Lyxvillor Tokyo

Experience the vibrant fusion of tradition and modernity in Tokyo, Japan's dynamic capital. Marvel at the juxtaposition of ancient temples and cutting-edge skyscrapers, stroll through serene traditional gardens, and immerse yourself in the bustling energy of this cosmopolitan megacity. From the iconic Shibuya Crossing to the serene Meiji Shrine, Tokyo offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and innovation that will leave you in awe.
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Tokyo 4ppl Condo direct to Shinjuku Ueno-jinhe3999

Welcome to Japan and stay in our warm house! This is a minimalist themed home for 4 people. Chinese/English/Japanese (We have other listings here, so the date cannot be booked, or if you want to see other listings, please click on the landlord's avatar to view.) ★Great location★ - 11 minutes walk to Ikebukuro Station, convenient for travel. -The Yamanote Line goes directly to Tokyo resorts such as Shinjuku, Ueno, and Akihabara. Looking forward to your visit! ※PRIVATE APARTMENT This apartment is an "PRIVATE APARTMENT".  It isn't a shared house. Livingroom*1 Bedroom*1 Kitchen*1(fully equiped) Bathroom*1 Up to 4 guests [HOUSE EQUIPMENT] -Sofa Bed*1 -Futon*1 -Air conditioner(cool/heat) -Free Wi-Fi -Microwave -Fridge -Kettle -Frying pan, glasses and dishes -Washing machine -Hair dryer -Clean bath towels and face towels (for No. of guests) -Shampoo, Shower gel, Conditioner As the capital of Japan, Tokyo is the center of Japanese politics, culture and economy. If you want to experience the charm of Japan from various angles, sightseeing in Tokyo is the best choice. Tokyo not only has many places of interest representing Japanese history and culture, but also incorporates culture and fashion from all over the world. It is also a gourmet base that brings together cuisines from all over the world. In addition to enjoying the latest fashions, special cuisines from various countries, colorful theme parks and scenic spots full of Edo tradition, you can also fully experience Japan's unique otaku culture in Akihabara, the holy land of animation and games. There are many indoor attractions in Tokyo, so you can enjoy sightseeing regardless of the weather regardless of the time of your visit. ※Nearest station: Ikebukuro Station ※Surrounding information Convenience store: 7-Eleven - 3 minute walk Family Mart- 3 minutes walk ※Airport Transportation※ 1) From Tokyo International Airport (70 minutes required) Take the Keikyu Airport Line to Shinagawa Station, transfer to the Yamanote Line to Ikebukuro Station, and walk 11 minutes to the hotel. 2) From Narita International Airport (72 minutes required) Take the Sky Express to Nippori Station, transfer to the Yamanote Line to Ikebukuro Station, and walk 11 minutes to the hotel. ★NOTICE★ *I will send you the guidance of the way to the apartment with photos after I receive your reservation. *Check yourself in with the lockbox. *Check-in any time after 4pm and check-out any time up to 11am. *According to the accommodation law of Japan Tourism Agency, the guests need to provide personal information. After you confirm the reservation, we will send you a questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Rosenheim旅館 ツインルームB 東京都新宿区大久保駅徒歩3分無料WIFI

中心部に位置中心部に位置するこちらの宿泊先の近くには、家族で訪れたい場所JR大久保駅から徒歩3分、新大久保駅より徒歩7分! 人気のコリアンタウンも歩いてすぐの好立地♪ お部屋にはシステムキッチンや電子レンジ、冷蔵庫、食器類もあります! トイレとバスタブを完備◎ 大人2名定員の広々としたお部屋♪ カップルや出張などでの利用にもおすすめです! 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしています♡がすべてそろいます。中心部に位置する落ち着いた宿泊先に滞在して、旅をシンプルに楽しみましょう。 ■スーペリアツイン ■面積:20平米 ■セミダブルベッド(幅113cm)2台■個別空調■無料Wi-Fi■テレビ■電子ケトル■冷蔵庫■システムキッチン■電子レンジ■フライパン■まな板・ナイフ■平皿・グラス・マグカップ■箸・フォーク・スプーン■シャワー■スポンジ・食器用洗剤■ボディーソープ・シャンプー・リンス■ハンドソープ■ハミガキセット・ヘアブラシ・カミソリ■フェース・バスタオル■スリッパ■ヘアードライヤー■ハンガー■物干しラック■ゴミ箱 一室全体をご利用になれます。 トイレ、シャワールーム、テレビ、冷蔵庫、電気ケトルを各部屋に備えています。室内禁煙でございます。喫煙は、室外指定された喫煙所にてお願い致します。 ■JR大久保駅から徒歩3分 ■新大久保駅より徒歩7分 ■人気のコリアンタウンも歩いてすぐの好立地 ■電車 ■バス ■夜は静かにお過ごしください。 ■室内は禁煙になります。

