Luxury Villas Kamakura
Kamakura, Japan, is a coastal gem steeped in history and natural beauty. Home to the iconic Great Buddha statue, this charming seaside town boasts serene temples, lush gardens, and sandy beaches perfect for relaxation. Wander through quaint streets lined with traditional shops and eateries, immersing yourself in the rich culture and spiritual heritage of this historic city. Experience the blend of ancient traditions and modern charm that defines Kamakura.New! Private Ocean View house in Hayama/10ppl/WiFi
This listing "Hayama Ocean View: QRP House" is located on top of the hill in Hayama area! Where it stands is a residential area so you will have a quiet space during your stay. Also you can see the ocean out from the bedroom on the second floor! Working desks are prepared on each bedroom so please feel free to use them to refresh your working condition :-) This accommodation is available for maximum 10 people so recommended for a family trip, friends trip or any other occasion! "Hayama Ocean View: QRP House" is located on top of the hill in Hayama area and you can even see a beautiful ocean view out from 2nd floor! Maximum 10 people stay is available. There are living/dining room, kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom with bunk beds on the 1st floor. On the 2nd floor, there are 2 bedrooms with 2 single beds on each. I have prepared a working space on each bedroom so that you can enjoy the view while you do a work remotely. This accommodation is available only for you! Even the check-in is a self-check-in so all you will need to do is completing a check-in process using an iPad located inside the listing. You can enjoy your stay here like you are staying home :-) Please come here as a group of friends, family or as a couple and enjoy your life near the ocean! ★Rooms★ 1F:Living dining room, Kitchen, Tatami room, Bedroom (might be locked depending on the number of guests you have booked with), Bathroom, Toilet, exterior space, parking lot for 2 cars 2F:Bedrooms (with working desks in each room), Toilet ★Amenities★ [Rooms] ・2 futon mattresses ・4 single beds ・2 bunk bed ・TV (connected with Hikari TV) ・Working space ・Home WiFi ・Washing/drying machine ・Washing detergent [Kitchen] ・Fridge ・Rice cooker ・Electric kettle ・Microwave ・Pots ・Pans ・Stove ・Knives/Chopping boards ・Cutlery ・Dishes/cups ・Other general kitchen tools (There are no seasonings so bring your own!) [Bathroom] ・Body soap ・Shampoo ・Conditioner You can use the entire house other than the locked room on the 1st floor. (If you are coming with more than 6 people or have requested beforehand, you are welcome to use the room with bunk beds too!)
Surf town・inn 3
It is most suitable for sightseeing to ancient city "Kamakura" and "Enoshima"! You can enjoy it in all seasons. Yokohama is near. and one-day sightseeing is possible to Hakone! This house is available in three or more People . Please talk with us if you hope for the use with two People . We have two Japanese-style(tatami) rooms, Western-style room and a perfect kitchen. We use futon for the sleep. However, it is the first step to know the Japanese culture. Washing machine and a tumble drier are provided, it is cleared up during going out. Our all houses are whole house for rent. Accept the check-in in a front office. Copy a passport then. There are three rental houses and front office in the site. We care if you need assistance. Pacific Coast and Enoshima are near. Please go to cycling by free bicycle! Listen to the call of small bird, and be quiet areas even in the daytime. Can hike at the hill. Be 4-5 minutes on foot to a supermarket and the convenience store Be 8~10 minutes on foot from Enoden train Kamakura-kokomae(EN08) Station. about 12 minutes from Shonan Monorail Nishi-Kamakura Station. From the Nakagawa bus stop a 3-minute walk (there are not many buses) One parking lot is free (reservation is necessary) Free bicycle is prepared for a house. Prohibited a party. Please keep quietness after 21:00. Neighborhood inhabitants may call the police. The assortment every kind of the garbage is duty. Please wash tableware after the use.
