Luxury Villas South Korea

Discover the dynamic blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation in South Korea. From vibrant cities like Seoul with its skyscrapers and bustling street markets, to serene temples nestled in lush mountain landscapes, this East Asian gem offers a rich cultural tapestry to explore. Dive into the tantalizing world of Korean cuisine, soak in natural hot springs, or immerse yourself in the country's fascinating history at ancient palaces and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Experience the harmony of tradition and progress in captivating South Korea.
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 1
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 2
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 3
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 4
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 5
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 6
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 7
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 8
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 9
Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드 image 10

Jeno house춘천시 춘천역,남춘천역,레고랜드

☆ 공지사항☆ 집전체를 게스트 1팀(4명)만을 위한 프라이빗 공간으로 세팅 되었습니다. 모든 공간 사용 춘천본가#1 Anna's home은 육림고개에 위치한 도심 속 전원주택입니다. 명동까지 도보 5분 이내 거리로 백화점, 쇼핑센터, CGV영화관, 육림고개청년거리로 빠른 이동이 가능합니다. 이 집은 남편과 저의 드림하우스로 1부터 100까지 남편의 손으로 지은 명품하우스입니다. 이곳에는 주택에서만 느낄 수 있는 편안하고 안락한 정취가 있으며 최상급 히노끼나무로 마감하여 숙면과 더불어 기상 시 개운한 몸상태를 느끼실 수 있습니다. 머무시는 동안 여유롭고 고즈넉한 시간에 살갗을 간지럼 태우는 산들바람과 함께 하실 수 있으며 정원 데크 위에서 더 많은 시간 보내시기를 강력히 추천합니다. 최고급 자재로 건축하여 최상의 방음과 단열로 겨울엔 따뜻하고 여름엔 시원합니다. 친환경 자재를 사용하여 집에 머무는것 만으로도 힐링의 시간이 됩니다. 게스트하우스, 정원 등 집 전체, 숯불바베큐 이용(2만원 현장지불) 육림고개, 명동, 닭갈비골목. 중앙시장, 문화예술회관, cgv영화관, 백화점, 시청, 죽림동성당 등 춘천역과 남춘천역에서 도보 15분 또는 택시 5분 이내 기본요금, 자가용 이용 시 1분거리에 공용주차장 있음. 집전체를 게스트 1팀(4명)만을 위한 프라이빗 공간으로 세팅 됩니다. 공간 모두 사용

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Poolvilla Gaon

[풀빌라 가온] 가온은 "가운데"라는 뜻의 순우리말로 도심 한가운데 위치한 힐링숙소의 입니다. 부산 남포동 BIFF거리, 광복패션거리, 자갈치 시장, 국제시장, 깡통시장, 용두산공원, 롯데백화점 광복점등 부산시내 관광명소가 도보이동 가능한 위치이면서 부산항이 보이는 베이뷰를 갖고 있어 부산의 정취를 한껏 느낄 수 있는 숙소 입니다. 도심관광 후 바다를 내려다보며 대형 온수풀에서의 휴식을 함께 누려보세요~ 한 층 전체를 사용하는 독채숙소로 침실 2개 (각 퀸사이즈 침대 2개 , 퀸사이즈 침대 1개), 샤워실, 화장실, 주방이 갖춰져 있습니다. [ 침실1 ] 퀸사이즈 침대2개 [ 침실2 ] 퀸사이즈 침대1개 [샤워실/화장실] 샤워부스 2개 , 샴푸, 린수, 바디워시, 폼 클렌징, 핸드워시, (일회용) 칫솔, JMW헤어드라이어 2개 , 고데기, 수건, 두루마리 화장지 [주방] 전기 레인지, 전자레인지, 정수기(냉정수), 전기포트, 냉장고(냉동냉장), 네스프레소 커피머신, 커피캡슐, 후라이팬, 냄비, 식기류, 수저, * 음료잔,머그잔 (트라이탄 소재 : 뜨거운음료 사용가능,전자렌지 사용불가) , * 와인잔,소주잔 (PC소재 : 뜨거운음료, 전자렌지 사용불가) , 조리도구, 칼, 도마, 키친타올, 일회용 수세미, 일회용 행주, 주방세제, 빨래 건조대 [거실] LG 시네빔 4K UHD(넷플릭스, 유투브 프리미엄, 티빙 계정제공), 에어컨디셔너(냉온), WiFi 공유기 [야외테라스] 온수풀 [공용공간] 옥상, 엘리베이터 숙소 이용중 문의사항 있으신 경우 언제든지 연락부탁드립니다. [온수풀 이용안내] - 대형 온수풀이라 물이 채워지는데 3시간 가량 소요됩니다. 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다. - 입욕제 사용금지 색상이 있는 입욕제를 사용시 타일의 착색,변색이 일어날 수 있으며 이 경우 배상책임이 발생합니다. - 아동 이용시 아동 안전에 대한 보호자의 각별한 주의를 부탁드립니다.

