Luxury Villas Taiwan
Taiwan, an island nation in Asia, offers a captivating blend of traditional culture and modern innovation. From bustling night markets and ancient temples to towering skyscrapers and scenic mountain landscapes, Taiwan is a destination of diverse experiences. Discover the vibrant street food scene, explore lush national parks, and immerse yourself in the rich history and warm hospitality of this unique island gem.Yilan頭城溫泉海景無邊際泳池四~六人VIP豪華套房(可加床.每日使用紫外線酒精槍深度清潔)
位於頭城火車站騎車僅5分鐘,距離頭城海水浴場僅1.6公里,飯店走到老街只要十分鐘!老街裡到處都是網美最愛拍照的藝術品,本大樓提供健身中心,戶外休憩區,無邊際泳池(需付費每位50元)(每年11月-4月和每週三清潔日泳池不開放),撞球飛標室,兒童遊戲室,免費停車場,免費WiFi 附近熱門景點:頭城老街,頭城海水浴場,星巴克,衝浪沙灘,蘭陽博物館等-飯店走到老街只要十分鐘!老街裡到處都是網美最愛拍照的藝術品!另有配合賞鯨,八大景,龜山島行程特價優惠給入住貴賓哦 房間內即可泡湯看日出夕陽和夜景,眺望龜山島和整個蘭陽平原,頂樓無邊際泳池也可俯瞰龜山島和蘭陽平原,絕佳景觀,房間內擁有連網電視,可看第四台Netflix等,另有裝設未來實驗室生飲淨水器讓您泡湯完補充水份喔!請安心飲用,歡迎一起來體驗 歡迎您的入住,入住時間為 15:00後,退房時間為次日 11:00 禁帶寵物,房間內禁煙房源尚還有兩間雙人房和一間4人房,有需要可同時預定哦!如有任何問題歡迎LINE(詳情請查看確認信件裡的PDF附檔)。 (本房型如入住要加人,人數最多兩人呦,提醒您加床為在和室鋪設高級天絲棉乳膠雙人記憶床墊 ) 室內22坪大空間,含主臥,和室,客廳,乾濕分離衛浴,溫泉湯池,陽台 房間都附有盥洗用品和潤髮乳,Panasonic免治馬桶,大小毛巾和咖啡,茶包,電熱水壺,生飲淨水器,微波爐 房內有大樓深挖直送房間的碳酸氫鈉泉,俗稱美人湯 簡介:弱鹼性的溫泉,ph值位於7-8左右,被譽為溫泉中的溫泉 特徵︰無色無臭,觸摸有滑潤感 療效:可促進皮膚的新陳代謝,因對皮膚的保養效果好,所以俗稱美人湯。除了皮膚的保養之外,還有降低體溫的清爽感,進而減少併發症的發生。 夏天泳池開放時間,提供網美泳圈給您拍照打卡喔❤ 另有提供配合合法店家的賞鯨活動,專屬導遊包車旅遊.機場接送等服務.給入住的貴賓優惠價,歡迎詢問 如有任何問題請與我聯絡LINE:@895rtqdm(記得加@
D各位行行好,請贊助年底考土木技師的可憐老闆 +賴給優惠ID:0917960305 透天3+1房包棟
包含 電麻、烤肉、停車場、沙灘車 老闆很好講話 乖乖的客人都有商量的空間 老闆很好講話 乖乖的客人都有商量的空間 老闆很好講話 乖乖的客人都有商量的空間 老闆很好講話 乖乖的客人都有商量的空間 1.嗨嗨各位旅客 歡迎觀賞全新裝潢的民宿 2.室內格局為:兩間雙人房(其中一間可以變成4人)+一張開放四人房(可以變成2人) 2+2+4 OR 2+4+4 總共6張雙人床 客廳還有雙人沙發床 3. 地點位於花蓮火車站附近 4. 有電動麻將桌 、烤肉、沙灘車、Netflix 、Youtube...等 有需要自行連絡 LineID:0917960305
Dark gray and light blue visual mountain view room
Located in Donggang, Dongfan Lane Leisure B&B offers rooms with free WiFi and air conditioning. Each room has a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with shower facilities. Complimentary toiletries and a hairdryer and a fridge are included. A Chinese and Western breakfast is served in the hall, and there is a communal lounge area where guests can relax.
【屋主道地台南人 ! 旅遊資訊報你知】 - 套房於自家住宅的3樓 (1樓及2樓為房東住處) - 我們共有四間獨立房間(皆有獨立衛浴) - 三間雙人房 / 一間特大房 --> (雙人床+木質地板 :可住4-5人) - 鄰近 保安車站/奇美博物館/仁德交流道/台糖冰廠/十鼓文化 - 供室外停車場,附近有7-11,腳踏車租借 注意事項: 由於與房東同住,所以晚上十點後麻煩音量放輕!敬請配合,謝謝 民宿裡的廚房、餐桌、和室、曬衣處為個人私有,如有需要請先詢問房東,謝謝 如有其他問題歡迎留言或加 line 討論 :) LINE ID --> noringg Private room on the 3rd floor of the entire house (1st and 2nd are for the owners) We have 4 rooms (all with its own bathroom) 3 double rooms , 1 extra big room(Twin bed+wooden floor: available for 4-5 people )
Leaf House
Enjoy a 200-square-foot space on your own, take your children, and Mao children to run on the grass and spend their vacations together, away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the tranquility of the urban countryside. The room has a simple kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, bar counter, living room, TV, hand-made coffee, freshly picked vanilla tea, simple dishes, tea sets, Enjoy outdoor grass and gazebo, barbecue area (additional cleaning fee for barbecue @ 100 / person) Listings If you want to experience the feeling of home while traveling, the whole room is your best choice ~~~ If you want to put aside the urban annoyance and feel the holiday on the outskirts, relax and enjoy the nature of life, while enjoying an undisturbed detached space. At the same time, he can take the children in the family to run on the grass on vacation. From the inside out, you can feel the tranquility away from the hustle and bustle ~ Enjoy the rural scenery in the city ~ Here is the "suburban" in the center of the Southern District. It is not far from the city. Driving is one of the best considerations. Rent a car or take a taxi If you want to ask the landlord to rent a car, please guide ~ please inform traffic: Take the No. 1 bus at the bus stop opposite Tainan Railway Station-get off at Xishu Station-the landlord can pick up and drop off at No. 1 Bus Station (free) Tenant access 1, exclusive 200 ping space is also suitable for family gatherings 2, enjoy the gazebo and grass 3.There is a barbecue area 4.has breakfast included Other considerations The landlord has 2 dogs, so dog barking is inevitable
light dream room|若夢房
在60歲的老屋裡享受彰化日常。 煮一頓療癒的食物,或是進行一趟小吃巡禮。 到河堤散心,爬一點坡見見大佛。 熱的時候吃一隻冰,躺在榻榻米上發呆。 聽音樂,或是看書耍廢,想做什麼都可以。 提供毛巾、沐浴乳和洗髮精 需自備牙刷和牙膏 除了預訂房間之外,其他房間都是私人空間,請勿任意進出。 房東也住在這棟老屋,若要邀請朋友進來請先告知。 家裡有兩隻狗狗 - A 60-year-old house hides in the quiet alley. Surrounding by lots of delicious local food. Near the Bagua Mountain and the Great Buddha. Enjoy a tranquil day in this old house, read a book or listen to funk music. Go for a walk in the old Changhua city. Changhua life style. / By the way, there are only one restroom and one bathroom in this old house. And there are two dogs and a turtle living with us. If you mind, please do not book it.
