Luxury Villas South Korea
Discover the dynamic blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation in South Korea. From vibrant cities like Seoul with its skyscrapers and bustling street markets, to serene temples nestled in lush mountain landscapes, this East Asian gem offers a rich cultural tapestry to explore. Dive into the tantalizing world of Korean cuisine, soak in natural hot springs, or immerse yourself in the country's fascinating history at ancient palaces and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Experience the harmony of tradition and progress in captivating South Korea.Stay Ami #GamcheonCultureVillage#Nampodong#Family
** 시즌별로 꾸미고 있어요 이전 사진과 조금 다를 수 있습니다. 이 점 양해 부탁드립니다 ** (소품은 시즌에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.) 가족, 친구들 숙소로 추천합니다. 호스트 가족이 실제 거주하는 일반적인 가정집입니다. (Ordinary Korean Style House) 게스트가 오시는 날엔 여행을 떠납니다. 청소비는 청구하지 않으니 매너 이용을 부탁드립니다. Stay Ami는 많이 개발되지 않은 부산의 옛 모습을 지닌 아미동에 있습니다. 근현대사의 역사, 피란수도 부산의 모습이 담긴 풍경을 만날 수 있습니다. 떡집, 대중목욕탕, 전통 시장, 식당, 구멍가게(Mom and pop store)가 걸어서 10분 거리에 있습니다. 때때로 집 앞에서 과일야채 트럭, 재첩국[Jaecheop-guk] 아저씨, 찹쌀떡[Chapssal-tteok] 할머니, 고물상 아저씨, 야구르트 이모[Yogurt ajumma]를 만날 수 있습니다. 어르신이 많이 계신 조용한 동네이며 소음 등 이웃에게 피해 가지 않도록 조심해 주세요. 숙소에서 시티뷰를 감상할 수 있으며, 뷰를 볼 수 있는 만큼, 약간의 오르막길에 위치한 점 참고 부탁드립니다. ** 2층 전 공간 및 3층 각 침실 온돌 난방, 개별 에어컨 ** 1층 - 주차장 (이용을 원할 경우 예약 시 미리 알려주세요.) 2층 - 주방, 거실, 샤워실(화장실), 세탁실(보일러) 3층 - 침실, 화장실(욕실) Room 1 : 티 테이블, 피아노 Room 2 : 침대 Room 3 : 침대, 화장대 욕실(화장실) : 욕조 사용 가능, 미니 파우더룸(세면대) **예약 인원에 따라 제공되는 침실의 수가 달라집니다. [Room 2, Room 3 각 방에 퀸 사이즈 침대가 하나씩 있으며, 5인 이상 예약 시 Room 1에서 사용 가능한 추가 이불 세트를 제공합니다. (토퍼 매트리스+이불+베개)] **2인 예약 시 Room1, Room2만 이용 가능합니다. 4층(옥상) - 옥탑방, 옥상 옥탑방 : 의류건조대 옥상 : 평상 (오후 9시 이후는 실내 이용을 부탁드립니다.) * Enjoy this town by walk! 아미동비석문화마을 5분 감천문화마을 16분 임시수도기념관 14분 대중목욕탕 5분 떡집(방앗간) 5분 아미시장 8분 * 근거리 관광지 남포동(부평시장, 국제시장, 자갈치시장):도보 25분 / 마을버스 10분 송도해수욕장:버스 20분(환승 1회) / 차 10분 영도 흰여울마을:버스 30분(환승 1회) / 차 15분 * 대중교통 마을버스:도보 30초(2번, 1-1번) 시내버스:도보 6분(134번, 190번) 지하철:도보 10분(토성역) 에어컨(거실, 각 방), 침대, 침구, 완강기, 세탁기, 의류건조대, 냉장고, 쿡탑, 식기류(그릇, 숟가락, 젓가락, 포크, 칼, 가위, 감자칼, 집게, 냄비, 후라이팬), 헤어 드라이어, 밥솥, 전자레인지, 정수기, TV, Free Wifi 등 이용 시설에 대해 궁금한 점이 있다면 메세지를 보내주세요! 체크인 시 숙소 이용 관련 내용을 호스트가 직접 안내해 드립니다. 예약 완료 후 호스트에게 체크인 예정 시간을 알려주세요. 체크인 시 숙소 이용 관련 내용을 호스트가 직접 안내해 드립니다. 예약 시 **호스트에게 체크인 예정 시간을 알려주세요.** 1. 얼리 체크인 및 체크아웃 연장은 불가합니다. 2. 예약 인원에 따라 제공되는 침실의 수가 달라집니다. (공간 설명을 읽어보시고 이해가 어려운 경우 문의를 부탁드려요) 3. 예약인원 외 방문을 금합니다. (인원 초과 시 환불 없이 즉시 퇴실 조치합니다.) 4. 금연건물입니다. (옥상에서만 흡연 가능합니다.(비치된 재떨이 이용)) (실내 흡연 시 10만원의 과태료와 1일 숙박비가 청구됩니다.) 5. 조용한 동네로 이웃을 배려하고자 오후 9시 이후에는 옥상 사용을 금합니다. (흡연은 옥상에서 언제든 가능하오나, 늦은 시간엔 조용히 이용해주시길 부탁드립니다.) 6. 물품 파손 및 심한 오염(침구, 러그, 벽지 등) 발생 시 복구 비용 청구됩니다. 7. 냄새가 심한 요리(바베큐, 생선 등)는 다음 게스트에게 피해가 가므로 자제해 주세요. 8. 퇴실 전 설거지 및 분리수거를 부탁드립니다. (미이행 시 청소비를 청구합니다.) 9. 반려동물의 입장은 불가합니다. 10. 지나친 소음으로 인한 민원 접수 시 환불 없이 퇴실 조치됩니다.
M00N `s Stay102호
제주의관문 공항에 인접(차로5분)해있으면서도 해안도로(걸어서2분)산책로를 걸으며 바다와 소통하는곳 문스스테이입니다. 쉐어하우스처럼 따로(자고 먹고 쉬는곳) 또 같이(공용세탁기.전자렌지)라는 부제처럼 혼자만의 객실이지만 다른사람들과 소통할수있는 공간을 겸비했으면서도 독립된공간의 호텔식객실이며 룸안에 욕실을 갗추고 있습니다. 가까이 스타벅스.데일리오아시스,투썸플레이스등 유명카페가 도보로 5분이내에 밀접해있고 해수사우나,마트가인접해있어 편리한 생활권에 주변환경은 시골집등으로 둘러쌓여있고 조금걸어서 나가면 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 에머랄드빛바다와 바다향기로 제주시에 위치해있으면서도 최상의 여유러움을 느낄수있는 문스스테이입니다.