Surf town・inn 3
人気スポット「スラムダンク」の鎌倉高校前駅から徒歩8分の一軒長屋。海に近い生活で人混みなし!無料自転車・光回線完備で、在宅勤務ご家族さま安心して滞在できます! ご利用は2名様以上です!(お一人様でも2名料金でご利用頂けます) ※Gotoトラベル はagoda社の登録が10月中旬以降となっております。その間のご宿泊に関しては割引になりません。 酒宴目的やお行儀の悪い一部の日本人の方はお断りしております! Convenient place for sightseeing in Kamakura/Enoshima/Hakone(1h30min) 8 minutes wark from the station The longed-for life experience that the shore is close in! Sightseeing in Kamakura & Enoshima is freedom by train or free bicycle, too. Minimum stay is 2 people ! 長屋スタイルの平屋建て1軒まるまるバケーションレンタル! 2012年全面リフォーム済。 海外在住ご家族の方の一時帰国にも最適です! 当宿は4年前の開業時から、清掃時に界面活性剤入り除菌洗剤にての拭き掃除とキッチンでのアルコール除菌を実践しておりました。 シーツ類はクリーニング店へ依頼し、25組ある布団セットは天日干しをローテーションで行っています。 タオル・枕カバー類は高温ガス乾燥機仕上げで、洗面所にはご人数分のカラフルな紙コップとキッチンのスポンジは当然いつも新品をいつもご用意してきました! 当宿はいわゆる民泊ではなく旅館業許可を受けて運営しております。 同じ敷地に、3棟の貸別荘と管理棟がございますのでお困りごとにはご対応いたします。 全ての家は独立した1軒家です。他のゲスト様との接触はございませんので、ご家族・グループ占有で安心してご滞在頂けます。 現在、チェックインは通常の管理棟ではなく、ご利用の家の玄関で宿帳への記帳を頂いております。 スーパー・コンビニは徒歩4~5分圏内で、鎌倉市内では便利な立地です。 15台の無料自転車は、お子様用やチャイルドシート付ママチャリもございますので、海岸線サイクリングもお楽しみ頂けます。(保険はご自身の個人賠償責任保険にてカバーをお願いいたします) 簡易宿所基準消防設備・鎌倉消防署認可済。防火責任者指定済。 旅館責任賠償保険加入済。 正式な旅館業ですので、宿泊者名簿への記帳ならびにパスポートのコピー(外国籍の方)をお願いしております。 日本人ゲスト様の深夜騒音トラブルが激増しています。酒宴目的の方はご遠慮くださいませ! We have two Japanese-style(tatami) rooms. All so Western-style living and a perfect kitchen. We use futon for the sleep not a bed. However, it is the first step to know the Japanese culture. Washing machine and a tumble drier are provided, it is cleared up during going out. The delivery of the key to check-in check-out is carried out in a key box. We care if you need assistance. 横浜も近く、箱根湯元駅まで1時間半で行けますので、荷物を置いたまま日帰りでの観光もOKです! Winter rate available now! Yokohama is near. and one-day sightseeing is possible to Hakone! 室内は広々タタミルームが2部屋+洋風リビング+フルキッチン! 大型洗濯機・ガス衣類乾燥機も備え、もちろん洗剤類も完備です。 トイレはウォシュレットタイプ・お風呂も自動給湯・追い焚き可能型。 タタミルームは6畳と8畳に布団を敷いてMAX5名様までご利用出来ます。 冬季はこたつもご用意いたしました!! オフィス機能として、光回線Wi-Fi完備・インターネット見放題のパソコン・プリンターもご用意。仕事とバケーションの両立が可能です。 キッチンは冷蔵庫・電子レンジ・オーブントースター・炊飯器・コーヒーメーカーを備え、食器も洋食器・和食器各種取り揃えワイングラス・とっくり&おちょこもあります。 冬季はカセットコンロ付「なべセット」をご用意! テレビには再生専用DVDプレーヤーを装備。邦画・洋画等多くのDVDライブラリーからお好みでご視聴頂けます。(日本語字幕はもとより、英語・フランス語・中国語・韓国語の字幕ソフトもご用意しております) 夜も楽しく過ごして頂けるように、ミニビリヤード・野球盤・サッカーゲーム等もご用意いたしました。 タタミルーム2部屋はエアコン完備。リビングはフローリングのため、より暖まる石油ファンヒーターにて寒さ対策をいたしております。 アメニティーはボディーソープ・シャンプー・バスタオル・ハンドタオル(タオル類は人数分を3日間までご用意しますので以降はランドリーをご利用ください) 無料貸し自転車でフットワークが良くなります。大人用26インチ4台・子供用22インチ1台がございます。(自転車用チャイルドシートもご用意いたしました) 深夜2時ごろまでは管理棟におりますので困ったときはご相談下さい。観光案内等フォローいたします!(外出中はTEL・メールにて対応させて頂きます) チェックイン 15:00 チェックアウト 11:00 現在、チェックインは管理棟ではなくご利用の家の玄関へお伺いして承ります。 駐車場(1台無料・要予約)は近隣の月極利用ですので、ご到着時にご案内いたします。 共用自転車以外は一棟ごとの貸し切りでございますので、そちらの範囲内でのご利用となります。 基本的に、深夜2時までは管理棟へ常駐しております。 お困りごとはいつでもご相談ください。(当方が外出時はメール・TELにて用件をお伺いする場合がございます) There are three rental houses and front office in the site. I can care if you need assistance. 鎌倉市でも江ノ島寄りで、漁港があり小山に囲まれていて鎌倉駅界隈(通称・旧鎌)とはまた違った風情があります。 新しい住宅・古風な住宅が混在していて、緑豊かな住宅街です。 海に近いのでサーファーが多く住み、波のある日は徒歩・自転車・原付バイクのサーファーが道を行き交います。 犬の飼育度?が高く「愛犬とのんびり海まで散歩」している人がとても多いです。 畑も点在していて、野菜の無人販売をしている家もあります。 海・山と子育てに最高な環境なので当方はこの地域に長年住み続けています。 江ノ電 鎌倉高校前駅から徒歩約8分 腰越駅から徒歩約10分 湘南モノレール 西鎌倉駅から徒歩約12分 江ノ電バス 中川バス停から徒歩約3分です。(藤沢駅と大船駅からバスが来ますが、途中のモノレール西鎌倉駅前にある津村バス停利用が便利です) 車は1台のみ駐車可能ですので、事前にご相談くださいませ。 観光には無償で自転車をお貸しします。(交通ルールをお守りいただき、自己責任でご利用ください) リビングはエアコンより断然温まる石油ファンヒーターを使用いたしますので、換気には十分ご注意ください。(1時間に1回程度窓を開けていただければ大丈夫です)