Otsuka House【品川/大井町】一軒家貸切▼無料WIFI▼ファミリー歓迎▼長期割有 image 1
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Otsuka House【品川/大井町】一軒家貸切▼無料WIFI▼ファミリー歓迎▼長期割有

◆このリスティングは便利な品川エリアに位置するリノベーション済みの戸建て物件です、元々自己利用の為に改装した物件なので立地や暮らしやすさはおすすめポイントです。 ◆1階には清潔なフルキッチンと洋風ダイニングスペース、白い浴室に独立トイレがあり長期滞在にも便利な暮らしやすいレイアウト。 ◆2階には畳のお部屋が2間続き、使い方によって仕切る事もできるので暮らしに合わせてお使い下さい。 手前の客間にはテレビやレコードが置いてあるリビングスペース。奥の寝室には押し入れを改造したドラえもんベッドもあるのでお子様の居場所にはぴったり。 ※小学生未満のお子様は追加料金かからずにご予約可能でございます。 予約後にお子様の人数をお伝え下さい。 ◆近隣には桜で有名な目黒川や品川宿場町や品川神社などの観光名所も満載。 最寄りの大井町駅周辺は昔ながらの定食屋さんや行列のできるグルメスポットもたくさんあるので、食べ歩きも楽しめます。 徒歩5分程の新馬場駅を使えばJR品川駅まで2駅なので東京各所へのアクセスや新幹線、飛行機利用にも大変便利な場所です。 ◆2階建ての木造住宅をフルリノベーション。 ◆合わせて46平米の空間は1階に水回りとダイニングキッチン、2階に客間と寝室がレイアウト。メリハリがあって使いやすい空間です。 ◆1階のキッチンには調理器具を一式揃えておりますので長期滞在にも便利にお過ごしいただけます。コーヒーメーカーなども置いていますのでリモートワークの合間にもゆったりとしたお時間をどうぞ。 ◆2階の客間は畳の空間、昔集めたレコードも置いてますのでお楽しみ頂ければうれしいです。 ◆寝室は布団4組でいっぱいですが、押し入れを改造した子供ベッド(身長150cmくらいまで)が2段あるのでお子様お2人も合わせて6名まではお休み頂けます。 すべてのエリアをご自由にお使いいただけます。 1階には縁側があります、もちろんお使いいただけますが隣家が近いので音には気をつけていただけますようお願いしております。 チェックインの際にはご案内も可能です。 入居前の買物代行なども可能ですので、お気軽にご相談下さい。 滞在中もホストは近隣に住んでいますので、困ったことがあればご連絡下さい。 ◆リスティングは昔ながらの住宅街です。 ◆近所には24Hのスーパーやコンビニもあり日用品の買物も便利。 ◆児童館や公園も近くにあるので子供の遊び場に困ったら相談して下さい。 お買い物マップなどもご用意していますので、気になる方はご相談下さい。 JR大井町駅より    徒歩11分 京急 青物横丁駅より 徒歩9分 京急 新馬場駅より  徒歩6分 羽田、成田の両空港及び新幹線の利用にも大変便利な立地です。 バス利用で目黒や渋谷にもアクセス便利です。

