Luxury Villas South Korea
Discover the dynamic blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation in South Korea. From vibrant cities like Seoul with its skyscrapers and bustling street markets, to serene temples nestled in lush mountain landscapes, this East Asian gem offers a rich cultural tapestry to explore. Dive into the tantalizing world of Korean cuisine, soak in natural hot springs, or immerse yourself in the country's fascinating history at ancient palaces and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Experience the harmony of tradition and progress in captivating South Korea.Goodplace notebook stay
2박 이상 숙박 예약 시 바베큐패키지(석식패키지) 제공 [주의사항] 사전 예약 인원 외 방문,입실 불가 Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 객실 스파 유리문으로 가족, 단체 입실객 이용시 래쉬가드, 수영복 등은 개인 지참 [입실/퇴실] 입실: 15:00 퇴실: 11:00 22시 이후 체크인 시 사전문의 필수 [바베큐] 숯+그릴 이용 : 2인 20,000원, 1인 추가 5,000원(03~04월 체크인 고객님들에 한해서 2인 15,000원 할인 이벤트 진행중) 이용시간: 입실시~23시 바베큐 숯불 제공시간 : 입실시~20시 현장결제 [인원추가요금] 영유아 기준인원 포함 및 추가요금 발생/ 최대인원 초과불가 1박 기준 1인당 20,000원 현장결제 [스파] 구비객실: Stay pink,Stay white,Stay gray,Stay blue,Stay green 스파이용시간: 입실~22:00 입욕제 이용불가 무료 [인터넷] 무료wi-fi [애견입실] 반려(애완)동물 동반 및 입실 불가 [야외수영장] 하절기 운영(6월4일~ 9월초) / 온수수영장 아님 날씨에 따라 변동될수있음 복장: 레쉬가드,수영복,반팔,반바지 이용시간: 09:00~20:00 [불멍] 이용시간: 20~22시 이용장소: 펜션 카페 앞 이용요금: 무료 [펜션시설] 카페: 운영시간 09:00~21:00 현장 상황에 따라 이용불가할 수 있음 [공용시설] 전자레인지: 카페 내 구비 아래내용을 반드시 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. *예약시 요청사항란은 확인이 어려울 수 있어, 주요 요청사항은 반드시 펜션 연락처로 전달 부탁드립니다. - 객실가는 예약 상황에따라 변동될 수 있습니다. (요금 변동을 이유로 기예약건 환불 요청시, 취소수수료 규정대로 적용됩니다.) - 객실 예약현황은 실시간 예약특성상 100% 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다. - 경우에 따라 중복예약이 발생할 수 있으며, 이 경우 먼저 결제된 예약건에 우선권이 있습니다. - 결제가 완료된 예약건이라도 예약상황 및 현지사정에 따라 예약이 취소 될 수 있습니다. - 당일예약 후 당일이용건일 경우 이용이 불가할 수 있으니 업체에 사전확인 부탁드립니다. - 사전예약취소 없이 사용하지 않은 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 고객 연락처 오기재로 인해 연락이 불가할 경우, 예약이 자동취소 될 수 있습니다. - 예약변경 시 대표번호로 연락바라며, 업체규정에 따라 변경이 불가하거나 수수료가 발생할 수 있습니다. - 단순변심, 고객사정으로 인한 취소 시 취소환불수수료가 적용됩니다. - No-Show 예약건에 대해서는 환불이 불가합니다. - 최대인원 초과 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 늦은 입실 시 업체에 사전연락 부탁드립니다. - 보호자를 동반하지 않은 미성년자만 입실 시 입실 및 환불이 불가합니다. - 반려동물 전용 업체가 아닌 경우 반려동물 동반 시 입실이 제한될 수 있습니다. - 부대시설 및 객실비품은 업체 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. - 업체 이미지는 실제와 상이 할 수 있습니다
Jeonju Hanok Village Private House Pond
- 어메니티 구비되어 있습니다. - 한옥마을 내 공영주차장에서 5분 내에 위치 - 다이슨 드라이기 및 에어랩 비치 - 샤워실과 화장실이 분리되어 있음 - 정원이 딸린 독채 - 슈퍼킹사이즈 침대가 있고 온돌을 사용해 주무실 분을 위해 토퍼 구비 - 취사 절대 불가합니다. - 한옥마을 제3 공영주차장이 가장 가까우나 다른 공영주차장들도 도보 7분 내에 도착하실 수 있습니다. - 기준인원 초과시 추가비용 발생합니다. (1명당 추가시 150000원) - 강아지를 동반하실 경우 마리당 추가요금 20000원 발생합니다. - 펫프렌들리이나 전용은 아닙니다. 동반시 미리 문의 전화 꼭!! 주세요. - 바로 옆에 있는 한옥카페 물왓동네와 협의하여 할인이벤트 진행 중입니다. 가셔서 예약하신 내역 보여주시면 전메뉴 15% 할인됩니다. 카페 또한 이동장 혹은 안고 계실 경우 반려견 동반 가능합니다. -반려견 동반시 숙소에 강아지만 홀로 두는 것은 불가합니다. -반려견 동반시 보증금 오만원 있습니다. 반려견 관련 규정을 어길시 보증금 환불불가합니다.
sokcho samseong hom peuleseutiji
sokcho jungsim sang-galo de-o geolieseoui hotel sugbag gyeongloibnida. geunjeobhan gwangwangjineun manh-eun gos-eseo jeulgineun gos-i manh-aseo mas-issneun eumsig-eul meog-eul su issseubnida. jung-ang sijang. gaesbae. sogcho deungdae. dongmyeonghang. cheongcho su. deungchowa bolam abnida.
privte poolvilla 온담제주
안녕하세요 아빠 엄마 그리고 딸이 함께 운영하고 있는 온담제주에 따뜻한 관심 보여주셔서 감사드립니다 ♡⃛ 온담제주는 3개의 방 2개의 화장실 부엌과 거실 그리고 개인 수영장과 바비큐시설이 갖춰져 있는, 펜션 입니다 최대 15명의 인원 수용이 가능하며 기준인원은 8명입니다 기준인원 초과시 1명당 1만원의 금액이 추가됩니다 개인 수영장 및 바비큐 시설을 원하시는 경우 예약과 동시에 이야기 부탁드리겠습니다^^ 참고로, 바비큐 시설 (숯, 그릴) 이용은 별도로 2만 원의 추가 금액이 발생하며 개인 수영장의 경우 별도로 5만 원의 추가 금액이 발생합니다. 저희는 피부가 민감한 분들도 걱정없이 사용하실 수 있는 광목 면 재질의 침구류를 사용중입니다 자연섬유 그대로의 아이보리색과 거뭇거뭇한 목화씨 그대로 보이는것이 특징이랍니다 (먼지가 아니니 걱정하지 마세요-!) 저희 온담 제주가 위치한 곳은 빌리지가 형성되어있다보니 안전문제 걱정없이 아이들과 함께 지내시기에도 편안하며 고즈넉한 정원 생활을 경험하실 수 있는 풀빌라 펜션에서 가족단위나 여러명의 친구들과 함께 꽉-찬 온담제주를 느끼실 수 있길 바래봅니다ღ **참고로 장기숙박의 경우에는 따로 메시지 부탁드립니다!**
SUBONGBONG HOUSE entire K#201 집 전체 단독!비대면셀프체크인
quite cozy from house to youngildae beach only 5~8m away.big supermarket near Ktx train station 15~18m죽천 동해안 칠포 월포 영덕 방향으로 나가시기전 위치한 수봉봉 하우스.포항ic빠져서 10분거리이내이구요 .산과 바다를 동시에 만끽할수 있는 최적의.장소.요즘 핫 플레이스 양덕 도보 5분거리입니다..주위에하나로마트(400m GS) 대형마트 현지인.맛집 많습니다..미리 문의 주시면 동네 정보 따로 보내드릴계요.영일대 바닷가까진3.5k정도 자동차로 5~8분거리구요.도보거리에 먹거리 골목 따로 있습니다.^^단체 예약손님은 202호 동시 예약 가능하시니 미리 문의 주시면 대가족 단위또한 한 숙소에서 머무르실수 있는 장점이 있습니다 위치 문제로 후기가 자주 올라옵니다.예약하시기전 사전에 미리 주소확인하시고 예약바랍니다^^.바닷가 인접 숙소가 아니신점 미리 숙지하시길 바랍니다.방 2개, 거실, 주방, 화장실 및 욕실 침실1 트윈베드, 침실2퀸사이즈 1개, 바닥 요토퍼 2개, 침구 등이 구비되어 4인 정도의 인원이 사용하시기에 적합하며 거실에는 IPTV와 무료 와이파이가 있어 영화보기 및 인터넷 사용이 편리합니다. 주방에는 여러가지 요리가 가능하게 웅진코웨이 정수기 냉장고,가스렌지 전기밥솥, 전자레인지 전기포트, 커피머신, 토스트기, 전기그릴 에어프라이어 정수기 도마 및 각종 주방도구, 양념들이 비치되어 취사에 용이하며 욕실에는 헤어드라이기, 샴푸, 바디워시 바디로션, 수건, 치약, 비누, 샤워타올(일회용) 비치되어 있습니다.The bathroom is supplied with a hair dryer, shampoo and conditioner, body shampoo, body lotion, toothpaste, a disposable shower sponge
Grid1398 Pension
Relax and Unwind at Grid1398 Pension 's Hot Tub and Spa At Grid1398 Pension , we understand the importance of relaxation and rejuvenation during your vacation. That's why we offer a range of entertainment facilities designed to help you unwind and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience with our hot tub, where you can soak in warm, bubbling water while enjoying the breathtaking views of Namhae-gun. Let the soothing jets melt away your tension and leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. For those seeking a more pampering experience, our spa is the perfect place to indulge in some self-care. Treat yourself to a variety of luxurious treatments and therapies, including massages, facials, and body wraps. Our skilled therapists will provide personalized attention and ensure that you leave feeling completely relaxed and pampered. Whether you're looking to soothe sore muscles after a day of exploring or simply want to indulge in some well-deserved pampering, our hot tub and spa facilities are the ideal choice for a truly rejuvenating stay at Grid1398 Pension . Enjoy a Refreshing Swim in the Outdoor Pool at Grid1398 Pension At Grid1398 Pension , guests can take advantage of the hotel's fantastic sports facilities, including a stunning outdoor pool. Whether you're looking to cool off on a hot summer day or simply want to relax and unwind, this pool is the perfect place to do so. With its crystal-clear waters and spacious deck area, you'll have plenty of room to swim, sunbathe, or simply soak up the beautiful surroundings. The pool is surrounded by lush greenery, providing a tranquil and serene atmosphere that will make your stay even more enjoyable. So grab your swimsuit and dive into the refreshing waters of the outdoor pool at Grid1398 Pension . Convenient Facilities at Grid1398 Pension Grid1398 Pension in Namhae-gun, South Korea, offers a range of convenient facilities to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay for its guests. With free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, guests can stay connected and browse the internet with ease. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, having access to reliable Wi-Fi is essential, and Grid1398 Pension understands this need. In addition to the in-room Wi-Fi, the property also provides Wi-Fi in public areas. This means that guests can enjoy seamless internet access throughout the entire property, including common areas such as the lobby, restaurant, and garden. Whether you need to catch up on work emails, stay connected with loved ones, or simply browse the web, the availability of Wi-Fi in public areas ensures that you can do so conveniently from anywhere within the property. Furthermore, Grid1398 Pension caters to the needs of all guests by offering a designated smoking area. This thoughtful facility ensures that non-smoking guests can enjoy a smoke-free environment throughout the rest of the property, while smokers have a designated space where they can indulge in their habit comfortably. This separation of smoking and non-smoking areas adds to the overall convenience and comfort of the stay at Grid1398 Pension . With its commitment to providing convenient facilities such as free Wi-Fi in all rooms, Wi-Fi in public areas, and a designated smoking area, Grid1398 Pension goes above and beyond to ensure a pleasant and hassle-free experience for all guests. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, these facilities contribute to a comfortable and enjoyable stay at this charming property in Namhae-gun, South Korea. Convenient and Complimentary Car Park at Grid1398 Pension At Grid1398 Pension , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer a convenient and complimentary car park for our guests. Whether you are arriving by car or planning to rent one during your stay, you can rest assured knowing that parking will be a breeze. Our spacious car park is available free of charge, allowing you to explore the beautiful Namhae-gun region at your own pace without worrying about parking fees or availability. With our dedicated car park, you can easily come and go as you please, making your vacation experience even more convenient and enjoyable. Indulge in a Culinary Delight at Grid1398 Pension 's Dining Facilities Grid1398 Pension offers a wide range of dining facilities to satisfy every palate. Start your day off right with a scrumptious continental breakfast served in the cozy coffee shop. Enjoy a variety of freshly baked pastries, cereals, fruits, and hot beverages to fuel your adventures in Namhae-gun. For a more substantial meal, head to the on-site restaurant where you can indulge in a delectable array of local and international dishes. With a menu crafted to cater to diverse tastes, you can savor Korean specialties or opt for familiar comfort food. The restaurant's inviting ambiance and attentive staff ensure a memorable dining experience. If you prefer a more interactive dining experience, make use of the BBQ facilities available at Grid1398 Pension . Gather your friends or family and grill up a feast of succulent meats and fresh seafood while enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a novice, the BBQ facilities provide a fun and delicious way to bond and create lasting memories. Comfort and Luxury Await in Grid1398 Pension 's Rooms Grid1398 Pension in Namhae-gun, South Korea offers a range of beautifully designed rooms to cater to every traveler's needs. The Standard Double Room is a spacious 40 square meters, featuring a comfortable Queen Bed for a restful night's sleep. With tasteful decor and modern furnishings, this room provides a perfect blend of comfort and style. Booking this room on Agoda ensures that you get the best prices and a hassle-free experience, allowing you to enjoy your stay at Grid1398 Pension without any worries. Discover the Charming Nam-myeon in Namhae-gun, South Korea Nestled in the picturesque region of Namhae-gun, South Korea, lies the enchanting town of Nam-myeon. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and boasting a rich cultural heritage, this hidden gem offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat. Nam-myeon is known for its stunning coastal views, with the sparkling blue waters of the South Sea stretching as far as the eye can see. Visitors can stroll along the pristine sandy beaches, feeling the gentle sea breeze on their faces, or embark on a scenic hike along the rugged cliffs that overlook the ocean. Nature lovers will be delighted by the abundance of lush forests and rolling hills, providing countless opportunities for outdoor activities such as biking, camping, and bird-watching. In addition to its natural beauty, Nam-myeon is also home to a vibrant cultural scene. The town is dotted with traditional Korean houses, known as hanok, where visitors can immerse themselves in the local way of life. Explore the narrow alleyways lined with charming cafes, art galleries, and boutique shops, offering a glimpse into the creativity and craftsmanship of the local artisans. Indulge in the delicious local cuisine, with fresh seafood being a highlight of the dining experience. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, Nam-myeon is a destination that will captivate your heart and leave you with cherished memories. Traveling to Grid1398 Pension from the Nearest Airports in Namhae-gun, South Korea Located in the serene Nam-myeon area of Namhae-gun, South Korea, Grid1398 Pension offers a tranquil retreat for travelers seeking relaxation and natural beauty. Getting to this picturesque destination is convenient, thanks to the nearby airports. The two closest airports to Namhae-gun are Gimhae International Airport and Yeosu Airport. If you're arriving at Gimhae International Airport, the most convenient way to reach Grid1398 Pension is by taking a taxi or renting a car. The journey from the airport to Namhae-gun takes approximately 2 hours by road. As you travel, you'll be treated to scenic views of the countryside and the coastline, setting the tone for your peaceful getaway. For those arriving at Yeosu Airport, the distance to Grid1398 Pension is slightly shorter. It takes around 1.5 hours to reach the pension by taxi or car. Enjoy the scenic drive through the charming towns and rolling hills of Namhae-gun, which will make you feel like you're entering a hidden paradise. Once you arrive at Grid1398 Pension , you'll be greeted by the warm hospitality of the staff and the serene atmosphere of the surrounding nature. Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and immerse yourself in the beauty of Namhae-gun. Whether you're looking to unwind in the peaceful gardens, explore the nearby hiking trails, or simply relax in the comfortable rooms, Grid1398 Pension offers the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Discover the Natural Beauty and Cultural Heritage near Grid1398 Pension Nestled in the picturesque region of Namhae-gun, South Korea, Grid1398 Pension offers a tranquil escape surrounded by stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Just a short distance away from the property, you will find several notable landmarks and attractions that are worth exploring. One of the nearby landmarks is Bomulseom Camping Site, a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts. This serene camping site is located on a small island, offering breathtaking views of the crystal-clear waters and lush greenery. Whether you're looking to relax by the beach, go fishing, or enjoy a leisurely hike, Bomulseom Camping Site provides the perfect setting to unwind and connect with nature. For those interested in immersing themselves in the local culture, Gacheon Daerangi Village is a must-visit attraction. This traditional village showcases the charm and authenticity of rural South Korea. Take a leisurely stroll through its narrow streets lined with traditional houses, and get a glimpse into the daily lives of the locals. Don't miss the opportunity to try some local delicacies and interact with friendly villagers, who are always eager to share their stories. Imjinseong is another significant landmark that history buffs will appreciate. This ancient fortress was built during the Joseon Dynasty and played a crucial role in defending the region against invasions. Explore the well-preserved walls, gates, and watchtowers, and imagine the battles that once took place within these historic grounds. Imjinseong offers a unique glimpse into South Korea's past and provides a fascinating backdrop for memorable photographs. Lastly, if you're in the mood for some retail therapy, Nammyeon Retail Shop is a great place to visit. This bustling market offers a wide range of local products, including fresh produce, handmade crafts, and traditional souvenirs. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere as you browse through the various stalls and sample some of the delicious street food offerings. With its proximity to these remarkable landmarks and attractions, Grid1398 Pension is the ideal base for exploring the natural wonders and cultural heritage of Namhae-gun. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a cultural experience, this charming property offers a perfect retreat for all types of travelers. A Gastronomic Delight: Surrounding Restaurants Grid1398 Pension is surrounded by a plethora of delightful restaurants that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. Just a short distance away, you will find Namhae Jayeon Matjip, a local favorite known for its authentic Korean cuisine and warm hospitality. For those craving traditional Korean barbecue, Haebaragi Sikdang is a must-visit, offering mouthwatering grilled meats and an inviting atmosphere. If you're in the mood for some traditional Korean alcohol, Sigol Halmae Makgeolli is the perfect spot to indulge in the rich flavors of this fermented rice wine. For a taste of fresh seafood, Daraengyi Matjib and Daraengi Farm Nongbu Matjip are excellent choices, serving up the catch of the day in a charming seaside setting. Donnala is a popular eatery that specializes in hearty Korean stews and comforting dishes, while Hongdeogjeong is renowned for its delectable Korean pancakes and savory seafood dishes. If you're looking for a beachside dining experience, head over to Alpine Jade Beach salons, where you can savor a variety of international cuisines while enjoying breathtaking ocean views. For those seeking a unique drinking experience, Chon Halmae Makgeolli offers a wide selection of traditional rice wines paired with delectable Korean snacks. Last but not least, Mat Pork is a hidden gem that specializes in succulent pork dishes cooked to perfection. With such an array of culinary options right at your doorstep, Grid1398 Pension is the perfect base for food enthusiasts to embark on a gastronomic adventure in Namhae-gun. Affordable Luxury at Grid1398 Pension in Namhae-gun When it comes to finding the perfect accommodation in Namhae-gun, look no further than Grid1398 Pension . With its unbeatable average price of $119 per room, this charming pension offers affordable luxury that will exceed your expectations. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Namhae-gun, which stands at $124, Grid1398 Pension provides exceptional value for money without compromising on quality. You can enjoy all the comforts and amenities of a high-end hotel at a fraction of the cost, making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious travelers. At Grid1398 Pension , you'll be treated to spacious and well-appointed rooms that are tastefully decorated, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing stay. From the moment you step foot into the pension, you'll be greeted with warm hospitality and impeccable service that will make you feel right at home. So why settle for less when you can experience affordable luxury at Grid1398 Pension in Namhae-gun? Exceptional Customer Ratings at Grid1398 Pension Grid1398 Pension in Namhae-gun, South Korea has received outstanding customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers seeking a memorable and comfortable stay. With an impressive overall rating of 9.4, this charming pension has proven to exceed guests' expectations in various aspects. One of the standout features of Grid1398 Pension is its exceptional value for money, with a rating of 9.3. Guests have praised the reasonable rates and the excellent amenities and services offered at this property. From cozy and well-appointed rooms to a range of facilities that cater to the needs of every traveler, Grid1398 Pension ensures that guests get the most out of their stay without breaking the bank. Furthermore, the facilities at Grid1398 Pension have been highly praised, with a rating of 9.3. Guests have access to a variety of amenities, including a swimming pool, a garden, and barbecue facilities, providing ample opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment. Whether you're looking to unwind by taking a refreshing dip in the pool or hosting a delightful barbecue gathering with your loved ones, Grid1398 Pension has you covered. Cleanliness is another aspect where Grid1398 Pension shines, earning a remarkable rating of 9.6. Guests have consistently praised the immaculate condition of the rooms and common areas, highlighting the meticulous attention to detail by the staff. This dedication to cleanliness ensures that guests can enjoy a hygienic and comfortable environment throughout their stay. In terms of location, Grid1398 Pension has received a rating of 9.1. Situated in the picturesque Namhae-gun, guests can enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty. Additionally, the pension is conveniently located near popular attractions, making it an ideal base for exploring the area. Last but not least, the staff performance at Grid1398 Pension is exceptional, with a rating of 9.8. Guests have consistently praised the friendly and attentive staff who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay. From providing helpful recommendations to assisting with any requests, the staff at Grid1398 Pension truly make guests feel welcomed and valued. With its exceptional customer ratings in various categories, Grid1398 Pension is a top choice for travelers seeking a delightful and memorable stay in Namhae-gun, South Korea. From its exceptional value for money to its range of facilities, cleanliness, convenient location, and outstanding staff performance, this pension offers a truly exceptional experience for all guests.
Red Awning House for foreigners
I hope to host foreigners. I am a person who deals with architectural design and trading of building materials. I have traveled mainly to Germany and west Europe several times every year and I visit many homes and hotels. I am upgrading to be a better space. We have two bedrooms on the second floor. All bed rooms has beds are 100 mm wider than the king size bed. The bedrooms have dark curtains so you can relax during the day time, and it has a kitchen on the first floor where you can cook and enjoy almost dishes. However, there is no oven. You can also enjoy coffee with Delonghi espresso machine with hand grinder and german teas watching 65 inches 4K TV It is a new house that has completely remodeled this summer. Replace the futon cover every time. Extra futon covers are always on the bedside so you can change them at any time. We will prepare simple refreshments and drinks. If you want to have breakfast, we will arrange to have your toast. This will incur a small cost (5$ per person). If you need a pick up, please contact us in advance and we will pick you up (additional cost is gas and toll charge only. As an example daegu airport 10 dollars ) We haven't parking lot.
Jeonju Hanok Mippeum
Experience Tranquility at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum Nestled in the heart of Jeonju-si, South Korea, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum offers a serene and enchanting retreat for travelers seeking an authentic cultural experience. With its traditional hanok architecture and warm hospitality, this 4.5-star hotel provides a unique blend of comfort and tradition. From the moment you step foot into the hotel, you will be captivated by its tranquil ambiance and the rich history that surrounds it. As you enter Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , you will be greeted by the friendly staff who will ensure a seamless check-in process. Check-in time starts from 03:00 PM, allowing you ample time to settle in and unwind after your journey. The hotel's attention to detail and commitment to guest satisfaction will leave you feeling pampered and relaxed throughout your stay. Please note that Jeonju Hanok Mippeum has a child policy in place. While children are welcome at the hotel, they are not allowed to stay free of charge. Extra charges may apply, ensuring that all guests can enjoy a peaceful and undisturbed experience. The hotel's serene atmosphere and cultural surroundings make it an ideal choice for couples and adults seeking a tranquil getaway. Convenience at Your Fingertips: Jeonju Hanok Mippeum 's Facilities At Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , convenience is a top priority for our guests. Stay connected with our complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms, allowing you to easily browse the internet, stay in touch with loved ones, or catch up on work. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, having access to reliable internet is essential, and we've got you covered. In addition to our Wi-Fi service, we also offer luggage storage facilities for your convenience. Traveling can sometimes mean having to carry heavy bags or cumbersome luggage, but at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , we take care of that for you. Our luggage storage service allows you to securely store your belongings and explore the beautiful city of Jeonju-si without any worries. Whether you want to explore the vibrant Hanok Village or indulge in the local cuisine, you can do so without the burden of carrying your bags around. Experience a hassle-free stay at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , where we prioritize your comfort and convenience. With free Wi-Fi in all rooms and luggage storage facilities, you can focus on enjoying your time in Jeonju-si and creating lasting memories. Indulge in Culinary Delights at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum 's Coffee Shop At Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , you can experience a delightful culinary journey at our charming coffee shop. Nestled within the traditional Hanok-style architecture, our coffee shop offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere for guests to relax and unwind. Start your day with a freshly brewed cup of coffee, prepared by our skilled baristas using premium beans sourced from local farms. Savor the rich aroma and smooth flavors as you take in the serene surroundings of our beautiful courtyard. In addition to coffee, our coffee shop also serves a delectable range of pastries and snacks. Indulge in freshly baked croissants, muffins, and cakes, all made with the finest ingredients. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a sweet treat to satisfy your cravings, our coffee shop has something to please every palate. With its warm ambiance and delicious offerings, our coffee shop is the perfect spot to catch up with friends, enjoy a leisurely afternoon, or simply indulge in a moment of solitude. Experience Traditional Charm at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum Step into a world of traditional Korean charm at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum in Jeonju-si, South Korea. With a range of beautifully designed rooms, this hotel offers a unique and authentic experience for guests. Choose from a variety of room types, including the cozy Sun shine room, where you can relax and unwind in a serene atmosphere. Book your stay at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum on Agoda and enjoy the best prices and a hassle-free experience. With Agoda, you can easily find the perfect room for your needs and secure your reservation with just a few clicks. Discover the Historic Charm of Pungnam-dong in Jeonju-si Nestled in the heart of Jeonju-si, South Korea, Pungnam-dong is a neighborhood that exudes historic charm and cultural significance. This traditional district is renowned for its well-preserved hanok (Korean traditional houses) and its rich cultural heritage. As you stroll through the narrow alleyways of Pungnam-dong, you will be transported back in time. The neighborhood showcases the beauty of traditional Korean architecture, with its rows of hanok houses adorned with intricate wooden carvings and tiled roofs. These hanok houses have been lovingly restored and transformed into guesthouses, cafes, and boutiques, offering visitors a unique opportunity to experience traditional Korean living. Pungnam-dong is also home to several cultural attractions that showcase the region's history and artistic heritage. The Jeonju Hanok Village, located in the heart of Pungnam-dong, is a must-visit destination. Here, you can explore the Jeonju Hanok Living Experience Center, where you can learn about traditional Korean crafts and participate in hands-on activities. The Jeonju Traditional Culture Center is another highlight, where you can immerse yourself in traditional Korean music, dance, and art. In addition to its cultural offerings, Pungnam-dong is also a food lover's paradise. The neighborhood is famous for its diverse range of traditional Korean cuisine, with numerous restaurants and street food stalls serving up local delicacies. Don't miss the