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Jeju City

A shell in Jeju

A small house  by the Yerae marina located on the beautiful seaside tracking course, olle 8. You can see the beautiful scenery along side the olle 8 course and detached from Shelley's workshop. The villagers are mostly haenyeo, female divers, so you can see easily them diving. The parasitic volcano, gunsan oreum stretched out behind the village will really hit the spot for a hiking lover. The house is close to the bus stop, that makes you go everywhere in the island by bus. Easy access to the 24 hour convenience stores, local seafood restaurants,BBQ places and nice cafes. Recommendable for the long-term travelers and the solitary travelers who want to experience a slow islander's life  in a quiet and safe seaside village in jeju Island. Language:Korean,English Independent single-family house. One open bedroom with big queen sized bed and lovely wide attic with sea view. Two bathrooms,well equipped modern kitchen and dining table with nice art pieces. Breakfast service is available with extra charge if guest request Min Stay: Weekdays- 2 nights, Weekend- 2 nights Breakfast can be requested one day in advance. Guests staying for more than 28 nights will be charged a cash payment for their gas and electricity charges during their stay. 아름다운 올레 8코스의 논짓물과 멋진 절벽 - 박수기정이 있는 대평 사이, 예래포구에 위치한 조용한 바닷가 해녀 마을의 하얀집, 그 옆에는 쉘아티스트 쉘리의 예쁜 조개작품 작업실과 전시공간이 있어요. 작은 미술관 같은 이 곳은 나의 편안한 쉼터가 될 거예요. 마을 뒤에는 제주 유일의 숫오름이자 가장 큰 오름인 군산이 자리하고 있어 멋진 장관도 보고, 즐거운 하이킹도 하기에 좋겠죠? 물론 마을 바닷가 올레길을 산책하며 보는 환상적인 일출과 일몰도 빼놓을 수 없어요. 타 제주지역에서 느낄 수 없는 차분함과 포근함이 있는 곳! 더 좋은 것은 마을 입구에 버스정류장이 있어 대중교통 이용이 편리하고, 편의점들도 가까이 있어 쉽게 이용할 수 있어요. 혼자만의 여행,  엄마와 딸의 여행, 친한 친구와 둘만의 여행 , 작은 가족들의 차 없이 대중교통으로 느리게 하는 여행,  안전하고 여유있게 잔잔한 여행을 하고 싶으신 분들께 권해드리고 싶어요.

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gansohan house

저희 집은 여행객을 위해 저렴한 비용으로  방 하나를 셰어해드리고 있어요~ 숙박을 원하시면 투룸 중 호스트의 방 한 칸을  제외하고 모든 공간을 편안하게 이용하실 수 있어요~ 제가 살고 있는 집이기 때문에 애정이 많아요 ㅎㅎ  그래서 이용하실 때 친한 지인의 집에 놀러 왔다  생각해주시고 많이 아껴주세요 :D 지친 일상과 업무로부터 잠시라도 힐링이  될 수 있게  노력하겠습니다.^^ 체크인  -  오후 3시  체크아웃 -  오전 11시 check in : 15:00~  check out : ~11:00 -주변 환경- *킨텍스 -도보 약 5분~   *대화역 -도보 약 10분(1,2번 출구)   *주변에 예쁜 카페들과 가로수,  다양한 맛 집들이 있어요~ :D  *차로 5-10분 거리에 현대백화점, 롯데백화점, 이마트 타운, 홈플러스, 원마운트(워터파크), 현대모터 스튜디오, 호수공원, 라페스타 로데오거리 등  즐길 거리가 풍부해요~ :D *차로 30-40분 거리에 헤이리마을, 파주출판 단지, 프리미엄 아웃렛, 프로방스 마을 임진각, 통일 전망대, 평화누리공원 등 파주 명소들과  접근성이 매우 좋아요~ :o *연인과의 데이트 가족과의 예쁜 추억을 남길 수 있는 주면 여행 지도 많아요~ :D Hello!  I share every house except one room.  The other one is the one I'm using. So this room cannot share.  If you want to use the whole house, You have to pay an extra charge.  I'll be out then. When you check in,  No other guests stay. *KINTEX -  [5min walk] *Daehwa staion Exit 1,2 - [10min walk] *There are pretty cafes and delicious restaurants around. *There are many tourist attractions in this area.  It would be great to be there. * recommended tourist destination Hyundai Department Store, Lotte Department Store , Emart Town(large supermarket)    Homeplus (large supermarket) , One Mount Water park, Hyundai Motor Studio, Ilsan Lake Park,  Lafesta  Shopping street   [5-10 minutes by car] Heiri Village, Paju Publishing Complex, Premium Arulet, Provence Village, Imjingak Peace Nuri Park, Unification Observatory, etc [30-40 minutes by car]

E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 1
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 2
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 3
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 4
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 5
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 6
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 7
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 8
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 9
E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채 image 10
Jeju City