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THE HOUSE Ikebukuro Sugamo

****This room has been thoroughly sanitized to keep room clean**** - High temperature drying of linen in the laundry for sterilization - High-performance air purifiers (e.g., Plasmacluster by Sharp) are installed. - Adequate ventilation and disinfection during each cleaning - Installation of hand sanitizer (can also be used to sanitize) ***************************************************************** ★This excellent house is newly built on 2017★ - Clean, beautiful and comfortable interiors. - The most up-to-date facilities! - 2 bedroom and 1 quite large living dining room, ideal for large group/families! - 8min walk to JR Yamanote-line Sugamo station, so you can easily go to every major sight-seeing spot! - 4min to JR Ikebukuro sta - 11min to JR Ueno sta - 19min to JR Shinjuku sta - Free WIFI - Amazon Prime Video/Youtube Large private house with 3 beds/3 sofa-beds/3 futons in a quiet and friendly residential area. Group of up to 12 people can sleep comfortably. It takes about 8 minutes on foot to the nearest JR/subway Sugamo station which connect to Shinjuku, Shibuya, Imperial Palace, Ginza, Akihabara, Ueno, etc by DIRECT train. Portable wifi is provided for free. ***THE APARTMENT*** + 2 bedrooms with 1 double-size bed, 2 single-sized bed, 1 double-sized sofa bed + Living & dining room with large 2 soda beds, TV, dining table and bar counter + Large kitchen with all the kitchenwares, auto washer (optional to use) + Large private bathroom with bathtub and shower ***AMENITIES*** + Portable WIFI Router (pocket wifi) to use outside + TV + Amazon fire TV (You can watch tons of movies for free! Also you can watch Youtube) + 1 double-sized beds, 2 single-sized beds + 3 comfortable sofas which can turn into beds (double, semi-double, single) + 3 futons (1 double, 2 single) + Air conditioner with both heating and cooling functions + Gas cooker, Fridge, Microwave oven, Hot water pot + Dishes, Bowls, Glasses, Chopsticks, Spoons, Forks, knifes + 2 Hairdryers, Body and face towels, Basic Toiletries (body soap, shampoo, hair conditioner) + Washing machine + Clothes dryer (Bathroom has dryer function) + Vacuum cleaner

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Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI

Experience Luxury and Convenience at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Welcome to Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , a luxurious 5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. With its impeccable service, modern amenities, and prime location, this hotel offers an unforgettable experience for both business and leisure travelers. At Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , guests can expect a seamless check-in process starting from 3PM. The hotel's attentive staff will warmly welcome you and ensure that your stay begins on a positive note. When it's time to bid farewell, check-out is until 10AM, giving you ample time to pack up and prepare for your onward journey. Please note that while this hotel provides a serene and comfortable environment for all guests, it does not allow children to stay free of charge. However, extra charges may apply for children, making it a suitable option for families seeking a luxurious stay in Tokyo. The hotel's child policy ensures that all guests can enjoy a peaceful and undisturbed atmosphere during their stay. Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI boasts one beautifully appointed room, designed to provide the utmost comfort and relaxation. With its tasteful decor, plush furnishings, and modern amenities, this room offers a sanctuary for guests to unwind after a day of exploring the vibrant city. Whether you're traveling alone, with a partner, or a small group of friends, this spacious room can accommodate up to 7 people, ensuring a comfortable stay for all. Immerse yourself in the epitome of luxury and convenience at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI . From its prime location in Tokyo to its impeccable service and attention to detail, this 5-star hotel guarantees an unforgettable stay. Book your reservation now and indulge in a truly exceptional experience in the heart of Japan's bustling capital city. Unwind and Relax in Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI 's Hot Tub Indulge in ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI 's hot tub. After a long day of exploring the vibrant city of Tokyo, there's nothing better than soaking in the warm, bubbling waters of the hotel's luxurious hot tub. Located within the hotel's entertainment facilities, the hot tub offers a serene escape from the bustling city. Whether you're traveling solo, with a partner, or with a group of friends, the hot tub provides the perfect setting to unwind and let your worries melt away. Immerse yourself in the soothing jets and let the tension in your muscles melt away as you enjoy the tranquil ambiance. The hot tub at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is not only a place for relaxation, but also a social hub. Gather your friends or meet fellow travelers as you soak in the warm waters. Share stories, laughter, and create unforgettable memories while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of the hot tub. So, whether you're in need of some solo pampering or looking for a fun and social activity, the hot tub at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is the perfect addition to your stay in Tokyo. Unparalleled Convenience at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Experience unparalleled convenience at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , where guests can enjoy a host of modern amenities and facilities. With free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, staying connected has never been easier. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this hotel understands the importance of staying connected to the digital world, allowing you to effortlessly browse the internet, check emails, and stay in touch with loved ones back home. Discover the Vibrant Charm of Sugamo in Tokyo Nestled in the heart of Tokyo, Sugamo is a vibrant and charming neighborhood that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern Japanese culture. Known as the "Harajuku for seniors," Sugamo is famous for its bustling shopping street, Jizo-Dori, which is lined with quaint shops and stalls selling traditional snacks, clothing, and handicrafts. As you stroll along the street, you'll be captivated by the lively atmosphere and the friendly locals who are always ready to strike up a conversation. Sugamo is also home to the renowned Togenuki Jizo Temple, a popular pilgrimage site for those seeking health and good fortune. The temple is adorned with colorful flags and statues of Jizo, the Buddhist deity known for his healing powers. Visitors can participate in traditional rituals such as rubbing the stone statue of Jizo with a white cloth to alleviate ailments. The tranquil ambiance of the temple provides a peaceful respite from the bustling streets of Tokyo. In addition to its cultural attractions, Sugamo is also a food lover's paradise. The neighborhood is famous for its mouthwatering local delicacies, including the popular sweet potato snacks and the renowned ramen shops. Don't miss the chance to indulge in a bowl of steaming hot ramen topped with flavorful char siu and a perfectly soft-boiled egg. Whether you're looking for traditional Japanese cuisine or international flavors, Sugamo has a wide range of restaurants and cafes to satisfy every palate. With its vibrant charm, rich history, and delectable food scene, Sugamo is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Tokyo. Convenient Transportation from Tokyo Airports to Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Welcome to Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , a fantastic accommodation located in the vibrant Sugamo neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan. Getting to this cozy and modern apartment from the nearby airports is a breeze, thanks to the excellent transportation options available in Tokyo. If you are arriving at Narita International Airport, the most convenient way to reach Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is by taking the Narita Express (N'EX) train. This direct train service will whisk you away from the airport and bring you to Ikebukuro Station, which is just a short distance from the apartment. From there, you can easily take a taxi or enjoy a leisurely walk to reach your destination. For those arriving at Haneda Airport, you can choose between several transportation options. One of the most popular choices is taking the Tokyo Monorail to Hamamatsucho Station, and then transferring to the Yamanote Line to reach Ikebukuro Station. Alternatively, you can take a taxi directly from Haneda Airport to Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , which offers a more convenient and direct option. No matter which airport you arrive at, you can rest assured that reaching Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is a hassle-free experience. With Tokyo's efficient and reliable transportation system, you can quickly settle into your comfortable accommodation and start exploring all the amazing attractions and experiences that this vibrant city has to offer. Discover the Rich Cultural Heritage near Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Nestled in the vibrant city of Tokyo, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI offers a convenient location for travelers to explore the rich cultural heritage of the surrounding area. Just a short distance away, visitors will find several notable landmarks and attractions that are worth exploring during their stay. One of the nearby landmarks is Hommyo-ji Temple, a serene Buddhist temple known for its beautiful architecture and tranquil atmosphere. Step inside and immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance as you admire the intricate details of the temple's structures and explore the well-maintained gardens. Another must-visit attraction is the Seien Bunko Library, a treasure trove of Japanese literature and history. Book enthusiasts will be delighted to browse through the extensive