk Village, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Step back in time as you explore this well-preserved village, where you can immerse yourself in the traditional way of life. Visit the Hahoe Mask Museum to learn about the history and significance of the iconic Hahoe masks, which are intricately carved and used in traditional mask dances. Don't miss the opportunity to witness a mesmerizing mask dance performance, where the vibrant costumes and expressive movements will transport you to a bygone era. Beyond its cultural attractions, Giran-myeon boasts breathtaking natural beauty. The village is surrounded by lush green mountains and the winding Nakdong River, offering ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Take a leisurely hike along the scenic trails, or rent a bike and explore the picturesque countryside at your own pace. For a unique experience, hop on a traditional boat and cruise along the Nakdong River, taking in the serene surroundings and enjoying the fresh air. Whether you're a history enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Giran-myeon in Andong-si is a destination that will captivate your senses and leave you with unforgettable memories. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage, soak in the natural beauty, and let the tranquility of this charming village rejuvenate your soul. Traveling to andong bamhaul from the Nearest Airports in Andong-si, South Korea andong bamhaul , located in Giran-myeon, Andong-si, South Korea, offers a serene and picturesque escape for travelers seeking a tranquil getaway. To reach this hidden gem, you have a few options from the nearest airports in Andong-si. The nearest airport to andong bamhaul is Daegu International Airport, which is approximately 100 kilometers away. From the airport, you can take a taxi or use public transportation to reach Andong-si. Once in Andong-si, you can hire a local taxi or rent a car to make your way to andong bamhaul . The scenic drive from Andong-si to Giran-myeon takes around 40 minutes, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful countryside views along the way. Another option is to fly into Incheon International Airport, which is located in Seoul. From Incheon, you can take a domestic flight to Daegu International Airport or rent a car to drive directly to andong bamhaul . The drive from Incheon to andong bamhaul takes approximately 4 hours, but it offers a chance to explore the stunning landscapes of South Korea. Whether you choose to fly or drive, the journey to andong bamhaul promises to be an adventure filled with natural beauty and cultural discoveries. Discover the Cultural and Natural Treasures Surrounding andong bamhaul Nestled in the heart of Andong-si, South Korea, andong bamhaul offers a prime location for exploring the rich cultural and natural wonders of the area. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find the esteemed Mukgyeseowon Confucian Academy, a revered educational institution that dates back to the Joseon Dynasty. Immerse yourself in the teachings of Confucianism as you wander through the tranquil gardens and admire the beautiful architecture of this historic landmark. For nature enthusiasts, Gyemyeongsan Natural Recreation Forest is a must-visit destination. Embark on a scenic hike through lush forests, breathing in the fresh mountain air as you marvel at the diverse flora and fauna. Don't miss the chance to witness the enchanting beauty of the Picramnia Tree in Songsadong and the majestic Ginkgo Tree in Yonggyeri, both of which are located nearby. Additionally, history buffs will be captivated by the Mukgyeseowon Confucian Academy and Head House of Andong Kim Clan, where you can delve into the fascinating heritage of the region. Explore the traditional architecture and gain insights into the daily lives of the noble Kim clan. Other notable landmarks include the Manhyujeong Pavilion, Yongdamsa Temple, Seonchalsa Temple, and the awe-inspiring Cheonjigapsan Mountain. With so much to discover, andong bamhaul is the perfect base for immersing yourself in the cultural and natural treasures of Andong-si.

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햇살가득 90호에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다. 2층의 대형통창이 메인인 이 집은, 매일매일 다른 풍경을 그림처럼 보실 수 있습니다. 지저귀는 새 소리와 함께 아침을 시작해보세요 :) 또한 단지 전체를 둘러싸고 있는 둘레길도 즐겨보세요. MTB도 가능하며 산책도 가능합니다. (4.5km 1시간반 소요됩니다.) 주변에 좋은 골프장들도 많습니다. 미리 연락주시면 라운딩 예약도 도와드립니다. (티 상황에 따라 여부가 정해집니다.) 또한 와인잔과 오프너도 구비되어 있습니다. 종류별 와인추천 및, 선 구매도 가능합니다. 객실에 미리 셋팅해 드립니다. 햇살가득 90은 방문해주시는 모든 고객님들을 위해서 항상 상쾌한 느낌을 제공해 드립니다. 감사합니다. *비품목록* 수건 P1P 샴푸 롱테이크 트리트먼트 루치펠로 치약 위드모먼트 비누(일회용) 위드모먼트 레이디셋트(일회용) 올인원 세탁세제(일회용) 써니빌 런드리백(일회용) 네스프레소 머신과 캡슐커피(일회용) *서비스* 바베큐 거리를 준비해오셨다가 다 버리고 가는 상황이 싫으신 분들, 준비하러 가셨는데 슈퍼가 닫은 고객님들을 위해 햇살가득에서는 1인기준 25,000원에 바베큐 서비스를 준비해드립니다. (3일전 선불예약입니다.) 1인분은 250g입니다. - 고기와 소시지(고기의 종류는 주문때 말씀해주세요!) - 상추와 깻잎 - 쌈장과 기름장 - 마늘과 고추 - 숯과 토치 일체 양동역까지 택시가 운행됩니다. 양동역에서 택시가 운행됩니다.