opportunity to try Jeonju bibimbap, a signature dish of the region that combines rice, vegetables, and a variety of toppings. Whether you're a history buff, a food enthusiast, or simply seeking a unique cultural experience, Pungnam-dong in Jeonju-si is a neighborhood that will captivate your senses and leave you with lasting memories. Traveling to Jeonju Hanok Mippeum : A Journey to Traditional Beauty Nestled in the heart of Jeonju-si, South Korea, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is a charming guesthouse that offers a unique opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of the region. To reach this hidden gem from the nearest airport, travelers have several convenient options. If you arrive at Incheon International Airport, the most common choice is to take a direct bus to Jeonju. The journey takes approximately 3 hours, but the comfortable buses are equipped with amenities like Wi-Fi and comfortable seating, making the trip enjoyable. Once you arrive at Jeonju Bus Terminal, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is just a short taxi ride away. Alternatively, you can take a train from Incheon Airport to Jeonju Station and then take a taxi or bus to the guesthouse. If you choose to fly into Gimpo International Airport, you can also take a direct bus to Jeonju. The bus ride takes about 2.5 hours, and upon arrival at Jeonju Bus Terminal, you can easily reach Jeonju Hanok Mippeum via taxi or bus. Another option is to take a train from Gimpo Airport Station to Jeonju Station, followed by a short taxi or bus ride to the guesthouse. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, traveling to Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is a delightful adventure that allows you to immerse yourself in the traditional beauty of Jeonju-si. From the moment you step foot into this guesthouse, you will be greeted with warm hospitality and a serene atmosphere, providing an unforgettable experience of Korean culture and history. Explore the Rich Cultural Heritage of Jeonju Hanok Mippeum 's Surrounding Landmarks Nestled in the heart of Jeonju-si, South Korea, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum offers a truly immersive experience in traditional Korean culture. Situated close to several notable landmarks, this charming hotel allows guests to explore the rich cultural heritage of the area. One of the must-visit attractions nearby is the famous Jeonju Hanok Village. Step back in time as you stroll through the narrow alleys lined with over 800 traditional hanok houses. Experience the vibrant atmosphere of this well-preserved village, where you can indulge in mouthwatering local delicacies, shop for traditional crafts, and even try your hand at making your own Korean traditional rice wine at the Jeonju Korean Traditional Wine Museum. For history enthusiasts, Jeonju offers several historic sites, including the Jeondong Catholic Church, Gyeonggijeon Shrine, and Jeonjuhyanggyo Confucian School. Marvel at the stunning architecture of the Jeondong Catholic Church, which is the oldest Catholic church in Korea. Explore the Gyeonggijeon Shrine, dedicated to King Tae-jo, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty, and discover the Royal Portrait Museum, housing a collection of royal portraits from the Joseon era. Lastly, visit the Jeonjuhyanggyo Confucian School, a traditional educational institution that provides insights into Confucianism and its influence on Korean society. Art lovers will be delighted by the Jaman Mural Village, a vibrant neighborhood adorned with colorful murals created by local artists. Immerse yourself in the creativity and charm of this unique village, which has become a popular spot for photography enthusiasts and Instagrammers alike. Additionally, don't miss the opportunity to visit the Jeonju Crafts Exhibition Hall, where you can admire and purchase exquisite handmade crafts created by local artisans. With its proximity to these remarkable landmarks and attractions, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum offers guests an unforgettable cultural experience in Jeonju-si. Immerse yourself in the rich history, vibrant art scene, and traditional Korean heritage that surrounds this exceptional hotel. A Culinary Haven: Surrounding Restaurants at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum When it comes to dining options, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is surrounded by a plethora of fantastic restaurants. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find Veteran, a cozy cafe and guesthouse that serves up delicious coffee and homemade pastries. For a taste of authentic Jeonju cuisine, head to Jeonju Waengi Kongnamul-gukbap, where you can savor the flavors of their famous soybean sprout soup. If you're in the mood for some mouthwatering Korean BBQ, Hangugjib is the place to be. Indulge in their juicy and tender grilled meats that will leave you craving for more. Another must-visit is the 45-year-old traditional bibimbap Jongno Hall, where you can enjoy the iconic Jeonju dish in all its glory. For a unique dining experience, try Gyodong Tteokgalbi, a restaurant known for its signature dish of grilled beef patties wrapped in rice cakes. If you're looking for a casual spot to grab a quick bite, Gilgeoriya offers a variety of street food options that will satisfy your cravings. Giwa is another great choice, serving up delectable Korean fusion dishes with a modern twist. For those with a sweet tooth, Rottifarm is a dessert lover's paradise, offering a wide range of delightful treats. Last but not least, don't miss out on Nadle Bang, a charming cafe where you can unwind with a cup of coffee and enjoy the cozy atmosphere. With such an array of dining options right at your doorstep, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is truly a culinary haven. Shopaholics' Paradise: Explore the Surrounding Shopping Landmarks Located in the heart of Jeonju-si, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum offers easy access to a plethora of shopping landmarks. Just a short stroll away, you'll find the Jeonju Traditional Hanji Center, where you can immerse yourself in the world of traditional Korean paper craft. Discover a wide range of beautifully handcrafted items, from notebooks and stationery to intricate art pieces. If you're a fashion enthusiast, Sol Hwarang is a must-visit. This trendy boutique offers a curated collection of stylish clothing and accessories, perfect for those looking to update their wardrobe. And for those interested in traditional Korean crafts, Jeonju Gongyepum Jeonsigwan is the place to be. Here, you can browse through a wide selection of unique handicrafts, pottery, and traditional Korean clothing. With these shopping landmarks just a stone's throw away from the hotel, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is truly a paradise for shopaholics. Affordable Luxury at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum Experience the charm of Jeonju without breaking the bank at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum . With an average room price of just $53, this traditional Korean guesthouse offers exceptional value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Jeonju-si, which stands at $79, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum provides an affordable option for travelers seeking comfort and authenticity. At Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , you'll find beautifully designed rooms that blend traditional Korean architecture with modern amenities. Each room is meticulously decorated with elegant furnishings and features comfortable bedding for a restful night's sleep. The friendly and attentive staff ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well taken care of. In addition to its competitive pricing, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum offers a range of facilities and services that enhance your stay. Start your day with a delicious complimentary breakfast, featuring a variety of local delicacies. Explore the surrounding area with ease, as the guesthouse is conveniently located near popular attractions and public transportation options. With its combination of affordability, comfort, and convenient location, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is the perfect choice for budget-conscious travelers looking to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Jeonju-si. Unforgettable Stay at Jeonju Hanok Mippeum Welcome to Jeonju Hanok Mippeum , where exceptional customer ratings paint a picture of an unforgettable stay. With an outstanding overall rating of 9.6, this hotel exceeds expectations in every aspect. From the moment you step foot in this charming hanok-style accommodation, you'll be greeted with warmth and hospitality that is second to none. One of the standout features of Jeonju Hanok Mippeum is its exceptional value for money, with a remarkable rating of 9.7. Guests consistently praise the hotel for its affordable rates without compromising on quality. Whether you're traveling on a budget or simply looking for great value, this hotel offers an incredible experience that won't break the bank. When it comes to facilities, Jeonju Hanok Mippeum shines with a rating of 9.4. The hotel boasts a range of amenities that cater to the needs of every guest. From comfortable and well-appointed rooms to modern conveniences, every detail has been thoughtfully considered to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay.