B#1 애월 중산간 레트로 감성 숙소 이보다 더 좋을수 있다
르빌리지애월의 역대급 기대작 감성 숙소 드디어 오픈하다~ 원래는 호스트가 주거하려고 인테리어 공사를 했던 숙소로 호스트인 저의 라이프스타일과 인테리어 취향이 곳곳에 베어있는 B#1 입니다. 완공이 늦어지는 바람에 결국 게스트 분들 숙소로 양보하게 되었지만 아직도 애정이 많은 숙소로 지속적으로 소소하게 업데이트 중입니다. 킹 침대가 있는 침실 -1 다용도룸 (파우더룸, 서브침실 2인 초과시 요와 이불 셋팅) 넓직한 키친&다이닝룸과 제주돌담뷰가 보이는 통장 욕조룸, 그리고 제주정원 통창뷰 서재가 이 숙소의 포인트입니다. 주방 - 냉장고, 전자레인지, 인덕션, 토스터기, 식기, 냄비, 후라이팬, 조리도구, 정수기 와인잔, 소주잔, 맥주잔, 와인오프너, 주방 일회용품 침실에는 55인치 TV - 넷플릭스 가능 욕실은 샤워실룸과 화장실이 별도 분리가 되어있습니다. 샤워룸까지 모두 바닥난방이 들어와서 따뜻한 입욕을 즐기실수 있습니다 (입욕제-솔트, 버블타입 구비) 세탁룸에는 세탁기와 건조기가 구비되어있습니다. 그외 무선청소기, 헤어드라이기, 고데기 욕실 - 아베다 샴푸, 바디워시, 트리트먼트, 록시땅 핸드워시 여성청결제, 폼클렌징, 샤워스펀지 유아동반시 기본제공 -토퍼,이불세트, 식기, 욕조, 의자, 유아용 세탁세제, 젖병세정제, 로션(닥터바이오), 올인원워시(닥터바이오) 별도요청시 제공-젖병워머, 유아베개, 콘센트 덮개 영아-에어비앤비 시스템에서는 유아만 확인할수 있고 24개월 이상은 어린이로 표시되기 때문에 필요 품목 별도 요청을 주셔야 합니다. 2층 건물이지만 1층과 2층 입구가 별도 분리되어 있어 독채와 다름없습니다. 1층/2층 게스트와 영역(?) 문제 없이 넓은 마당 이용 가능합니다 펜션내 전기차 충전기 이용가능 바베큐 이용안내 - 입실 하루전까지 시간예약필수 착화서비스 바베큐 - 시간지정 예약 요금 : 소형 3만원(3인까지), 중형4만원(4인부터-) , 대형 5만원(6인부터~) 인원이 많을경우는 추가숯(+1만원)이나 대형+소형 셋팅 필요하실수도 있습니다. 숯착화, 일회용식기, 허브솔트 준비해드립니다. 쌈장은 요청시 제공 *최고급 '비장탄'을 사용하기 때문에 착화시간 소요가 깁니다. 시간지정예약 필수(문자메세지) 셀프 바베큐 안내(직접착화) 비용- 소형-2만, 중형-3만, 대형-4만 바베큐그릴,석쇠, 숯(일반숯), 토치, 장갑, 허브솔트,쌈장 제공 숯 1봉지 추가시 5,000원 바베큐 장소 - 바베큐테라스(C동 1층에 위치, 동시간대 1팀만 가능, 선착순)- 냉장고, 식기, 인덕션, 전자레인지 - 정원 테이블 별도요청사항 유아용품-식기, 의자, 로션, 바디워시, 젖병세정제, 콘센트 덮개 애견용품 - 식기, 방석 차량 이동시 소요시간 안내 평화로 바로옆에 위치해 있어 서귀포나 애조로를 통한 차량이동이 용이합니다. 제주공항 : 30분 식재료 구매시 하나로마트 봉성점 10분(작아요~ 영업시간 확인후 방문) 농협 하나로마트(애월,하귀) 15분 대박이네 - 육류, 수산 (바베큐 장보기) 편의점 안내 세븐일레븐 애월천덕점 : 7분(연중무휴, 밤11시까지) *애견동반 추가금 안내(체크인 당일까지 선결제) - 10kg 이상 견종 불가 - 50,000원 애견 동반시 견종과 무게 등 사전정보를 반드시 알려주시고 배변, 마킹 꼭 주의 부탁 드리고 외출후엔 발바닥 닦아주세요. 배변패드와 배변물은 비닐에 밀봉 부탁드립니다. 온수사용 주의사항 연속 2회이상 욕조 사용시 온수가 부족할수 있습니다. 재사용시 온수기 가열 소요시간은 2시간이상 입니다. 이점 유의 부탁드립니다.
Seowoljae(서월재) : 경복궁역 3분, 산과 한옥이 있는 프라이빗 감성 공간
서월재는 오랜 시간 정성을 다해 준비한 특별한 숙소입니다. 경복궁역에서 몇 발자국 떨어지지 않은 곳이며 탁 트인 큰 창을 통해 서울의 정취를 느낄 수 있습니다. 1. 완벽한 위치 : 경복궁역 도보 3~5분, 공항버스 정류장 2~3분. 바로 인근의 경복궁과 청와대, 서촌과 북촌 자락은 물론이고 광화문, 명동, 홍대 어디든 편리하게 이동이 가능합니다. 한국의 궁궐이 있는 동네를 매우 편리하게, 그러나 소란스럽지 않게 즐길 수 있는 위치입니다. 2. 넓고 쾌적한 공간 : 최대 6인 독채로 이용 가능한 넓은 공간입니다. 올 리모델링을 거쳐 새로 오픈한 숙소로 벽과 천장을 비롯한 모든 물품이 새롭고 깨끗합니다. 3. 한국적인 뷰 : 메인 공간의 큰 창을 통해 북악산과 한옥 기와를 마음껏 구경하기 좋습니다. 볕이 좋은 날은 선명한 북안산과 기분 좋은 햇살을, 비나 눈이 내리는 날에는 추적추적 내리는 비와 소복히 쌓이는 눈을 감상할 수 있어요. 해가 질 무렵엔 노을이 참 예쁘구요 :) 넉넉한 두 개의 공간을 독채로 사용합니다. (최대 6인 숙박) 1. 메인 공간 : 거실(다이닝 테이블, TV, 소파, 블루투스 스피커), Room 1(퀸 사이즈 침대 2개-5성급 호텔 매트리스 및 침구류, 드라이기, 스팀다리미), 주방(인덕션, 전자레인지, 온수기, 커피 드립백, 식기도구 등), 베란다(분리수거함) 2. 예술 공간 : Room 2(빔프로젝트-LG시네빔, 소파베드, 좌식테이블), 복도 갤러리(대형 액자의 명화 그림)
my halftime 스마일
Unwind and Stay Active at My Halftime 스마일's Outdoor Pool At My Halftime 스마일, we understand the importance of staying active and taking time to relax. Our outdoor pool is the perfect place to do both. Dive into the crystal-clear waters and feel the refreshing splash against your skin. Whether you're looking to swim a few laps to stay fit or simply want to soak up the sun, our pool offers the ideal setting. With comfortable loungers and umbrellas, you can bask in the warm Jeju weather while enjoying a good book or sipping on a refreshing cocktail from our poolside bar. So, grab your swimsuit and get ready to make a splash at My Halftime 스마일's outdoor pool! Convenient and Hassle-Free Transport Facilities at My Halftime 스마일 At my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea, we understand the importance of convenient and hassle-free transport options for our guests. That's why we provide a range of transport facilities to ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay. One of the highlights of our transport facilities is our spacious car park, available free of charge for all guests. Whether you're traveling by car or renting one during your stay, you can rest assured knowing that you'll have a secure and convenient place to park. Our car park is well-maintained and offers ample space, so you won't have to worry about finding a spot or navigating through crowded streets. With our free car park, you'll have the freedom to explore the beautiful island of Jeju at your own pace. Whether you're planning to visit the stunning beaches, hike up Hallasan Mountain, or explore the vibrant city center, having a car at your disposal makes it easy to get around and discover all that Jeju has to offer. So, leave your transportation worries behind and make the most of your stay at my halftime 스마일. Discover the Beauty of Seongsan in Jeju, South Korea Nestled on the eastern coast of Jeju Island, Seongsan is a picturesque village that offers a breathtaking blend of natural beauty and cultural charm. Known for its iconic Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, also known as the Sunrise Peak, this area is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. The highlight of Seongsan is undoubtedly the Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This volcanic cone rises majestically from the ocean, creating a striking silhouette against the sky. Hiking to the summit of the peak is a popular activity, rewarding visitors with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and the opportunity to witness a stunning sunrise. The lush green fields and vibrant wildflowers that surround the peak add to the enchanting atmosphere of this natural wonder. In addition to its natural wonders, Seongsan offers a glimpse into the traditional culture of Jeju Island. The village is dotted with charming traditional houses, known as hanok, where visitors can experience the local way of life. Strolling through the narrow alleyways, you'll discover quaint shops selling handmade crafts and local delicacies. Don't miss the chance to try some of Jeju's famous black pork, a local specialty that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're seeking adventure, tranquility, or a cultural experience, Seongsan in Jeju, South Korea has it all. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, explore the rich cultural heritage, and create unforgettable memories in this captivating village. Convenient Transportation from Jeju Airport to Halftime 스마일 in Seongsan, Jeju Located in the picturesque coastal town of Seongsan on Jeju Island, Halftime 스마일 offers a serene and relaxing getaway for travelers. Getting to this idyllic retreat is a breeze, thanks to the convenient transportation options available from Jeju Airport. Upon arrival at Jeju Airport, visitors have several transportation choices to reach Halftime 스마일. One of the most popular and convenient options is to take a taxi directly from the airport. Taxis are readily available outside the arrival terminals and offer a comfortable and hassle-free journey to Seongsan. The ride takes approximately 1 hour, allowing travelers to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views along the way. For those looking for a more budget-friendly option, public transportation is also available. From Jeju Airport, travelers can take a bus to Seongsan. The bus station is conveniently located near the airport, and buses depart regularly throughout the day. The journey takes around 2 hours, but it offers a chance to soak in the stunning landscapes of Jeju Island. Once you arrive in Seongsan, Halftime 스마일 is just a short distance away. The hotel is located in a prime location, making it easily accessible by foot or a short taxi ride from the bus terminal. With its tranquil surroundings and convenient transportation options, Halftime 스마일 is the perfect choice for travelers seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating stay in Seongsan, Jeju. Explore the Natural Wonders and Cultural Delights near halftime 스마일 Nestled in the heart of Jeju, halftime 스마일 offers easy access to a plethora of captivating landmarks and attractions. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its dramatic volcanic crater and breathtaking sunrise views. For those seeking adventure, a visit to Manjanggul Cave is a must. This lava tube cave stretches for over 8 kilometers and showcases stunning geological formations, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike. If you're interested in learning about the island's rich cultural heritage, a trip to Seongeup Folk Village is highly recommended. Wander through traditional thatched-roof houses, experience local customs, and witness captivating folk performances. For a family-friendly outing, Aquaplanet Jeju is a fantastic choice. Dive into a world of marine wonders as you explore the aquarium's diverse collection of sea creatures. Nature lovers will be enchanted by Bijarim Forest, a dense forest of ancient nutmeg trees that date back over 800 years. Stroll along the peaceful trails, breathe in the fresh air, and soak up the tranquility of this enchanting woodland. Jeju Kimnyoung Maze Park is another unique attraction that promises fun and excitement for all ages. Get lost in the labyrinthine maze, solve puzzles, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. For a glimpse into traditional Jeju life, a visit to Jeju Folk Village (Jeju Minsokchon) is a must. Explore the preserved traditional houses, witness traditional performances, and learn about the island's fascinating history. Woljeongri Beach, with its pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters, is the perfect spot to relax and unwind. Soak up the sun, take a leisurely stroll along the shore, or simply enjoy a picnic with loved ones. To delve deeper into Jeju's unique culture, a visit to Jeju Haenyeo Museum is highly recommended. Discover the remarkable world of the haenyeo, female divers who have been harvesting seafood for generations. Learn about their traditions, watch captivating performances, and gain a newfound appreciation for their extraordinary way of life. Lastly, Maze Land offers a whimsical and entertaining experience for visitors of all ages. Lose yourself in the maze's intricate paths, solve puzzles, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. With such a wide array of natural wonders and cultural delights in close proximity, halftime 스마일 is the perfect base for exploring the best that Jeju has to offer. A Culinary Adventure Awaits Located in the vibrant neighborhood of Jeju, halftime 스마일 is surrounded by a plethora of dining options that will satisfy any food lover's cravings. Just a stone's throw away, you can indulge in the tantalizing flavors of Kashi Abang Guksu, known for their delicious handmade noodles and flavorful broth. For those seeking a hearty meal, Matna Sikdang offers a wide variety of Korean dishes that will leave you wanting more. Sogeumbachi Sooninae is a must-visit for seafood enthusiasts, with their fresh catch of the day and delectable seafood platters. Haewas is a charming restaurant that specializes in traditional Jeju cuisine, serving up dishes made with locally sourced ingredients. Willala is a hidden gem, offering a fusion of Korean and Western flavors in a cozy and intimate setting. If you're craving some mouthwatering seafood, head to Jeju Onuii Seafood Restaurant, where you can savor the catch of the day prepared in various styles. Cafe Hallasan is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee or indulge in a sweet treat. Keokyumin Black Pork is a paradise for meat lovers, serving up succulent cuts of Jeju's famous black pork. And for those looking for a unique dining experience, Seopji kojiro dombe meat offers a traditional Korean barbecue experience with a stunning view of the surrounding nature. With such a diverse range of restaurants just steps away from halftime 스마일, your taste buds are in for a treat during your stay in Jeju. Shop till you drop at Haejoon Seafood Market Located in the heart of Jeju, halftime 스마일 offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks, including the famous Haejoon Seafood Market. Just a short walk from the hotel, this bustling market is a paradise for seafood lovers and shopaholics alike. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere as you navigate through rows of stalls offering a wide array of fresh seafood, local produce, and unique souvenirs. Indulge in the freshest catches of the day, such as abalone, octopus, and sea urchin, or sample delicious street food like grilled fish skewers and spicy seafood pancakes. Don't forget to haggle and negotiate prices to get the best deals. Whether you're looking for a taste of local cuisine or searching for the perfect Jeju-themed gift, Haejoon Seafood Market is a must-visit destination that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a full shopping bag. Affordable Luxury: Experience Comfort at a Great Price at my halftime 스마일 Indulge in a luxurious stay at my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea, without breaking the bank. With an average room price of just $77, this hotel offers unbeatable value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Jeju, which stands at $87, my halftime 스마일 provides an affordable option for travelers seeking comfort and convenience. At my halftime 스마일, guests can expect nothing short of excellence. The hotel boasts modern and stylish rooms that are thoughtfully designed to ensure a comfortable and relaxing stay. Each room is equipped with top-notch amenities, including plush bedding, a flat-screen TV, a mini-fridge, and a spacious en-suite bathroom. Not only does my halftime 스마일 offer exceptional accommodation at a more affordable price, but it also provides a range of fantastic facilities. Guests can unwind and rejuvenate in the hotel's spa and wellness center, take a refreshing dip in the outdoor pool, or enjoy a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant. With its prime location in Jeju, my halftime 스마일 allows easy access to popular attractions, shopping districts, and dining options. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this hotel is the perfect choice for those seeking a memorable stay without compromising on quality or price. Book your stay at my halftime 스마일 today and experience the best of Jeju without breaking the bank. A Perfect Retreat with Exceptional Customer Ratings Discover the epitome of hospitality and luxury at my halftime 스마일 in Jeju, South Korea. With an outstanding overall rating of 9.8, this hotel has garnered rave reviews from its delighted guests. Boasting a perfect 10.0 for value, it offers an unbeatable combination of affordability and quality, making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious travelers. The hotel's commitment to providing excellent facilities is evident in its impressive rating of 9.0, ensuring that guests have access to everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From the moment you step foot into my halftime 스마일, you'll be greeted with impeccable cleanliness, reflected in its perfect 10.0 rating. The hotel's dedication to maintaining a pristine environment ensures that guests can relax and unwind without any worries. Situated in a prime location, my halftime 스마일 receives a flawless 10.0 rating for its convenient placement, allowing guests to easily explore the vibrant city of Jeju and its many attractions. Finally, the hotel's staff performance is nothing short of exceptional, as reflected in its perfect 10.0 rating. The friendly and attentive staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest's needs are met, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, my halftime 스마일 guarantees a memorable and enjoyable stay, backed by its outstanding customer ratings.