collection of books and manuscripts, some of which date back centuries. Take a moment to soak in the serene surroundings and indulge in a quiet reading session. For those interested in Japanese art and history, the Asukayama Museum is a must-see. This museum showcases a diverse range of artwork and artifacts, providing visitors with insights into the country's rich cultural heritage. From traditional paintings to intricate ceramics, there is something to captivate every art lover. With its close proximity to these landmarks and attractions, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI offers an ideal base for travelers looking to immerse themselves in the cultural wonders of Tokyo. After a day of exploration, return to the comfort of the hotel and unwind in the modern and well-appointed rooms, equipped with all the necessary amenities for a relaxing stay. Convenient Access to Public Transport Stations near Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Located in Tokyo, Japan, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI offers guests easy access to several nearby public transport stations. Hon Komagome Subway Station, Sengoku Subway Station, Oku, Sugamo Subway Station, Takinogawa-itchome Station, Nishigahara Subway Station, Tabata Train Station, and Komagome Train Station are all conveniently located within a short distance from the hotel. Hon Komagome Subway Station is just a short walk away, providing guests with access to the Tokyo Metro Namboku Line. From here, travelers can easily explore popular attractions such as Tokyo Dome, Ueno Park, and Tokyo Skytree. Sengoku Subway Station is also within walking distance, offering access to the Toei Mita Line, which connects to major areas of the city. For those looking to explore the city further, Oku, Sugamo Subway Station is another nearby option. This station provides access to both the Toei Mita Line and the JR Yamanote Line, making it easy to reach popular destinations like Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Harajuku. Additionally, Takinogawa-itchome Station and Nishigahara Subway Station are also within reach, offering convenient connections to other parts of Tokyo. If you prefer to travel by train, Tabata Train Station and Komagome Train Station are both nearby. These stations provide access to various train lines, allowing guests to explore not only Tokyo but also other parts of Japan. With its close proximity to these public transport stations, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI offers guests the convenience and flexibility to explore Tokyo and beyond with ease. A Culinary Adventure at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI When it comes to dining options, guests at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI are in for a treat. The hotel is surrounded by a diverse range of restaurants that cater to all tastes and preferences. Ramen lovers will be delighted to find Ramen Imamura and Ramen Iikao just a short walk away, offering steaming bowls of delicious noodles in flavorful broths. For those craving grilled meats, Yakiniku Horumon Gyube is the place to go, serving up mouthwatering Japanese BBQ. Hanoi Pho is the go-to spot for authentic Vietnamese pho, while Rest Rest Rest offers a cozy atmosphere and a menu filled with international dishes. Sojibo Bunkyo Green Court is a must-visit for those seeking traditional Japanese cuisine, with their exquisite sushi and sashimi. Janomezushi is another fantastic option for sushi lovers, serving up fresh and expertly crafted rolls. Durga is a hidden gem for Indian cuisine enthusiasts, offering a wide selection of aromatic curries and tandoori dishes. Han provides a unique fusion of Korean and Japanese flavors, perfect for those looking to try something different. Lastly, FUL BARI is a popular choice for those craving Korean BBQ, with their high-quality cuts of meat and flavorful marinades. With such a wide variety of restaurants just steps away, guests at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI will have no shortage of culinary delights to explore during their stay. Shop 'til you drop in Ikebukuro Located in the bustling neighborhood of Ikebukuro, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is surrounded by a plethora of shopping landmarks. Just a short stroll away, you'll find KATANA GOLF, a haven for golf enthusiasts looking for top-quality equipment and accessories. For fashion-forward individuals, Sugamo is a must-visit destination with its trendy boutiques and unique stores like Maruji Red Pants Pavilion and Men's Shop マルキヤ. If you're in search of traditional Japanese toys, Masuya Toy store is the perfect place to indulge your inner child. For a more traditional shopping experience, head to Sugamo Jizodori Shopping Street and Koshinzuka Shopping Street, where you can explore a variety of local shops and vendors. After a long day of shopping, unwind at Salon de Bouquet, a charming café where you can enjoy a cup of coffee and delicious pastries. With such an array of shopping options right at your doorstep, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is the ideal base for avid shoppers visiting Tokyo. Unforgettable Stay at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI Discover a truly exceptional stay at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , where every aspect of your experience is met with outstanding customer reviews. With an impressive overall rating of 9.6, this hotel has left a lasting impression on its guests, consistently exceeding expectations and delivering unparalleled value. One of the standout features of this hotel is its exceptional value for money, earning a remarkable rating of 9.6. Guests have praised the affordable rates and the incredible range of amenities and facilities provided. From the moment you step into the hotel, you'll be greeted with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that every penny spent is worth it. The facilities at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI have also received high praise, with a remarkable rating of 9.8. Guests have been impressed by the well-maintained and modern facilities, which cater to all their needs. Whether you're looking to relax in the comfortable lounge area or take advantage of the fully-equipped kitchenette, this hotel has thought of everything to make your stay as convenient and enjoyable as possible. Cleanliness is of utmost importance at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI , and it shows in the exceptional rating of 9.8. Guests have consistently commented on the immaculate condition of the rooms and common areas, highlighting the hotel's commitment to maintaining a pristine environment. You can rest assured knowing that your comfort and hygiene are top priorities at this hotel. Located in the vibrant city of Tokyo, the hotel scores a commendable rating of 9.0 for its convenient location. Situated in the bustling Ikebukuro district, guests have easy access to an array of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. With excellent transport links nearby, exploring the city's iconic attractions is a breeze. Last but not least, the staff performance at Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI is nothing short of exceptional, earning a perfect rating of 10.0. Guests have consistently praised the friendly and attentive staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay. From providing helpful recommendations to addressing any concerns promptly, the staff's dedication to guest satisfaction is truly commendable. In summary, Triphome Ikebukuro Tokyo Max 7ppls FREE WIFI stands out as an unforgettable hotel experience, with outstanding customer ratings across the board. With exceptional value, top-notch facilities, impeccable cleanliness, a convenient location, and an exceptional staff, this hotel has everything you need for a truly remarkable stay in Tokyo.

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