Gangneung Cardier Pension
Relax and Unwind at Gangneung Cardier Pension 's Spa Indulge in a world of relaxation and rejuvenation at Gangneung Cardier Pension 's luxurious spa. Nestled amidst the serene surroundings of Gangneung-si, South Korea, this hotel offers a range of entertainment facilities that are sure to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Step into the spa and let your worries melt away as you immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance. The spa features a variety of treatments, including massages, facials, and body wraps, all designed to pamper your senses and promote a sense of well-being. Whether you're seeking a deep tissue massage to relieve muscle tension or a hydrating facial to rejuvenate your skin, the skilled therapists at Gangneung Cardier Pension will ensure you leave feeling completely blissful. After your spa treatment, take a dip in the sparkling indoor pool or unwind in the bubbling hot tub. The pool area offers a tranquil oasis where you can swim a few laps or simply float leisurely in the crystal-clear waters. For those seeking a more active form of relaxation, the hotel also boasts a well-equipped fitness center where you can work up a sweat and stay in shape. Indulge in a truly unforgettable stay at Gangneung Cardier Pension , where the entertainment facilities, including the spa, indoor pool, and fitness center, promise to provide you with the ultimate relaxation experience. Whether you're visiting for a romantic getaway or a family vacation, this hotel is the perfect destination to unwind, recharge, and create lasting memories. Stay Active and Have Fun at Gangneung Cardier Pension 's Sports Facilities Gangneung Cardier Pension , nestled along the stunning beach of Gangneung-si, South Korea, offers a wide range of sports facilities that will keep you active and entertained throughout your stay. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or simply looking to have some fun, this hotel has everything you need to make the most of your beachside getaway. Get your heart pumping with a game of beach volleyball on the pristine sandy shores just steps away from the hotel. Gather your friends or join a team and experience the thrill of diving, spiking, and serving under the warm sun. If you prefer a more relaxed activity, grab a frisbee and have a friendly game of catch on the beach, feeling the sand between your toes as you enjoy the cool ocean breeze. For those who love water sports, Gangneung Cardier Pension has you covered. Take advantage of their kayaking facilities and explore the crystal-clear waters of the nearby sea. Glide through the waves, admiring the picturesque coastal scenery as you paddle along. If you're feeling adventurous, try your hand at stand-up paddleboarding and test your balance while enjoying the panoramic views of the surrounding beach. After an exciting day of beach activities, unwind and recharge at the hotel's outdoor swimming pool. Take a refreshing dip in the sparkling waters or simply lounge by the poolside, soaking up the sun's rays. The pool area also features comfortable seating and umbrellas, providing the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a cool drink while admiring the beautiful surroundings. At Gangneung Cardier Pension , you'll never run out of things to do. With its fantastic sports facilities, you can stay active, have fun, and create unforgettable memories by the beach. So pack your swimsuit, grab your sports gear, and get ready for an incredible vacation filled with excitement and relaxation. Convenience at its Finest: Gangneung Cardier Pension 's Modern Amenities Gangneung Cardier Pension is committed to providing a seamless and convenient stay for its guests. With a range of modern amenities, this charming pension ensures that every guest's needs are met. One standout feature is the provision of free Wi-Fi in all rooms, allowing guests to stay connected with their loved ones or catch up on work effortlessly. Whether you are a business traveler or a leisure guest, you can enjoy uninterrupted internet access throughout your stay, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Convenient Car Park at Gangneung Cardier Pension At Gangneung Cardier Pension , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer a convenient car park for our guests. Whether you are driving your own vehicle or renting one, our spacious and secure car park provides a safe place to park your car throughout your stay. With easy access to major roads and highways, you can explore the beautiful city of Gangneung-si and its surrounding areas at your own pace. Our dedicated parking area ensures that you can conveniently come and go as you please, without having to worry about finding a parking spot or paying expensive parking fees. Relax and Unwind in Spacious Rooms at Gangneung Cardier Pension Discover a tranquil retreat at Gangneung Cardier Pension , where you can indulge in spacious and comfortable accommodations. Choose from a variety of room types, including the A203(SPA), A301(SPA), A303(SPA), and A402(SPA). Each room offers ample space, ranging from 40 to 43 square meters, ensuring that you have plenty of room to relax and unwind after a day of exploring Gangneung-si. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with family and friends, there's a room that will suit your needs at Gangneung Cardier Pension . Booking your stay at Gangneung Cardier Pension through Agoda offers you numerous benefits. Not only will you have access to the best prices available, but you'll also enjoy a hassle-free booking experience. With Agoda's user-friendly platform, you can easily search for available rooms, compare prices, and make your reservation in just a few clicks. Take advantage of Agoda's seamless booking process and secure your dream getaway at Gangneung Cardier Pension today. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Donghae East Side Sea Nestled in the charming coastal city of Gangneung-si, South Korea, lies the breathtaking Donghae East Side Sea. This stunning natural wonder is a paradise for nature lovers and those seeking a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its crystal-clear waters, golden sandy beaches, and picturesque cliffs, Donghae East Side Sea offers a tranquil retreat like no other. As you explore the area, you'll be captivated by the mesmerizing views of the sea stretching as far as the eye can see. The calm and peaceful atmosphere is perfect for leisurely strolls along the shore, where you can feel the gentle sea breeze and listen to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. Whether you're a sunseeker looking to relax on the beach or an adventurous soul eager to try water sports like surfing or kayaking, Donghae East Side Sea has something for everyone. In addition to its natural beauty, Donghae East Side Sea is also home to a variety of charming cafes, seafood restaurants, and local shops. Indulge in the freshest seafood dishes, savor a cup of aromatic coffee while enjoying the breathtaking view, or browse through the unique souvenirs and handicrafts made by local artisans. Whether you're a foodie, a culture enthusiast, or simply looking to immerse yourself in the local lifestyle, Donghae East Side Sea offers an unforgettable experience that will leave you with cherished memories for years to come. Convenient Transportation from Nearby Airports to Gangneung Cardier Pension Gangneung Cardier Pension , nestled in the picturesque Donghae East Side Sea in Gangneung-si, South Korea, offers a tranquil and idyllic retreat for travelers seeking a peaceful getaway. Getting to this charming pension from the nearest airports is a breeze, ensuring a hassle-free start to your vacation. If you are arriving at Incheon International Airport, the most convenient way to reach Gangneung Cardier Pension is by taking a direct bus. Head to the airport's transportation center and look for the bus terminal. From there, you can catch a comfortable and air-conditioned bus that will take you directly to Gangneung Bus Terminal. The journey typically takes around 3 hours, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views along the way. Once you reach Gangneung Bus Terminal, it's just a short taxi ride to Gangneung Cardier Pension , where you can unwind and immerse yourself in the peaceful surroundings. If you prefer a faster option, you can also consider flying into Yangyang International Airport. From the airport, you can easily find a taxi or a private car service to take you directly to Gangneung Cardier Pension . The journey typically takes around 1 hour, allowing you to arrive at your destination quickly and comfortably. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to Gangneung Cardier Pension promises to be a seamless and enjoyable experience, setting the stage for a memorable stay in this charming coastal town. Discover the Rich Cultural Heritage and Natural Beauty Surrounding Gangneung Cardier Pension Nestled in the picturesque city of Gangneung-si, South Korea, Gangneung Cardier Pension offers a prime location surrounded by a plethora of landmarks and attractions. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find the iconic Gyeongpodae Pavilion, a historic site that offers breathtaking views of the East Sea. Immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere as you stroll along Gyeongpo Beach, a pristine stretch of coastline known for its soft sand and crystal-clear waters. For those seeking a touch of nostalgia, a visit to the Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum is a must. Step back in time and explore the fascinating world of vintage gramophones and Edison's inventions. History enthusiasts will also appreciate the nearby Jumunjin Port, a bustling harbor that has played a significant role in the region's maritime trade. Nature lovers will be delighted by the proximity of Tongil Park (Unification Park), a peaceful oasis where you can unwind amidst lush greenery and beautiful sculptures. Jumunjin Beach offers another opportunity to soak up the sun and enjoy a leisurely swim, while the Haslla Art World showcases contemporary art installations against the backdrop of the stunning East Sea. For a glimpse into the past, head to the Jeongdongjin Time Museum, where you can learn about the fascinating history of timekeeping. Lastly, pay your respects at the Heogyun And Heonanseolheon Memorial Hall, a memorial dedicated to the renowned Korean poet Heo Gyun. With such a diverse range of landmarks and attractions in the vicinity, Gangneung Cardier Pension is the perfect base for exploring the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Gangneung-si. Convenient Public Transport Stations near Gangneung Cardier Pension Gangneung Cardier Pension is conveniently located near several public transport stations, making it easy for guests to explore the charming city of Gangneung-si, South Korea. The closest station to the hotel is Jeongdongjin Station, which is just a short walk away. Jeongdongjin Station is a major transportation hub, offering easy access to various parts of the city and beyond. From here, guests can hop on a train and explore nearby attractions such as Jeongdongjin Beach or take a scenic ride along the East Sea. Another nearby public transport station is Anin Station, located just a few minutes' drive from Gangneung Cardier Pension . Anin Station is well-connected to the city's extensive bus network, allowing guests to easily reach popular destinations like Gangneung Olympic Park or Ojukheon House. Additionally, Anin Station is a convenient starting point for those looking to explore the