Luxury VillasTodi

Todi, a picturesque hilltop town in Italy, captivates visitors with its medieval charm and stunning panoramic views of the Umbrian countryside. Known for its well-preserved historic architecture, including the impressive Palazzo del Capitano and the iconic Cathedral of Todi, this hidden gem offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of larger cities. Explore winding cobblestone streets, quaint piazzas, and local artisan shops, immersing yourself in Todi's timeless beauty
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Angolo di paradiso in un piccolo borgo umbro

Delizioso appartamento immerso nel verde all'interno di un piccolo borgo esteso nella valle di Ficulle, a soli 15 minuti da Orvieto. E' provvisto di tutti i confort, adatto a coppie e famiglie numerose. E' dotato di un ampio salone con divano letto, terrazza panoramica, con vista su Orvieto e sulla vallata circostante, una cucina, 3 camere da letto e 3 bagni. Grande piscina condominiale. Arredamento in stile provenzale, che vi farà vivere un'atmosfera magica. Orvieto è uno dei più bei borghi d'Italia, immerso nel verde delle colline umbre, elevato su una rupe di tufo e famoso per il suo Duomo risalente al 1290, la cui facciata a mosaico ospita una scultura marmorea della Pietà di Michelangelo. Consigliata la discesa al Pozzo di San Patrizio (XVI secolo) lungo la sua caratteristica scala a chiocciola. Una rete di grotte sotterranee testimonia le radici etrusche della cittadina. Manufatti di quel periodo, tra cui ceramiche e oggetti in bronzo, sono esposti al Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Nota per la sua cucina tipica e genuina, i cui prodotti locali come funghi e tartufi è possibile raccoglierli nei boschi circostanti. Consigliate anche le degustazioni, nelle cantine limitrofe, di vino e olio, caratteristici di queste vallate. Durante il soggiorno è possibile andare a visitare i diversi paesini vicini caratteristici della campagna umbra come, Città della Pieve, Chianciano Terme, Todi, Perugia, Assisi e a pochi chilometri anche il Lago di Bolsena, Lago Trasimeno e molti altri! Buona permanenza! Orvieto is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, nestled in the green Umbrian hills, high on a tuff cliff and famous for its Duomo Cathedral dating back to 1290, whose mosaic facade houses a marble sculpture of Michelangelo's Pietà. The descent to the Pozzo di San Patrizio (XVI century) is recommended along its characteristic spiral staircase. A network of underground caves bears witness to the Etruscan roots of the town. Artifacts from that period, including ceramics and bronze objects, are exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum. Known for its typical and genuine cuisine, whose local products such as mushrooms and truffles can be collected in the surrounding woods. Also recommended are tastings, in the nearby wine cellars, of wine and oil, characteristic of these valleys. During your stay you can go and visit the different nearby villages typical of the Umbrian countryside such as, Città della Pieve, Chianciano Terme, Todi, Perugia, Assisi and a few kilometers away also Lake Bolsena, Lake Trasimeno and many others! Good stay! Charming and sweet apartment in a small village extended in the Ficulle valley, very famous for its extra-virgin olive oil, just 15 minutes from Orvieto and his beautiful Duomo. It is equipped with all comforts, suitable for couples and large families. It has a large living room with a sofa bed, a big panoramic terrace, overlooking Orvieto and the green surrounding valley, a kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Swimming pool. Provencal style furniture that will make you live a lovely and magical atmosphere.

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The 17th century old VILLA pool&hot tub