Shonan Tsujido house / Family new House 湘南の一棟貸し
湘南メディアに掲載されました! 「湘南で叶える、理想のワーケーション」 ★完全貸切の新築の一軒家 ★鎌倉・江の島・箱根の日帰り観光可能 ★辻堂駅と鵠沼海岸駅の二つの線が利用できてとても便利です ★リモートワーク用の個室には昇降デスク、オフィスチェアをご用意してます ★カップル、ファミリー(お子さま連れ)にも最適。 ハイチェア・おむつゴミ箱・おもちゃ等、ご入用の方は事前にお知らせ下さい ★無垢材を使用したフローリング、充実した設備です ★調理器具あり(鍋、炊飯器、電気圧力鍋、ケトル、電動珈琲ミルなど) ★乾燥機付き洗濯機あります ★高速wi-fi ★リモートワークや出張時のテレワークにも最適。ワーケーションにも。 ★コンビニ、スーパー、飲食店も徒歩圏内に多く便利です ★徒歩10分で銭湯もあります♪ ・目の前公園の広々した一軒家(一戸建て)♪ ・閑静な住宅街の中なので、夜は静かで寛げます♪ ・冷蔵庫、ベッド、家電など、新築時購入の最新機器です ・広々とした浴槽/湯沸機能付 ・床は無垢材フローリングです 宿前に駐車可能です(1台) その他、ご不明点・ご質問・ご要望等はお気軽にお問合せください 公園 徒歩10秒 ベーカリー徒歩5分 カフェ、ロースター徒歩10分 湘南T-SITE徒歩10分 スターバックス 徒歩10分 コンビ二(ローソン)-徒歩10分 スーパー(ヨークマート〜21時)-歩10分 牛丼・定食-歩10分 クリエイト(ドラッグストア)-10分 辻堂駅 鵠沼海岸駅 から徒歩15分〜20分 ▶︎寝具に関して 1〜2名: シングル×人数分 3〜4名:上記+ワイドダブルベッド 5〜6名:シングル×4、ワイドダブルベッド 5名以上の場合、寝室とリビングに ベッドの場所が分かれます
Ocean View! 3ベッドルーム最大8名&ペット同伴可!ルーフトップで海を目の前でBBQも◎
鎌倉材木座海岸一列目に位置する一軒家、2,3階のフロア貸です。 鎌倉駅からバスで8分、停留所から徒歩1分。 車でお越しの方には、2台分の無料駐車場もございます。 材木座海岸までは徒歩10秒。 お部屋からは海が一望でき、夕日や富士山も眺められます。 屋外に温水シャワーがあり、海から水着のまま帰ってこれます。 BBQセットの貸出(5,000円)や、事前予約にて食材のご準備不要の手ぶらBBQ(4,500円/人)も可能ですので、お問い合わせください。 6名様以上のご利用でご使用いただける3階フロアには、キングベッドに大画面シアターが常設され、広々したルーフトップでは海を眺めながらBBQもお楽しみいただけます。 1階には、カフェDROP INが8:00-日の入りで営業しています。お食事ご希望の場合は、当日直接ご来店いただくか、お部屋へのデリバリーも可能です。お店情報はお問い合わせいただくかインスタ@dropin_kamakuraをご確認ください。 【2階】 リビングダイニング キッチン ベッドルーム①セミダブル2台 ベッドルーム②クイーン1台 バスルーム トイレ 【3階】 ベッドルーム③キング1台(シアタールーム) ルーフトップ 【設備】 ■電気式BBQコンロ(5,000円) ※ルーフトップでのBBQは電気式必須になります。 ■BBQ食材(4,500円/人) ※4日前までに要事前予約 肉、海鮮、野菜等、事前にご準備させていただきます。 ※BBQは3階ルーフトップか、1階駐車場にて可能です。 (近隣にご迷惑のない範囲でお願いいたします。) ■手ぶら鍋セット 4,500円/名 機材、食材等全て込みになります。 ※2名様よりご予約可能です。 ※カセットコンロのみのお貸出も5,000円/台で可能です。 ■バスルーム シャンプー、リンス、ボディソープ、洗顔 タオル、化粧水、乳液、ヘアドライヤー 使い捨て歯ブラシ、コットン、ヘアブラシ、カミソリ の用意がございます。 ■キッチン 電子レンジ、オーブントースター、炊飯器、電気ケトル 調理器具、食器、グラス、カトラリー、調味料、ラップ類 の用意がございます。(詳しくは写真をご覧ください) 有料のミニバー(スナックやドリンク)のご用意もございます。ご利用になられた場合はチェックアウト時に1階カフェにてご清算お願いいたします。
Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景
Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景 Getting the most from your time in Kamakura is a breeze when staying at the accessibly-located Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景 . Have a hassle-free trip while enjoying the services and amenities offered by Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景 . Guests can enjoy free parking right at the home. Enjoy the services offered at Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景 from the convenience of your guestroom. For your comfort, some rooms at the home are equipped with air conditioning. In-room entertainment amenities including the television is provided in some rooms. It's good to know that bathroom amenities including towels are provided in some of the guest bathrooms. Around the property Experience all the sights and local attractions of Kamakura with Shonan Sogetsu本町车站徒步7分钟 神奈川县藤沢市 独立一户建 眺望湘南街景 as your base. Are you ready to make a real escape? Take the ocean adventure further with a day trip to Enoshima Island located 5.2 km away.