picturesque countryside and mountains surrounding Gangneung-si. With these convenient public transport options, guests at Gangneung Cardier Pension can easily navigate the city and discover all that Gangneung-si has to offer. A Culinary Adventure Awaits When it comes to dining options near Gangneung Cardier Pension , guests are spoilt for choice. Just a short distance away, you'll find Monkey's Uncle Tavern, a lively beachside pub offering a wide selection of craft beers and delicious pub fare. If you're craving fresh seafood, make sure to visit Jumunjin Fishermen Fish Market, where you can choose from an array of freshly caught fish and have it prepared to your liking. For a unique dessert experience, head to Sundubu Gelato, where you can indulge in creamy gelato flavors infused with traditional Korean flavors. Coffee lovers will appreciate Cafe Paul & Mary, a cozy cafe known for its aromatic brews and delectable pastries. For a taste of authentic Korean cuisine, Daedong Myeonok is a must-visit, serving up hearty bowls of traditional noodles and other local favorites. If you're in the mood for something sweet, don't miss out on the famous Long Bread, a local bakery known for its fluffy and flavorful breads. Meat lovers will rejoice at Meat Culture, a barbecue restaurant offering mouthwatering cuts of beef and Jeju pork. And for sushi enthusiasts, Jumunjin haeohreum sushi restaurant is the place to be, with its fresh and expertly crafted sushi rolls. With such a diverse range of dining options nearby, your taste buds are in for a treat at Gangneung Cardier Pension . Shop 'til you drop at Gangneung Cardier Pension 's surrounding shopping landmarks Located in the vibrant city of Gangneung-si, Gangneung Cardier Pension offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks. Just a short distance away, you'll find the Jumunjin Fish Market, where you can immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere and browse through a wide selection of fresh seafood. This is the perfect place to stock up on local specialties and indulge in some delicious seafood dishes. Another must-visit shopping landmark nearby is Wangsan Johyung Yonguso, a traditional Korean market that offers a unique shopping experience. Here, you can find a range of traditional crafts, clothing, and local produce, making it a great spot to pick up souvenirs or immerse yourself in the local culture. Whether you're a foodie looking for fresh seafood or a culture enthusiast seeking traditional treasures, Gangneung Cardier Pension 's surrounding shopping landmarks have something for everyone. Affordable Luxury at Gangneung Cardier Pension Experience the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and affordability at Gangneung Cardier Pension . With an average room price of just $97, this charming retreat offers exceptional value for money compared to the average price of a hotel room in Gangneung-si, which is $122. At Gangneung Cardier Pension , you'll find a range of well-appointed rooms that cater to different budgets and preferences. From cozy single rooms to spacious family suites, each accommodation is tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with your loved ones, there's a room to suit your needs. Not only does Gangneung Cardier Pension offer great value, but it also boasts a prime location in Gangneung-si. Situated in the heart of the city, you'll have easy access to popular attractions, vibrant markets, and delicious local eateries. So why settle for an average hotel room when you can enjoy affordable luxury at Gangneung Cardier Pension ? Book your stay now and experience the best that Gangneung-si has to offer. Clean rooms and convenient location near the beach Guests rave about the impeccable cleanliness of the rooms at Gangneung Cardier Pension . They are impressed with the attention to detail and the high standards of cleanliness maintained throughout their stay. The location of the hotel is also a highlight, with guests mentioning its privacy and close proximity to the beach. Being just a short walk away from the sandy shores, guests can easily enjoy a leisurely stroll or a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters. With its combination of spotless rooms and a convenient beachside location, Gangneung Cardier Pension offers incredible value for money and leaves guests eager to return. Exceptional Customer Ratings for Gangneung Cardier Pension Gangneung Cardier Pension has received exceptional customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers visiting Gangneung-si, South Korea. With an impressive overall rating of 8.6, this charming pension has left a lasting impression on its guests. One of the standout features of Gangneung Cardier Pension is its excellent value for money, scoring an impressive 8.7 in this category. Guests have praised the reasonable rates and the exceptional quality of service provided by the staff. Whether you're traveling on a budget or looking for a luxurious getaway, this pension offers great value without compromising on comfort and amenities. Another aspect that sets Gangneung Cardier Pension apart is its impeccable cleanliness, earning a remarkable rating of 9.0. Guests have consistently praised the spotless rooms and well-maintained facilities, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic stay. The attention to detail in maintaining cleanliness is a testament to the dedication and professionalism of the staff. Furthermore, the staff performance at Gangneung Cardier Pension has received glowing reviews, with a remarkable rating of 9.2. Guests have commended the friendly and attentive service provided by the staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay for every guest. From check-in to check-out, the staff's professionalism and willingness to assist have left a lasting impression on visitors. Overall, the exceptional customer ratings for Gangneung Cardier Pension highlight its outstanding value for money, impeccable cleanliness, and exceptional staff performance. Whether you're seeking a budget-friendly stay or a comfortable retreat, this pension is sure to exceed your expectations.
Deagu Mountain View House #Apsan Observatory
🏡This is an inn with the three elements of ‘cleanliness, safety and relaxation’. 🏡There are many great cafes within a 5-minute walk, 🏡This is a good (URL HIDDEN) for vacation. 1️⃣ Things to do: Nintendo mini game console, IPTV, air conditioner, waffle maker, microwave, gas stove, toaster, free WIFI 2️⃣ Things to enjoy: Apsan Observatory, Apsan Cafe Street, Anjirang Gopchang Alley, E-Land, Seomun Market 3️⃣Safety: Exclusive use of the entire 2nd floor (not available on the 1st floor) ⭐️10 minutes from subway station: Anjirang Station, Line 1, Exit 2, Hyeonchungro Station, Line 1, Exit 2 ⭐️ Parking available in front of the property ❌Cannot be used for filming purposes❌ * If caught, you will be asked to leave. ★ Shampoo, soap, towels, and hair dryer provided (please bring personal toiletries if possible due to Corona) ★ Pots, rice cookers, frying pans, bowls, cups, and cutlery provided 🚐[Parking Guide]🚐 : Parking is available right in front of the hotel. You can see the vehicle from the property and manage it safely.
The House of gallery 501호 (옥상바베큐비용5만원별도)
The house is located really close to Youngnam university hospital subway station, easy going to downtown , General market , attractive places. all renovated. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms ,fully fitted kitchen with a microwave and a toaster. A huge size of flat-screen TV, offers a barbecue equipment. We offer free WiFi and air conditioning. 2.4 km from Kim Gwang Seok Memorial Street. Seomun Market and downtown is 2.0 km. we offer Korean noodle, eggs for breakfast 2 분거리에 구공탄 막창 3 minutes from youngnam university hospital station , renovated apartment. Large space , more than 15 people can stay , and cook, barbecue is possible on rooftop. Offer noddle and eggs for breakfast. Rooftop Barbecues 바베큐셋팅 비용 5만원 추가시 , 고급 참숯,집게,가스토치,그릴,불판,의자,테이블셋팅 Respect your privacy , when you need my help , I will do my best Pick up service and city tour available! Close to college , restaurants, cafes,convenient stores . Find everything you need. I have a camping Van , Airport , Station pick up , and city tour service possible
Hi There guesthouse Hongdae Double room 104
Thank you so much for visiting our “Hi There Guesthouse” reservation ;) Our guesthouse is conveniently located just 5 minutes of walking distance from Hongdae Station. Both the interior and the exterior of the building has been completely renovated recently (May 2022) and each of our 12 rooms is equipped with its own private bathroom for your convenience and privacy. Enjoy the energetic, fun, and passionate Hongdae area. 'Hi there' will help you recharge your energy at the end of your day. 1.A queen-sized bed with a brand new 7- zone latex memory foam mattress in each room perfect for single travelers, friends or couples 2. Individually controlled air conditioners and heated floors in each room 3. Hot water available 24/7 4. Basic amenities (shampoo, conditioner, body wash) are available in each private bath room 5. Towels and hair dryers also equipped in each room 6. A common kitchen with an induction stove and a microwave for making snacks or simple meals 1. Check- in: from 3pm / check- out: until 11am. 2. Our boutique design guesthouse was fully renovated in May of 2022. 3. Wi-Fi available throughout the guesthouse free of charge for guests. 4. A 40” smart TV available in each room for watching Netflix or Youtube, etc.(a personal account required) 5. A common kitchen is available for use until 10pm. Please refrain from cooking food with strong pungent smells consideration of other guests. 6. A self-serve continental breakfast service.(including toasts, butter) 7. The terrace on the 1st floor and the rooftop are for exclusive use of the guests until to 10pm. 8. Washing machines and dryers are available at the rate of KRW8,000. An iron available upon request. 9. Incheon Airport drop-off service for a rate of KRW100,000. (an Audi SUV, for a maximum of 4 passengers) 10. Our event room is equipped with a 4K 120” wide screen and is available for rental for small private events or functions. (Please inquire us about the rates) 11. This is a space where you can mingle and connect with other guests from all around the world. 12. Our aim is to do our very best to ensure that your stay is as comfortable possible. SNS ID : hithereseoul Located on Hongdae Guesthouse Street, easy access to hot places. Our guesthouse is 5-minute walk from Exit 8 of Hongdae Station on Line 2 and Exit 7 of Hongdae Station on the Airport line. 1. Quite hours are from 10pm. Please makerefrain from making excessive noise after 10pm. 2. Our in-person check- in hours are from 3pm to 8pm. If you are expecting to arrive after 8pm, please let us know in advance, so that we can provide you with the password to get into the building with a text message. 3. Inside the building smoking is strictly prohibited. Smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor area. If caught smoking, a total of KRW200,000 will be charged for professional cleaning and disinfecting services incurred. If you do smoke in the designated area, please dispose of the cigarette-butts in the trash bin after wards in consideration of other guests. 4. All of our facilities and equipments are free of use for all the guests. We just ask that you use them with love and care as if it were your home :) 5. Please understand that for the safety of all our guests, there is a security video being recorded 24/7 in all common areas of our facility.