E동 [르빌리지애월] 서쪽 노을 고즈녁한 제주 감성 복층 프라이빗 독채

복층에도 바닥난방 설치 완료했습니다. 참고 부탁드립니다. 애월 한라산 300고지 중산간에 '르빌리지 애월' 1000평이 넘는 부지 위에 지어진 5채 건물중 하나인 스페니쉬 기와지붕 복층 독채 입니다. 복층이지만 천고가 낮지않고 평수도 제법 큰편이라 일반주택 2층과 비슷합니다. 제주공항 30분 거리에 위치해있고 애월해안도로와 20분 거리에 있습니다. 한라산에게 바라보는 제주의 야경과 바다뷰 그리고 갈대뷰, 르빌리지애월의 1000평 규모의 펜션 부지의 제주 느낌 물씬 풍기는 정원엔 야자수와 색색드리 화초, 다육이들, 현무암 돌담, 제주의 서쪽답게 해질녘 노을이 가슴벅찰 정도로 아름답습니다. 부지의 감성 야외조명과 정원 테이블로 저녁시간에도 가족 친구들분 편안하고 조용하게 휴가를 보내실수 있는 숙소입니다. 생활가전은 로봇청소기, 무선청소기, 건조 겸용 세탁기가 있고 미용가전은 롤고데기와 2 in 1 고데기 드라이기 주방은 식기와 조리도구 옵션으로 전기압력솥, 전자레인지, 토스터기, 전기포트 욕실 어메니티는 샴푸, 린스, 치약, 바디클렌저, 폼클렌징, 여성청결제, 수건 제공 됩니다. 유아동반시 기본제공 -토퍼,이불세트, 식기, 욕조, 의자, 유아용 세탁세제, 젖병세정제, 로션(닥터바이오), 올인원워시(닥터바이오) 별도요청시 제공-젖병워머, 유아베개, 콘센트 덮개 유아-에어비앤비 시스템에서는 영아만 확인할수 있고 24개월 이상은 어린이로 표시되기 때문에 필요 품목 별도 요청을 주셔야 합니다. "펜션내 전기차 충전기 이용가능 - C동 1층에 위치(단지안내도 참고) (멀티콤보- 르노삼성차량 사용불가) 바베큐 이용안내 - 입실 하루전까지 시간예약필수 바베큐 장소 - 바베큐테라스(C동 1층에 위치, 동시간대 1팀만 가능, 선착순)- 냉장고, 식기, 인덕션, 전자레인지 - 정원 테이블 요금 : 소형그릴 3만원(4인까지), 대형그릴 5만원(5인부터~) 인원이 많을경우는 추가숯(+1만원)이나 대형+소형 셋팅 필요하실수도 있습니다. 숯착화, 일회용식기, 허브솔트 준비해드립니다. 쌈장은 요청시 제공 *일반숯이 아닌 최고급 '비장탄'을 사용하기 때문에 착화까지 시간이 많이 소요되니 꼭 시간 예약까지 부탁 드립니다. (문자메세지) 셀프 바베큐 안내(직접착화) 비용- 20,000원부터 소형기준 바베큐그릴,석쇠, 숯(일반숯), 토치, 장갑 제공 유아동반시 기본제공 - 식기, 욕조, 의자, 유아용 세탁세제, 젖병세정제, 로션(닥터바이오), 올인원워시(닥터바이오) 별도요청시 제공-젖병워머, 유아베개, 콘센트 덮개 애견동반시 기본제공 - 식기, 방석 다른 건물에 거주중이니 문의및 불편사항 발생시 대부분 즉시 대응 가능합니다. "차량 이동시 소요시간 안내 평화로 바로옆에 위치해 있어 서귀포나 애조로를 통한 차량이동이 용이합니다. 제주공항 : 30분 식재료 구매시 하나로마트 봉성점 10분(작아요~ 영업시간 확인후 방문) 농협 하나로마트(애월,하귀) 15분 대박이네 - 육류, 수산 (바베큐 장보기) 편의점 안내 세븐일레븐 애월천덕점 : 7분(연중무휴, 밤11시까지) 제주공항에서 숙소까지 택시요금은 대략 2만원정도 펜션 내에서도 카카오택시, Tmap택시, 애월 콜택시를 부르 실 수 있습니다." 온수사용안내 전기온수기를 사용합니다. (보일러온수X) 한번에 16명정도가 가능한 용량이지만 1-2분이라도 온수를 낭비하면 온수가 다시 가열될때까지 2시간 이상 기다리셔야 합니다. 이점 꼭 유의부탁드립니다. 단체고객님들 밤중에 모여계실때는 꼭 창문을 닫아주세요. 앞건물까지 소리가 메아리 칩니다. 특히 에어컨과 보일러 가동 하시면서 문들을 활짝열고 계시는 분들이 자주 계세요. 보일러 에어컨 실외기 외부에 있어 호스트가 확인가능합니다. 적발시 추가 냉난방비 청구됩니다. (1박당 5만원) *얼리체크인/레이트 체크아웃 - 시간당 2만원(상황에 따라 불가할수도 있음) *침구 : 예약 인원수에 맞게 침구셋팅 해드리고 그외 침구 요청시 1채당 세탁비 15,000원 *애견동반 추가금 안내(체크인 당일까지 선결제) - 10Kg이상 견종 불가 50.000원

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Thank you so much for visiting our “Hi There Guesthouse” reservation ;) Our guesthouse is conveniently located just 5 minutes of walking distance from Hongdae Station. Both the interior and the exterior of the building has been completely renovated recently (May 2022) and each of our 12 rooms is equipped with its own private bathroom for your convenience and privacy. Enjoy the energetic, fun, and passionate Hongdae area. 'Hi there' will help you recharge your energy at the end of your day. 1. Two single-sized beds with a brand new 7- zone latex memory foam mattress in each room perfect for friends or couples 2. Individually controlled air conditioners and heated floors in each room 3. Hot water available 24/7 4. Basic amenities (shampoo, conditioner, body wash) are available in each private bath room 5. Towels and hair dryers also equipped in each room 6. A common kitchen with an induction stove and a microwave for making snacks or simple meals 1. Check- in: from 3pm / check- out: until 11am. 2. Our boutique design guesthouse was fully renovated in May of 2022. 3. Wi-Fi available throughout the guesthouse free of charge for guests. 4. A 40” smart TV available in each room for watching Netflix or Youtube, etc.(a personal account required) 5. A common kitchen is available for use until 10pm. Please refrain from cooking food with strong pungent smells consideration of other guests. 6. A self-serve continental breakfast service.(including toasts, butter) 7. The terrace on the 1st floor and the rooftop are for exclusive use of the guests until to 9pm. 8. Washing machines and dryers are available at the rate of KRW8,000. An iron available upon request. 9. Incheon Airport drop-off service for a rate of KRW100,000. (an Audi SUV, for a maximum of 4 passengers) 10. Our event room is equipped with a 4K 120” wide screen and is available for rental for small private events or functions. (Please inquire us about the rates) 11. This is a space where you can mingle and connect with other guests from all around the world. 12. Our aim is to do our very best to ensure that your stay is as comfortable possible. SNS ID : hithereseoul Located on Hongdae Guesthouse Street, easy access to hot places. Our guesthouse is 5-minute walk from Exit 8 of Hongdae Station on Line 2 and Exit 7 of Hongdae Station on the Airport line. 1. Quite hours are from 9pm. Please makerefrain from making excessive noise after 10pm. 2. Our in-person check- in hours are from 3pm to 8pm. If you are expecting to arrive after 8pm, please let us know in advance, so that we can provide you with the password to get into the building with a text message. 3. Inside the building smoking is strictly prohibited. Smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor area. If caught smoking, a total of KRW200,000 will be charged for professional cleaning and disinfecting services incurred. If you do smoke in the designated area, please dispose of the cigarette-butts in the trash bin after wards in consideration of other guests. 4. All of our facilities and equipments are free of use for all the guests. We just ask that you use them with love and care as if it were your home :) 5. Please understand that for the safety of all our guests, there is a security video being recorded 24/7 in all common areas of our facility.