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Jeju City

my halftime 스마일

Unwind and Stay Active at My Halftime 스마일's Outdoor Pool At My Halftime 스마일, we understand the importance of staying active and taking time to relax. Our outdoor pool is the perfect place to do both. Dive into the crystal-clear waters and feel the refreshing splash against your skin. Whether you're looking to swim a few laps to stay fit or simply want to soak up the sun, our pool offers the ideal setting. With comfortable loungers and umbrellas, you can bask in the warm Jeju weather while enjoying a good book or sipping on a refreshing cocktail from our poolside bar. So, grab your swimsuit and get ready to make a splash at My Halftime 스마일's outdoor pool! Convenient and Hassle-Free Transport Facilities at My Halftime 스마일 At my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea, we understand the importance of convenient and hassle-free transport options for our guests. That's why we provide a range of transport facilities to ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay. One of the highlights of our transport facilities is our spacious car park, available free of charge for all guests. Whether you're traveling by car or renting one during your stay, you can rest assured knowing that you'll have a secure and convenient place to park. Our car park is well-maintained and offers ample space, so you won't have to worry about finding a spot or navigating through crowded streets. With our free car park, you'll have the freedom to explore the beautiful island of Jeju at your own pace. Whether you're planning to visit the stunning beaches, hike up Hallasan Mountain, or explore the vibrant city center, having a car at your disposal makes it easy to get around and discover all that Jeju has to offer. So, leave your transportation worries behind and make the most of your stay at my halftime 스마일. Discover the Beauty of Seongsan in Jeju, South Korea Nestled on the eastern coast of Jeju Island, Seongsan is a picturesque village that offers a breathtaking blend of natural beauty and cultural charm. Known for its iconic Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, also known as the Sunrise Peak, this area is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. The highlight of Seongsan is undoubtedly the Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This volcanic cone rises majestically from the ocean, creating a striking silhouette against the sky. Hiking to the summit of the peak is a popular activity, rewarding visitors with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and the opportunity to witness a stunning sunrise. The lush green fields and vibrant wildflowers that surround the peak add to the enchanting atmosphere of this natural wonder. In addition to its natural wonders, Seongsan offers a glimpse into the traditional culture of Jeju Island. The village is dotted with charming traditional houses, known as hanok, where visitors can experience the local way of life. Strolling through the narrow alleyways, you'll discover quaint shops selling handmade crafts and local delicacies. Don't miss the chance to try some of Jeju's famous black pork, a local specialty that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're seeking adventure, tranquility, or a cultural experience, Seongsan in Jeju, South Korea has it all. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, explore the rich cultural heritage, and create unforgettable memories in this captivating village. Convenient Transportation from Jeju Airport to Halftime 스마일 in Seongsan, Jeju Located in the picturesque coastal town of Seongsan on Jeju Island, Halftime 스마일 offers a serene and relaxing getaway for travelers. Getting to this idyllic retreat is a breeze, thanks to the convenient transportation options available from Jeju Airport. Upon arrival at Jeju Airport, visitors have several transportation choices to reach Halftime 스마일. One of the most popular and convenient options is to take a taxi directly from the airport. Taxis are readily available outside the arrival terminals and offer a comfortable and hassle-free journey to Seongsan. The ride takes approximately 1 hour, allowing travelers to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views along the way. For those looking for a more budget-friendly option, public transportation is also available. From Jeju Airport, travelers can take a bus to Seongsan. The bus station is conveniently located near the airport, and buses depart regularly throughout the day. The journey takes around 2 hours, but it offers a chance to soak in the stunning landscapes of Jeju Island. Once you arrive in Seongsan, Halftime 스마일 is just a short distance away. The hotel is located in a prime location, making it easily accessible by foot or a short taxi ride from the bus terminal. With its tranquil surroundings and convenient transportation options, Halftime 스마일 is the perfect choice for travelers seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating stay in Seongsan, Jeju. Explore the Natural Wonders and Cultural Delights near halftime 스마일 Nestled in the heart of Jeju, halftime 스마일 offers easy access to a plethora of captivating landmarks and attractions. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its dramatic volcanic crater and breathtaking sunrise views. For those seeking adventure, a visit to Manjanggul Cave is a must. This lava tube cave stretches for over 8 kilometers and showcases stunning geological formations, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike. If you're interested in learning about the island's rich cultural heritage, a trip to Seongeup Folk Village is highly recommended. Wander through traditional thatched-roof houses, experience local customs, and witness captivating folk performances. For a family-friendly outing, Aquaplanet Jeju is a fantastic choice. Dive into a world of marine wonders as you explore the aquarium's diverse collection of sea creatures. Nature lovers will be enchanted by Bijarim Forest, a dense forest of ancient nutmeg trees that date back over 800 years. Stroll along the peaceful trails, breathe in the fresh air, and soak up the tranquility of this enchanting woodland. Jeju Kimnyoung Maze Park is another unique attraction that promises fun and excitement for all ages. Get lost in the labyrinthine maze, solve puzzles, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. For a glimpse into traditional Jeju life, a visit to Jeju Folk Village (Jeju Minsokchon) is a must. Explore the preserved traditional houses, witness traditional performances, and learn about the island's fascinating history. Woljeongri Beach, with its pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters, is the perfect spot to relax and unwind. Soak up the sun, take a leisurely stroll along the shore, or simply enjoy a picnic with loved ones. To delve deeper into Jeju's unique culture, a visit to Jeju Haenyeo Museum is highly recommended. Discover the remarkable world of the haenyeo, female divers who have been harvesting seafood for generations. Learn about their traditions, watch captivating performances, and gain a newfound appreciation for their extraordinary way of life. Lastly, Maze Land offers a whimsical and entertaining experience for visitors of all ages. Lose yourself in the maze's intricate paths, solve puzzles, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. With such a wide array of natural wonders and cultural delights in close proximity, halftime 스마일 is the perfect base for exploring the best that Jeju has to offer. A Culinary Adventure Awaits Located in the vibrant neighborhood of Jeju, halftime 스마일 is surrounded by a plethora of dining options that will satisfy any food lover's cravings. Just a stone's throw away, you can indulge in the tantalizing flavors of Kashi Abang Guksu, known for their delicious handmade noodles and flavorful broth. For those seeking a hearty meal, Matna Sikdang offers a wide variety of Korean dishes that will leave you wanting more. Sogeumbachi Sooninae is a must-visit for seafood enthusiasts, with their fresh catch of the day and delectable seafood platters. Haewas is a charming restaurant that specializes in traditional Jeju cuisine, serving up dishes made with locally sourced ingredients. Willala is a hidden gem, offering a fusion of Korean and Western flavors in a cozy and intimate setting. If you're craving some mouthwatering seafood, head to Jeju Onuii Seafood Restaurant, where you can savor the catch of the day prepared in various styles. Cafe Hallasan is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee or indulge in a sweet treat. Keokyumin Black Pork is a paradise for meat lovers, serving up succulent cuts of Jeju's famous black pork. And for those looking for a unique dining experience, Seopji kojiro dombe meat offers a traditional Korean barbecue experience with a stunning view of the surrounding nature. With such a diverse range of restaurants just steps away from halftime 스마일, your taste buds are in for a treat during your stay in Jeju. Shop till you drop at Haejoon Seafood Market Located in the heart of Jeju, halftime 스마일 offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks, including the famous Haejoon Seafood Market. Just a short walk from the hotel, this bustling market is a paradise for seafood lovers and shopaholics alike. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere as you navigate through rows of stalls offering a wide array of fresh seafood, local produce, and unique souvenirs. Indulge in the freshest catches of the day, such as abalone, octopus, and sea urchin, or sample delicious street food like grilled fish skewers and spicy seafood pancakes. Don't forget to haggle and negotiate prices to get the best deals. Whether you're looking for a taste of local cuisine or searching for the perfect Jeju-themed gift, Haejoon Seafood Market is a must-visit destination that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a full shopping bag. Affordable Luxury: Experience Comfort at a Great Price at my halftime 스마일 Indulge in a luxurious stay at my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea, without breaking the bank. With an average room price of just $77, this hotel offers unbeatable value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Jeju, which stands at $87, my halftime 스마일 provides an affordable option for travelers seeking comfort and convenience. At my halftime 스마일, guests can expect nothing short of excellence. The hotel boasts modern and stylish rooms that are thoughtfully designed to ensure a comfortable and relaxing stay. Each room is equipped with top-notch amenities, including plush bedding, a flat-screen TV, a mini-fridge, and a spacious en-suite bathroom. Not only does my halftime 스마일 offer exceptional accommodation at a more affordable price, but it also provides a range of fantastic facilities. Guests can unwind and rejuvenate in the hotel's spa and wellness center, take a refreshing dip in the outdoor pool, or enjoy a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant. With its prime location in Jeju, my halftime 스마일 allows easy access to popular attractions, shopping districts, and dining options. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this hotel is the perfect choice for those seeking a memorable stay without compromising on quality or price. Book your stay at my halftime 스마일 today and experience the best of Jeju without breaking the bank. A Perfect Retreat with Exceptional Customer Ratings Discover the epitome of hospitality and luxury at my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea. With an outstanding overall rating of 9.8, this hotel has garnered rave reviews from its delighted guests. Boasting a perfect 10.0 for value, it offers an unbeatable combination of affordability and quality, making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious travelers. The hotel's commitment to providing excellent facilities is evident in its impressive rating of 9.0, ensuring that guests have access to everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From the moment you step foot into my halftime 스마일, you'll be greeted with impeccable cleanliness, reflected in its perfect 10.0 rating. The hotel's dedication to maintaining a pristine environment ensures that guests can relax and unwind without any worries. Situated in a prime location, my halftime 스마일 receives a flawless 10.0 rating for its convenient placement, allowing guests to easily explore the vibrant city of Jeju and its many attractions. Finally, the hotel's staff performance is nothing short of exceptional, as reflected in its perfect 10.0 rating. The friendly and attentive staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest's needs are met, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, my halftime 스마일 guarantees a memorable and enjoyable stay, backed by its outstanding customer ratings.