Historic Kamakura! Live between shrines/temples
Thank you for visiting Kamakura BUNGO's page. Nestled in the historic city of Kamakura, loved by many literary figures, this house is just a 10-minute bus ride from Kamakura Station. Located in a peaceful and nature-filled area, the house boasts four bicycles lined up for your use. Upon entering, you'll find a reading nook by the window in the living room, surrounded by shelves of books. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of literary greats as you relax and enjoy your time. During the day, explore the surroundings and temples with the recommended bicycles. Take detours to charming shops and discover various attractions while feeling the natural breeze. With a 10-minute bike ride to Kamakura Station, it's also convenient for shopping. In the evening, gather with family or friends in the spacious and unified kitchen to enjoy cooking together. How about watching TV or movies with the projector while having a meal? At night, you can enjoy a planetarium experience, feeling the mystery of the starry sky in a relaxed atmosphere. We've prepared children's cutlery, plates, a high chair, and picture books for your family's peace of mind. Enjoy the charm of this historic place while creating lasting memories at Kamakura BUNGO. *Please note that our facility operates on a self-check-in basis. Check-in details will be provided after your reservation is confirmed. ― First Floor ― ■ Living Room Air conditioning, dining table, sofa, stools, baby chair, projector (can watch terrestrial TV), stationery ■ Book Space Books/picture books (please do not take them out) ■ Japanese-style Room Futons (2 sets of singles), low table, 2 bead cushions (futons are in the closet) ■ Washroom Washing machine, dryer, laundry detergent, fabric softener ■ Kitchen Refrigerator, microwave, electric kettle, toaster, rice cooker, gas stove, frying pan, saucepan, cutting board, knives, bowls, strainer, measuring cup, measuring spoon, kitchen scissors, peeler, ladle, spatula, silicone spoon, tongs, chopsticks, whisk, wine opener, muddler, pot holder, tea cups, bowls, deep plates, small plates, flat plates, mugs, glasses, cutlery, kitchen paper, aluminum foil, storage containers, heat-resistant lid ■ Seasonings Salt, sugar, pepper, sake, soy sauce, salad oil, olive oil ■ Amenities Toothbrushes, razors, cotton sets, hairbrushes, disposable face towels, cleansing oil, lotion, emulsion, hairdryer, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, bath towels ― Second Floor ― ■ Bedrooms (2) Each room: Double beds (2), bedside lights, air conditioning, hangers ■ Western-style Room (Cosmo Room) Sofa bed (semi-double), side table, planetarium, moon lamp *Enjoy a planetarium experience in your room at night! ― Other ― 4 bicycles (26-inch - 2, 24-inch - 2) Free parking for 2 cars (sedans/light cars) *Please be cautious while driving as the road in front of the facility is narrow. Avoid parking beyond the property to prevent inconvenience to neighbors. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via message. 【Sightseeing Spots】 Hokoku-ji Temple: 8 minutes on foot, 3 minutes by bicycle (known for its beautiful bamboo garden) Jomyo-ji Temple: 5 minutes on foot, 1 minute by bicycle (features a beautiful dry landscape garden, designated as an important cultural property) Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine: 20 minutes on foot, 7 minutes by bicycle, 10 minutes by bus (from Aotobashi Bridge to Hachimangu Shrine; a powerful power spot with various benefits) 【Dining】 Soba and Sake Aoaminami: 1 minute on foot Kamakura Katsutei Aratama Juunisho-ten: 7 minutes on foot, 3 minutes by bicycle Kamakura Hamburg Yukinotaya: 17 minutes on foot, 5 minutes by bicycle, 6 minutes by bus (from Aotobashi Bridge to the fork in the road) Washo Omura: 20 minutes on foot, 6 minutes by bicycle, 8 minutes by bus (from Aotobashi Bridge to Daigaku-mae) 【Access】 JR Kamakura Station, Keikyu Bus Stop 4 ~ Bus Stop "Aotobashi": About 10 minutes 2 minutes on foot from bus stop "Aotobashi" Located in a quiet residential area, please be considerate of noise and parking manners to avoid disturbing neighbors.