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Jeju City

Wind House

Experience Tranquility at Wind House in Jeju, South Korea Welcome to Wind House , a luxurious 4.5-star hotel nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Jeju, South Korea. With its serene ambiance and impeccable service, Wind House offers an unforgettable retreat for those seeking tranquility and relaxation. From the moment you step into the elegant lobby, you will be captivated by the hotel's enchanting atmosphere and warm hospitality. At Wind House , we understand the importance of a seamless and hassle-free check-out experience. That's why we offer a convenient check-out time of 03:00 PM, allowing you to make the most of your stay without feeling rushed. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely breakfast in our charming restaurant or taking a refreshing dip in our sparkling pool, you can rest assured knowing that you have ample time to savor every moment of your stay. Please note that Wind House has a child policy in place to ensure a peaceful and serene environment for all our guests. While we welcome families with open arms, children are not allowed to stay free of charge. We kindly request that you contact our friendly staff for more information regarding any additional charges that may apply. We believe in creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere for all our guests, and our child policy helps us maintain this commitment. Unwind and Enjoy at Wind House 's Entertainment Facilities At Wind House in Jeju, South Korea, guests can expect a delightful array of entertainment facilities to enhance their stay. Whether you're looking for a vibrant nightlife experience or a tranquil retreat, Wind House has it all. The bar at Wind House is the perfect place to unwind and socialize with fellow travelers. Sip on expertly crafted cocktails and enjoy a wide selection of beverages while taking in the stunning views of the surrounding garden. The bar's cozy atmosphere and friendly staff ensure a memorable evening for all patrons. Unleash Your Adventurous Side at Wind House 's Exciting Sports Facilities At Wind House in Jeju, South Korea, adventure awaits at every turn with a wide range of thrilling sports facilities. Whether you're a golf enthusiast or a water sports lover, this hotel has something for everyone. The on-site golf course provides a picturesque backdrop for a challenging round of golf, while fishing enthusiasts can cast their lines and reel in their catch of the day. For those looking to explore the mesmerizing underwater world, diving opportunities are available to discover the vibrant marine life of Jeju's coastal waters. If you're an equestrian at heart, Wind House offers horse riding experiences that allow you to gallop along the sandy beaches and take in the breathtaking scenery. For a more serene adventure, hop on a canoe and paddle through the tranquil waters, or embark on one of the nearby hiking trails to immerse yourself in the beauty of Jeju's natural landscapes. Thrill-seekers can head to the water park for a day filled with exhilarating water slides and splash zones, while wind surfing enthusiasts can ride the waves and feel the adrenaline rush. With its prime beachfront location, Wind House is the perfect destination for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline-pumping activity or a leisurely outdoor adventure, this hotel's sports facilities will exceed your expectations and create unforgettable memories. Convenient Facilities at Wind House At Wind House in Jeju, South Korea, convenience is a top priority. With a range of facilities designed to make your stay comfortable and hassle-free, you'll have everything you need at your fingertips. For those who like to travel light or need to freshen up their wardrobe during their stay, Wind House offers a convenient laundry service. Say goodbye to dirty clothes and hello to clean and fresh outfits. If you prefer to dine in the comfort of your room, the hotel's room service is at your service. Enjoy a delicious meal without leaving the comfort of your cozy accommodation. Stay connected with loved ones or catch up on work with the complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms and public areas. Whether you're browsing the web or streaming your favorite shows, you'll have a reliable and fast internet connection. No need to worry about where to store your luggage. Wind House provides luggage storage facilities, so you can explore the city without the burden of carrying your bags. To ensure a clean and tidy space, the hotel offers daily housekeeping services. Return to a refreshed room after a day of exploring and relax in a clean and well-maintained environment. With these convenient facilities, Wind House aims to make your stay in Jeju as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Convenient Transport Facilities at Wind House At Wind House in Jeju, South Korea, guests can enjoy a range of convenient transport facilities that make exploring the island a breeze. The hotel offers airport transfer services, ensuring a hassle-free arrival and departure for guests. Whether you're arriving at or departing from Jeju International Airport, the hotel's friendly staff will be there to greet you and assist with your luggage. For those looking to explore the beautiful sights and attractions of Jeju, Wind House also provides tour services. Whether you're interested in visiting the stunning Jeju Loveland or exploring the breathtaking Jeju Olle Trail, the hotel's knowledgeable staff can help you plan and book your excursions. Additionally, Wind House offers a car park onsite, making it convenient for guests who prefer to drive. The car park is free of charge, allowing guests to explore Jeju at their own pace. If you're looking to rent a car during your stay, the hotel also provides a ticket service, making it easy to arrange for a rental car and explore the island at your leisure. With its convenient transport facilities, Wind House ensures that guests have a comfortable and hassle-free