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2박 이상 숙박 예약 시 바베큐패키지(석식패키지) 제공 *패키지관련 바베큐패키지는 저녁7시부터 2시간 동안 제공됩니다. 반드시 확인 부탁드립니다. [숯+그릴 할인 이벤트] 이벤트 기간: 체크인 기준 2023-03-01부터 2023-04-30까지 이벤트 내용: 숯+그릴 5,000원 할인 이벤트 [주의사항] 사전 예약 인원 외 방문,입실 불가 Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 객실 스파 유리문으로 가족, 단체 입실객 이용시 래쉬가드, 수영복 등은 개인 지참 [입실/퇴실] 입실: 15:00 퇴실: 11:00 22시 이후 체크인 시 사전문의 필수 [바베큐] 숯+그릴 이용 : 2인 20,000원, 1인 추가 5,000원(03~04월 체크인 고객님들에 한해서 2인 15,000원 할인 이벤트 진행중) 이용시간: 입실시~23시 바베큐 숯불 제공시간 : 입실시~20시 현장결제 [인원추가요금] 영유아 기준인원 포함 및 추가요금 발생/ 최대인원 초과불가 1박 기준 1인당 20,000원 현장결제 [스파] 구비객실: Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 스파이용시간: 입실~22:00 입욕제 이용불가 무료 [인터넷] 무료wi-fi [애견입실] 반려(애완)동물 동반 및 입실 불가 [야외수영장] 하절기 운영(6월4일~ 9월초) / 온수수영장 아님 날씨에 따라 변동될수있음 복장: 레쉬가드,수영복,반팔,반바지 이용시간: 09:00~20:00 [불멍] 이용시간: 20~22시 이용장소: 펜션 카페 앞 이용요금: 무료 [펜션시설] 카페: 운영시간 09:00~21:00 현장 상황에 따라 이용불가할 수 있음 [공용시설] 전자레인지: 카페 내 구비 아래내용을 반드시 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. *예약시 요청사항란은 확인이 어려울 수 있어, 주요 요청사항은 반드시 펜션 연락처로 전달 부탁드립니다. - 객실가는 예약 상황에따라 변동될 수 있습니다. (요금 변동을 이유로 기예약건 환불 요청시, 취소수수료 규정대로 적용됩니다.) - 객실 예약현황은 실시간 예약특성상 100% 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다. - 경우에 따라 중복예약이 발생할 수 있으며, 이 경우 먼저 결제된 예약건에 우선권이 있습니다. - 결제가 완료된 예약건이라도 예약상황 및 현지사정에 따라 예약이 취소 될 수 있습니다. - 당일예약 후 당일이용건일 경우 이용이 불가할 수 있으니 업체에 사전확인 부탁드립니다. - 사전예약취소 없이 사용하지 않은 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 고객 연락처 오기재로 인해 연락이 불가할 경우, 예약이 자동취소 될 수 있습니다. - 예약변경 시 대표번호로 연락바라며, 업체규정에 따라 변경이 불가하거나 수수료가 발생할 수 있습니다. - 단순변심, 고객사정으로 인한 취소 시 취소환불수수료가 적용됩니다. - No-Show 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 최대인원 초과 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 늦은 입실 시 업체에 사전연락 부탁드립니다. - 보호자를 동반하지 않은 미성년자만 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 반려동물 전용 업체가 아닌 경우 반려동물 동반 시 입실이 제한될 수 있습니다. - 부대시설 및 객실비품은 업체 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. - 업체 이미지는 실제와 상이 할 수 있습니다