subi house
바다가 아름답기로 유명한 남해의 남면 중심에 위치한 독채입니다. 마당이 넓어 차가 수월하게 들어가고 텐트나 캠핑하기 좋습니다. 마당 옆에 냇물이 흐르고 있고 바베큐를 즐길 수 있구요. 걸어서 3분 거리 먹거리와 약국 의원 카페 마트 운동장 등 생활하기 편한 위치 입니다. 배달 음식이 가능한 곳이라 피자, 치킨, 중화요리 등등 배달이 오는 곳입니다. 집 앞 버스 정류장도 있습니다. 차 타고 5분 거리에 아난티 골프장과 두곡월포해수욕장이 있으며, 바다는 여름에 해수욕이나 낚시도 즐길 수 있고 남해의 유명한 다랭이 마을도 바로 근처에 있습니다. 온 가족이 머물기에 적합한 넓은 숙소입니다. 아난티 골프장, 월포해수욕장, 두곡해수욕장, 가천다랭이마을, 미국마을 면소제지에 위치하여 주변 의원, 약국, 마트, 은행, 공설운동장, 맛집, 카페 등등 편의시설이 주변에 있습니다. 버스를 타고 오는법 남해시외버스터미널에서 가천(다랭이마을)으로 가는 버스를 타고 오실 수 있으며 그중 (죽전 마을에서 내리시면 집 앞입니다.) 죽전 마을로 가지 않을 시 홍덕 (남면면사무소 앞)에서 내려서 도보 5분입니다. 자차를 이용하시는 경우 차량 10대 이상 주차가능합니다. 길가에 주차하셔도 되고 마당에 하셔도 됩니다. 보증금 30만원 있습니다. 한달살기 특성상 전기세 난방비 수도세는 보증금에서 제외하고 돌려드립니다. 난방은 기름보일러입니다.
Manse House( 불멍), 햇살좋은 야외카페가 있는 아늑한 숙소
동대구역에서 걸어서 11분, 차로 5분! 대구공항까지 차로 10분 거리에 있습니다. 아이와 함께, 가족이 머물기에 적합한 공간이며 일상 생활 속 층간소음에서 자유로운 집입니다. The host and her family are fluent in English and are always available to communicate with guests. 2층 전체가 게스트전용으로 제공되고 1층에는 저희 가족이 거주하고 있습니다! 저희 집에는 1층에서 키우는 고양이가 세마리 있는데 그 중 엄마냥이 이름이 만세랍니다. 한번씩 마당에 산책을 나가기 때문에 만세와 그녀의 가족들을 만나실 수도 있어요 ㅎㅎ 그렇지만 눈치빠른 고양이라서 고양이를 싫어하시는 분들을 알아채고는 잽싸게 도망가는 아이들입니다. 저희집에도 아기가 있기 때문에 아기 및 유아를 동반한 가족분들을 열렬히 환영합니다. 침실, 거실겸 주방, 욕실, 야외테라스, 아기 미끄럼틀, 세탁실 등이 제공됩니다. 55인치(애플tv, 유튜브 가능)스마트티비입니다(넷플은 안됩니다 ㅠ btv에서 지원불가하다네요 ㅠㅠ) 침실에 퀸침대 하나와 추가 2인을 위한 여분의 침구류가 제공됩니다. 거실겸 주방에서는 요리를 하셔도 되고(바베큐 전기그릴 있음) 커피머신으로 커피나 맥주를 마실 수 있습니다. 2층 숙소 바로 앞에 있는 테라스를 숙박 기간 내 전용으로 이용하실 수 있습니다. 테라스에는 야외 식탁 및 불멍화로가 있습니다. 다만 인근 주민들이 불편해 할 수 있으므로 고기를 화로에 구워 먹는 것은 권장되지 않습니다. 그래서 저희가 간단하게 마시멜로를 구워먹고 소세지를 구워드실 수 있는 장작을 제공합니다(작은 캠프파이어를 위한 약간의 숯과 마시멜로와 꼬치는 제공하지만 소세지는 사오셔야 합니다). 그리고 테라스 내에 아기를 위한 작은 그네와 미끄럼틀이 있습니다. 테라스 안 세탁실이 있으므로 숙소를 이용하는 동안 자유롭게 세탁을 하실 수 있습니다(대형 빨래거치대도 제공됩니다). 가습기, 바비리스 헤어드라이어, 공기청정기, 일반 헤어드라이기, 고대기, 유무선충전기, 블루투스 스피커, 휴대용피아노, 블루투스 키보드, 블루투스마이크(너무 크게 트시고 고성방가는 안되어요), 미러볼, 크레파스, 스케치북, 그리고 세면등을 위한 일회용품, 맥주잔, 와인잔, 소주잔, 아기식기 등이 제공됩니다. The bedroom comes with a queen size bed and extra linens for an additional 2 people. In the living room and kitchen, you can cook (there is a barbecue electric grill) or drink coffee or beer with the coffee machine. The terrace right in front of the accommodation on the 2nd floor can be used exclusively during your stay. The terrace has an outdoor dining table and fire pit. However, it is not recommended to grill the meat over an open fire as it may cause discomfort to nearby residents. That's why we provide firewood for you to simply roast marshmallows and grill sausages (we provide a little charcoal, marshmallows and skewers, but you need to buy sausages). And within the terrace, there is a small swing and slide for babies. There is a laundry room on the terrace, so you can do laundry freely while using the accommodation (a large clothes rack is also provided). It is a space suitable for families with children to stay in the heart of the city. The entire second floor is provided exclusively for guests, and my family lives on the first floor! We have three cats on the first floor of our house, and the name of a cat is Manse. Going for a walk in the yard once in a while Because of this, you can meet Manse and her family :D However, because they are smart cats who quickly run away when they notice people who hate cats. We have a baby, so we warmly welcome families with babies and toddlers. Babyliss and general Hairdryer, Humidifier, air purifier, straightener, wired/wireless charger, Bluetooth speaker, portable piano, Bluetooth keyboard, Bluetooth microphone (do not play or sing loudly), mirror ball, crayons, sketchbook, and disposable items for toiletries, beer glasses, wine glasses, Soju glasses and baby tableware are provided. 게스트는 저희 숙소에 머무시는 동안 부족한 사항이 있으면 에어비앤비 메시지나 제가 체크인 전 드리는 전화로 연락을 취하시면 됩니다. Guests can contact us by agoda message or the phone I give before check-in if there is anything lacking during their stay at our accommodation. 동대구역(신세계백화점)에서 차로 5분거리이며 버스로 10분, 걸어서 15분 거리에 위치해 있습니다. 신암4동 행정복지센터를 네비게이션에 치고 오시면 빠르게 찾으실 수 있습니다. 근처에 큰고개 성당이 있습니다. It is near to the East Daegu Station( on foot 15 minuites, 5 minuites by car). Take bus No. 814 from the bus stop in front of Dongdaegu Station Plaza and get off at Keeungogae Station. 커플 혹은 가족이 불멍을 즐기거나 홈카페를 즐기기에 좋은 숙소입니다. 가볍게 맥주 한잔하면서 불멍화로에 마시멜로나 소시지를 즐겨보세요! 기본 2인 요금이고 추가 1인당 만원이 추가됩니다(최대 4인까지 침구류가 준비되어 있습니다). This accomodation is suit for a couple or family member and their babies. An additional fee (KRW 10,000) will be charged for more than two people.