experience during their stay in Jeju, South Korea. Indulge in Culinary Delights at Wind House At Wind House , dining is an experience that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. With a range of dining facilities available, you can satisfy your cravings at any time of the day. Start your morning with a freshly brewed cup of coffee at the cozy coffee shop, where the aroma of freshly ground beans fills the air. For a more substantial meal, head to the on-site restaurant, where a team of talented chefs prepare a delectable array of local and international dishes. Whether you're in the mood for traditional Korean cuisine or international favorites, the restaurant has something to suit every palate. If you prefer to dine in the comfort of your own room, Wind House offers convenient room service. Indulge in a sumptuous meal without having to leave the comfort of your cozy accommodation. For those who enjoy the sizzle of a barbecue, the hotel provides BBQ facilities where you can grill your favorite meats and vegetables to perfection. Additionally, if you prefer to cook your own meals, the shared kitchen is fully equipped with modern appliances, allowing you to whip up a delicious feast. With daily housekeeping services, you can rest assured that your dining area will always be clean and tidy, ready for your next culinary adventure. Experience Comfort and Style at Wind House in Jeju At Wind House in Jeju, we offer a range of beautifully designed rooms to ensure a comfortable and memorable stay. Choose from our spacious Run of House rooms, each measuring 33 square meters and featuring a cozy Double Bed. With tasteful decor and modern furnishings, these rooms provide a serene and inviting atmosphere for relaxation after a long day of exploring the wonders of Jeju. Book your stay at Wind House on Agoda and enjoy the best prices and a hassle-free experience, making your trip to Jeju even more enjoyable. Discover the Breathtaking Beauty of Seongsan in Jeju, South Korea Nestled on the eastern coast of Jeju Island, Seongsan is a captivating village that offers a unique blend of natural wonders and cultural attractions. This picturesque destination is renowned for its iconic landmark, Seongsan Ilchulbong, also known as Sunrise Peak. As the name suggests, this volcanic crater offers an awe-inspiring spot to witness the sunrise, casting a golden glow over the surrounding landscape. The hike to the peak is a memorable experience, with stunning panoramic views of the ocean and the nearby Udo Island. Aside from its natural beauty, Seongsan is also home to a vibrant fishing community. Take a stroll along the charming harbor and immerse yourself in the local culture as you watch the fishermen bring in their catch of the day. Indulge in the freshest seafood at the numerous restaurants and cafes that line the waterfront, offering a delectable taste of Jeju's culinary delights. With its stunning scenery and rich cultural heritage, Seongsan is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Traveling from the Nearest Airports to Wind House in Seongsan, Jeju, South Korea Welcome to Wind House , a charming and tranquil retreat nestled in the picturesque village of Seongsan on the beautiful island of Jeju, South Korea. Getting to Wind House is a breeze, thanks to its convenient location near several airports in the area. If you are arriving by air, the nearest airport to Wind House is Jeju International Airport, located approximately 50 kilometers away. From the airport, there are several transportation options available to take you to your destination. One of the most convenient ways is to take a taxi directly to Wind House , which will take around one hour, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, you can also take a bus from the airport to Seongsan, and then walk or take a short taxi ride to Wind House . Another nearby airport is Jeju International Airport 2, also known as Jeju Air's airport. This airport is located approximately 60 kilometers away from Wind House . From here, you can easily reach Wind House by taxi or bus, following a similar route as from Jeju International Airport. No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to Wind House will offer breathtaking views of Jeju's stunning landscapes. As you make your way through the island, you will pass by lush green fields, volcanic craters, and the iconic Seongsan Ilchulbong, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Once you arrive at Wind House , you will be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. This traditional Korean guesthouse offers comfortable rooms with modern amenities, ensuring a pleasant stay for all guests. With its convenient location and serene surroundings, Wind House is the perfect base for exploring the natural wonders of Jeju Island. Explore the Natural Wonders and Cultural Treasures near Wind House in Jeju Nestled in the breathtaking island of Jeju, Wind House offers a convenient base to explore the natural wonders and cultural treasures that surround it. Just a short distance away, you'll find Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its stunning sunrise views. Embark on a hike to the top of the peak and witness the breathtaking panoramic vistas of the surrounding ocean and lush landscapes. For those fascinated by the island's geological wonders, a visit to Manjanggul Cave is a must. This lava tube system stretches for over 7 kilometers and provides a fascinating glimpse into Jeju's volcanic past. Marvel at the unique rock formations and learn about the cave's formation through informative exhibits. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Jeju by visiting Seongeup Folk Village. Step back in time as you explore traditional thatched-roof houses, stone walls, and ancient artifacts. Gain insights into the island's folk customs and traditions through engaging cultural performances and hands-on experiences. If you're traveling with family, Aquaplanet Jeju is a fantastic destination. This state-of-the-art aquarium boasts a wide variety of marine life, including colorful tropical fish, playful dolphins, and majestic sharks. Enjoy interactive exhibits, thrilling shows, and even the opportunity to dive with the creatures of the deep. Nature enthusiasts will be captivated by the beauty of Bijarim Forest, a dense forest of ancient nutmeg trees. Take a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, breathe in the fresh air, and marvel at the towering trees that have stood the test of time. For those seeking a whimsical adventure, Jeju Kimnyoung Maze Park is a delightful attraction. Get lost in the intricate labyrinth of hedges and challenge yourself to find the center. Enjoy the sense of accomplishment as you navigate your way through the maze. Delve into the island's history and culture at Jeju Folk Village (Jeju Minsokchon). This living museum showcases traditional thatched-roof houses, crafts, and performances, offering a glimpse into the daily life of the island's ancestors. Woljeongri Beach is a picturesque stretch of coastline that offers a serene escape from the bustling city. Stroll along the sandy shore, feel the gentle sea breeze, and take in the stunning views of the turquoise waters. It's the perfect spot to relax and unwind. Learn about the fascinating lives of Jeju's female divers, known as haenyeo, at the Jeju Haenyeo Museum. Discover their unique traditions, skills, and the challenges they face as they dive for seafood in the treacherous waters of Jeju. Last but not least, Maze Land is a fantastic attraction for both kids and adults. Explore a variety of mazes, each with its own theme and level of difficulty. Challenge your mind and have fun as you navigate through the twists and turns. With its proximity to these incredible landmarks and attractions, Wind House is the perfect choice for travelers looking to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and rich culture of Jeju. Taste the Local Delights Wind House 's prime location in Jeju puts guests within walking distance of a variety of delectable dining options. Start your day with a hearty bowl of Kashi Abang Guksu, a popular local noodle dish known for its rich flavors and fresh ingredients. For a taste of authentic Korean barbecue, head over to Matna Sikdang, where you can savor perfectly grilled meats and an array of banchan (side dishes). Seafood lovers will be delighted by the offerings at Sogeumbachi Sooninae and Jeju Onuii Seafood Restaurant, where you can indulge in the freshest catches of the day. If you're in the mood for a cozy and charming atmosphere, Cafe Hallasan is the perfect spot to enjoy a cup of Jeju's famous tangerine tea and homemade pastries. Wind House 's proximity to these fantastic dining establishments ensures that you won't have to venture far to experience the vibrant culinary scene of Jeju. Shop 'til you drop at Haejoon Seafood Market Located just a stone's throw away from Wind House , Haejoon Seafood Market is a must-visit destination for seafood lovers and avid shoppers alike. This bustling market offers a vibrant atmosphere where you can immerse yourself in the local culture while exploring a wide array of fresh seafood options. From live fish and crabs to prawns and shellfish, you'll find an impressive selection of seafood to choose from. Apart from the seafood, Haejoon Seafood Market also features a variety of local produce, snacks, and household items. Whether you're looking to buy some fresh ingredients for a home-cooked meal or searching for unique souvenirs to bring back home, this market has it all. Don't forget to haggle for the best prices and indulge in some mouthwatering street food as you shop your way through this vibrant market. Affordable Luxury at Wind House in Jeju Escape to the breathtaking island of Jeju and indulge in the affordable luxury of Wind House . With an average room price of $110, Wind House offers exceptional value for money compared to the average price of $87 for a hotel room in Jeju. At Wind House , you'll find yourself surrounded by stunning natural beauty and a serene atmosphere. The hotel boasts elegantly designed rooms that are tastefully furnished with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing stay. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with your family, Wind House has the perfect accommodation option to suit your needs. With its competitive pricing, Wind House allows you to experience the best of Jeju without breaking the bank. Immerse yourself in the island's vibrant culture, explore its stunning beaches, or embark on a thrilling adventure to the famous volcanic landscapes. After a day of exploration, return to Wind House and unwind in style, knowing that you've found a hidden gem that offers both affordability and luxury in one package. Book your stay at Wind House today and create unforgettable memories on your Jeju getaway. A Tranquil Retreat with Exceptional Staff Performance Welcome to Wind House , a charming hotel nestled in the picturesque Jeju Island in South Korea. With an overall rating of 6.8, Wind House has garnered positive customer reviews for its serene ambiance and attentive staff. Guests have praised the hotel's exceptional staff performance, with a rating of 7.4, highlighting the warm hospitality and helpfulness of the team. At Wind House , guests can expect a truly relaxing stay. The hotel's value for money, rated at 7.0, ensures that guests receive excellent service and amenities without breaking the bank. The well-maintained rooms and facilities, rated at 6.6, provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all visitors. Cleanliness is a top priority at Wind House , with a rating of 7.5. Guests have commended the hotel's commitment to maintaining a spotless environment, ensuring a hygienic and pleasant stay. While the location is rated at 6.6, the hotel's tranquil setting offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city, allowing guests to unwind and reconnect with nature. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway or a peaceful retreat, Wind House is the perfect choice for a memorable stay in Jeju.