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Jeju City

MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안

Escape to Tranquility at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 Nestled in the serene landscapes of Jeju, South Korea, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 offers a tranquil retreat for those seeking a peaceful getaway. With its picturesque surroundings and luxurious amenities, this 4-star hotel is the perfect destination for relaxation and rejuvenation. Upon arrival, guests are welcomed by the warm and inviting ambiance of the hotel. The check-in process begins at 3pm, allowing ample time for travelers to settle in and start their well-deserved vacation. As you step into the hotel's elegant lobby, you'll be greeted by the friendly and attentive staff, ready to assist you with any inquiries or requests you may have. The hotel features a single, exquisitely designed room, ensuring an intimate and exclusive experience for each guest. The spacious and tastefully decorated room offers a peaceful sanctuary, complete with modern amenities and breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty. Whether you're traveling alone or with a loved one, this room provides the perfect setting for a memorable stay. Please note that MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 has a child policy in place. While children are welcome to stay at the hotel, there may be extra charges involved. It is recommended to contact the hotel directly for more information regarding the child policy and any additional fees that may apply. When it's time to bid farewell to this enchanting retreat, check-out is until 11AM, allowing you to enjoy a leisurely morning before embarking on your next adventure. Whether you choose to explore the nearby attractions or simply relax in the hotel's serene surroundings, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 promises an unforgettable stay in Jeju, South Korea. Unwind in the Serene Outdoor Hot Tub at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 Indulge in a truly relaxing experience at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 with their serene outdoor hot tub. Nestled amidst lush greenery and offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, this luxurious facility is the perfect spot to unwind and rejuvenate. Immerse yourself in the warm, bubbling waters of the hot tub and let your worries melt away. The tranquil ambiance and soothing atmosphere will transport you to a state of pure bliss. Whether you choose to enjoy a solo soak or share the experience with a loved one, the outdoor hot tub at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is an oasis of relaxation. After a long day of exploring the beautiful island of Jeju, there's nothing better than soaking in the hot tub and gazing at the starry night sky. The hotel's outdoor hot tub is open for guests throughout the day, allowing you to take a dip whenever you please. So, sit back, relax, and let the warm waters of the hot tub melt away your stress and tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Convenient Transport Facilities at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 At MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 , guests can enjoy the convenience of a car park free of charge. Whether you are traveling by car or renting one during your stay, this facility ensures that parking is hassle-free and readily available. You can rest assured knowing that your vehicle is safely parked while you explore the beautiful surroundings of Jeju. Located in a prime area, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 offers easy access to various attractions and destinations in Jeju. With the car park free of charge, you can conveniently explore the island at your own pace, visiting popular landmarks such as Hallasan Mountain, Seongsan Ilchulbong, and Jeju Folk Village. Additionally, the hotel's friendly staff can provide you with useful information and directions to help you navigate the island's transportation network, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. Whether you are arriving by car or planning to rent one, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 's car park free of charge adds an extra layer of convenience to your stay. Explore Jeju with ease and make the most of your time on this beautiful island. Discover the Serenity of Aewol, Jeju's Coastal Gem Nestled along the picturesque coastline of Jeju Island, Aewol is a charming neighborhood that offers a serene escape from the bustling city life. With its breathtaking natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere, Aewol has become a popular destination for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat. The highlight of Aewol is its stunning coastal scenery, featuring rugged cliffs, pristine beaches, and crystal-clear waters. Take a leisurely stroll along the scenic coastal road, and you'll be treated to panoramic views of the ocean, dotted with small fishing boats and majestic rock formations. The area is also known for its mesmerizing sunsets, where the sky transforms into a vibrant canvas of colors. In addition to its natural wonders, Aewol is also home to a thriving arts and culture scene. Explore the charming art galleries and cafes that line the streets, showcasing the works of local artists and artisans. Indulge in a cup of freshly brewed coffee while admiring the stunning ocean views, or sample delicious local cuisine at one of the many restaurants serving fresh seafood. Whether you're looking for a peaceful beach getaway, a cultural exploration, or simply a place to unwind and recharge, Aewol in Jeju, South Korea, offers an idyllic setting that will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated. Convenient Transportation Options from Jeju Airport to MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 Nestled in the scenic coastal village of Aewol, Jeju, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 offers a tranquil retreat for travelers seeking a peaceful escape. Getting to this charming accommodation from Jeju Airport is a breeze, thanks to the convenient transportation options available. One of the most popular and hassle-free ways to reach MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 from Jeju Airport is by taking a taxi. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on the traffic conditions. Taxis are readily available at the airport, and the friendly drivers are familiar with the route to Aewol. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the picturesque scenery as you make your way to this hidden gem. For budget-conscious travelers, public transportation is also a viable option. From Jeju Airport, you can take a bus to Aewol. Bus number 100 or 300 will take you directly to Aewol Bus Terminal, which is just a short walk away from MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 . The bus journey offers a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture and admire the stunning landscapes of Jeju Island. Whether you choose to take a taxi or opt for public transportation, the journey from Jeju Airport to MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is an opportunity to soak in the natural beauty of Jeju Island. Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by the warm hospitality and serene ambiance of this charming accommodation, making your stay truly memorable. Discover the Beauty of Jeju's Surrounding Landmarks at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 Nestled in the picturesque region of Jeju, South Korea, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 offers a perfect retreat surrounded by breathtaking landmarks and attractions. One of the nearby highlights is Goseongbogeonjinnyoso, a traditional Korean market where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture. From aromatic street food stalls to unique handicrafts, this market is a must-visit for those seeking an authentic Jeju experience. For nature enthusiasts, the Aewol coastal walk is a paradise waiting to be explored. This scenic trail offers stunning views of the coastline, with its rugged cliffs and crystal-clear waters. Take a leisurely stroll along the path and feel the refreshing sea breeze as you soak in the natural beauty of Jeju. Another notable attraction nearby is the Jeju Ceramic Culture Museum. Step into the world of traditional pottery and ceramics as you admire the exquisite craftsmanship on display. Learn about the rich history and techniques behind these art forms through interactive exhibits and workshops. Whether you're an art enthusiast or simply curious about Jeju's cultural heritage, this museum is a fascinating place to visit. With its prime location, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 offers easy access to these and other landmarks, ensuring that your stay in Jeju is filled with memorable experiences. A Gastronomic Delight: Nearby Restaurants at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 When it comes to dining options, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is surrounded by an array of fantastic restaurants. Guests can indulge in authentic Korean cuisine at Janginuijip, where traditional flavors and hearty dishes await. For those craving a taste of home, Im Soon's House offers a variety of international dishes that are sure to satisfy any palate. Unidam is a popular choice for seafood lovers, serving up fresh catches of the day in a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Mungae Hangari Aewol is a must-visit for those seeking a unique dining experience, as it combines delicious food with breathtaking views of the ocean. Noraba is a charming restaurant known for its warm hospitality and delectable Korean BBQ. Guests can also enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet treat at Cafe TaeHee, or savor a refreshing cocktail at Fizz. Dangdang offers a fusion of Korean and Western cuisine, while Myeongri East Point restaurants aewol is a great spot to enjoy fresh seafood dishes. Finally, Nolman is a hidden gem that specializes in traditional Jeju cuisine, showcasing the island's unique flavors and ingredients. With such a diverse selection of restaurants just a stone's throw away, guests at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 are truly spoiled for choice. Shop 'til you drop in Jeju Located in the heart of Jeju, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is surrounded by an array of shopping landmarks that will satisfy even the most avid shopaholics. Just a short walk away, you'll find the bustling Dongmun Market, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture and browse through a wide variety of fresh produce, seafood, and traditional crafts. For those looking for a more modern shopping experience, Lotte Duty Free Shop is also conveniently located nearby, offering a wide selection of luxury brands and tax-free shopping. Additionally, the Jeju Underground Shopping Center is a must-visit for fashion enthusiasts, with its numerous boutiques and trendy stores. Whether you're looking for traditional souvenirs or the latest fashion trends, the shopping landmarks surrounding MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 have got you covered. A Perfect Blend of Luxury and Hospitality Welcome to MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 , where exceptional customer ratings speak volumes about the unforgettable experience that awaits you. With an impressive overall rating of 9.5, this hotel has left a lasting impression on its guests, ensuring their stay is nothing short of extraordinary. One of the standout features of MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is its exceptional value for money. With a remarkable rating of 9.5 for value, guests can indulge in a luxurious stay without breaking the bank. From the moment you step foot into this enchanting property, you'll be greeted by a harmonious blend of elegance and warmth, ensuring that every penny spent is worth it. The hotel's facilities are another aspect that has received high praise from guests, with a rating of 9.3. Whether you're looking to relax and unwind in the outdoor jacuzzi, take a refreshing dip in the pool, or enjoy a rejuvenating spa treatment, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 has it all. Every corner of this exquisite property is designed to provide you with a seamless and indulgent experience, leaving you feeling pampered and revitalized. When it comes to cleanliness, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 exceeds expectations with a rating of 9.8. Impeccably maintained rooms and public areas ensure a pristine environment for guests to enjoy. The attention to detail and commitment to cleanliness create an atmosphere of tranquility, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings. Located in the heart of Jeju, this hotel boasts a rating of 9.4 for its prime location. With easy access to popular attractions, stunning beaches, and vibrant dining options, you'll find yourself perfectly situated to explore all that this captivating city has to offer. Whether you're seeking adventure or relaxation, MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 is the ideal base for your Jeju getaway. Last but certainly not least, the staff performance at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 has been rated a perfect 10.0. From the moment you arrive until the moment you depart, the dedicated and friendly staff go above and beyond to ensure your every need is met. Their genuine hospitality and attentiveness create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making you feel like a valued guest throughout your stay. Experience the epitome of luxury, hospitality, and exceptional customer service at MAISON de JIAN아름다운 야외자쿠지 숙소 메종드지안 . With outstanding ratings for value, facilities, cleanliness, location, and staff performance, this hotel promises an unforgettable stay that will leave you longing to return.