Endless Entertainment at oceanterra At oceanterra , you'll find a plethora of entertainment facilities that will keep you entertained throughout your stay. With an array of shops located within the hotel, you can indulge in some retail therapy without even leaving the premises. From high-end fashion boutiques to souvenir shops, there's something for everyone. Whether you're looking to update your wardrobe or find the perfect memento to remember your trip, you'll be spoiled for choice at oceanterra . Additionally, the hotel boasts a state-of-the-art cinema that offers a truly immersive movie-watching experience. Grab some popcorn, sit back, and relax as you enjoy the latest blockbusters on the big screen. With comfortable seating and top-notch audiovisual technology, this cinema is the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring Geoje-si. Whether you're a film enthusiast or simply looking for a fun evening activity, the cinema at oceanterra will not disappoint. Convenience at its Finest: oceanterra 's Facilities At oceanterra in Geoje-si, South Korea, convenience is a top priority. From the moment you step foot into the hotel, you will be greeted with a range of facilities designed to make your stay as hassle-free as possible. Stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms and public areas. Whether you need to catch up on work or simply browse the internet, you can do so effortlessly. For those who enjoy a smoke, oceanterra offers a designated smoking area where you can relax and indulge in your favorite pastime. Additionally, the hotel provides express check-in and check-out services, ensuring a seamless arrival and departure. No need to worry about your luggage, as there is a convenient luggage storage facility available for guests. Furthermore, oceanterra boasts a convenience store on-site, perfect for grabbing any essentials or snacks you may need during your stay. With daily housekeeping services, you can rest assured that your room will always be clean and tidy, allowing you to fully unwind and enjoy your time at this remarkable hotel. Convenient Transport Facilities at oceanterra At oceanterra , we understand the importance of convenient transport options for our guests. Whether you are arriving by car or need a reliable taxi service, we have you covered. Our hotel offers a spacious car park onsite, ensuring that you can easily find a parking spot without any hassle. What's more, our car park is free of charge, allowing you to save on additional expenses during your stay. For those who prefer to leave the driving to someone else, our dedicated taxi service is at your disposal. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you in arranging a taxi for your transportation needs. Whether you want to explore the beautiful city of Geoje-si or need a ride to the nearby attractions, our reliable taxi service will ensure a comfortable and stress-free journey. Additionally, if you are traveling with your own vehicle, our hotel also provides self-parking facilities. This gives you the flexibility to come and go as you please, knowing that your car is securely parked within our premises. At oceanterra , we strive to make your stay as convenient as possible, and our comprehensive transport facilities are just one of the ways we achieve this. Indulge in a Culinary Delight at oceanterra 's Dining Facilities At oceanterra , we understand that dining experiences are an integral part of any memorable vacation. That's why we offer a range of exceptional dining facilities to cater to every palate. Our highlight is the BBQ facilities, where you can savor the smoky flavors of grilled delicacies while enjoying breathtaking views of the ocean. Gather around the sizzling grill with your loved ones and create unforgettable memories as you cook up a storm. In addition to our BBQ facilities, we also provide daily housekeeping to ensure that your dining spaces are always clean and inviting. Our dedicated team of housekeepers will ensure that your dining areas are spotless and ready for your next meal. Whether you choose to dine in the comfort of your room or at one of our charming outdoor dining areas, you can rest assured that your dining experience at oceanterra will be nothing short of exceptional. Discover the Serene Beauty of Jangmok-myeon in Geoje-si Nestled on the picturesque southeastern coast of South Korea, Jangmok-myeon is a charming village that offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life. Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, this hidden gem is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. One of the highlights of Jangmok-myeon is its stunning coastline, which stretches for miles and boasts pristine sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. Take a leisurely stroll along the shore, feel the gentle sea breeze against your skin, and soak up the awe-inspiring views of the ocean. The village is also home to several scenic hiking trails that wind through lush forests and lead to panoramic viewpoints, offering a perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature. In addition to its natural wonders, Jangmok-myeon also has a rich cultural heritage. Explore the traditional Korean houses, known as hanok, and immerse yourself in the local way of life. Visit the village's historic sites, such as the Jangmok Village Cultural Center, where you can learn about the area's history and traditional crafts. Don't forget to sample the delicious local cuisine, which includes fresh seafood caught daily by the village's fishermen. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a cultural experience, Jangmok-myeon in Geoje-si has it all. Discover the serene beauty of this charming village and create unforgettable memories amidst nature's splendor. Traveling from the Nearest Airports to oceanterra in Geoje-si, South Korea Located in the picturesque Jangmok-myeon, Geoje-si, South Korea, oceanterra is a stunning coastal retreat that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and luxurious comfort. To reach this idyllic destination, you have several options depending on the nearest airport. If you are arriving at Gimhae International Airport in Busan, the most convenient way to reach oceanterra is by taking a taxi or private transfer. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, allowing you to enjoy breathtaking views of the South Korean countryside along the way. Alternatively, you can take a bus from the airport to Geoje-si Bus Terminal, and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach oceanterra . Another option is to fly into Jinju Airport, which is closer to Geoje-si than Gimhae International Airport. From Jinju Airport, you can hire a taxi or arrange a private transfer to oceanterra . The journey takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes, offering you a scenic drive through the charming countryside. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to oceanterra will reward you with stunning coastal vistas and a sense of tranquility. Once you arrive, you can immerse yourself in the resort's luxurious amenities, indulge in gourmet dining, and explore the nearby attractions such as Haegeumgang Island and Oedo Botania. oceanterra promises an unforgettable experience amidst the natural splendor of Geoje-si, South Korea. Discover the Rich Cultural Heritage at Geoje Folk Museum Nestled in the picturesque city of Geoje-si, South Korea, oceanterra offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural charm. One of the prominent landmarks in the vicinity is the Geoje Folk Museum, which is just a stone's throw away from the hotel. This museum is a treasure trove of artifacts and exhibits that provide a fascinating insight into the local history and traditions of Geoje-si. As you step into the museum, you'll be transported back in time to experience the daily life of the people who once inhabited this region. Immerse yourself in the captivating displays of traditional costumes, ancient tools, and household items. The museum also offers interactive exhibits, allowing visitors to participate in various cultural activities and gain a deeper understanding of the local customs. After exploring the Geoje Folk Museum, take a leisurely stroll around the surrounding area to admire the beautiful landscapes and charming architecture. With its serene ambiance and rich cultural heritage, oceanterra is the perfect choice for travelers seeking a memorable and immersive experience in Geoje-si. Explore a Gastronomic Delight in the Vicinity When it comes to dining options, oceanterra 's surrounding area is a food lover's paradise. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find a variety of restaurants that cater to different tastes and preferences. Start your culinary adventure at W181, a trendy eatery known for its fusion cuisine and stylish ambiance. For those craving traditional Korean flavors, Muneodang and Ilchul Hoetjip offer authentic dishes made with the freshest ingredients. Eodam is a must-visit for seafood enthusiasts, serving up the catch of the day in a cozy setting. If you're in the mood for some hearty comfort food, head over to Myeongpum or Migane for their delectable Korean barbecue. For a taste of local specialties, Pungseongho and Mongdolcha serve up traditional Geoje-si dishes that will leave you wanting more. For a unique dining experience, Hwang-Gane offers a blend of Korean and Japanese cuisine, while Ilbeonjib is a great spot for those looking to savor grilled seafood with stunning ocean views. With such a wide range of dining options, you'll never run out of culinary adventures during your stay at oceanterra . Affordable Luxury at oceanterra in Geoje-si Indulge in a lavish getaway without breaking the bank at oceanterra in Geoje-si, South Korea. With an average room price of just $167, this stunning hotel offers unbeatable value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in the city, which stands at $129, oceanterra provides a truly exceptional experience at an affordable price. Step into a world of luxury as you enter the elegant lobby of oceanterra . The hotel boasts a range of meticulously designed rooms and suites, each offering breathtaking views of the surrounding ocean and cityscape. Immerse yourself in comfort and tranquility with plush furnishings, modern amenities, and a serene ambiance that will make you feel right at home. Not only does oceanterra offer incredible value for money, but it also provides an array of world-class facilities and services. Take a dip in the refreshing infinity pool overlooking the ocean, unwind with a rejuvenating spa treatment, or savor delectable international cuisine at the hotel's exquisite restaurant. With its prime location, impeccable service, and affordable price, oceanterra is the ideal choice for travelers seeking a luxurious retreat in Geoje-si. A Paradise of Positive Reviews oceanterra in Geoje-si, South Korea, has garnered an impressive reputation among its guests, as reflected in its outstanding customer ratings. With an overall score of 8.6, this hotel has consistently exceeded expectations and left visitors in awe of its exceptional service and amenities. The high rating for value, at 8.6, is a testament to the incredible experience guests receive at oceanterra , where they can enjoy top-notch facilities and services without breaking the bank. One of the standout features of oceanterra is its remarkable cleanliness, which has earned it a remarkable score of 9.1. Guests can rest assured that their rooms will be immaculate and well-maintained, providing a comfortable and hygienic environment throughout their stay. From the pristine bathrooms to the spotless linens, every detail is meticulously attended to, ensuring a truly satisfying experience. Another aspect that sets oceanterra apart is its exceptional staff performance, with a rating of 8.9. The dedicated and friendly team goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well-cared for. Whether it's providing helpful recommendations for local attractions or promptly attending to any requests, the staff at oceanterra consistently deliver a level of service that exceeds expectations. Their warm and attentive demeanor creates a welcoming atmosphere that enhances the overall experience of staying at this remarkable hotel.
seong-su#성수역#4인 홈파티#퀸호텔침구#넷플#대형TV#건대먹자골목
감성가득 우리만의 홈파티 Dia 성수를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다 친구, 가족들과 같이 기념일 보내며 즐거운 모습 사진으로 남길수 있도록 다양한 소품 준비했습니다. 모두 이곳에서 즐거운 추억 만들고 가셨으면 좋겠습니다 ^_^ 1.위치 -성수 도보 5분 -건대 도보 10분 -성수카페거리,건대먹자골목, 커먼그라운드 도보 5분 거리 2.주차 -건물 내 주차불가 근처 공영주차장 이용 3.편의시설 -1층 편의점, 세탁소, 카페, 식당 등 4.이용안내 -숙소에서는 절대 금연 -반려동물 동반 불가 -유아 가능하나 인원수 추가 -인덕션 및 조리기구 구비 간단한 요리 가능 (단, 냄새 많이 나는 생선,고기 요리 불가) -기본 조미료 구비 -얼리체크인, 레이트체크아웃은 미리 문의 후 추가결제 -check in 15:00~, check out ~11:00 기타 주의사항 밤 10시 이후 매너타임으로 소음은 자제 해주세요 예약인원 초과 입실 확인 시 퇴거조치합니다 📍숙소 위치:성수역/건대입구 5분~10분 내 도보 -성수 핫플 코끼리 베이글, Onion 등 다수의 맛집 근처 -건물 1층 편의점 -성수역, 건대입구역, 건대맛집거리, CGV 등 번화가 근처 📍미니빔 파티를 위한 배경으로 인스타 사진 미니빔 완비 📍와인잔 꾸미기 와인바에서만 하던 와인잔 꾸미기 나만의 스타일로 꾸민 와인잔으로 하는 파티 📍새해 파티 홈파티 위한 세팅, 크리스마스 트리,가랜드,풍선 📍요리 각종 조미료(소금,설탕,고춧가루,간장),식기 완비 📍퀸사이즈 호텔침구 넓은 퀸 사이즈 침대, 호텔 매트리스,최고급 호텔 침구에서 편히 주무세요 📍위생 매일 교체하는 침구, 일회용 세면도구, 일회용 수세미, 손소독제 제공 -------------------------------- 구비물품 -------------------------------- 📍거실 퀸 침대, 호텔 침구, 대형 TV, 에어컨, 세탁기, 전신거울,크리스마스트리, 크리스마스 가랜드, 쇼파침대, 대리석 식탁, 홈바 테이블, 해피버스데이 가랜드, 풍선 충전기, 와인잔마카, 보드게임, 미니빔, 생일왕관, 파티용품, 스팀다리미 📍욕실 호텔 수건, 드라이기, 고데기,빗, 핸드워시, 일회용 칫솔 치약, 샴푸, 린스, 바디워시, 폼클렌징 📍주방 냄비, 프라이팬, 접시, 와인잔, 소주잔, 머그컵, 조리도구(국자, 집게, 칼, 가위), 조미료(소금,설탕,간장,고춧가루) 식용유, 도마, 플레이팅 도마, 커피포트 📍기타 주의사항 ▨매너타임으로 밤 10시 이후 소음에 주의해주세요 ▨침구,러그,수건 등 오염시 세탁비 또는 제품 비용이 청구됩니다 ▨흡연 절대 불가!! 1층 건물 앞 흡연장소를 이용해주세요
Memory House, jongno, seoul, korea