Korean Traditional House3 in Jeju Island
***If Korean Tradiitional House3 was booked already, Find the Korean TradiitionalHouse1, House1-1, House2 *House3 is in the famous Seong-eup folk village. *The most famous places are very close from House3(Seongsan Ilchulbong, Udo, Seopjikoji, Sangumburi, ect) It takes about 5~20minutes *can sleep maximum 5 person in a room, can stay only your team. *bathroom and kitchen are in the room) *Because of Korean Traditional House, We serve traditional matress and blanket. (There is no bed, because It is Korean Traditional House. *bus stop is in front of house3
Gangneung Steyrs
Experience Luxury and Comfort at Gangneung Steyrs Welcome to Gangneung Steyrs , a 4.5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Gangneung-si, South Korea. With its prime location and luxurious amenities, this hotel offers a truly unforgettable experience for both business and leisure travelers. From the moment you step into the elegant lobby, you will be greeted by the warm and friendly staff, ready to cater to your every need. At Gangneung Steyrs , you can expect a seamless and hassle-free check-in process. Check-in time starts from 03:00 PM, allowing you plenty of time to settle in and make yourself at home. Whether you're arriving early or late, the attentive staff will ensure a smooth and efficient check-in experience. And when it's time to bid farewell, check-out time is until 11:00 AM, giving you ample time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast or pack your belongings at your own pace. Unleash Your Inner Athlete at Gangneung Steyrs 's Impressive Sports Facilities At Gangneung Steyrs , sports enthusiasts will find a haven for their active lifestyle. This beachfront hotel boasts a range of top-notch sports facilities that will leave guests spoilt for choice. Whether you're a fitness fanatic or simply looking to have some fun in the sun, Gangneung Steyrs has got you covered. For those who love water sports, the hotel offers a variety of thrilling options. Dive into the sparkling waters of the sea and try your hand at surfing or paddleboarding. The hotel provides rental equipment and even offers lessons for beginners, ensuring everyone can enjoy these exhilarating activities. If you prefer a more leisurely water experience, take a dip in the hotel's refreshing swimming pool, perfect for a few laps or a relaxing soak. If you're more of a land lover, fear not, as Gangneung Steyrs has plenty to offer. Lace up your sneakers and head to the hotel's tennis courts for a friendly match with friends or family. The well-maintained courts provide a great opportunity to showcase your skills or simply enjoy a casual game. Additionally, the hotel features a fully equipped fitness center, complete with state-of-the-art equipment, allowing guests to maintain their workout routine even while on vacation. No matter your preferred sports activity, Gangneung Steyrs has something for everyone. Its impressive array of sports facilities ensures that guests can stay active and have a memorable stay at this beachfront paradise. Convenience Facilities at Gangneung Steyrs At Gangneung Steyrs , convenience is a top priority. With free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, guests can stay connected and easily access the internet for work or leisure purposes. Whether you need to catch up on emails, stream your favorite shows, or simply browse the web, the hotel ensures a seamless online experience for all guests. Additionally, Gangneung Steyrs offers a range of other convenience facilities to enhance your stay. The hotel features a 24-hour front desk, ensuring that assistance is always available whenever you need it. Whether you have a late check-in or require any information or assistance during your stay, the friendly and professional staff are ready to assist you at any time. Furthermore, the hotel provides free parking for guests, making it convenient for those traveling with their own vehicle. You can rest assured knowing that your car is safely parked while you explore the beautiful city of Gangneung-si. With these convenience facilities at Gangneung Steyrs , your stay is sure to be comfortable and hassle-free. Convenient Transport Facilities at Gangneung Steyrs At Gangneung Steyrs , we understand the importance of convenient transport facilities for our guests. To ensure a hassle-free stay, we provide a spacious and secure car park for those traveling by car. Our car park offers ample space for guests to park their vehicles comfortably. Whether you are traveling with your own car or renting one during your stay, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be safe and easily accessible throughout your time with us. With our car park, you can explore the beautiful city of Gangneung and its surrounding areas with ease, knowing that parking is never a concern. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Donghae East Side Sea Nestled in the picturesque city of Gangneung-si, South Korea, Donghae East Side Sea offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Situated on the eastern coast of the country, this enchanting destination is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere. As you step foot onto the sandy shores of Donghae East Side Sea, you will be mesmerized by the crystal-clear waters that stretch as far as the eye can see. The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore creates a soothing melody, inviting you to relax and unwind. The beach is perfect for leisurely strolls, sunbathing, or simply enjoying the stunning views of the horizon. Beyond the beach, Donghae East Side Sea offers a myriad of outdoor activities for nature enthusiasts. Explore the nearby hiking trails that wind through lush forests and lead to breathtaking viewpoints. Admire the vibrant flora and fauna that thrive in this coastal paradise, and keep an eye out for rare bird species that call this area home. Whether you choose to go fishing, kayaking, or simply enjoy a picnic amidst nature, there is something for everyone to enjoy at Donghae East Side Sea. Getting to Gangneung Steyrs from the Nearest Airports Gangneung Steyrs , located in Donghae East Side Sea, Gangneung-si, South Korea, offers a tranquil and picturesque retreat for travelers. To reach this charming destination, there are several airports nearby that provide convenient access. For international travelers, the closest airport is Incheon International Airport, located in Seoul. From here, you have a few options to reach Gangneung Steyrs . The most convenient and fastest way is to take a domestic flight from Incheon to Yangyang International Airport, which is approximately a 2-hour drive from Gangneung Steyrs . From Yangyang, you can easily hire a taxi or take a bus to your destination. Alternatively, if you prefer a scenic journey, you can take a direct train from Incheon International Airport to Gangneung Station. The journey takes around 4 hours, but you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the Korean countryside along the way. From Gangneung Station, you can take a taxi or a local bus to reach Gangneung Steyrs , which is just a short distance away. If you're arriving from within South Korea, you can also consider flying into Yangyang International Airport directly. From there, you can follow the same transportation options as mentioned earlier to reach Gangneung Steyrs . Whether you choose to fly or take a train, the journey to Gangneung Steyrs promises to be a memorable one, surrounded by natural beauty and tranquility. Explore the Vibrant Surroundings of Gangneung Steyrs Nestled in the heart of Gangneung-si, South Korea, Gangneung Steyrs offers a prime location surrounded by an array of captivating landmarks and attractions. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find the iconic Gyeongpodae Pavilion, a historic site that offers breathtaking views of the city and the tranquil waters of Gyeongpo Lake. Take a leisurely stroll along Gyeongpo Beach, a pristine stretch of golden sand that is perfect for sunbathing, picnicking, or simply enjoying a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters of the East Sea. For those seeking cultural enrichment, the Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum is a must-visit. This unique museum showcases an impressive collection of antique gramophones and Edison phonographs, offering a fascinating glimpse into the history of sound reproduction. If you're interested in maritime heritage, Jumunjin Port is a bustling fishing port where you can observe local fishermen at work and sample freshly caught seafood. Nature lovers will be delighted by the picturesque Tongil Park (Unification Park), a peaceful oasis that features beautifully landscaped gardens, serene walking paths, and a tranquil pond. Jumunjin Beach, with its soft sands and gentle waves, is another idyllic spot to unwind and soak up the sun. Art enthusiasts should not miss a visit to Haslla Art World, a renowned contemporary art museum that showcases a diverse collection of artworks from both local and international artists. For a journey through time, head to Jeongdongjin Time Museum, where you can explore the fascinating history of timekeeping and marvel at an array of antique clocks and timepieces. Lastly, pay a visit to the Heogyun And Heonanseolheon Memorial Hall, a historical site that commemorates the life and achievements of the esteemed poet Yun Dong-ju. With such a wealth of attractions right at your doorstep, Gangneung Steyrs promises an unforgettable stay filled with exploration and discovery. Convenient Public Transport Stations Near Gangneung Steyrs Gangneung Steyrs , located in the vibrant city of Gangneung-si, South Korea, offers easy access to several public transport stations, making it an ideal choice for travelers looking for convenience. Just a short distance away, you'll find the Jeongdongjin Station, which is a major transportation hub in the area. From here, you can easily catch