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Samcheok Laon Spa Pension

Relax and Unwind at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension 's Entertainment Facilities At Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , guests can indulge in a variety of entertainment facilities that are sure to enhance their stay. The hotel boasts a state-of-the-art karaoke room, perfect for those who love to sing their hearts out. Whether you are a solo performer or want to have a fun duet with friends, the karaoke room is equipped with the latest audio and visual equipment to provide a memorable experience. For guests looking for some friendly competition, the hotel offers a well-maintained billiards table. Challenge your friends or family to a game of pool and showcase your skills. The billiards room provides a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, making it an ideal spot to unwind and bond over a friendly game. Additionally, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension features a spacious outdoor swimming pool, perfect for a refreshing dip on a sunny day. Whether you want to swim some laps or simply lounge by the poolside, the pool area offers a serene setting with comfortable sun loungers and umbrellas. Enjoy the cool water and soak up the sun while surrounded by the beautiful natural scenery of Samcheok-si. Unwind and Stay Active at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension 's Sports Facilities Nestled along the stunning coastline of Samcheok-si, South Korea, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension offers a range of top-notch sports facilities that will keep guests entertained and active throughout their stay. With its prime location near the beach, this charming resort provides the perfect opportunity for guests to indulge in various water sports activities. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or a beginner looking to catch some waves, the resort's surf school offers expert guidance and equipment rental to ensure a thrilling experience on the waves. For those who prefer a more relaxed water activity, the resort also boasts a sparkling swimming pool where guests can take a refreshing dip or simply lounge by the poolside with a cool drink in hand. In addition to its water sports offerings, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension also caters to land-based sports enthusiasts. The resort features a well-equipped fitness center, complete with state-of-the-art equipment, allowing guests to maintain their fitness routine even while on vacation. Tennis enthusiasts can also enjoy a friendly match on the resort's tennis court, surrounded by beautiful scenery and fresh sea breezes. After an exhilarating game, guests can unwind and soothe their muscles in the resort's luxurious spa, which offers a range of rejuvenating treatments and therapies. With its impressive array of sports facilities, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension ensures that guests can stay active and have a truly memorable stay. Convenience Facilities at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension At Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , guests can enjoy a range of convenience facilities that will make their stay truly comfortable and hassle-free. One of the standout features of this hotel is the availability of free Wi-Fi in all rooms, allowing guests to stay connected with their loved ones or catch up on work without any interruptions. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, having reliable internet access is essential, and Samcheok Laon Spa Pension ensures that you can stay connected throughout your stay. In addition to free Wi-Fi, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension offers a host of other convenience facilities to enhance your stay. The hotel provides free parking, making it convenient for guests who are traveling with their own vehicles. You can rest assured knowing that your car is safe and secure while you explore the beautiful surroundings of Samcheok-si. Furthermore, the hotel also offers a 24-hour front desk, ensuring that there is always someone available to assist you with any queries or requests you may have. With these convenient facilities, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension strives to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for all guests. Convenient Transport Facilities at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension At Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , guests can enjoy a hassle-free stay with its convenient transport facilities. The hotel offers a spacious car park, ensuring that guests can easily find a parking spot for their vehicles. Whether you are traveling by car or planning to rent one during your stay, the car park provides a secure and convenient place to park. This feature is especially beneficial for guests who are exploring the beautiful surroundings of Samcheok-si, as they can easily embark on scenic drives to nearby attractions without worrying about parking issues. With the car park at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , your transportation needs are well taken care of. Indulge in Luxurious Comfort at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension At Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , guests can experience the epitome of luxury and comfort in their spacious and well-appointed rooms. Choose from a range of room types, including the 401(SPA), 403(SPA), 602(SPA), and 603(SPA). Each room offers ample space for relaxation and measures between 33 to 50 square meters. Booking your stay at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension through Agoda ensures that you not only get the best prices but also enjoy a hassle-free experience. With Agoda's user-friendly platform, you can easily browse through the available room options, compare prices, and make a reservation in just a few clicks. Say goodbye to the stress of finding the perfect accommodation and let Agoda take care of all your booking needs. So why wait? Book your stay at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension on Agoda today and immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. Discover the Vibrant Charm of Obun-dong in Samcheok-si Nestled in the heart of Samcheok-si, South Korea, Obun-dong is a vibrant neighborhood that offers a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern convenience. With its picturesque streets lined with traditional Korean houses, known as hanok, Obun-dong exudes a unique ambiance that transports visitors back in time. As you wander through the neighborhood, you'll be captivated by the beautifully preserved cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the Samcheok Culture Center, where you can learn about the history and traditions of the region through interactive exhibits and performances. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the nearby Samcheok Castle, a historic fortress that offers panoramic views of the city and the stunning coastline. Obun-dong is also a haven for food enthusiasts, with its wide array of local restaurants and street food stalls. Indulge in traditional Korean dishes such as bibimbap, galbi, and samgyeopsal, or try some of the local specialties like hwangtae gui (grilled dried pollack) and samcheok snow crabs. After a satisfying meal, take a leisurely stroll along the Obun-dong Beach, where you can enjoy the refreshing sea breeze and soak in the breathtaking sunset views. Whether you're a history buff, a food lover, or simply seeking a charming neighborhood to explore, Obun-dong in Samcheok-si is sure to captivate your senses and leave you with unforgettable memories. Convenient Transportation from Nearby Airports to Samcheok Laon Spa Pension Located in the beautiful city of Samcheok-si, South Korea, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension offers a serene and rejuvenating escape for travelers. Getting to this tranquil retreat is made easy with convenient transportation options from the nearby airports. If you are arriving at Yangyang International Airport, the closest airport to Samcheok-si, you can choose from various transportation modes to reach Samcheok Laon Spa Pension . One option is to take a taxi directly from the airport, which offers a comfortable and hassle-free journey. Alternatively, you can take a bus from the airport to Samcheok-si Bus Terminal, and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach the pension. Another nearby airport is Wonju Airport, which is located a bit further from Samcheok-si. From Wonju Airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Wonju Bus Terminal. From there, you can catch a bus to Samcheok-si Bus Terminal and then proceed to Samcheok Laon Spa Pension via local bus or taxi. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to Samcheok Laon Spa Pension promises to be an enjoyable one, as you soak in the picturesque landscapes and immerse yourself in the beauty of South Korea. Book your stay at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension today and embark on a memorable retreat. Discover the Natural Beauty and Cultural Attractions near Samcheok Laon Spa Pension Nestled in the stunning coastal city of Samcheok-si, South Korea, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension offers a perfect retreat for nature lovers and cultural enthusiasts. Situated in close proximity to a range of captivating landmarks and attractions, guests can immerse themselves in the beauty and charm of the surrounding area. One of the main highlights near the pension is Hanjaemit Beach, a picturesque stretch of golden sand and crystal-clear waters. Offering breathtaking views of the East Sea, this tranquil beach is a haven for relaxation and sunbathing. Visitors can take leisurely walks along the shore, build sandcastles, or simply unwind while listening to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. For those interested in agriculture and farming, a visit to Honggun Farm is a must. This charming farm showcases the region's agricultural heritage and offers visitors a chance to experience traditional farming practices. From picking fresh fruits and vegetables to feeding farm animals, guests can get a hands-on experience of rural life in South Korea. Another fascinating attraction nearby is the Fresh-water fish Museum. Here, visitors can learn about the diverse aquatic life found in the region's rivers and streams. The museum features a variety of exhibits, including interactive displays, aquariums, and educational presentations, providing an engaging and informative experience for all ages. With its prime location near these captivating landmarks and attractions, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension offers an ideal base for exploring the natural beauty and cultural richness of Samcheok-si. Whether you're seeking relaxation on the beach, a taste of rural life, or an educational adventure, this pension provides the perfect starting point for your South Korean getaway. Delicious Dining Options Nearby When it comes to dining options near Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , guests will be spoiled for choice. Just a short distance away, you'll find Todamgol, a popular Korean restaurant known for its authentic flavors and cozy atmosphere. Whether you're craving traditional bulgogi or spicy kimchi stew, Todamgol is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Another nearby option is Yeongyeong, a charming seafood restaurant that offers a wide variety of fresh catch from the nearby sea. Indulge in mouthwatering grilled fish or try their famous spicy squid stir-fry. With such diverse and delicious options just a stone's throw away, you'll never have to worry about finding a great meal during your stay at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension . Affordable Luxury: Experience Samcheok Laon Spa Pension at an Unbeatable Price If you're looking for a luxurious getaway at an affordable price, look no further than Samcheok Laon Spa Pension . With an average room price of just $134, this stunning hotel offers exceptional value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Samcheok-si, which stands at $105, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension provides a level of comfort and indulgence that is truly unmatched. From the moment you step into the elegant lobby, you'll be captivated by the hotel's sophisticated ambiance and attention to detail. Each room at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension is meticulously designed to provide a tranquil retreat for guests. With tasteful decor, plush furnishings, and modern amenities, you'll feel like royalty during your stay. Whether you choose a cozy standard room or a spacious suite, you can expect impeccable service and a peaceful atmosphere that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. So why settle for an average hotel room when you can experience the epitome of luxury at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension for just a little more? A Haven of Exceptional Service and Unmatched Comfort Samcheok Laon Spa Pension has garnered an impressive overall rating of 9.0, a testament to its commitment to providing an exceptional experience for its guests. With top scores in value, cleanliness, and staff performance, this charming hotel ensures that every aspect of your stay is nothing short of perfect. When it comes to value, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension truly stands out. With a rating of 9.0, guests are consistently amazed by the incredible bang for their buck. Offering a range of well-appointed rooms and amenities, this hotel provides excellent value for money, making it an ideal choice for both budget-conscious travelers and those seeking a luxurious getaway. The facilities at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension have been rated at 8.5, a testament to the hotel's dedication to creating an unforgettable experience for its guests. From the moment you step foot in the hotel, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The beautifully designed rooms are equipped with all the modern comforts you could desire, ensuring a truly relaxing and enjoyable stay. Additionally, the hotel's spa facilities provide the perfect opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate after a day of exploring the picturesque surroundings. Cleanliness is of utmost importance at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension , as reflected in its impressive rating of 9.2. Guests consistently praise the hotel's immaculate rooms and public areas, highlighting the meticulous attention to detail and high standards of cleanliness maintained by the dedicated housekeeping staff. Situated in a prime location, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension receives a location rating of 8.7. Nestled amidst the stunning natural beauty of Samcheok-si, this hotel offers easy access to a wealth of attractions, including pristine beaches, scenic hiking trails, and cultural landmarks. Whether you're seeking outdoor adventures or a peaceful retreat, this hotel's location ensures that you're never far from the best that Samcheok-si has to offer. Last but certainly not least, the staff performance at Samcheok Laon Spa Pension has been rated an outstanding 9.5. The friendly and attentive staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well taken care of. From providing personalized recommendations to offering exceptional service, the staff at this hotel truly embody the spirit of Korean hospitality. With its exceptional overall rating and outstanding scores in value, cleanliness, facilities, location, and staff performance, Samcheok Laon Spa Pension is a true gem in Samcheok-si. Whether you're traveling for leisure or business, this hotel guarantees an unforgettable stay filled with comfort, relaxation, and unparalleled service.