The memory house provides a private space (room, bathroom, kitchen) Memory House will make your trip comfortable and pleasant. Around Memory House, it's full of Seoul's representative places such as cultural heritage. Memory House would be the best present for your life at its best
At the Main Street of Myeondong [UH SUITE-C]
1. 천장 노출형 인테리어로 배관소리가 들립니다. 2. 주차불가 숙소 입니다. * 이 점 꼭 확인하고 예약 바라겠습니다. - 명동역 10번출구 1분내 거리에 위치하고 있습니다 - 호텔과 같은 깔끔하고 감각적인 인테리어 - 명동상권 중심지에 있습니다 [1분거리] - 명동역 - 명동 쇼핑거리 [5분거리] - 종각 - 을지로 - 청계천 [10~15분거리] - 경복궁 - 광화문 - 북촌 한옥마을 [15~20분거리] - 남산타워 - DDP 숙소 1. 명동 상권 내 유일한 럭셔리 하우스 입니다. 2. 인테리어 디자인 - 저희 숙소는 일반적인 에어비앤비 숙소와는 다릅니다. 저는 인테리어 디자이너로서 매우 감각적인 가구와 조명들로 5성급 호텔 못지않은 분위기를 자랑합니다. 게스트 이용 가능 공간/시설 -와이파이 -전자레인지, 전기포트, 주방도구 일체 -퀸 사이즈 침대 2개 -4인용 식탁 -에어컨(냉난방기) -드라이기/샴푸/린스/바디샴푸/칫솔/수건 등
M00N `s Stay101호
제주의관문 공항에 인접(차로5분)해 있으면서도 해안도로 (걸어서2분) 산책로를 걸으며 바다와 소통하는곳 문스스테이입니다. 쉐어하우스처럼 따로 (자고 먹고 쉬는곳) 또같이 (공용세탁기)라는 부제처럼 혼자만의 객실이지만 다른사람과 소통할수있는 공간을 겸비한곳이면서 독립된공간의 호텔식객실이며 룸안에 욕실을 갖추고 있습니다. 가까이 스타벅스,데일리오아시스,투썸플레이스등 유명카페가 도보로 5분이내에 밀접해있고 해수사우나,마트가 인접해있어 편리한생활권에 주변환경은 시골집이 어우러져있고 조금걸어서 나가면 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 에머랄드빛바다와 바다향기로 제주시에 위치해있으면서도 최상의여유러움을 느낄수있는 문스스테이입니다.
Experience Luxury and Convenience at asdf in Seoul Welcome to asdf , a luxurious 4.5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. With its prime location and impeccable service, asdf offers a truly unforgettable experience for both business and leisure travelers. From its stylish rooms to its world-class amenities, this hotel promises to exceed your expectations. Upon arrival, guests are greeted by a warm and friendly staff, ready to assist with any requests or inquiries. The check-in process is a breeze, starting from 12am. Whether you're arriving early in the morning or late at night, the hotel ensures a seamless and hassle-free check-in experience. asdf boasts a total of 1 elegantly appointed rooms, each designed with utmost comfort and sophistication in mind. The rooms are tastefully decorated, featuring modern furnishings and luxurious amenities. From plush bedding to state-of-the-art technology, every detail has been carefully curated to provide a relaxing and enjoyable stay. Families traveling with children will appreciate asdf 's generous child policy. Children between the ages of 2 to 12 can stay free of charge, making it an ideal choice for a family getaway. The hotel goes above and beyond to ensure that families have everything they need for a comfortable stay, including spacious rooms and child-friendly facilities. When it's time to bid farewell, check-out is until 12am, allowing guests to make the most of their stay without feeling rushed. Whether you're heading out for a day of sightseeing or catching a late flight, the hotel's flexible check-out policy ensures a stress-free departure. Experience the epitome of luxury and convenience at asdf in Seoul. Book your stay today and indulge in a truly unforgettable hotel experience. Experience the Glamour of Gangnam in Seoul Welcome to Gangnam, the upscale district in Seoul that has become a symbol of modernity and luxury. Known for its high-end shopping, trendy nightlife, and sleek skyscrapers, Gangnam offers a vibrant and glamorous experience for visitors. As you stroll along the streets, you'll be surrounded by designer boutiques, luxurious department stores, and stylish cafes. Indulge in some retail therapy at the famous Gangnam Underground Shopping Center, where you can find a wide range of fashion items and accessories. After a day of shopping, immerse yourself in the vibrant nightlife scene, with numerous clubs, bars, and lounges to choose from. The pulsating energy and trendy atmosphere of Gangnam make it a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the modern and fashionable side of Seoul. Traveling from the Airport to asdf in Gangnam, Seoul Welcome to Seoul, South Korea! If you're planning a visit to asdf , located in the vibrant neighborhood of Gangnam, you have a few options for getting there from the nearby airports. Let's explore the best ways to reach your destination. If you're arriving at Incheon International Airport, the most convenient and efficient way to reach asdf is by taking the Airport Railroad Express (AREX). The AREX offers a direct train service from Incheon Airport to Seoul Station, where you can transfer to Line 9. From there, you can take Line 9 to Sinnonhyeon Station, which is the closest station to asdf . The entire journey takes approximately 1 hour and offers a comfortable and reliable mode of transportation. Another option is to take a taxi from the airport to asdf . Taxis are readily available at both Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport. It's important to note that taxi fares in Seoul are relatively affordable, and the drivers are generally knowledgeable about the city. However, keep in mind that traffic in Seoul can be heavy, especially during peak hours, so the travel time may vary. Nevertheless, taking a taxi can be a convenient and hassle-free way to reach asdf , especially if you have a lot of luggage or prefer a more personalized mode of transportation. Exploring the Vibrant Surroundings of asdf in Seoul Nestled in the heart of Seoul, asdf offers an ideal location for exploring the city's vibrant surroundings. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, Hangang Park beckons visitors with its picturesque riverfront setting. Take a leisurely stroll along the park's scenic trails, rent a bike, or enjoy a picnic by the water, immersing yourself in the tranquility of nature amidst the bustling city. For those seeking a spiritual retreat, Bongeunsa Temple is a must-visit landmark located nearby. This ancient Buddhist temple offers a serene escape from the urban chaos, with its peaceful atmosphere and stunning architectural beauty. Explore the temple's intricate halls, admire the towering pagoda, and even participate in a traditional temple stay program to experience the life of a Buddhist monk. If you're a fan of K-pop or simply curious about the Korean entertainment industry, SM Town Coex Atrium is a must-see attraction. This massive complex houses a variety of entertainment facilities, including a museum dedicated to K-pop, a concert hall, and a merchandise store. Immerse yourself in the world of Korean pop culture and perhaps even catch a live performance by your favorite idol. Art enthusiasts will be delighted to discover the Seoul Arts Center, a cultural hub that showcases a diverse range of artistic expressions. From classical music concerts to contemporary art exhibitions, this sprawling complex offers something for everyone. Don't miss the Hangaram Art Museum, which features rotating exhibits of both local and international artists. For a taste of Seoul's trendy fashion and shopping scene, head to Garosu-gil and Apgujeong Rodeo Street. These bustling streets are lined with stylish boutiques, designer stores, and charming cafes, making them perfect for a leisurely shopping spree or people-watching. Nature lovers will appreciate the