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Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room

Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room Put yourself into a special and relaxing space in Gangneung-si at the atmospheric Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room . Go beyond the touristy and get deeper into the offerings of Gangneung-si with a stay at Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room , located merely 5.0 km from Gyeongpodae Pavilion. Have a hassle-free trip while enjoying the services and amenities offered by Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room . If you plan to arrive by car, you'll appreciate the home's free parking, right on-site. Equipped with handy amenities, guestrooms at Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room guarantee a comfortable stay for all travelers. Some rooms at Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room are equipped with air conditioning for your convenience. In-room entertainment such as television, is provided for guests in select rooms. It's good to know that a hair dryer, toiletries and towels are provided in some guest bathrooms. Dining and things to do Recreational facilities at Goodplace oceanstay ocean view room are designed for escape and relaxation. Finish your vacation days right by dropping in at the hot tub. Around the property Take advantage of the opportunity to explore Gangneung-si while in the city. Keep your vacation simple, with a visit to Gyeongpo Beach just 2.0 km away, where the ocean breeze makes you instantly feel relaxed. An afternoon of browsing the works at Ojukheon located 6.4 km away can familiarize you with the local art scene. The most popular local attraction is probably Gangneung Seongyojang House only 5.6 km away.

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Ulsan Daon Pool Villa

Experience Luxury and Tranquility at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa Welcome to Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , a luxurious 4.5-star hotel nestled in the beautiful city of Ulsan, South Korea. With its serene surroundings and impeccable service, this villa offers a truly unforgettable experience for those seeking a peaceful retreat. At Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , you will find yourself immersed in luxury and tranquility. With only two exquisitely designed rooms, this exclusive hotel ensures utmost privacy and personalized attention for each guest. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, the villa provides a haven of comfort and relaxation. Check-in at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa begins at 03:00 PM, allowing you ample time to settle in and unwind. The villa's elegant and spacious rooms are thoughtfully designed to provide a seamless blend of modern amenities and traditional Korean aesthetics. From the moment you step into your room, you will be greeted with a sense of serenity and sophistication. Convenience at Your Fingertips: Ulsan Daon Pool Villa 's Top-notch Facilities Ulsan Daon Pool Villa offers a range of convenience facilities that will make your stay truly unforgettable. With free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, you can stay connected with friends and family or catch up on work without any hassle. Whether you're lounging by the pool or relaxing in your private villa, you can enjoy seamless internet access throughout your stay. In addition to free Wi-Fi, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa also provides free parking for guests. This convenient facility ensures that you can easily explore the surrounding area without worrying about finding a parking spot. Whether you're renting a car or arriving in your own vehicle, the hassle of parking is taken care of, allowing you to focus on enjoying your vacation. Furthermore, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa offers a 24-hour front desk service. This means that no matter what time you arrive or need assistance, there will always be someone available to help you. Whether you have a question about local attractions, need recommendations for dining options, or require any other assistance, the friendly and attentive staff at the front desk are there to ensure your needs are met throughout your stay. Convenient Transport Facilities at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa At Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , we understand the importance of convenient transportation options for our guests. To ensure a hassle-free stay, we offer a spacious car park that can accommodate a large number of vehicles. Whether you are traveling in your own car or renting one during your visit to Ulsan, you can rest assured knowing that parking will never be an issue at our villa. Our car park is well-maintained and secure, providing you with peace of mind throughout your stay. Whether you are exploring the city or heading out for a day trip to nearby attractions, you can easily park your vehicle and set off on your adventures. With our convenient transport facilities, you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility to explore Ulsan and its surroundings at your own pace. In addition to our car park, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa also offers easy access to public transportation. Located in a prime location, you will find bus stops and taxi stands just a short walk away from our villa. Whether you prefer to take a bus to explore the city or hail a taxi for a quick and convenient ride, getting around Ulsan is a breeze when you stay with us. Experience the convenience of our transport facilities and make the most of your visit to Ulsan at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . Indulge in Exquisite BBQ Delights at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa At Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , dining is an experience that goes beyond mere sustenance. The hotel offers a range of exceptional dining facilities, with BBQ facilities being one of the highlights. Immerse yourself in the flavors of South Korea as you savor delicious grilled dishes in the comfort of your own private villa. The BBQ facilities at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa are designed to provide guests with a memorable culinary journey. Whether you are a seasoned grill master or a novice, the hotel's staff is always on hand to assist you in creating the perfect BBQ feast. You can choose from a selection of premium meats, seafood, and vegetables, ensuring that every bite is a delight. As you grill your food to perfection, the tantalizing aromas will fill the air, creating an inviting and mouthwatering atmosphere. With the BBQ facilities at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , you have the opportunity to enjoy a unique dining experience that combines the joy of cooking with the pleasure of indulging in delectable flavors. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply want to treat yourself to an unforgettable meal, the hotel's BBQ facilities are the perfect choice. So gather your loved ones, fire up the grill, and embark on a culinary adventure at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . Luxurious and Spacious Rooms at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa Indulge in the ultimate comfort and luxury at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , where you can choose from a range of exquisite room offerings. Each room is thoughtfully designed to provide a spacious and inviting atmosphere, ensuring a truly memorable stay. With room sizes ranging from 169 to 192 square meters, you'll have plenty of space to relax and unwind. Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with family and friends, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa has the perfect room to suit your needs. From Room 101 to Room 106, each room offers a generous amount of space, allowing you to spread out and make yourself at home. Booking your stay at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa through Agoda guarantees you the best prices and a hassle-free experience. Agoda's seamless booking process ensures that you can secure your preferred room type with just a few clicks. Take advantage of Agoda's exclusive deals and discounts, and rest easy knowing that you've secured the best possible rate for your luxurious stay at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . Discover the Tranquil Charm of Sangbuk-myeon in Ulsan Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Ulsan, South Korea, Sangbuk-myeon offers a serene and enchanting retreat for travelers seeking a peaceful getaway. Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills, this quaint village is a hidden gem that showcases the natural beauty of the region. Sangbuk-myeon is renowned for its idyllic countryside views, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Take a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, breathe in the fresh air, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings. The village is also home to several hiking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints, providing an opportunity to witness the stunning vistas of Ulsan's landscapes. In addition to its natural charm, Sangbuk-myeon boasts a rich cultural heritage. Explore the traditional Korean houses, known as hanok, that dot the village, and get a glimpse into the local way of life. Experience the warm hospitality of the residents as you indulge in authentic Korean cuisine at the local restaurants. Don't miss the chance to visit the nearby Buddhist temples, where you can find solace and serenity amidst the peaceful surroundings. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, Sangbuk-myeon in Ulsan, South Korea, offers a captivating experience that will leave you rejuvenated and inspired. Convenient Transportation from the Nearest Airports to Ulsan Daon Pool Villa Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , nestled in the tranquil Sangbuk-myeon area of Ulsan, South Korea, offers a luxurious and serene retreat for travelers seeking a peaceful getaway. Getting to this idyllic destination is a breeze, thanks to the convenient transportation options from the nearest airports. If you are arriving at Ulsan Airport, the closest airport to Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , you can easily reach your destination by taxi or private car. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes, allowing you to quickly immerse yourself in the beauty of Ulsan's countryside. Alternatively, you can also arrange for a shuttle service provided by the villa, ensuring a hassle-free transfer to your accommodation. For those arriving at Busan's Gimhae International Airport, which is located about 1.5 hours away from Ulsan, there are several transportation options available. The most convenient way to reach Ulsan Daon Pool Villa is by taking a direct bus from the airport to Ulsan Bus Terminal. From there, you can either take a taxi or arrange for a pick-up service with the villa to complete your journey. No matter which airport you arrive at, the journey to Ulsan Daon Pool Villa promises to be a seamless and enjoyable experience, allowing you to start your vacation on the right note. With its picturesque surroundings and top-notch facilities, this villa is the perfect choice for discerning travelers seeking tranquility and luxury in Ulsan, South Korea. Explore the Natural Beauty and Cultural Heritage near Ulsan Daon Pool Villa Nestled in the heart of Ulsan, South Korea, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa offers a serene retreat surrounded by breathtaking natural wonders and cultural landmarks. Just a short distance away, Paraeso Falls is a must-visit attraction for nature enthusiasts. The cascading waterfalls, lush greenery, and tranquil atmosphere create a picturesque setting perfect for a leisurely stroll or a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear pools. For those seeking spiritual enlightenment, Seoknamsa Temple is a spiritual sanctuary located nearby. This ancient Buddhist temple, dating back to the Silla Dynasty, is known for its stunning architecture, intricate woodwork, and serene surroundings. Take a peaceful walk along the temple grounds, admire the beautiful pagodas, and immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere. If you're looking to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, a visit to Sinbulsan Falls Recreational Forest is a must. This expansive forest offers a plethora of hiking trails, allowing you to explore the lush greenery, encounter diverse flora and fauna, and breathe in the fresh mountain air. Whether you're an avid hiker or simply enjoy being surrounded by nature, this recreational forest is a true haven for outdoor enthusiasts. After a day of exploration, indulge in the local culture and visit Boksoondoga, a renowned pottery studio. Here, you can witness the traditional art of pottery-making and even try your hand at creating your own masterpiece. For a unique cultural experience, head to Ganwoljae, a traditional Korean house where you can learn about Korean customs, traditions, and enjoy a traditional tea ceremony. With its proximity to these natural wonders and cultural landmarks, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa is the perfect base for experiencing the beauty and heritage of Ulsan, South Korea. Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors or a deep dive into the local culture, this charming villa offers a truly unforgettable stay. A Culinary Delight: Dining Options Near Ulsan Daon Pool Villa When it comes to dining options, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa 's location provides an array of choices that will please any palate. Just a short distance away, you'll find Chosim, a popular restaurant known for its delectable Korean cuisine. If you're in the mood for some hearty tofu dishes, Gajisan Hand Tofu House and Gajisan Restaurant are must-visit spots. For those looking to immerse themselves in the local culture, Seoknam Folk Garden offers traditional Korean dishes in a charming setting. Gajisan Garden is another fantastic option, serving up delicious meals with fresh ingredients sourced from their own garden. If you're craving something a bit more international, Santabae is a trendy restaurant that offers a fusion of Korean and Western flavors. Don't miss the opportunity to try the Gaji Mountain Vegetable Set Meal, a specialty of the region, at Gaji Mountain Vegetable Set Meal. For a taste of authentic Korean barbecue, head to Masnaga or San-Yachon, both known for their mouthwatering grilled meats. And if you're in the mood for some light bites and refreshing drinks, Neung-Geumhyang is the perfect spot to unwind and enjoy a relaxing evening. With such a diverse selection of restaurants nearby, your culinary adventure awaits just moments away from Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . Affordable Luxury at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa Indulge in a luxurious getaway without breaking the bank at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . With an average price of $163 per room, this exquisite property offers an unbeatable value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Ulsan, which stands at $71, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa provides an affordable yet opulent experience. Nestled amidst the serene surroundings of Ulsan, this villa offers a range of well-appointed rooms that are designed to provide utmost comfort and relaxation. Each room is tastefully decorated with modern furnishings and features a private pool, allowing guests to unwind in style. The exceptional amenities and personalized service provided by the friendly staff further enhance the overall experience, making Ulsan Daon Pool Villa a top choice for discerning travelers seeking a luxurious stay at a reasonable price. An Oasis of Luxury and Hospitality Step into a world of unparalleled luxury and warm hospitality at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa . With an impressive overall rating of 9.8, it's no wonder that guests rave about their unforgettable experiences at this exquisite property. Offering exceptional value for money with a perfect 10.0 rating, Ulsan Daon Pool Villa ensures that guests receive the utmost comfort and indulgence without breaking the bank. One of the highlights of this hotel is its outstanding facilities, which have earned a remarkable rating of 9.4. From the moment you arrive, you'll be captivated by the stunning pool area, where you can take a refreshing dip or simply unwind on the sun loungers while soaking up the breathtaking views. The well-maintained facilities provide the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation, ensuring that every moment spent here is pure bliss. Cleanliness is a top priority at Ulsan Daon Pool Villa , and guests have recognized this with a perfect 10.0 rating. Immaculately maintained rooms and pristine surroundings create an ambiance of serenity and tranquility. You can rest assured that your stay will be free from any worries about cleanliness, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the luxurious surroundings and enjoy a truly unforgettable experience.

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