這間獨特的房源地點便利,讓你能輕易安排旅程。 *因法規規定,台灣人請先詢問後且提供必要資訊確認後才能預訂 Mi小米65吋液晶電視+NETFLIX+DISNEY+YT 義大利循環扇 所有入住人需提供證件+名片核對 預定4位房客以上的入住,需至少到一半的人數方可辦理入住 嚴格禁止開趴、喧鬧 (如發現 一律收$5000TWD) 嚴格禁止訪客(多一位 收$1000TWD) **屋內吸菸一律收味道處理費5000twd** ★佳德鳳梨酥 ★小巨蛋 ★饒河夜市 ★五分埔 ★獨享房源 **Please note our check in time is 16:00 pm~00:00 am, addiotion charge for late check in fee TWD$600 after 00:00 am. 推「綠色住宿」! 配合政府響應環保 恕不提供一次性商品(牙刷牙膏刮鬍刀等個人用品) 全新整理的電器與居家用品 房源位於市中心 安心入住 隔音優良 屋內寬敞又舒適 洗衣機 洗衣粉 吹風機 第四台 免費wifi ~ 洗髮乳 沐浴乳 可簡單炊煮 只需要帶著您的行李即可入住喔 在台北也可以有一個溫暖的家 絶佳的地理位置,讓您到台北市各大景點都非常便利,樓下就是台北最熱鬧的地區,逛街,購物,體驗台北 這裡位於台北最時尚,交通最方便的地區,全新家具,無線網絡,有線電視,舒適的裝飾,簡單的行李就可以住宿,房內有舒適的床,電視,廚房,無線網絡,有線電視, ,冰箱,室內拖鞋,洗髪精,沐浴乳,浴巾等個人用品,以滿足您的需求 我們共有3間大房間, 1個大客廳 1間超大廚房(電爐、冰箱、熱水壺、洗衣機) 1間浴室1間廁所 會提供乾淨枕頭,棉被,以及床單。 We are very glad to that you can staymy house,we have a regard for my house so I also hope you can take care of our house.Please take pleasure mood come in Taipei and with a joyful mood to stay here.If you have any questions or problems just tell me,I will try my best to help you, Thank you very much^^ 搭乘捷運: *1 站 2 分鐘到 小巨蛋 *1 站 2 分鐘到 松山站 (饒河夜市.五分埔) *4 站 8 分鐘到 中山(最火紅ins商圈) *5 站 10 分鐘到 台北車站 (轉捷運紅色線到淡水, 北投, 士林, 或是換乘火車到宜蘭) *6 站 12分鐘到 西門町站 (熱門的逛街商圈和眾多到地的台灣美食) 走路1min 早餐店 拉亞漢堡 & 瑞麟美而美 走路1min 新濱鐵板燒(老字號鐵板燒) 走路1min Yuan.Hot Pot 原火鍋 走路3min即到知名佳德鳳梨酥(伴手禮) 走路4min即到麻神麻辣火鍋 身在飲料.美食街 不出門也能享受大台北美食 座落在台北最最精華的地段, 你會愛上這裡帶來的便利性 ^^ 所有入住人需提供證件+名片核對 預定4位房客以上的入住,需至少到一半的人數方可辦理入住 嚴格禁止開趴、喧鬧 (如發現 一律收$5000TWD) 嚴格禁止訪客(多一位 收$1000TWD) 屋內抽菸者,罰款$5000新台幣 **我們家是嚴禁有訪客,如有訪客視同入住,需加收加人費用** 價格標示為4人入住價格 每加一人加1000WD。 期待與您的相見^^ Price is marked as 4 people staying at the price Add 1000TWD for each additional person. Looking forward to seeing you ^^ 24H 保全監視設備 鄰里巷口 戶外進出空間皆有24監視器設備 安全有保障 24H Security Surveillance Equipment Neighboring alleys 24 monitor equipment for outdoor access spaces
Four Season Villa
Four Season Villa When you are looking for comfortable and convenient accommodations in Kenting, make Four Season Villa your home away from home. A stay at Four Season Villa ensures an easy access to the lively city and all of its wonders. Variety is the spice of life. Four Season Villa offers an abundance of choices in activities, with its location just 7.6 km from the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. Travelers are guaranteed to have a hassle-free stay with all the amenities and services provided by Four Season Villa . Stay connected throughout your stay with free internet access provided. Parking is provided free of charge for guests. The resort villa provides front desk services such as luggage storage for guests' convenience. The resort villa's room service will make staying in a great choice. The resort villa is entirely non-smoking. Rooms at Four Season Villa are designed with the guest in mind. To enhance your stay, some rooms at the resort villa come with blackout curtains and air conditioning. The resort villa's in-room entertainment is second to none, with television and cable TV provided to guests in select rooms. You may be assured to know that a refrigerator and bottled water are available in some select rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms. Dining and things to do Wake up with no worries at Four Season Villa , where breakfast is provided free of charge. The resort villa even has in-house cooking amenities such as BBQ facilities for its most selective guests. Whether you're looking for an adventure or are just looking for a way to unwind after a hard day, Four Season Villa has a range of activities that will meet your needs. While you're there, be sure to take some time to explore the easily accessible beach. The resort villa's on-site pool invites you every day for a cooling dip or a few refreshing laps. Reasons to stay here This resort villa's facilities score higher than 99% of accommodations in the city. Travelers keen on cleanliness will enjoy staying here, where cleanliness scores higher than 99% of other options in the city. This resort villa's staff and services score higher than 99% of accommodations in the city.
star tree
Discover Luxury and Tranquility at Star Tree in Tainan, Taiwan Welcome to Star Tree, a luxurious 5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Tainan, Taiwan. With its impeccable service, elegant design, and tranquil surroundings, this hotel offers a truly unforgettable stay for discerning travelers. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, Star Tree promises to provide a haven of comfort and relaxation. As you step into the hotel, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The staff at Star Tree is dedicated to ensuring that every guest feels pampered and well taken care of. With only one room available, you can expect personalized attention and a level of exclusivity that is hard to find elsewhere. The attention to detail in every aspect of the hotel is evident, from the beautifully decorated lobby to the meticulously designed guest room. Check-in at Star Tree begins at 3PM, allowing you to settle in and unwind at your own pace. The spacious and well-appointed room awaits, offering a serene retreat from the bustling city. The check-out time is until 11AM, giving you ample time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast or take a final stroll through the hotel's lush gardens before bidding farewell to this oasis of tranquility. Please note that Star Tree has a child policy in place. While children are welcome to stay, there may be extra charges involved. The hotel does not allow children to stay free of charge, ensuring a peaceful and serene environment for all guests. This policy ensures that every guest can fully immerse themselves in the luxury and serenity that Star Tree has to offer. With its impeccable service, elegant design, and attention to detail, Star Tree is the perfect choice for those seeking a luxurious and tranquil escape in Tainan, Taiwan. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, this 5-star hotel promises to provide an unforgettable experience. Book your stay at Star Tree today and indulge in the ultimate luxury and relaxation. Discover the Historic Charm of Anping District in Tainan, Taiwan Nestled in the southwestern part of Tainan, Taiwan, Anping District is a captivating neighborhood that is steeped in history and rich in cultural heritage. With its charming blend of ancient temples, well-preserved architecture, and bustling local markets, Anping District offers visitors a unique glimpse into the city's past. One of the highlights of Anping District is the famous Anping Old Street, which dates back to the Dutch colonial period. Strolling along this atmospheric street, you'll find traditional red-brick buildings that have been transformed into quaint shops and cafes, offering a wide range of local delicacies and handicrafts. Don't miss the chance to try the district's signature snacks, such as oyster omelette and shrimp rolls, which are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Another must-visit attraction in Anping District is the iconic Anping Fort, also known as Fort Zeelandia. This historic fort was built by the Dutch East India Company in the 17th century and played a significant role in Taiwan's colonial history. Explore the fort's well-preserved walls, cannons, and watchtowers, and soak in the panoramic views of the surrounding area. Additionally, make sure to visit the nearby Anping Tree House, a unique blend of nature and architecture, where a banyan tree has taken over an abandoned warehouse, creating a stunning sight that is perfect for photography enthusiasts. With its rich history, vibrant local culture, and unique attractions, Anping District is a must-visit destination for travelers looking to immerse themselves in the charm of Tainan, Taiwan. Whether you're exploring the ancient streets, indulging in local delicacies, or delving into the district's fascinating history, Anping District promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you captivated and wanting to come back for more. Traveling from the Airport to Star Tree in Tainan, Taiwan Star Tree, located in the charming Anping District of Tainan, Taiwan, is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike. To reach this iconic attraction from the nearest airport, you have a couple of options. If you arrive at Tainan Airport, which is about a 30-minute drive from Star Tree, the most convenient way to reach your destination is by taking a taxi. Taxis are readily available outside the airport terminal, and the journey to Anping District will take you through scenic routes and bustling streets. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as you make your way to the magnificent Star Tree. Another option is to take public transportation from Tainan Airport. You can catch a bus from the airport to Tainan Train Station, which is located in the city center. From there, you can transfer to a local bus that will take you directly to Anping District. This option is more budget-friendly and allows you to experience the local transportation system. No matter which mode of transportation you choose, once you arrive at Star Tree, you will be greeted by its majestic beauty. This ancient tree, estimated to be over 300 years old, stands tall and proud, offering a glimpse into the rich history of Tainan. Surrounding the tree, you'll find a tranquil park where you can take leisurely strolls and admire the peaceful ambiance. Don't forget to bring your camera, as the Star Tree makes for a stunning backdrop for photos. Visiting Star Tree is a memorable experience that combines natural beauty and cultural heritage. Plan your journey from the nearest airport and immerse yourself in the enchanting charm of Tainan, Taiwan. Discover the Rich History and Culture Surrounding Star Tree in Tainan Nestled in the heart of Tainan, star tree offers a prime location for exploring the city's rich history and culture. Within close proximity, you'll find a plethora of fascinating landmarks and attractions that are sure to captivate your interest. One of the must-visit landmarks near star tree is the Anping Tree House. This iconic site was once a warehouse built during the Dutch colonial period and has now been reclaimed by nature, with massive banyan trees intertwining with the remnants of the building. As you wander through the tree house, you'll be transported back in time, marveling at the unique fusion of man-made structures and the beauty of nature. Another nearby attraction is the Anping Fort, also known as Fort Zeelandia. This historic fortress was constructed by the Dutch East India Company in the 17th century and played a significant role in Taiwan's colonial history. Explore the well-preserved walls and cannons, and learn about the fort's fascinating past through informative exhibits and displays. Additionally, you can visit the Sio House, a former salt warehouse turned museum that showcases the importance of salt production in Tainan's history. Discover the traditional salt-making techniques and immerse yourself in the cultural heritage of the region. These are just a few examples of the many landmarks and attractions that await you near star tree. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or simply looking to immerse yourself in the local charm, Tainan's surrounding area has something for everyone. Delicious Dining Options Near Star Tree When staying at Star Tree in Tainan, Taiwan, you'll be delighted to find an array of mouthwatering dining options just steps away. Win Chang Beef Soup Anping Main Shop is a local favorite known for its flavorful beef soup, while Traditional Tainan Feast (Anping) offers a traditional Tainan dining experience with dishes that showcase the region's rich culinary heritage. For seafood lovers, Wang Shi Fish Skin Restaurant is a must-visit, serving up delectable fish skin dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. If you're in the mood for a hearty bowl of beef soup, A Cai Beef Soup and Two Cows Beef Soup are both excellent choices. Chou's Shrimp Rolls is a popular spot for its crispy and savory shrimp rolls, while Dain-Dain Hamburger Anping offers tasty hamburgers with a local twist. Vegetarian diners will appreciate Ba Baou Ge Vegetarian Cuisine, which serves up a variety of flavorful plant-based dishes. SIOU JHIH Restaurant and Chous are also worth checking out for their delicious and diverse menus. With such a wide range of dining options nearby, you'll never have to worry about finding a satisfying meal during your stay at Star Tree. Shop 'til you drop at Star Tree's surrounding shopping landmarks Located in the vibrant city of Tainan, Star Tree offers easy access to a plethora of exciting shopping landmarks. Just a short distance away, you'll find Chycutayshing, a trendy boutique that offers a wide range of fashionable clothing and accessories. If you're in the mood for some local delights, head over to Yonghua Night Market, where you can indulge in mouthwatering street food and browse through stalls selling unique souvenirs. For those craving some delicious shrimp rolls, Chou's Shrimp Roll is a must-visit destination. And if you're in the mood for some jewelry shopping, Yinlian 925 offers a stunning selection of handcrafted silver jewelry. If you're looking for some retail therapy, make sure to explore Wander, a stylish concept store that showcases a curated collection of fashion, home decor, and lifestyle products. And last but not least, don't miss the chance to explore Anping Old Street, a historic district filled with charming shops, traditional snacks, and cultural attractions. With so many shopping landmarks to explore, Star Tree is the perfect base for shopaholics and fashion enthusiasts. Affordable Luxury at star tree in Tainan Experience the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at star tree, where the average price of a room is just $42. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Tainan, which stands at $106, star tree offers exceptional value for money. Nestled in the heart of Tainan, this hotel is the perfect choice for budget-conscious travelers who don't want to compromise on comfort and style. With its modern amenities, elegant decor, and impeccable service, star tree provides a truly unforgettable stay without breaking the bank. Book your room today and indulge in a luxurious experience at an unbeatable price. Exceptional Customer Ratings at Star Tree Hotel Star Tree Hotel in Tainan, Taiwan has garnered exceptional customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers seeking a memorable stay. With an impressive overall rating of 8.6, this hotel has consistently exceeded the expectations of its guests, providing a truly remarkable experience. One of the standout features of Star Tree Hotel is its excellent value for money, with a rating of 8.4. Guests have consistently praised the hotel for its affordable rates without compromising on quality. Whether you are a budget traveler or simply looking for a great deal, Star Tree Hotel offers exceptional value with its comfortable accommodations and top-notch amenities. In addition to its value, Star Tree Hotel also excels in its facilities, with a rating of 7.9. Guests have enjoyed the hotel's well-maintained amenities, which include a fitness center, a rooftop terrace, and a stylish lobby. Whether you are looking to stay active during your trip or simply relax and unwind, the hotel's facilities cater to all your needs. Cleanliness is another aspect in which Star Tree Hotel shines, with a rating of 8.5. Guests have consistently praised the hotel for its immaculate rooms and public areas. The housekeeping staff ensures that every corner of the hotel is spotless, providing a comfortable and hygienic environment for guests to enjoy. Location is key when it comes to choosing a hotel, and Star Tree Hotel excels in this aspect with a rating of 8.9. Situated in a prime location in Tainan, guests have found the hotel to be conveniently located near popular attractions, restaurants, and shopping areas. Whether you want to explore the rich history of Tainan or indulge in the local cuisine, everything is within easy reach from the hotel. Last but not least, the staff performance at Star Tree Hotel is truly exceptional, with a rating of 9.3. Guests have consistently praised the hotel's friendly and attentive staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay. From the warm welcome at check-in to the personalized assistance throughout your stay, the staff at Star Tree Hotel truly make you feel like a valued guest. Overall, Star Tree Hotel in Tainan, Taiwan has received outstanding customer ratings for its exceptional value, excellent facilities, impeccable cleanliness, convenient location, and remarkable staff performance. Whether you are visiting Tainan for business or leisure, this hotel is sure to exceed your expectations and provide a memorable stay.
Grand View Resort Beitou
Experience Luxury and Tranquility at Grand View Resort Beitou Welcome to Grand View Resort Beitou , a 5-star hotel nestled in the serene surroundings of Taipei, Taiwan. With its impeccable service, stunning views, and luxurious amenities, this resort promises an unforgettable stay for both business and leisure travelers. As you step into the elegant lobby, you'll be greeted by the warm and friendly staff, ready to assist you with any request. The check-in process begins at 3:00 PM, allowing you to settle in and start enjoying your well-deserved vacation. The hotel boasts a total of 66 beautifully appointed rooms, each meticulously designed to provide maximum comfort and relaxation. Whether you choose a spacious suite or a cozy deluxe room, you can expect nothing less than the utmost luxury and elegance. At Grand View Resort Beitou , you'll find yourself surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking views, creating a tranquil oasis away from the bustling city. Despite its peaceful location, the hotel is conveniently located just 14km from the city center, allowing easy access to Taipei's vibrant attractions and landmarks. Whether you're exploring the bustling night markets, visiting historical sites, or indulging in the city's renowned culinary scene, you'll find yourself perfectly situated to experience the best of Taipei. This family-friendly resort also welcomes children between the ages of 6 to 11 to stay free of charge. The hotel understands the importance of creating a memorable experience for the whole family, and provides a range of amenities and activities to keep the little ones entertained. From the outdoor swimming pool to the dedicated play area, your children are sure to have a delightful time while you relax and unwind. Built in 2011, Grand View Resort Beitou combines modern sophistication with traditional Taiwanese charm. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of the region as you explore the nearby Beitou Hot Springs, known for their healing properties. After a long day of sightseeing or business meetings, indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment or enjoy a delicious meal at one of the hotel's exquisite dining venues. Experience the epitome of luxury and tranquility at Grand View Resort Beitou . With its stunning views, impeccable service, and convenient location, this 5-star hotel is the perfect choice for a memorable stay in Taipei, Taiwan. Unwind and Indulge in Grand View Resort Beitou 's Entertainment Facilities Grand View Resort Beitou offers a wide range of entertainment facilities to ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The resort features a well-stocked gift/souvenir shop, where you can find unique local crafts and souvenirs to take back home. Additionally, there is a charming garden where you can take a leisurely stroll, surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful flowers, providing a serene and tranquil atmosphere. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, the resort boasts a luxurious spa offering a variety of indulgent treatments and therapies. Pamper yourself with a soothing massage or unwind in the hot tub, sauna, or steam room, allowing the stress to melt away. If you're looking for some entertainment, the resort has a games room where you can challenge your friends or family to a friendly game of pool or table tennis. There is also a shared lounge/TV area, perfect for catching up on your favorite shows or enjoying a movie night with fellow guests. Whether you're in the mood for shopping, unwinding in the spa, exploring the garden, or engaging in some friendly competition, Grand View Resort Beitou has all the entertainment facilities you need for a truly enjoyable stay. Stay Active and Fit at Grand View Resort Beitou At Grand View Resort Beitou , we understand the importance of staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even while on vacation. Our resort offers a range of sports facilities that cater to all fitness enthusiasts. Start your day with an invigorating workout at our state-of-the-art fitness center. Equipped with modern exercise machines and free weights, you can engage in a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. Our fitness center is open 24/7, allowing you to exercise at your convenience. Cool off and take a refreshing dip in our outdoor pool. Surrounded by lush greenery and offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains, our pool provides the perfect setting for a leisurely swim or some water aerobics. Lounge by the poolside and soak up the sun while sipping on a refreshing drink from our poolside bar. For those who prefer outdoor activities, we have hiking trails that wind through the picturesque landscapes surrounding our resort. Lace up your hiking boots and explore the natural beauty of Beitou as you traverse through lush forests, serene streams, and breathtaking viewpoints. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hiker, our trails offer something for everyone. As a guest of Grand View Resort Beitou , you also have complimentary access to our free fitness center. Stay on track with your fitness goals and make use of the various exercise equipment available to you. From cardio machines to strength training equipment, our fitness center has everything you need to stay active and fit during your stay. At Grand View Resort Beitou , we believe that staying active should be an integral part of your vacation experience. With our top-notch sports facilities, you can enjoy a range of activities that will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. So come and experience a truly active and fulfilling stay at our resort in Taipei, Taiwan. Convenience Facilities at Grand View Resort Beitou Grand View Resort Beitou offers a range of convenience facilities to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay for its guests. With 24-hour room service, guests can indulge in delicious meals or late-night snacks without leaving the comfort of their rooms. The hotel also provides laundry service and dry cleaning, allowing guests to keep their clothes fresh and clean throughout their stay. For added convenience, Grand View Resort Beitou offers safety deposit boxes to store valuable belongings, ensuring peace of mind for guests. The concierge is readily available to assist with any requests or inquiries, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable stay. Free Wi-Fi is available in all rooms and public areas, allowing guests to stay connected and browse the internet at their convenience. In addition, the hotel offers luggage storage and daily housekeeping services, ensuring that guests can explore the city without worrying about their belongings or the cleanliness of their rooms. For guests who prefer to smoke, there is a designated smoking area available. With these convenient facilities, Grand View Resort Beitou aims to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all its guests. Convenient Transport Facilities at Grand View Resort Beitou At Grand View Resort Beitou , we understand the importance of convenient and hassle-free transportation for our guests. That's why we offer a range of transport facilities to ensure a seamless travel experience. For those arriving by air, our airport transfer service is available to pick you up from the airport and bring you directly to the resort. This service provides a comfortable and efficient way to start your stay with us. If you prefer to drive, we have valet parking and a car park onsite for your convenience. Our valet parking service allows you to leave your vehicle in the capable hands of our staff, while our onsite car park ensures that you have a secure place to park your car. For guests who prefer not to drive, we offer a shuttle service that can take you to nearby attractions and popular destinations in the area. This service allows you to explore Taipei without the hassle of navigating public transportation or finding parking. Additionally, our resort provides a taxi service, making it easy for you to hail a cab and explore the city at your own pace. Whether you're arriving by air, driving your own car, or relying on public transportation, Grand View Resort Beitou has the transport facilities to make your stay as convenient and enjoyable as possible. Luxurious Room Facilities at Grand View Resort Beitou Experience ultimate comfort and luxury with the exceptional room facilities at Grand View Resort Beitou . Each room is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to ensure a memorable stay. Stay cool and refreshed with the air conditioning system, allowing you to adjust the temperature to your preference. Wrap yourself in the plush bathrobes provided, adding a touch of indulgence to your relaxation. Stay informed and up-to-date with the complimentary daily newspaper, keeping you in touch with the world even during your getaway. For entertainment, enjoy a wide selection of in-house movies on the television, providing hours of entertainment and relaxation. Style your hair effortlessly with the hair dryer provided, saving you the hassle of packing one. Quench your thirst with the well-stocked mini bar, offering a variety of refreshing beverages. Step out onto your own private balcony or terrace and soak in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Keep your snacks and drinks cool with the refrigerator, ensuring you have everything you need for a comfortable stay. With these exceptional room facilities, Grand View Resort Beitou ensures a truly unforgettable experience for every guest. Indulge in Culinary Delights at Grand View Resort Beitou Grand View Resort Beitou offers a range of dining facilities to satisfy every palate and craving. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a leisurely dining experience, this resort has you covered. Start your day off right with a delicious continental breakfast, served fresh and accompanied by a steaming cup of coffee. The coffee shop is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a selection of aromatic brews, pastries, and light snacks throughout the day. For a more formal dining experience, head to the resort's restaurant, where you can indulge in a delectable menu featuring both local and international cuisines. The skilled chefs at Grand View Resort Beitou use only the freshest ingredients to create mouthwatering dishes that will leave you craving for more. Whether you're in the mood for traditional Taiwanese delicacies or international favorites, the restaurant offers a wide variety of options to cater to your taste buds. In addition to the dining options available on-site, guests can also enjoy the convenience of 24-hour room service. Whether you're craving a late-night snack or a full meal in the comfort of your room, the resort's room service is always ready to cater to your needs. With daily housekeeping and grocery deliveries, you can rest assured that your dining experience at Grand View Resort Beitou will be nothing short of exceptional. Luxurious and Spacious Room Options at Grand View Resort Beitou Discover the perfect retreat at Grand View Resort Beitou with its wide range of luxurious and spacious room options. Whether you are traveling as a couple, a family, or with friends, this resort has something to suit everyone's needs. Indulge in the comfort of the Deluxe Double Room or Deluxe Twin Room, both offering a generous 50 square meters of space. The Deluxe Double Room features a cozy Double Bed, while the Deluxe Twin Room offers 2 comfortable Single Beds. For larger groups, the Family Room is an excellent choice, providing 56 square meters of space and 2 Double Beds. Booking your stay at Grand View Resort Beitou through Agoda ensures that you get the best prices available. With Agoda's easy and hassle-free booking process, you can secure your preferred room type with just a few clicks. Take advantage of the convenience and peace of mind that Agoda offers, allowing you to focus on enjoying your stay at this exceptional resort. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Beitou District Nestled in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan, Beitou District is a serene and picturesque neighborhood known for its natural hot springs and stunning mountainous landscapes. With its tranquil atmosphere and abundant greenery, this district offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city life. One of the main attractions of Beitou is its renowned hot springs. The area is home to a number of public and private hot spring resorts, where visitors can indulge in a relaxing soak in the mineral-rich waters. The thermal springs are believed to have healing properties and are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Apart from its hot springs, Beitou District also boasts several beautiful parks and hiking trails. Beitou Park, located near the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, offers a serene environment with lush gardens, ponds, and walking paths. For those seeking a more adventurous experience, a hike up Yangmingshan National Park will reward you with breathtaking views of Taipei City and the surrounding mountains. With its natural beauty and rejuvenating hot springs, Beitou District is a must-visit destination for travelers looking to unwind and reconnect with nature. Whether you want to soak in the healing waters, explore the scenic hiking trails, or simply enjoy the peaceful ambiance, Beitou District has something to offer for everyone. Traveling to Grand View Resort Beitou from Taipei's Nearest Airports Located in the picturesque Beitou District of Taipei, Taiwan, Grand View Resort Beitou offers a serene and luxurious retreat for travelers seeking tranquility amidst the bustling city. Getting to the resort from Taipei's nearest airports is a seamless and convenient process. For travelers arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the most common option is to take a taxi or arrange for a private transfer to the resort. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, travelers can also take the Taipei Metro from the airport to Beitou Station, and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach the resort. For those arriving at Taipei Songshan Airport, the journey to Grand View Resort Beitou is even shorter. Travelers can easily hail a taxi or book a private transfer from the airport, which will take around 25 minutes to reach the resort. Alternatively, taking the Taipei Metro from Songshan Airport to Beitou Station and then transferring to a local bus or taxi is also a viable option. Discover the Natural Wonders and Cultural Gems near Grand View Resort Beitou Nestled in the heart of Taipei, Grand View Resort Beitou offers a serene escape surrounded by an array of captivating landmarks and attractions. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find the renowned Beitou Public Hotspring, where you can immerse yourself in the healing waters and indulge in a rejuvenating spa experience. For nature enthusiasts, the majestic Yangmingshan National Park beckons with its breathtaking landscapes and scenic hiking trails. Explore the park's lush forests, vibrant flower fields, and tranquil hot springs, and be captivated by the stunning views of Taipei city from its highest peaks. Another must-visit landmark is the Beitou Thermal Valley, also known as Hell Valley. Witness the power of nature as you marvel at the steaming hot springs and the mesmerizing sulfuric steam rising from the ground. This natural wonder is not only a sight to behold but also a significant source of geothermal energy in the region. If you're in the mood for some cultural exploration, make your way to the Beitou Public Library, a modern architectural masterpiece that seamlessly blends with its natural surroundings. Immerse yourself in the world of literature and enjoy the tranquil ambiance of this eco-friendly library. For a glimpse into the history of Beitou's hot springs, visit the Beitou Hot Spring Museum. Housed in a beautifully restored Japanese-era bathhouse, this museum showcases the evolution of Beitou's hot spring culture through interactive exhibits and informative displays. Religious landmarks are also plentiful in the area, with the Guandu Temple (Kuantu Temple) standing as one of the most significant temples in Taipei. Admire the intricate craftsmanship of this Taoist temple and soak in the spiritual ambiance. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural experiences, the surroundings of Grand View Resort Beitou offer an abundance of options to satisfy all interests. From natural wonders to cultural gems, this area has something for everyone to enjoy. Convenient Public Transport Stations near Grand View Resort Beitou Located in the heart of Taipei, Grand View Resort Beitou offers easy access to several nearby public transport stations. Travelers staying at this luxurious resort will find themselves within walking distance of Xinbeitou Metro Station, which is just a short stroll away. This convenient station provides direct access to the city's bustling downtown area, allowing guests to explore popular attractions such as Taipei 101, Ximending, and the National Palace Museum with ease. For those looking to explore the surrounding areas, Mingde Metro Station is also nearby. Situated just a few minutes away from the resort, this station offers convenient connections to popular destinations like Shilin Night Market and Yangmingshan National Park. Travelers can easily hop on a train and immerse themselves in the vibrant local culture or embark on a scenic hike in the picturesque mountains. Additionally, Zhongyi Metro Station and Fuxinggang Metro Station are within reach, providing guests with further options for transportation. Whether guests want to venture into the city center or explore the natural beauty of the outskirts, these nearby metro stations make it effortless to navigate Taipei's extensive public transport network. With a variety of options at their doorstep, guests at Grand View Resort Beitou can experience the best of Taipei's attractions and destinations. A Culinary Delight in Beitou When it comes to dining options near Grand View Resort Beitou , guests are spoilt for choice. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find a variety of restaurants to suit every palate. For those craving authentic Japanese cuisine, Katsuya Shipai Branch and Chikurintei Japanese Restaurant offer delectable sushi and sashimi dishes that will transport you to the streets of Tokyo. If you're in the mood for some hearty Taiwanese noodles, Rui Tai Yellow Noodle Speciality Store and Zhang Wu Ji Noodles are must-visit spots. Niu Dong Beef Noodles Diner is another favorite among locals, serving up flavorful bowls of beef noodles that will leave you craving for more. For a taste of local delicacies, Wen Ji Pork Thick Soup is the place to go, with their rich and savory pork soups that will warm your soul. If you're in the mood for some international flavors, PURE CUISINE offers a diverse menu with dishes from around the world. And for those who want to indulge in some Mongolian cuisine, Little Mongolian Tianmu is the perfect choice. With such a wide array of dining options just a short distance away, Grand View Resort Beitou ensures that guests will have a truly memorable culinary experience during their stay. Shop 'til you drop near Grand View Resort Beitou Located in the heart of Beitou, Grand View Resort Beitou is surrounded by a plethora of shopping landmarks that will satisfy even the most avid shopaholics. Just a stone's throw away from the resort, you'll find Charm Villa, a charming shopping complex that offers a delightful mix of boutique stores and trendy cafes. Take a leisurely stroll through its elegant corridors and discover unique fashion pieces, exquisite jewelry, and artisanal crafts. After a successful shopping spree, head over to Beitou Market, a bustling local market where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and browse through a wide range of fresh produce, local snacks, and traditional handicrafts. Indulge in the local flavors and pick up some souvenirs to bring back home. With these shopping landmarks right at your doorstep, Grand View Resort Beitou offers the perfect retreat for those who love to shop and explore the local culture. Luxury and Serenity at a Premium Price Indulge in the ultimate luxury experience at Grand View Resort Beitou , where every detail is meticulously crafted for your utmost comfort and relaxation. With an average price of $532 per room, this resort offers a truly upscale and opulent stay in Taipei, Taiwan. While the average price of a hotel room in Taipei is $126, Grand View Resort Beitou sets itself apart with its exceptional service, breathtaking views, and world-class amenities. Nestled in the heart of Beitou, known for its natural hot springs, this resort is a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling city. From the moment you step into the elegantly designed lobby, you'll be greeted by warm smiles and a sense of grandeur. Each room is a sanctuary of luxury, featuring plush furnishings, modern amenities, and panoramic views of the lush surroundings. Whether you choose a Deluxe Room, a Premier Suite, or a Villa, you'll be treated to a haven of comfort and style. A Tranquil Oasis with Exceptional Service Grand View Resort Beitou is a hidden gem nestled in a serene and peaceful environment. Guests rave about the friendly and helpful staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a comfortable stay. From the moment you arrive, you are greeted with warm smiles and a genuine sense of hospitality. The professionalism and friendliness of the staff create a welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. One of the highlights of the resort is the breathtaking view it offers. Guests are treated to a panoramic vista that is simply awe-inspiring. Whether you are enjoying a leisurely breakfast or unwinding in your room, the gorgeous view is a constant reminder of the beauty that surrounds you. Speaking of rooms, guests are delighted by the in-room hot spring facilities. The hot springs are not only perfect for relaxation, but they are also meticulously maintained and kept clean. It's a luxurious experience to soak in the private hot spring, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate in the comfort of your own room. The exceptional service extends beyond the staff and amenities. Guests appreciate the attention to detail in every aspect of their stay, from the cleanliness of the rooms to the quality of the food and beverages. The resort's commitment to providing the best possible experience is evident in the well-maintained facilities and the wide range of amenities available. Overall, Grand View Resort Beitou leaves a lasting impression on its guests. With its tranquil atmosphere, friendly staff, stunning views, and luxurious in-room hot springs, it's no wonder that guests can't wait to return. If you're looking for a truly memorable stay in Taipei, this resort should be at the top of your list. Unforgettable Experiences and Exceptional Service at Grand View Resort Beitou Discover a world of unforgettable experiences and exceptional service at Grand View Resort Beitou . With an overall rating of 9.0, this luxurious resort in Taipei, Taiwan, is renowned for its commitment to providing guests with an extraordinary stay. One of the standout features of Grand View Resort Beitou is its exceptional staff performance, which has earned a remarkable rating of 9.5. From the moment you step foot into the resort, you will be greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality. The staff members go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcome and well taken care of throughout their stay. Whether you need assistance with arranging sightseeing tours, booking transportation, or simply have a question about the local area, the attentive and knowledgeable staff will be there to assist you with a level of professionalism that sets this resort apart. In addition to the outstanding service, Grand View Resort Beitou boasts a wide range of world-class facilities, earning a rating of 9.3. From the moment you enter the resort, you will be captivated by its stunning architecture and serene surroundings. The resort features luxurious and well-appointed rooms that provide a perfect blend of comfort and elegance. The spacious and beautifully designed rooms offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and lush gardens, creating a tranquil oasis for guests to unwind and relax. Furthermore, the resort offers a variety of facilities including a rejuvenating spa, a refreshing outdoor pool, and a fitness center, ensuring that guests have everything they need for a truly memorable stay. With its impeccable cleanliness rating of 9.5, Grand View Resort Beitou ensures that every corner of the property is spotless and well-maintained. From the pristine rooms to the meticulously manicured gardens, every aspect of the resort exudes cleanliness and attention to detail. This commitment to cleanliness not only enhances the overall experience for guests but also reflects the resort's dedication to providing a safe and hygienic environment. Experience the epitome of luxury and hospitality at Grand View Resort Beitou . With its exceptional staff performance, world-class facilities, and impeccable cleanliness, this resort is the perfect choice for travelers seeking an unforgettable stay in Taipei, Taiwan.
IRON STREET You'll love the exceptional convenience during your stay at IRON STREET , located right in the heart of the city center, with an easy access to everything in Tainan. The true local flavors and culture of Tainan are yours with a stay at IRON STREET , located just 7.8 km from the famous Chimei Museum. Travelers are guaranteed to have a hassle-free stay with all the amenities and services provided by IRON STREET . Parking is provided for guests by the home. The home's ticket service can even help you book tickets and reservations for entertainment and explorations. The home is entirely non-smoking. Rooms at IRON STREET are designed with the guest in mind. To enhance your stay, some rooms at the home come with linen service and air conditioning. The home's in-room entertainment is second to none, with television and cable TV provided to guests in select rooms. You may be assured to know that instant tea is available in some select rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer, toiletries and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms. Around the property Venture outside IRON STREET and explore Tainan during your stay. Photograph yourself in front of Chihkan Towers located 540 m away, which people travel great distances to see. Your journey through Tainan can be completed with a short shopping stop at Hayashi Department Store located 1.1 km away. Reasons to stay here Verified reviews score this home higher than 99% of accommodations in the city on value for money. This home's facilities score higher than 99% of accommodations in the city. This home's staff and services score higher than 99% of accommodations in the city.