proximity of Yangjae Citizen's Forest Subway Station and POSCO Gangnam, which offer easy access to green spaces and walking trails. Take a break from the concrete jungle and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Last but not least, theater enthusiasts should not miss the opportunity to catch a performance at Yeakdang Theatre. Known for its diverse repertoire of plays and musicals, this theater promises an unforgettable cultural experience. With its prime location surrounded by these landmarks and attractions, asdf is the perfect base for exploring the best of Seoul's vibrant and diverse offerings. Convenient Public Transport Stations near asdf asdf is located in Seoul, South Korea, and offers easy access to several public transport stations. Seocho Station (Line 2) is just a short walk away from the hotel, making it a convenient option for guests looking to explore the city. Seoul National University of Education Station (Interchange) is also nearby, providing access to multiple subway lines, allowing guests to easily reach various attractions and neighborhoods across Seoul. For those looking to travel further, Eonju Station (Line 9) is within close proximity to asdf . This station is part of the express subway line, offering a faster and more direct route to popular destinations in the city. Additionally, the City Airport Terminal is conveniently located nearby, providing hassle-free transportation to and from the airport. Other nearby public transport stations include Samseong Station (Line 2), Isu Station (Line 7), Banpo Station (Line 7), Seonbawi Station (Line 4), Hangnyeoul Station (Line 3), and Daechi Station (Line 3). These stations offer easy access to various parts of Seoul, allowing guests to explore the city's vibrant neighborhoods, cultural landmarks, and shopping districts with ease. With such a wide range of public transport options available near asdf , guests can enjoy the convenience of exploring Seoul's attractions and getting around the city effortlessly. A Gastronomic Paradise: Dining Options Around asdf asdf 's location is a food lover's dream, surrounded by a plethora of dining options. Just steps away from the hotel, you'll find Yang Good, a popular Korean barbecue joint known for its succulent meats and cozy atmosphere. If you're craving a juicy steak, Heavy Steak is the place to go, offering a wide range of cuts cooked to perfection. For those seeking a taste of Italian cuisine, Cornerstone Cucina Italiana is a must-visit, serving up authentic dishes bursting with flavor. If you're in the mood for some fine dining, Jungsik Seoul is a Michelin-starred restaurant that combines traditional Korean flavors with modern techniques to create innovative and exquisite dishes. For a truly memorable dining experience, head to Mingles, another Michelin-starred restaurant that offers a fusion of Korean and European flavors in a stylish setting. Whether you're in the mood for Korean BBQ, steak, Italian cuisine, or fine dining, asdf 's surrounding restaurants have got you covered. Shopping Paradise for Fashion Enthusiasts Located in the heart of Seoul, asdf offers an unbeatable location for shopaholics. Just a stone's throw away, you'll find a plethora of shopping landmarks to satisfy your retail cravings. Indulge in the latest fashion trends at Shinsegae Gangnam, a luxurious department store that houses a wide range of international and local designer brands. For art lovers, Kais Gallery, Gallery Luminarie, and Gallery Won are must-visit destinations, showcasing an array of contemporary artworks. If you're looking for unique and stylish home decor, Yerim Hwasil and Seorim Gallery are the perfect spots to explore. And for those who love luxury shopping, Lotte Duty Free Shop (COEX Branch) and Boon the Shop are not to be missed. Plus, if you're in need of some bulk shopping, Costco (Yangjae Branch) is just a short distance away. With these incredible shopping landmarks right at your doorstep, asdf guarantees an unforgettable retail therapy experience. Exceptional Customer Ratings for asdf in Seoul asdf in Seoul, South Korea has received exceptional customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers seeking a memorable stay. With an impressive overall rating of 8.8, this hotel has consistently exceeded guests' expectations in various aspects. One of the standout features of asdf is its exceptional value for money, as reflected in its impressive rating of 9.0 for value. Guests have praised the hotel for providing excellent amenities and services at an affordable price, ensuring that every penny spent is well worth it. Whether you're a budget-conscious traveler or simply appreciate great value, asdf offers an unbeatable experience. Another highlight of asdf is its dedicated staff performance, which has earned a perfect rating of 10.0. The hotel's staff members go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well taken care of. From the warm and friendly reception at check-in to the attentive assistance throughout the stay, the staff at asdf consistently receives high praise for their professionalism and genuine hospitality.
서귀포 (성산)에 위치한 더 베스트 제주 성산 호텔에 숙박하실 경우 차로 5분 정도 이동하면 성산 일출봉 및 일출로 해변에 가실 수 있습니다. 이 호텔에서 신양해변까지는 1.9km 떨어져 있으며, 2.2km 거리에는 신양섭지 해수욕장도 있습니다. 피트니스 시설 및 시즌별로 운영되는 야외 수영장 등의 레크리에이션 시설을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 풀사이드 바에서는 음료를 마시며 하루를 여유롭게 마무리하실 수 있어요. 대표적인 편의 시설과 서비스로는 비즈니스 센터, 24시간 운영되는 프런트 데스크, 엘리베이터 등이 있습니다. 시설 내에서 무료 셀프 주차 이용이 가능합니다. 편하게 머무실 수 있는 273개의 객실이 마련되어 있습니다. 무료 무선 인터넷 이용이 가능합니다. 욕실에는 샤워, 무료 세면용품, 헤어드라이어 등이 마련되어 있습니다. 편의 시설/서비스로는 전기 주전자 및 무료 생수 등이 있으며 객실 정돈 서비스는 요청시 제공됩니다.
Goodstay riverwave
Goodstay riverwave Getting the most from your time in Gapyeong-gun is a breeze when staying at the accessibly-located Goodstay riverwave . Goodstay riverwave offers numerous on-site facilities to satisfy even the most discerning guest. Guests can enjoy free parking right at the home. Enjoy the services offered at Goodstay riverwave from the convenience of your guestroom. Goodstay riverwave also provides towels in some of its bathrooms for your convenience. Reasons to stay here Past guests think it’s fantastic, rating it better than 99% of the city’s accommodation. Get more than you bargain for here, which scores value for money higher than 99% of the city's accommodation. Facilities at this home are rated higher than 99% of other accommodations in the city.
At the Main Street of Myeondong [UH SUITE-A]
1. 천장 노출형 인테리어로 배관소리가 들립니다. 2. 주차불가 숙소 입니다. * 이 점 꼭 확인하고 예약 바라겠습니다. - 명동역 10번출구 1분내 거리에 위치하고 있습니다 - 호텔과 같은 깔끔하고 감각적인 인테리어 - 명동상권 중심지에 있습니다 [1분거리] - 명동역 - 명동 쇼핑거리 [5분거리] - 종각 - 을지로 - 청계천 [10~15분거리] - 경복궁 - 광화문 - 북촌 한옥마을 [15~20분거리] - 남산타워 - DDP 숙소 1. 명동 상권 내 유일한 럭셔리 하우스 입니다. 2. 인테리어 디자인 - 저희 숙소는 일반적인 에어비앤비 숙소와는 다릅니다. 저는 인테리어 디자이너로서 매우 감각적인 가구와 조명들로 5성급 호텔 못지않은 분위기를 자랑합니다. 게스트 이용 가능 공간/시설 -와이파이 -전자레인지, 전기포트, 주방도구 일체 -퀸 사이즈 침대 3개 -6인용 식탁 -에어컨(냉난방기) -드라이기/샴푸/린스/바디샴푸/칫솔/수건 등