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Goseong-gun (Gangwon)

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[공지사항] 펜션 앞 대진해수욕장 공영 주차장에 무료 주차 가능 최대인원 초과시 환불없이 강제퇴실 [입실/퇴실] 입실 : 15:00 퇴실 : 11:00 22시 이후 체크인시 사전문의 필수 [바베큐] 무제한바베큐패키지4인포함+조식포함(하절기 제외) 현장결제 [인원추가비용] 영유아 기준인원 포함 및 추가요금 발생 / 최대인원 초과 불가 1박기준 1인당 20,000원 12세 미만 아동의 경우 1인에 한해서 무료 현장결제 [객실정보] 전 객실 취사가능 전 객실 넷플릭스 및 유튜브 가능 [욕조] 구비객실: 202, 203, 204, 205, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 이용요금 : 무료 이용시간 : 입실 시~23:00 입욕제 사용불가 [인터넷] 무료 Wi-Fi [서핑강습 및 렌탈] 1층 서프팩토리 이용가능 서핑이용시 필수 예약 객실 이용객 서핑강습 및 렌탈시 10%할인 [오션뷰 루프탑] 이용시간 : 입실 시~22:00 현장상황에 따라 이용 불가할 수 있음 엘리베이터, 주차장 보유 아래내용을 반드시 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. *예약시 요청사항란은 확인이 어려울 수 있어, 주요 요청사항은 반드시 펜션 연락처로 전달 부탁드립니다. - 객실가는 예약 상황에따라 변동될 수 있습니다. (요금 변동을 이유로 기예약건 환불 요청시, 취소수수료 규정대로 적용됩니다.) - 객실 예약현황은 실시간 예약특성상 100% 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다. - 경우에 따라 중복예약이 발생할 수 있으며, 이 경우 먼저 결제된 예약건에 우선권이 있습니다. - 결제가 완료된 예약건이라도 예약상황 및 현지사정에 따라 예약이 취소 될 수 있습니다. - 당일예약 후 당일이용건일 경우 이용이 불가할 수 있으니 업체에 사전확인 부탁드립니다. - 사전예약취소 없이 사용하지 않은 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 고객 연락처 오기재로 인해 연락이 불가할 경우, 예약이 자동취소 될 수 있습니다. - 예약변경 시 대표번호로 연락바라며, 업체규정에 따라 변경이 불가하거나 수수료가 발생할 수 있습니다. - 단순변심, 고객사정으로 인한 취소 시 취소환불수수료가 적용됩니다. - No-Show 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 최대인원 초과 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 늦은 입실 시 업체에 사전연락 부탁드립니다. - 보호자를 동반하지 않은 미성년자만 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 반려동물 전용 업체가 아닌 경우 반려동물 동반 시 입실이 제한될 수 있습니다. - 부대시설 및 객실비품은 업체 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. - 업체 이미지는 실제와 상이 할 수 있습니다 안내사항 미숙지로 인한 손해는 고객님에게 귀속되오니 반드시 확인부탁드립니다.

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New House @ Mapo - Awesome Location, Clean, Safe

The Seoul House@ Mapo is a 100-year-old house that has been transformed into a modern style by host who has 10 years of experience. *Best location -Central transportation area in Seoul. ('Gongdeok' station- Subway Line 5, 6, G-J, Airport Express train AREX & Several bus lines) * E-mart (#1 Super Mega Market) & 100+ Korean Restaurants (5min on foot) * Accommodation- Entire Private House(No share with others)- 2 bedrooms & 1 bath for 4pax 2 Rooms & 1 Toilets (max. 4 people) Room1: 1 Queen sized bed (2ppl) Room2: 2 super single sized bunker bed (2ppl) -Many TV channels, including sports and children, and Netflix are available.  -Whole house has an international electric socket for your convenience (You must check your electronic devices for 220v)  -Easy and clean to dispose of garbage and recycle items in a yard.  -You can smoke in the yard, but the inside of the house is smoke free. 2 Rooms & 1 Toilets (max. 4 people) Room1: 1 Queen sized bed (2ppl) Room2: 2 super single sized bunker bed (2ppl) -Many TV channels, including sports and children, and Netflix are available.  -Whole house has an international electric socket for your convenience (You must check your electronic devices for 220v)  -Easy and clean to dispose of garbage and recycle items in a yard.  -You can smoke in the yard, but the inside of the house is smoke free. Accommodation may provide you with just a place to sleep for the night during your travel, but we see more. To the our house, all global travelers are more than just clients. We know that your trip will be more successful when accompanied by a reliable local guide therefore we will do our best to provide you with all information about Korean travel information. We believe an authentic travel service requires an understanding of different culture. The solution with the true locals from Seoul! 1) Easy to access Airport express train, subway at 'GONGDEOK' station which is located 5 min. from the house. 2) Perfect Location (Seoul KTX Station, Hongdae, Palace, Itaewon, Yongsan, Han River park, Yeouido, Dongdaemun, Myeongdong... (within 10min by subway) 3) E-mart (#1 Super Mega Market) - 3min on foot 4) 'Gongdeok' eatery town is within 5 min and there are more than 100 restaurants you can choose Best location -Central transportation area in Seoul. ('Gongdeok' station- Subway Line 5, 6, G-J, Airport Express train AREX & Several bus lines) -11 years of experienced host will guide you with check in & out We would like to explain about our house check-in. When a guest arrives, we greet them. Therefore, it is important to let us know your check in time. Please let us know your flight details for check-in after your reservation on Agoda. -Once the reservation is completed, we will provide more details about our place via available messengers. -Food and parcel deliveries are very easy to access and if you need help from the host, we are always there for you.  -We are located in 5 min from Gongdeok Station where has subway line #5 & #6, Kyungeui Jungang Line, AREX Incheon Airport train, and airport bus. Easy and convenient to access everywhere in Seoul.  -You can access E-mart within 3 min. -There are more than 100 restaurants within 5 min. of Gongdeok Station Food Alley  -Hyochang Park and Han River Park are located nearby, and it is nice to take a walk.  If you have questions regarding payment and receipt, please kindly ask Agoda for help.  Please feel free to inquire about your reservation. We are happy to help you and meet you in the future. 