Deluxe Room with Two Queen Beds (C201)
Two queen size Bed with attached bathroom. Entire Home. Facilities: Fridge, Wi-Fi, Wireless TV channels, Attached bathroom, Washing Machine, Free parking space, Free bicycle service. 10 min. walk from Toucheng train station. 5 min. Walk from KUO-KUANG bus station. Simple and friendly environment. Near from Wushigang Beach, Wai'ao - Surfing Spot, Lanyang Museum, Toucheng Old Street, Mr. Brown Castle, Waiao Paragliding. Touchng Homestay 四人套房,獨立浴廁,加大床。 有大空間。 提供電冰箱,免費無線上網,數位無線電視,獨立浴廁,免費提供腳踏車,免費停車位。 從頭城火車站走路約10分鐘。從國光號公車站走路約5至7分鐘。 衝浪離蘭陽博物館近。 頭城老街,烏石港 (龜山島,賞鯨) 飛行傘,城堡咖啡,礁溪溫泉。
Greeting House
Welcome to Greeting House : A Tranquil Retreat in Yilan, Taiwan Nestled in the heart of Yilan, Taiwan, Greeting House offers a serene and luxurious escape for travelers seeking a peaceful getaway. With its impeccable service, elegant decor, and prime location, this 4.5-star hotel is the perfect choice for those looking to unwind and recharge. Upon arrival at Greeting House , guests are greeted with warm hospitality and a tranquil atmosphere. The check-in process begins at 3pm, allowing visitors ample time to settle in and explore the hotel's exquisite surroundings. The hotel boasts a single, carefully curated room, ensuring an intimate and exclusive experience for every guest. As the sun sets over Yilan, guests can retire to their beautifully appointed room, where every detail has been thoughtfully considered. From the plush bedding to the stylish furnishings, each element has been designed to create a sense of comfort and relaxation. With a check-out time of 11am, guests can savor every moment of their stay before bidding farewell to this oasis of tranquility. Please note that Greeting House has a child policy in place. While children are welcome, they may not stay free of charge. Extra charges may apply, ensuring that every guest enjoys a peaceful and undisturbed experience. Whether you are seeking a romantic escape or a solo retreat, Greeting House promises an unforgettable stay in Yilan, Taiwan. Convenience at Your Fingertips: Greeting House 's Top-notch Facilities Greeting House in Yilan, Taiwan, takes convenience to a whole new level with its impressive range of facilities. Whether you're a business traveler or a leisure seeker, this hotel has everything you need to make your stay hassle-free. Stay connected effortlessly with complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms and public areas. Whether you're catching up on work emails or streaming your favorite shows, Greeting House ensures you're always connected. The hotel also offers express check-in/check-out services, allowing you to breeze through the arrival and departure process. No more waiting in long queues! Traveling with heavy luggage? No worries! Greeting House provides luggage storage facilities, ensuring your belongings are safe and secure. You can explore the city without the burden of carrying your bags. Additionally, the hotel offers daily housekeeping, ensuring that your room is always clean and tidy. Relax and unwind knowing that your comfort is their top priority. Convenient Transport Facilities at Greeting House At Greeting House , we understand the importance of hassle-free travel, which is why we offer a range of convenient transport facilities for our guests. Whether you're arriving by car or need a taxi service during your stay, we've got you covered. Our hotel features a spacious car park, providing ample parking space for our guests. The best part? The car park is free of charge, allowing you to explore Yilan and its surrounding areas without worrying about parking fees. Whether you're traveling with your own vehicle or renting one, you can rest assured that your car will be safe and secure during your stay at Greeting House . In addition to our car park, we also provide a reliable taxi service for our guests. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you in arranging transportation to and from the hotel, ensuring that you can easily explore all the attractions Yilan has to offer. Whether you're heading to the famous Dongmen Night Market or the stunning Jiaoxi Hot Springs, our taxi service will ensure a comfortable and convenient journey. With our convenient transport facilities, including a free car park and reliable taxi service, Greeting House is the perfect choice for travelers looking for a hassle-free stay in Yilan, Taiwan. Book your stay with us today and experience the comfort and convenience of our transport amenities. Indulge in Culinary Delights at Greeting House At Greeting House , dining is not just a necessity, but an experience to be savored. With a range of dining facilities available, guests can indulge in culinary delights that will tantalize their taste buds and leave them craving for more. The on-site restaurant at Greeting House is a gastronomic haven, offering a diverse menu of delectable dishes prepared with the freshest local ingredients. From traditional Taiwanese delicacies to international favorites, there is something to satisfy every palate. The restaurant's elegant ambiance and attentive staff create the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. For those who prefer a more intimate dining experience, Greeting House also provides a shared kitchen facility. Guests can showcase their culinary skills and prepare their own meals using the finest ingredients available. The shared kitchen is equipped with modern appliances and utensils, ensuring that guests have everything they need to create a delicious feast. To start the day off right, Greeting House offers a complimentary continental breakfast to all guests. Wake up to a spread of freshly baked pastries, seasonal fruits, cereals, and a selection of hot and cold beverages. The breakfast is meticulously prepared and served with a smile, setting the tone for a day of exploration and adventure in Yilan. With its exceptional dining facilities, Greeting House promises to take guests on a gastronomic journey that will delight their senses and create lasting memories. Whether you choose to dine at the on-site restaurant, showcase your culinary skills in the shared kitchen, or enjoy a hearty breakfast, Greeting House ensures that every meal is a delightful experience. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Jiaoxi Township in Yilan, Taiwan Nestled in the heart of Yilan, Taiwan, Jiaoxi Township is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Known for its natural hot springs, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, Jiaoxi Township offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. One of the main highlights of Jiaoxi Township is its abundant hot springs. The area is famous for its therapeutic and mineral-rich waters, making it a haven for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Visitors can indulge in a soothing hot spring bath at one of the many resorts or public hot spring facilities, surrounded by picturesque views of the surrounding mountains and lush greenery. Aside from its hot springs, Jiaoxi Township also boasts breathtaking natural landscapes. The nearby Wufengchi Waterfall is a must-visit spot, where visitors can witness the cascading waters amidst a serene forest setting. For nature enthusiasts, a hike up Jiaoxi's iconic Turtle Mountain offers panoramic views of the township and its surrounding beauty. Immerse yourself in the local culture by exploring Jiaoxi's bustling night market, where you can sample a wide variety of local delicacies and shop for unique souvenirs. The township is also home to several historical sites, such as the Jiaoxi Hot Spring Museum, where you can learn about the history and significance of the area's hot springs. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural experiences, Jiaoxi Township in Yilan, Taiwan has something for everyone. With its tranquil hot springs, stunning landscapes, and vibrant local culture, it's no wonder that Jiaoxi Township is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike. Getting to Greeting House from the Nearest Airports in Yilan, Taiwan Greeting House , located in the picturesque Jiaoxi Township of Yilan, Taiwan, is a charming destination that offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life. To reach this hidden gem, visitors can choose from several transportation options from the nearest airports in Yilan. For travelers arriving at Taipei Songshan Airport, the most convenient way to reach Greeting House is by taking a direct bus. From the airport, visitors can catch the Kuo-Kuang Bus to Jiaoxi Bus Station, which is located just a short distance away from Greeting House . The journey takes approximately 1 hour and offers stunning views of the Taiwanese countryside along the way. Alternatively, for those arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the best way to reach Greeting House is by taking a combination of train and bus. From the airport, visitors can take the Taoyuan Airport MRT to Taipei Main Station. From there, they can transfer to a train bound for Jiaoxi Station. Upon arriving at Jiaoxi Station, travelers can then take a short taxi ride or a local bus to reach Greeting House . No matter which airport you arrive at, the journey to Greeting House is an adventure in itself, allowing you to soak in the natural beauty of Yilan. Once you arrive at this idyllic retreat, you will be greeted with warm hospitality, comfortable accommodations, and a serene atmosphere that will make your stay truly memorable. Discover the Natural Beauty and Cultural Delights near Greeting House Nestled in the picturesque region of Yilan, Taiwan, Greeting House offers a prime location for exploring the surrounding natural wonders and cultural attractions. Just a short distance away, you'll find the breathtaking Wufengchi Waterfall, where cascading waters create a mesmerizing spectacle amidst lush greenery. This enchanting waterfall is perfect for nature lovers and photographers seeking a tranquil escape. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, Jiaoxi Hot Springs Park and Tangweigou Jiaosi Hot Spring Park are within easy reach. Immerse yourself in the healing waters of these natural hot springs, known for their therapeutic properties. Indulge in a soothing soak and let the stress melt away, surrounded by serene landscapes. History enthusiasts will be delighted to explore the nearby Jiaosi Hot Spring Park, which offers a glimpse into the region's rich cultural heritage. Discover the traditional architecture and learn about the historical significance of the hot springs in this charming park. For a unique experience, visit Agrioz, a popular agro-tourism attraction in the area. Explore the lush gardens and learn about sustainable farming practices while enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery. Nature lovers can embark on an adventure along the Linmei Shipan Trail, a picturesque hiking trail that winds through dense forests and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. This trail is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of Yilan. Religious landmarks are also within reach, such as the Jiaoxi Xietian Temple, where visitors can admire the intricate architecture and immerse themselves in the spiritual ambiance. With its close proximity to these remarkable landmarks and attractions, Greeting House provides an ideal base for exploring the natural beauty and cultural treasures of Yilan, Taiwan. Convenient Public Transport Stations near Greeting House Greeting House in Yilan, Taiwan is ideally situated near several public transport stations, making it a convenient choice for travelers looking to explore the city and its surroundings. The Jiaoxi Bus Station is just a short walk away from the hotel, providing easy access to various destinations in the area. Whether you want to visit the famous Jiaoxi Hot Springs or explore the vibrant night market, the bus station offers a hassle-free way to get around. For those looking to venture further, the Sicheng Station is also nearby. This railway station connects Yilan with other major cities in Taiwan, including Taipei. Travelers can easily catch a train from Sicheng Station and embark on exciting day trips to places like Taroko National Park or the stunning Northeast Coast. Additionally, the Jiaoxi Railway Station is within close proximity to Greeting House . This station is part of the Taiwan Railways Administration's Yilan Line, providing convenient access to various attractions in Yilan. From here, visitors can easily explore the charming town of Yilan, known for its beautiful natural scenery, traditional markets, and historical sites. With these convenient public transport options near Greeting House , guests can enjoy seamless travel experiences and make the most out of their stay in Yilan, Taiwan. A Culinary Adventure Just Steps Away When it comes to dining options, Greeting House 's location is a food lover's dream. Just a short stroll from the hotel, you'll find a plethora of restaurants to satisfy your cravings. Start your day off right with a hearty breakfast at Han Lin Breakfast Restaurant, known for its delicious traditional Taiwanese breakfast dishes. For a taste of local flavors, head to Yu Bafang Beef Noodle Restaurant and indulge in their mouthwatering beef noodle soup. If you're in the mood for some international cuisine, Rakuzan Ramen offers authentic Japanese ramen bowls that will transport you straight to Tokyo. Seafood lovers will be delighted by the fresh catches at Seafood And Goose, where you can savor the flavors of the ocean. And if you're in the mood for some juicy steaks, Li Qun Steak House is the place to go. With so many options to choose from, your taste buds are in for a treat during your stay at Greeting House . Shop 'til You Drop Located in the heart of Yilan, Greeting House is surrounded by a plethora of shopping landmarks that are sure to satisfy even the most avid shopper. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find the Red Yeast Museum, where you can discover the rich history and health benefits of this traditional Taiwanese ingredient. For art enthusiasts, the nearby Mary Leu Fine Art Carving Gallery is a must-visit, showcasing exquisite wood carvings that are a testament to the region's craftsmanship. And if you're in search of natural remedies and wellness products, the Song Sha Glossy Ganoderma Farm offers a wide range of high-quality ganoderma products that are believed to promote longevity and vitality. With these fantastic shopping landmarks right at your doorstep, Greeting House is the perfect base for a memorable retail therapy experience in Yilan. Affordable Luxury at Greeting House Experience the perfect blend of comfort and affordability at Greeting House in Yilan, Taiwan. With an average price of just $37 per room, this charming hotel offers exceptional value for money, making it an ideal choice for travelers seeking a budget-friendly accommodation option. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Yilan, which stands at $148, Greeting House stands out as an incredibly affordable choice. Despite its wallet-friendly rates, this hotel doesn't compromise on quality or amenities. Guests can expect spacious and well-appointed rooms, modern furnishings, and a range of thoughtful facilities to enhance their stay. Whether you're visiting Yilan for business or leisure, Greeting House provides an excellent base for exploring the city without breaking the bank. Book your stay today and enjoy a comfortable and affordable experience at Greeting House . A Delightful Retreat with Exceptional Value and Service Greeting House in Yilan, Taiwan, has garnered a remarkable 8.7 overall rating from satisfied guests. This charming hotel offers an unforgettable experience with its exceptional value and top-notch service. With a remarkable 9.1 rating for value, guests can truly appreciate the affordability and quality of their stay at Greeting House . One of the standout features of this hotel is its impressive facilities, which have earned it a rating of 8.5. From the moment you step into the lobby, you will be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The rooms are tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Whether you choose to unwind by the outdoor pool or relax in the spa, Greeting House provides the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Cleanliness is of utmost importance at Greeting House , and their dedication to maintaining a pristine environment is reflected in their impressive rating of 9.0. Guests can rest assured that their rooms will be immaculately clean and well-maintained. The attention to detail and commitment to cleanliness create a welcoming and hygienic atmosphere throughout the hotel. While the location of Greeting House has received a rating of 7.7, it is important to note that this hotel offers a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Nestled amidst lush greenery, guests can enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the surrounding nature. Additionally, the hotel's convenient location provides easy access to nearby attractions and activities, allowing guests to explore the beauty of Yilan with ease. Last but certainly not least, the staff performance at Greeting House is truly exceptional, with a rating of 9.2. The friendly and attentive staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcome and well taken care of. From the moment you arrive until the time of your departure, the dedicated team at Greeting House will make sure that your every need is met with a smile. Overall, Greeting House in Yilan, Taiwan, offers a delightful retreat with exceptional value and service. With its impressive ratings for value, facilities, cleanliness, and staff performance, this hotel provides a memorable and enjoyable experience for every guest.
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Experience Luxury and Tranquility at CHLOECHEN-Home in Taitung, Taiwan Welcome to CHLOECHEN-Home , a luxurious 4.5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Taitung, Taiwan. Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of this enchanting city as you indulge in the comforts and amenities offered by this exquisite establishment. Check-in at CHLOECHEN-Home begins at 02:00 PM, allowing you ample time to settle into your elegant surroundings. The hotel boasts a single but meticulously designed room, ensuring an intimate and exclusive experience for each guest. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, you will find everything you need for a memorable stay at CHLOECHEN-Home . As you bid farewell to this idyllic retreat, check-out time is set at 12:00 PM. Take your time to savor the last moments of tranquility before embarking on your onward journey. The attentive staff at CHLOECHEN-Home will be on hand to assist you with any additional requests or inquiries you may have. Relax and Unwind in CHLOECHEN-Home 's Hot Tub and Garden At CHLOECHEN-Home in Taitung, Taiwan, guests can indulge in a range of entertainment facilities that are designed to help them relax and unwind. The hotel boasts a luxurious hot tub, where guests can soak their worries away and enjoy the soothing warmth of the water. Whether it's after a long day of exploring the city or simply to unwind, the hot tub provides the perfect spot for relaxation and rejuvenation. In addition to the hot tub, CHLOECHEN-Home also features a beautiful garden area. Surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers, the garden offers a serene and tranquil atmosphere for guests to enjoy. Whether it's taking a leisurely stroll, reading a book under the shade of a tree, or simply enjoying the peaceful ambiance, the garden provides a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. With its hot tub and garden, CHLOECHEN-Home offers a perfect combination of relaxation and natural beauty, ensuring that guests have a truly memorable stay. Convenient Laundry Facilities at CHLOECHEN-Home At CHLOECHEN-Home in Taitung, Taiwan, guests can enjoy a range of convenient facilities, including laundry services and a laundromat. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, having access to clean clothes is essential, and CHLOECHEN-Home understands this need. With their professional laundry service, you can have your clothes cleaned and pressed, ensuring that you always look your best during your stay. If you prefer to do your own laundry, the hotel also provides a well-equipped laundromat, complete with modern washing machines and dryers. This allows you to conveniently take care of your laundry at any time that suits you, without the hassle of finding a nearby laundromat or spending extra money on laundry services. With CHLOECHEN-Home 's convenient laundry facilities, you can pack light and have peace of mind knowing that your laundry needs are taken care of. Convenient and Hassle-Free Transport Facilities at CHLOECHEN-Home At CHLOECHEN-Home , we understand the importance of convenient and hassle-free transportation for our guests. That's why we provide a spacious car park that is free of charge for all our guests. Whether you are traveling by car or renting one during your stay in Taitung, Taiwan, you can rest assured knowing that you'll have a secure and convenient place to park your vehicle at CHLOECHEN-Home . Our car park is well-maintained and easily accessible, ensuring that you can come and go as you please without any worries about finding a parking spot or paying expensive parking fees. So, leave your car in our capable hands and enjoy exploring the beautiful sights and attractions of Taitung with ease. Discover the Vibrant Charm of Taitung City Taitung City, located in the southeastern part of Taiwan, is a vibrant and enchanting destination that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern attractions. Nestled between the mountains and the sea, this charming city is known for its stunning landscapes, warm hospitality, and rich indigenous culture. One of the highlights of Taitung City is its breathtaking natural scenery. From the lush green mountains to the crystal-clear waters of the Pacific Ocean, nature lovers will be in awe of the diverse landscapes that surround the city. The nearby East Rift Valley is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering opportunities for hiking, cycling, and bird-watching. Taitung's coastline is also a haven for beach lovers, with pristine sandy shores and picturesque fishing villages waiting to be explored. In addition to its natural beauty, Taitung City is also a hub of cultural and artistic activities. The city is home to numerous art galleries, museums, and cultural centers, where visitors can immerse themselves in the local arts and crafts scene. The vibrant night markets are a must-visit, offering a wide array of local delicacies and handicrafts. Taitung City is also known for its lively festivals, such as the International Balloon Festival and the Taitung Hot Air Balloon Carnival, which attract visitors from all over the world. Whether you're a nature lover, a culture enthusiast, or a foodie, Taitung City has something to offer for everyone. Convenient Transportation from Taitung Airport to CHLOECHEN-Home Located in the vibrant city of Taitung, Taiwan, CHLOECHEN-Home offers a cozy and comfortable stay for travelers looking to explore the beautiful region. Getting to CHLOECHEN-Home from the nearest airport is a breeze, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey. For travelers arriving at Taitung Airport, the most convenient way to reach CHLOECHEN-Home is by taxi. The airport is conveniently located just a short 10-minute drive away from the hotel. Taxis are readily available outside the airport terminal, and the friendly drivers are familiar with the route to CHLOECHEN-Home . Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic drive as you make your way to the hotel. Alternatively, for those who prefer public transportation, there is a bus service available from Taitung Airport to Taitung City. The bus stop is located just outside the airport terminal, and buses run at regular intervals throughout the day. Once you arrive in Taitung City, it is a short taxi ride to CHLOECHEN-Home , allowing you to easily reach your destination. Whether you choose to take a taxi or utilize public transportation, reaching CHLOECHEN-Home from Taitung Airport is a convenient and straightforward journey. Upon arrival, you can look forward to a warm welcome and a comfortable stay in this charming hotel. Discover the Natural Beauty and Cultural Delights near CHLOECHEN-Home Nestled in the heart of Taitung, CHLOECHEN-Home offers a convenient location to explore the stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of the area. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find the enchanting Taitung Forest Park, a sprawling green oasis that boasts lush forests, tranquil lakes, and scenic walking trails. Immerse yourself in nature as you wander through the park, taking in the fresh air and admiring the vibrant flora and fauna. For art enthusiasts, a visit to the Taitung Railway Art Village is a must. This creative hub showcases the unique blend of traditional and contemporary art, with its charming old railway station transformed into a vibrant space filled with art galleries, studios, and handicraft shops. Explore the various exhibitions and immerse yourself in the local art scene. History buffs will be delighted to discover the National Museum of Prehistory, where you can delve into Taiwan's ancient past. Uncover the mysteries of the island's indigenous cultures through fascinating artifacts and exhibits that span thousands of years. The museum offers a captivating insight into Taiwan's rich heritage. Other nearby attractions include the picturesque Xiouyeliu, a stunning coastal area known for its unique rock formations, the Taitung Seashore Park offering breathtaking ocean views, and the vibrant Taitung Night Market where you can indulge in delicious local street food and shop for souvenirs. With so much to explore, CHLOECHEN-Home is the perfect base to experience the natural beauty and cultural delights of Taitung. Convenient Public Transport Stations near CHLOECHEN-Home Located in Taitung, Taiwan, CHLOECHEN-Home offers easy access to several public transport stations, ensuring a convenient and hassle-free stay for guests. The Beinan Wenhua Park [Taiwan Tourist Shuttle] bus stop is just a short walk away, providing a convenient way to explore the city's cultural attractions and landmarks. Taidong Bus Station is also nearby, offering a wide range of bus routes that connect to various destinations in Taitung and beyond. For those looking to explore the natural beauty of the area, the Xiaoyeliu Scenic Spot bus stop is within easy reach. This scenic spot is known for its breathtaking rock formations and stunning coastal views. Additionally, guests can easily access the Kangle Railway Station, Shanli Railway Station, Zhiben Train Station, and Taitung Railway Station, making it convenient to travel to other parts of Taiwan. Whether you're planning to explore the city's cultural heritage, enjoy the stunning natural landscapes, or embark on a day trip to nearby attractions, CHLOECHEN-Home 's proximity to these public transport stations ensures that you can easily navigate Taitung and make the most of your stay. A Culinary Adventure Awaits CHLOECHEN-Home is surrounded by a diverse range of dining options that will satisfy every palate. Start your day with a delicious breakfast at MAHI MAHI TODAY, where you can indulge in a variety of mouthwatering dishes. For those craving a taste of Italy, Uncle Pete's Pizza offers authentic wood-fired pizzas that are simply irresistible. If you're in need of a caffeine fix, head over to Black child black coffee, a trendy café known for its specialty coffees. For a unique and flavorful experience, try the famous Lin's Stinky Tofu, where you can savor the distinct aroma and taste of this local delicacy. If you're in the mood for Japanese cuisine, Taitung Fukui Japanese Restaurant is the place to be, serving up a wide selection of sushi, sashimi, and other traditional dishes. Indulge in the mouthwatering signature dishes at Good Taste signature dish, a local favorite that never disappoints. For a taste of local Taiwanese cuisine, Wanba Restaurant offers a variety of dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Craving hot pot? Ning Ji Hot Pot Restaurant is the perfect spot to enjoy a steaming pot of flavorful broth with your choice of ingredients. For those looking to spice things up, Taitung Spice House Exotic Indian & Thai Cuisine offers a tantalizing fusion of Indian and Thai flavors that will leave you wanting more. With such a diverse array of dining options right at your doorstep, CHLOECHEN-Home promises a culinary adventure like no other. Shop 'til you drop near CHLOECHEN-Home Located in the heart of Taitung, CHLOECHEN-Home offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks. Just a short stroll away, you'll find Carrefour - Taitung Store, a popular supermarket where you can stock up on all your daily essentials. If you're a tea lover, be sure to visit the Red Oolong Tea Shop, where you can sample and purchase a wide selection of high-quality teas. For those looking to indulge in some local delicacies, Natural Tasty is a must-visit. This charming shop offers a range of traditional snacks and treats that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. And if you're in the mood for some fresh produce and local goods, Siwei Market is the place to go. Here, you can browse through a vibrant array of fruits, vegetables, seafood, and more. With these fantastic shopping options just steps away from CHLOECHEN-Home , you'll have everything you need for a memorable and convenient stay. Unbeatable Value: Experience Luxury at CHLOECHEN-Home at an Affordable Price When it comes to finding the perfect accommodation in Taitung, Taiwan, CHLOECHEN-Home stands out as an exceptional choice. Offering luxurious comfort and top-notch amenities, this hotel provides an unforgettable experience without breaking the bank. With an average room price of just $382, CHLOECHEN-Home offers unbeatable value compared to the average price of a hotel room in Taitung, which is $83. At CHLOECHEN-Home , guests can indulge in the lap of luxury without compromising their budget. The spacious and elegantly designed rooms offer a tranquil retreat, complete with modern furnishings and breathtaking views of the surrounding cityscape. Each room is equipped with a range of amenities, including plush bedding, a flat-screen TV, a mini bar, and complimentary Wi-Fi, ensuring a comfortable and convenient stay. In addition to its exceptional accommodations, CHLOECHEN-Home also boasts a variety of on-site facilities that cater to every need. Guests can unwind in the outdoor swimming pool, work up a sweat at the fitness center, or pamper themselves with a rejuvenating spa treatment. With its prime location in Taitung, guests can easily explore the city's vibrant attractions, including cultural landmarks, shopping districts, and local eateries. Experience the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at CHLOECHEN-Home . Book your stay now and create unforgettable memories without breaking the bank. A Perfect Blend of Comfort and Value at CHLOECHEN-Home Discover a hidden gem in Taitung, Taiwan, where CHLOECHEN-Home offers an exceptional stay that has garnered rave reviews from satisfied guests. With an impressive overall rating of 8.8, this charming hotel has proven to be a favorite among travelers seeking comfort, value, and top-notch facilities. One of the standout features of CHLOECHEN-Home is its remarkable value for money, earning a remarkable rating of 9.3 in this category. Guests are delighted by the affordable rates, considering the level of comfort and amenities provided. From the moment you step into the hotel, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting ambiance that sets the tone for a truly memorable stay. Speaking of facilities, CHLOECHEN-Home truly excels. With a remarkable rating of 9.3, guests are impressed by the range of amenities available. Whether you're looking to unwind in the outdoor pool or enjoy a rejuvenating session at the spa, this hotel has it all. The well-maintained facilities ensure that guests have everything they need to relax and make the most of their stay. Cleanliness is a top priority at CHLOECHEN-Home , earning a commendable rating of 8.2. Guests appreciate the meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every corner of the hotel is spotless. From the pristine rooms to the immaculate common areas, you can rest assured that your stay will be in a clean and hygienic environment. Located in a prime area, CHLOECHEN-Home boasts a superb rating of 9.3 for its convenient location. Situated in the heart of Taitung, guests have easy access to popular attractions, shopping districts, and dining options. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or a culture lover, this hotel's strategic location ensures that you're never far from the action. Last but not least, the staff performance at CHLOECHEN-Home is highly praised, earning a respectable rating of 8.0. The dedicated and friendly staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest's needs are met. From providing helpful recommendations to offering personalized service, the staff's commitment to excellence creates a welcoming and memorable experience for all guests. Overall, CHLOECHEN-Home is a true gem in Taitung, offering a perfect blend of comfort, value, and exceptional facilities. With its impressive ratings in various categories, this hotel promises a delightful stay that exceeds expectations. Book your stay at CHLOECHEN-Home and experience the warm hospitality and top-notch service that have made it a favorite among travelers.