R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR
Experience Luxury and Serenity at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR Welcome to R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, a luxurious 5-star hotel nestled in the heart of Kamakura, Japan. With its prime location and impeccable amenities, this hotel offers a truly unforgettable experience for discerning travelers. As you step into R&L HOUSE, you will be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The hotel boasts a total of 1 beautifully appointed room, ensuring an exclusive and intimate stay for each guest. The spacious and elegantly designed 4-bedroom suite promises a tranquil sanctuary where you can unwind and rejuvenate. Check-in at R&L HOUSE begins at 3pm, allowing you ample time to settle in and explore the hotel's exceptional facilities. Whether you choose to indulge in a refreshing dip in the pool, pamper yourself with a spa treatment, or simply relax in the lush gardens, you will find endless opportunities to unwind and recharge. Please note that this hotel has a child policy in place. While children are welcome to stay, they may be subject to additional charges. The dedicated staff at R&L HOUSE will be more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information and ensure a comfortable stay for your little ones. With its impeccable service, luxurious accommodations, and prime location in the Kamakura Tourism Circle, R&L HOUSE is the perfect choice for those seeking a truly memorable stay in Kamakura, Japan. Book your stay now and experience the epitome of luxury and serenity. Relax and Unwind in the Hot Tub at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR Indulge in ultimate relaxation and unwind in the hot tub at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR. This luxurious accommodation offers a private and rejuvenating experience for guests seeking a tranquil escape. Immerse yourself in the warm, bubbling waters of the hot tub and let your worries melt away. Whether you're looking to soothe tired muscles after a day of exploring Kamakura's attractions or simply want to unwind with a glass of champagne under the starry night sky, the hot tub at R&L HOUSE is the perfect spot. Surrounded by lush greenery and offering a serene ambiance, the hot tub provides a peaceful oasis where you can relax and rejuvenate. Soak in the therapeutic waters and feel the stress of everyday life fade away. The hot tub at R&L HOUSE is a true highlight of the property, offering guests a luxurious and indulgent experience like no other. Convenient Transport Facilities at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR At R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR, guests can enjoy the convenience of excellent transport facilities. The hotel offers a spacious car park, ensuring that guests who choose to drive to the property have a secure and convenient place to park their vehicles. What's even better is that the car park is free of charge, allowing guests to save on parking fees and enjoy a hassle-free stay. Whether you're exploring the picturesque town of Kamakura or planning day trips to nearby attractions, having a car park at the hotel makes it easy to come and go at your own pace. With your vehicle parked securely, you can explore the stunning beaches, visit historic temples and shrines, or venture further afield to discover the beauty of the surrounding area. R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR ensures that your transportation needs are taken care of, allowing you to make the most of your stay in Kamakura, Japan. Explore the Charming City of Fujisawa in Kamakura, Japan Nestled in the picturesque Kamakura Tourism circle, R&L HOUSE offers the perfect base to explore the enchanting city of Fujisawa. Known for its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant cultural scene, Fujisawa is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Japanese experience. Immerse yourself in the city's fascinating history by visiting the iconic Enoshima Shrine. Located on the enchanting island of Enoshima, this ancient shrine offers breathtaking views of the surrounding coastline and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Take a leisurely stroll along the enchanting Enoshima Sea Candle, a lighthouse that offers panoramic views of the city and the shimmering ocean. Nature lovers will be delighted by the nearby Shonan Beach, a paradise for surfers and beach enthusiasts. Spend a day basking in the sun, catching waves, or simply enjoying a relaxing picnic on the sandy shores. For a unique cultural experience, head to the Kamakura Museum of Literature, which showcases the works of renowned Japanese writers and poets. With its convenient location and proximity to these attractions, R&L HOUSE is the perfect choice for travelers looking to discover the charm and beauty of Fujisawa in Kamakura, Japan. Convenient Transportation from Nearby Airports to R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR Kamakura, a charming coastal city in Japan, is easily accessible from several nearby airports. Traveling from these airports to R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR in Fujisawa, Kamakura is a breeze, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey for visitors. If you are arriving at Tokyo Haneda Airport, the most convenient way to reach R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR is by taking the train. From the airport, you can hop on the Keikyu Line and transfer to the Yokosuka Line at Yokohama Station. Get off at Kamakura Station and take a short taxi ride to reach your destination. The total travel time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Another option is to arrive at Narita International Airport. From here, you can take the Narita Express train to Tokyo Station. At Tokyo Station, transfer to the Yokosuka Line and alight at Kamakura Station. From there, a quick taxi ride will take you to R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR . The total travel time is around 2 hours and 30 minutes. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR is straightforward and well-connected by public transportation. Enjoy the convenience and comfort of traveling to this beautiful accommodation in Kamakura, Japan. Discover the Rich Cultural Heritage and Natural Beauty near R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle, 4BR R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle, 4BR is surrounded by an array of captivating landmarks and attractions that showcase the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Kamakura, Japan. One of the nearby landmarks is Myozenji Temple, a serene Buddhist temple known for its beautiful gardens and traditional architecture. Visitors can explore the temple grounds, admire the intricate woodwork of the main hall, and experience a sense of tranquility in the peaceful surroundings. For nature enthusiasts, Tsujido Kaihin Park and Prefectural Tsujido Seaside Park Tsujido jumbo pool offer a refreshing escape. Tsujido Kaihin Park features a stunning beachfront, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a picnic with loved ones. Meanwhile, Prefectural Tsujido Seaside Park Tsujido jumbo pool is a popular spot for water activities and relaxation, with its large swimming pool and scenic views. Additionally, history buffs will appreciate the proximity to Jokoji Temple and Shirahata Shrine. Jokoji Temple is a historic Zen temple that dates back to the 13th century, while Shirahata Shrine is known for its sacred atmosphere and picturesque surroundings. Whether you're seeking cultural immersion, natural beauty, or a mix of both, the surroundings of R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle, 4BR offer a diverse range of attractions to explore and enjoy. Convenient Public Transport Stations near R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR is conveniently located near several public transport stations, providing easy access to explore the beautiful city of Kamakura, Japan. One of the closest stations is Yumegaoka Railway Station, which is just a short walk away from the property. From here, visitors can take the train and easily reach various attractions and landmarks in Kamakura. Another nearby option is Shonandai Train Station, which offers connections to different parts of the city. This station is ideal for those who want to explore beyond Kamakura and visit nearby areas like Fujisawa-Hommachi or Yanagikoji. For travelers looking to explore the city center, Fujisawa Station is a convenient choice. With its multiple train lines and bus connections, visitors can easily reach popular destinations such as Mejiroyamashita or Hon-Kugenuma. With these public transport stations in close proximity, guests staying at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR will have no trouble navigating Kamakura and experiencing all that this enchanting city has to offer. Delicious Dining Options Near R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR When it comes to dining options near R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism Circle, 4BR, guests will be spoilt for choice. Just a short distance away, you'll find a variety of restaurants to satisfy your taste buds. Start your culinary adventure at Accent, a charming eatery known for its cozy ambiance and delectable dishes. If you're a fan of Japanese cuisine, be sure to visit Beef Tongue Izakaya Umai Fujisawa station, where you can indulge in mouthwatering beef tongue dishes. For beer enthusiasts, MOKICHI CRAFT BEER is a must-visit spot, offering a wide selection of craft beers to quench your thirst. Craving grilled meat? Head over to Koguma or Grilled meat Oku Fujisawa shop, where you can savor juicy and flavorful grilled delicacies. Fujisawa Bistro hamburger is the perfect choice for burger lovers, serving up delicious and juicy burgers with a variety of toppings. Those looking for a taste of Indian cuisine will be delighted by the authentic flavors at Prakriti. For a quick bite or a cup of coffee, Veloce Fujisawa shop is a convenient option. And if you're in the mood for some mouthwatering sushi, Senri Dining is the place to be. Finally, don't miss out on the delectable dishes at GRABS, a local favorite known for its tasty and affordable menu. With such a diverse range of dining options, your culinary journey in Kamakura is sure to be a memorable one. Shop 'til you drop at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR Located in the heart of Kamakura, R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks. Just a short stroll away, you'll find Petit Marche Yuu, a charming boutique filled with unique gifts and local crafts. For those looking to indulge in some delicious treats, Yosshi no Oimoyasan is a must-visit, offering a wide selection of traditional Japanese sweets. If