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Jeju City

B#1 애월 중산간 레트로 감성 숙소 이보다 더 좋을수 있다

르빌리지애월의 역대급 기대작 감성 숙소 드디어 오픈하다~ 원래는 호스트가 주거하려고 인테리어 공사를 했던 숙소로 호스트인 저의 라이프스타일과 인테리어 취향이 곳곳에 베어있는 B#1 입니다. 완공이 늦어지는 바람에 결국 게스트 분들 숙소로 양보하게 되었지만 아직도 애정이 많은 숙소로 지속적으로 소소하게 업데이트 중입니다. 킹 침대가 있는 침실 -1 다용도룸 (파우더룸, 서브침실 2인 초과시 요와 이불 셋팅) 넓직한 키친&다이닝룸과 제주돌담뷰가 보이는 통장 욕조룸, 그리고 제주정원 통창뷰 서재가 이 숙소의 포인트입니다. 주방 - 냉장고, 전자레인지, 인덕션, 토스터기, 식기, 냄비, 후라이팬, 조리도구, 정수기 와인잔, 소주잔, 맥주잔, 와인오프너, 주방 일회용품 침실에는 55인치 TV - 넷플릭스 가능 욕실은 샤워실룸과 화장실이 별도 분리가 되어있습니다. 샤워룸까지 모두 바닥난방이 들어와서 따뜻한 입욕을 즐기실수 있습니다 (입욕제-솔트, 버블타입 구비) 세탁룸에는 세탁기와 건조기가 구비되어있습니다. 그외 무선청소기, 헤어드라이기, 고데기 욕실 - 아베다 샴푸, 바디워시, 트리트먼트, 록시땅 핸드워시 여성청결제, 폼클렌징, 샤워스펀지 유아동반시 기본제공 -토퍼,이불세트, 식기, 욕조, 의자, 유아용 세탁세제, 젖병세정제, 로션(닥터바이오), 올인원워시(닥터바이오) 별도요청시 제공-젖병워머, 유아베개, 콘센트 덮개 영아-에어비앤비 시스템에서는 유아만 확인할수 있고 24개월 이상은 어린이로 표시되기 때문에 필요 품목 별도 요청을 주셔야 합니다. 2층 건물이지만 1층과 2층 입구가 별도 분리되어 있어 독채와 다름없습니다. 1층/2층 게스트와 영역(?) 문제 없이 넓은 마당 이용 가능합니다 펜션내 전기차 충전기 이용가능 바베큐 이용안내 - 입실 하루전까지 시간예약필수 착화서비스 바베큐 - 시간지정 예약 요금 : 소형 3만원(3인까지), 중형4만원(4인부터-) , 대형 5만원(6인부터~) 인원이 많을경우는 추가숯(+1만원)이나 대형+소형 셋팅 필요하실수도 있습니다. 숯착화, 일회용식기, 허브솔트 준비해드립니다. 쌈장은 요청시 제공 *최고급 '비장탄'을 사용하기 때문에 착화시간 소요가 깁니다. 시간지정예약 필수(문자메세지) 셀프 바베큐 안내(직접착화) 비용- 소형-2만, 중형-3만, 대형-4만 바베큐그릴,석쇠, 숯(일반숯), 토치, 장갑, 허브솔트,쌈장 제공 숯 1봉지 추가시 5,000원 바베큐 장소 - 바베큐테라스(C동 1층에 위치, 동시간대 1팀만 가능, 선착순)- 냉장고, 식기, 인덕션, 전자레인지 - 정원 테이블 별도요청사항 유아용품-식기, 의자, 로션, 바디워시, 젖병세정제, 콘센트 덮개 애견용품 - 식기, 방석 차량 이동시 소요시간 안내 평화로 바로옆에 위치해 있어 서귀포나 애조로를 통한 차량이동이 용이합니다. 제주공항 : 30분 식재료 구매시 하나로마트 봉성점 10분(작아요~ 영업시간 확인후 방문) 농협 하나로마트(애월,하귀) 15분 대박이네 - 육류, 수산 (바베큐 장보기) 편의점 안내 세븐일레븐 애월천덕점 : 7분(연중무휴, 밤11시까지) *애견동반 추가금 안내(체크인 당일까지 선결제) - 10kg 이상 견종 불가 - 50,000원 애견 동반시 견종과 무게 등 사전정보를 반드시 알려주시고 배변, 마킹 꼭 주의 부탁 드리고 외출후엔 발바닥 닦아주세요. 배변패드와 배변물은 비닐에 밀봉 부탁드립니다. 온수사용 주의사항 연속 2회이상 욕조 사용시 온수가 부족할수 있습니다. 재사용시 온수기 가열 소요시간은 2시간이상 입니다. 이점 유의 부탁드립니다.

निकटवर्ती गंतव्य

दक्षिणी कोरिया में अन्य होटल प्रकार

दक्षिणी कोरिया में $100 से कम के होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में $200 से कम के होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में $50 से कम के होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 1-स्टार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 2-स्टार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 24-घंटे चेक-इन वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 3-स्टार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 4-स्टार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में 5-स्टार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में एयर कंडीशनिंग वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में एयरपोर्ट शटल वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में कनेक्टिंग रूम वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में कार्यकारी लाउंज वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में किचनेट वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में किफायती होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में कुत्ता-मैत्रीपूर्ण ह ोटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में केवल वयस्कों के लिए होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में कैप्सूल होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में कैसीनो होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में गोल्फ रिसॉर्ट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में छोटे होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में जिम वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में डिजिटल नोमैड होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में धूम्रपान क्षेत्र वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में नए होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में परिवार अपार्टमेंट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में परिवार रिसॉर्ट
दक्षिणी कोरिया में परिवार होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में पहाड़ी होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में पार्किंग वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में पालतू-मैत्रीपूर्ण रिसॉर्ट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में पालतू-मैत्रीपूर्ण होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में पूल वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बगीचा होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बच्चों के अनुकूल होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बजट होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बालकनी वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बिल्ली-मैत्रीपूर्ण होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बीच विला
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बुटीक होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में बैकपैकिंग होस्टल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में महंगे होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में मुफ्त नाश्ता वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में योग होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में रसोई वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में रेस्तरां वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में रोड ट्रिप के लिए मोटेल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में रोमांटिक होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में लग्जरी रिसॉर्ट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में लग्जरी होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में लंबे समय तक रहने वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में वेलनेस होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में वॉशर और ड्रायर वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में व्यापारिक होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में शहर केंद्र होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में शीर्ष रेटेड होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में सर्विस्ड अपार्टमेंट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में सुलभ रिसॉर्ट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में सुलभ होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में सॉना वाले होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में स्पा रिसॉर्ट्स
दक्षिणी कोरिया में स्पा होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में हनीमून होटल
दक्षिणी कोरिया में हॉट टब वाले होटल