a train to explore other parts of the city or even venture further afield to nearby attractions. Whether you're planning to visit the famous Jeongdongjin Beach or the picturesque Jeongdongjin Sunrise Park, the Jeongdongjin Station will be your gateway to these stunning destinations. Another nearby public transport station that you can rely on is the Anin Station. Situated within walking distance from Gangneung Steyrs , this station offers excellent connectivity to various parts of the city. From Anin Station, you can hop on a bus or a taxi to explore the local attractions, such as the Gangneung Olympic Park, which hosted the 2018 Winter Olympics. Additionally, Anin Station provides easy access to the city center, where you can indulge in shopping, dining, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Gangneung-si. With the Jeongdongjin Station and Anin Station conveniently located near Gangneung Steyrs , getting around the city and exploring its many wonders couldn't be easier. Whether you're a leisure traveler or a business guest, you'll appreciate the convenience and accessibility that these public transport stations offer, allowing you to make the most of your stay in Gangneung-si, South Korea. A Gastronomic Haven Gangneung Steyrs is nestled amidst a vibrant culinary scene, offering a plethora of dining options just steps away from the hotel. Indulge in fresh seafood at Jumunjin Fishermen Fish Market or savor the delectable flavors of traditional Korean cuisine at Daedong Myeonok. For those craving international flavors, Cafe Paul & Mary serves up a delightful fusion of Western and Korean dishes, while Monkey's Uncle Tavern offers a taste of American classics. Meat lovers can feast on succulent BBQ beef and Jeju pork at Meat Culture, while sushi enthusiasts will be delighted by the exquisite creations at Jumunjin Haeohreum Sushi Restaurant. Don't forget to save room for dessert at Sundubu Gelato, where you can indulge in unique and refreshing gelato flavors. With Gangneung Coffee Street also nearby, guests can enjoy a leisurely stroll while sipping on a cup of aromatic coffee. Whether you're a foodie or simply looking to tantalize your taste buds, Gangneung Steyrs ' surrounding restaurants are sure to satisfy every craving. Shop Till You Drop in Gangneung Gangneung Steyrs is ideally located near some of the city's most popular shopping landmarks. Just a short distance away, you'll find the bustling Jumunjin Fish Market, where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and indulge in the freshest seafood catches of the day. From live octopus to succulent crabs, this market offers a wide variety of seafood delicacies that will satisfy any seafood lover's cravings. Additionally, Wangsan Johyung Yonguso is another must-visit shopping destination nearby. This traditional Korean market is famous for its wide selection of local produce, handmade crafts, and unique souvenirs. Whether you're looking for a taste of authentic Korean cuisine or searching for the perfect gift to bring back home, Wangsan Johyung Yonguso has it all. So, get ready to shop till you drop and experience the vibrant shopping scene that surrounds Gangneung Steyrs . Affordable Luxury at Gangneung Steyrs Experience the best of Gangneung-si without breaking the bank at Gangneung Steyrs . With an average room price of just $109, this exquisite hotel offers unbeatable value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Gangneung-si, which stands at $122, staying at Gangneung Steyrs allows you to enjoy all the luxuries and comforts you deserve at a more affordable rate. At Gangneung Steyrs , you can expect nothing less than exceptional service and top-notch amenities. Each room is meticulously designed with modern furnishings and stylish decor, creating a warm and inviting ambiance for guests. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, you'll find everything you need right at your fingertips. From spacious and comfortable beds to state-of-the-art facilities, Gangneung Steyrs ensures a memorable and pleasant stay for every guest. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience affordable luxury in Gangneung-si. Book your stay at Gangneung Steyrs today and discover the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and value for money. Clean and Quiet with Great Location Gangneung Steyrs is a clean and quiet hotel that offers a peaceful retreat for travelers. Guests have praised the hotel for its immaculate rooms and tranquil atmosphere, making it the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring the city. Situated in a convenient location, the hotel is surrounded by a variety of good restaurants and cafes, providing guests with plenty of dining options just steps away from their doorstep. With its excellent location and serene ambiance, Gangneung Steyrs is highly recommended by satisfied guests. Exceptional Customer Ratings at Gangneung Steyrs Gangneung Steyrs in Gangneung-si, South Korea, has garnered exceptional customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers seeking a memorable stay. With an impressive overall rating of 9.3, this hotel has consistently exceeded guests' expectations, leaving them thoroughly satisfied with their experience. One aspect that stands out in the customer reviews is the incredible value offered by Gangneung Steyrs . With a rating of 9.3 for value, guests appreciate the affordable prices combined with the high-quality services and amenities provided. Whether you're a budget-conscious traveler or simply looking for great value for your money, this hotel ensures that you get the most out of your stay without compromising on comfort or convenience. Another highlight mentioned by guests is the impeccable cleanliness of the hotel. With a rating of 9.5 for cleanliness, Gangneung Steyrs maintains a spotless environment that impresses visitors from the moment they step into the lobby. From the pristine rooms to the well-maintained common areas, guests can relax and unwind in a hygienic and inviting atmosphere. The attention to detail in maintaining cleanliness is a testament to the hotel's commitment to providing a pleasant and enjoyable stay for all guests. In addition to value and cleanliness, Gangneung Steyrs receives high praise for its exceptional staff performance. With a rating of 9.5 for staff performance, the hotel's team goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well taken care of. From the warm greetings at check-in to the attentive service throughout the stay, the staff's professionalism and friendliness leave a lasting impression on visitors. Whether you need assistance with recommendations for local attractions or have any special requests, the staff at Gangneung Steyrs is always ready to assist with a smile. Overall, Gangneung Steyrs has earned its outstanding reputation through its exceptional customer ratings. With its unbeatable value, impeccable cleanliness, and remarkable staff performance, this hotel promises a memorable and satisfying stay for all who choose to book their accommodation here.
Jamanjae★ 독채 ★딱 한팀만 모심/마당예쁜숙소/넓고 아늑한 ‘자만재’
1.셀프 체크 숙소/딱 한팀만 모심/프라이빗한 숙소 2. 가족. 친구모임으로 적합/집 한채를 통채로 쓰는 즐거움 3. 2인 기준 / 3인부터 1인당 15천원 추가요금 발생 /아고다에 게스트인원을 기재하면 자동 추가요금 적용됨) 4. 본채(누리방/6인실/스마트TV.냉난방기.책. 바둑판.간접조명등.책장.에어컨.나무쇼파.요와 이불) ( 나무방/3인실/퀸베드.책장.간접조명등.화장대.에어컨) 4. 독립된 주방/취사와 식사 가능/ 가스레인지.전자레인지.냉장고.전기포트.전기밥솥.식기류.오일.소금.후추.후라이팬.냄비류.4인용식탁.에어컨 5,넓게 독립된 화장실& 욕실/ 욕조.수건.드라이기.치약.수건.샴푸.린스.바디워시.컨디셔너.비누.실내화..라디에이터.화장지.온열기 6.누리방은 거실로 사용 가능한 큰 방입니다/흔들의자와 책장 7. 자만재는 어느 공간이든 넓습니다. 8. 자만재는 한옥마을 중심에 있어 어디든지 도보 여행이 가능합니다. 9.자만재는 수채화 도구가 준비되어 있습니다. 10. 자만재는 마당이 있는 쉼터입니다./야외 탁자/바베큐가능 11. " 아뜰리에 걷다가" 숙소 운영도 함께 합니다/ 집 전체 ㅡ 함께 사용 하실 경우 10% 할인 혜택이 있습니다^^한옥마을 가장 평온한 지역에 위치 12.향교. 오목대. 국립무형유산원. 교대 서학예술마을. 자만벽화마을 등 매우 가깝게 위치 13.대중교통을 이용할 경우 접근성이 좋음 14.반려견(묘)환영/ 한아이당 1박 2만원의 추가요금/ 계좌이체
Work Life Balance GUEST HOUSE WholeSpace 5-8guest
*the best private space for Group travelers! **日本人ゲストの皆さん、たくさん予約していただきありがとうございます。 ようこそ。 #(NOTE)if you make reservation more than 6 guests, rest of the persons will use the bunk bed, blanket SET in the living room. # 4 minutes from Busan Station Subway Exit # 1. # The latest interior. # Wide structure based on group travelers. #Very close to travel spots, shopping malls and markets #security camara is working for safty in living room and outside^^ *Introducing the Work Life Balance guest house. Start your trip to Busan with our guest house ... Unlike other unregistered accommodation with no photos and other small spaces and noisy and poorly equipped facilities, Work Life Balance Guest House is a quiet, spacious and cozy place to stay, based on groups and a relaxed hosting schedule. provide. ^^ With easy access to tourist attractions in Busan, Work Life Balance Guest House is aiming to maximize the accommodation convenience with safety devices, convenience facilities and quick feedback for travelers. For those who need sightseeing and various business car accommodations, we offer a cheaper and quieter space than anywhere else and minimize unnecessary parts for real! We will do our best to be a memorable Work Life Balance guest house for everyone visiting through the operation of the guest house. Thank you. ^^ #Here is close to Busan Station. #Transportation is good, so you can reach everywhere in Busan by public transportation ^ ^ #Chinatown is right in front of OUR GUEST HOUSE ~ #Busan Station is near. ^^ #Bupyeong-dong international market , 3 minutes by taxi. #Jagalchi Market , 4 minutes by subway
Korean Traditional House2 in Jeju Island
**If house2 was booked already, Please, find Korean Traditional House1, House1-1, House3. *House2 is in the famous Seong-eup folk village. *The most famous places are very close from House2(Seongsan Ilchulbong, Udo, Seopjikoji, Pyoseon beach ect. It takes about 5~20minutes. *It has a wide room and living room, bathroom, kitchen(unshared) *can sleep 6~8 peerson a room and living room. *common use restroom in garden *bus station is in front of house2