you're in need of some retail therapy, head over to Mr Max Shonan Fujisawa Shopping Center or Shounan Mall Fill, where you'll find a range of shops and boutiques offering everything from fashion to home decor. For all your tech needs, Bic Camera Fujisawa Store is just a stone's throw away. And if you're in the mood for fresh produce and local delicacies, don't miss JA Sagami Waiwaiichi Fujisawa, a bustling farmer's market. After a day of shopping, unwind at Terrace Mall Shonan, a modern shopping complex with a variety of dining options. For book lovers, Shonan T-Site is a haven, boasting an extensive collection of books, magazines, and more. With such a diverse range of shopping landmarks nearby, R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR is the perfect choice for shopaholics and explorers alike. Affordable Luxury at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR Experience the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR . With an average price of $208 per room, this stunning hotel offers exceptional value for money compared to the average price of a hotel room in Kamakura, which is $163. Nestled in the heart of Kamakura, this hotel provides a serene and tranquil escape from the bustling city. The spacious and beautifully designed 4-bedroom suites are perfect for families or groups of friends looking for a comfortable and stylish stay. Each room is equipped with modern amenities and features breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Indulge in the hotel's top-notch facilities, including a swimming pool, fitness center, and a luxurious spa. The attentive and friendly staff will ensure that your every need is met, making your stay at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR truly unforgettable. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience affordable luxury in Kamakura. Book your stay at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle ,4BR today and create memories that will last a lifetime. A Haven of Exceptional Comfort and Service in Kamakura Discover the epitome of luxury and convenience at R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle, 4BR. With an impressive overall rating of 8.8, this hotel has garnered rave reviews from satisfied guests who have experienced the exceptional comfort and service it offers. One of the standout features of R&L HOUSE is its outstanding value for money, with a remarkable rating of 8.6. Guests have consistently praised the hotel for providing top-notch amenities and services at a reasonable price, ensuring that every stay is not only enjoyable but also affordable. The hotel's facilities have also received high praise, with a rating of 8.8. From the moment you step into the elegant lobby, you'll be greeted by an ambiance of sophistication and style. The well-appointed rooms boast modern furnishings and state-of-the-art amenities, ensuring a truly comfortable and luxurious experience for every guest. Cleanliness is a top priority at R&L HOUSE, as evidenced by its exceptional rating of 9.3. Guests have commended the hotel for its immaculate rooms and public areas, ensuring a hygienic and pristine environment throughout their stay. Situated in the heart of Kamakura, R&L HOUSE boasts a convenient location with a rating of 8.5. Guests can easily explore the city's famous attractions, such as the Kamakura Great Buddha and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, as well as enjoy the nearby shopping and dining options. Last but not least, the staff at R&L HOUSE has consistently received high praise for their exceptional performance, with a rating of 8.7. From the warm welcome at check-in to the attentive service throughout your stay, the dedicated team goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest's needs are met with utmost care and professionalism. For a truly memorable and luxurious stay in Kamakura, look no further than R&L HOUSE In Kamakura Tourism circle, 4BR. Experience the exceptional comfort, outstanding value, impeccable facilities, pristine cleanliness, convenient location, and exceptional staff performance that have earned this hotel its stellar reputation.
New! Big Private house Kamakura St (4min)/Enoshima
"Kamakura Ichien" is a newly renovated house located in the quiet residential area of Kamakura. Here can accommodate up to 11 people and you won't need to share any space with anyone else! Kamakura station and other famous touristy spots such as Tsurugaoka Hachimangu and Yuigahama beach are in a walking distance. Enoshima, Yokohama and Hakone are also easy to access by train! Hope you will enjoy the old traditional town of Kamakura at my newly renovated modern Japanese styled house :-) This house has 2 bedrooms and a Japanese tatami room other than living room, dining room and bathroom. Also I have prepared a working space upstairs so that you can work from home with no problem! It even has a backyard garden so please feel free to go out during your stay :-) To make your stay comfortable, we have prepared kitchen tools, WiFi and TV which you can log in to your Netflix account. Rooms 1F: Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, 1 Tatami room, 2 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Toilet 2F: 1 Bedroom (with working space), Toilet Amenities [Rooms] - Futon mattresses ×6 - Single beds ×4 - Sofa bed ×1 - TV (Some movies and English TV shows are also available.) [Kitchen] - Fridge - Rice cooker - Kettle - Pots - Pans - Microwave - Knives - Dishes - Glasses - Cutlery [Others] - WiFi - Washing machine with drying function
Stella Storia Hayama
【STELLA STORIA (ステラ・ストーリア)葉山】 【特筆すべきは絶景オーシャンビュー!専用ヒノキのジャグジー付き1日1組様のご宿泊(最大10名)】 海が目の前、徒歩でビーチに降りるだけ、晴れた日には海の向こうに富士山を眺めることもできます。 SUPやサーフィン仲間と宿泊しても楽しそうですね。 ご家族、ご友人同士みんなで楽しめます。 ★ Stella Storia Hayama のポイント★ テラスには、大きなヒノキのジャグジー お子さんがいる家族連れにおすすめです♪ みんなで楽しめるゲームを設置しました! (トランプ、ジェンガ、etc...) 子供達が寝静まった後に、 大人だけで晩酌を楽しむのも宿泊の醍醐味! (ただし、21時以降はテラスでのご歓談、ジャグジー利用はお控えください。) お食事のデリバリー、またはシェフを呼んで料理を作ってもらうホームパーティーなどのオプションもご用意しております。 詳しくはお問い合わせ、または Stella Storia Hayama 公式ホームページ内のお食事オプション案内をご確認お願いいたします! 【重要なお知らせ:ご予約後、ご宿泊者様の年齢と性別をお知らせください。 ジャグジー利用が21:00まで、また室内歓談の際に騒ぐようなイメージのグループの場合にはこちらからキャンセルをさせていただきます。(テラス利用時間を守らずに近所から通報を受けているため】 【この施設の特徴】 ・リノベ済み古民家 ・完全貸切別荘(1日1組様) ・海の目の前の大きなヒノキジャグジー(利用は21時まで) ・オーシャンビューの寝室 ・広いお風呂(内風呂) ・嬉しい乾燥機付き ・ホットプレート付き ・外にシャワー有り ・無料WIFI ・大きなダイニングテーブル 【共有スペース】 ・ダイニングテーブル ・クッション×6 ・ソファーベッド×1 ・予備お布団×2 【キッチン】 ・鍋×2 ・食器、グラス類 ・冷蔵庫 ・トースター ・炊飯器 ・ケトル ・鍋、カセットコンロ *衛生上の関係で調味料、油等はご用意しておりません *消耗品(トイレットペーパー、ティッシュなど)の補充はございません 【寝室1】 ・セミダブルベッド×2 【寝室2】 ・シングルベッド×2 ・車は隣のコインパーキングエリアに停めてください 周辺情報 ・コンビニまで徒歩5分 ・葉山マリーナ徒歩5分 ・コインパーキング徒歩1分 ・うみのホテル徒歩1分 ・21時以降はお静かにお願い致します ・近隣に迷惑をかけるようなパーティーは禁止 ・敷地内でBBQはできません ・室内の囲炉裏は消防法の関係上ご使用いただけません ・あまりに汚い場合は、追加清掃費をいただく場合がございます。予めご了承いただきますようお願い致します ・レイトチェックアウト、アーリーインについては、対応可能な場合もございますので、お問い合わせください ・ジャグジーのお湯を使いすぎると、ガスが止まります。 一年を通じて2回まで
TELLA STORIAペットと泊まれる北鎌倉4LDK貸別荘☆プライベートドッグラン付き
【Doggies are welcomed】 This heritage house called Fukaso is located 8 min walk from the Kita-Kamakura station towards Meigetuin temple. This house now allows you to stay with your doggy, the little family. It should be so nice to travel with a pet, so all of your family can share a nice time! In the kitchen, many kitchen items are provided such as microwave, hot-plate what we call to enjoy Yakiniku, or cooking Takoyaki or so. Please refer to the advice in the below about car lot and doggy. 【Pet can stay with you in Kita-kamakura】 There is an old but renovated house in Kita-Kamakura which is about 8 min walk from the station. It helps you to relax by walking around that location which is very quiet, green which gives you the fresh air and nice atmosphere. There is a hiking course in Kitakamakura, so it is an idea to enjoy the nature with your family and your doggy. 【How to treat your doggy in the house】 1. It needs to have dog training, especially about the toilet manor. 2. Let the doggy sleep in the cage or the basket you provide. Never let it to sleep in the bed or Futon for you. 3. Please bring towels for your doggy to wipe his/her feet when it comes back from the outside. 【About the house】 *This is 2 story house with 4bedrooms. Ground floor - 3bedrooms, living room, and the kitchen with a dining table set. Toilet, Bathroom as well. *We do not provide seasonings, oils, etc. due to hygiene reasons *Consumables (toilet paper, tissues, etc.) are not replenished *First floor - One tatami room with some futon. Please do not enter the backyard opposite the bathroom. There're staircases in front of the house which leads you to Enkakuji-temple. (Please do not smoke or chatter in that narrow street anytime) Very nice atmosphere, quiet and relaxing can be enjoyed. Some restaurants and small cafes are in Kita-Kamakura, maybe it is an idea to come around after the long walk. Nearby the house, there are many temples such as Enkakuji, Kigen-in, Meigetu-in, Tokei-ji. In June, hydrangea is bloomed, it should be very beautiful. From Tokyo: Tokyo Station to Kita-Kamakura: JR Yokosuka line direct Yokohama to Kamakura: HR Yokosuka line 【About Cars】 1. No Car Parking Space is provided. 2. The street in from of the house is quite narrow. No can can get through or make a U-turn. Maybe a car for 1 person such as Abbey (width 114cm) can get through. Please use the coin parking nearby. 【General Rules】 -No smoking alloowed -No outdoor shoes in the house. -No shouting or arguments after 21:00 especially the narrow street in front of the house.
Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept-
Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept- Situated in Kamakura city center, Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept- is the perfect place to experience Kamakura and its surroundings. With a wide number of attractions to discover, this sought-after part of town will not cease to amaze you. Have a hassle-free trip while enjoying the services and amenities offered by Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept- . Keep up with all your communications easily with the home's free Wi-Fi. Guests can enjoy convenient available parking right at the home. For the comfort and health of all guests, smoking is not permitted anywhere within the home. Enjoy the services offered at Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept- from the convenience of your guestroom. For your comfort, some rooms at the home are equipped with linen service. Rooms at Tabinoteitaku Kamakura Yuigahama -Homann Concept- come in multiple layout options including rooms with separate living room and balcony or terrace. In some select rooms, you can find a refrigerator and instant coffee at your disposal. It's good to know that a hair dryer and towels are provided in some guest bathrooms. Around the property Experience Kamakura like a true local. Are you ready to make a real escape? Take the ocean adventure further with a day trip to Enoshima Island located 5.9 km away.