Il Casolare è in antica pietra umbra. E' stato edificato nel 1661. Oggi, dopo una serie di ristrutturazioni.è diventata una splendida struttura ricettiva con 5 camere da letto (con bagno interno), un bellissimo salotto e una grandissima cucina. Il Casolare è in antica pietra umbra. E' stato edificato nel 1661. Oggi, dopo una serie di ristrutturazioni.è diventata una splendida struttura ricettiva con 5 camere da letto (con bagno interno), un bellissimo salotto e una grandissima cucina. Santa Caterina is a 17th century amazing stone Umbrian farmhouse once belonged to the diocese of Todi set in a large (7 hectares) and beautiful countryside made of olive tree grove, orchards, a proprietary oak wood and a relaxing garden with a characteristic swimming pool and a hot tub. Being such a big property, the maximum of privacy is guaranteed. For Guests also Table football e Table tennis. The surroundings are very interesting for the natural beauty of the region and for wine and food. The farmhouse is located in the area of the famous wine Sagrantino di Montefalco, made from a native grape variety among the most precious Italian wines. Moreover, Santa Caterina is a perfect base for exploring lovely medieval towns such as Bevagna and Montefalco, in addition to the more traditional touristic destinations such as Perugia, Assisi, Todi, Gubbio, Orvieto, etc. It is also suitable for day-trips to adjacent regions of Tuscany and Latium. The farmhouse sleeps 11 comfortably with 5 en-suite bedrooms. Guests will have easy access to the pool and outdoor Jacuzzi (8 seats). Parking can get to contain more than 15 cars. There is also a playground for children, table tennis and table football. We are always available. Although they do not live in the Villa, guests can reach in a short time. In addition, there is a team of 4 people composed by the gardener, maid, plumber and electrician always ready to intervene 24 hours 24 for each emergency. The woods, the river, the walks, the cottage in the countryside, swimming pool, hot tub, close to the most beautiful places in Umbria. By car you can visit the most beautiful places in Umbria: Perugia, Assisi, Lake Trasimeno, Deruta, Bevagna and Montefalco, Foligno, etc.. Available Internet Connection by Wi-Fi (free). There's an old wood-fired oven fully functional. The living area is separated from the sleeping area. Independent accesses in the same building to ensure the privacy and tranquility of the couples. Friends can enjoy the living room, listening to music and television without bothering the other guests that will be able to rest undisturbed and have some time out to relax in the afternoon. Gli ospiti avranno un facile accesso alla piscina e vasca idromassaggio all'aperto (8 posti). Il parcheggio può arrivare a contenere più di 15 auto. C'è anche un parco giochi per bambini, ping pong e calcio balilla. Siamo sempre disponibili. Anche se non viviamo nella villa, possiamo raggiungere gli Ospiti in breve tempo. Inoltre, c'è una squadra di 4 persone composta da giardiniere, pulizia, idraulico ed elettricista sempre pronti ad intervenire 24 ore su 24 per ogni emergenza. I boschi, il fiume, le passeggiate, la campagna, la piscina, vasca idromassaggio riscaldata, la vicinanza alle più belle località dell'Umbria. In auto si possono visitare i luoghi più belli dell'Umbria: Perugia, Assisi, Lago Trasimeno, Deruta, Bevagna e Montefalco, Foligno, ecc. Disponibile la connessione ad Internet tramite WI-FI (gratuita). C'è un antico forno a legna perfettamente funzionante. La zona giorno è separata dalla zona notte. Accesso indipendente per garantire la privacy e la tranquillità delle coppie. Gli amici possono godere del salotto, ascoltare la musica e la televisione senza disturbare gli altri ospiti che potranno riposare indisturbati nel pieno relax anche di pomeriggio.

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Villa Domus Nirale

Il prezzo a settimana si intende per 6 persone. Bellissima villa immersa nella natura a pochi passi dalla città che muore, Civita di Bagnoregio e dal lago di Bolsena. Un connubio tra eleganza e natura indimenticabile. La villa, che si trova ad un altezza di 600 s.l.m. dispone di una magnifica piscina e una sauna finlandese, un patio, una zona barbecue e un forno a legna,alberi di ciliegi, di fichi, un noccioleto e una piccola riserva di lepri, nonché un panorama mozzafiato sul lago di Bolsena. Bellissimo casale ristrutturato mantenendo intatti quelli che sono gli elementi che l'hanno sempre contraddistinta... Il portale d'ingresso e le splendide cornici di pietra basaltina, la cantina ed una vecchia rimessa trasformata in sauna. Le camere sono tutte ammobiliate nei minimi dettagli con un bagno privato ed un balcone al piano superiore ed una porta d'ingresso privata per la camera al piano inferiore adibita per ospiti disabili, tutte con aria condizionata Nella cucina è stato mantenuto il camino così da farvi compagnia durante l'inverno. La casa è dotata di 3 camere matrimoniali (con possibilità di aggiunta di un letto singolo o lettino) tutte con bagno privato, una delle quali progettata per disabili. Una cucina con bagno Sauna Piscina Patio Veranda Cantina Zona relax con gioco in legno per bambini La tranquillità di una casa immersa nella natura con un paesaggio mozzafiato sul lago di Bolsena. Se siete alla ricerca di un luogo a contatto con la storia e la natura non rimarrete delusi da questa villa in affitto: sarete vicini a interessanti centri d'interesse storico come Civita, Orvieto, il Lago di Bolsena con i suoi graziosi paesi lungo lago (Marta, Capodimonte, Bolsena), Bomarzo con il suo "Parco dei Mostri", Tarquinia, Viterbo. Distanze: Civita di Bagnoregio a 4 km, Civita (negozi di ogni genere) a 6 km, Lago di Bolsena a 13 km, Orvieto a 25 km, Viterbo a 30 km, Bomarzo (Parco dei Mostri) a 40 km, Tarquinia a 70 km.

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La dimora di Civita

Convenient Transport Facilities at La dimora di Civita At La dimora di Civita , guests can enjoy the convenience of having a car park on-site. The hotel offers a car park free of charge, making it easy for guests to explore the beautiful surroundings of Bagnoregio and beyond. Whether you are arriving by car or renting one during your stay, you can rest assured knowing that your vehicle will be safely parked at the hotel. This added convenience allows guests to easily access nearby attractions and explore the charming streets of Bagnoregio at their own pace. Additionally, the hotel's car park provides a hassle-free experience for guests, eliminating the need to search for parking spaces in the busy city center. With a free car park available, guests can save time and money, allowing them to fully enjoy their stay in Bagnoregio. Whether you are planning a day trip to nearby towns or simply want to explore the picturesque countryside, La dimora di Civita 's car park ensures that transportation is never a concern during your stay. Discover the Enchanting Charm of Bagnoregio Nestled in the heart of Italy, the picturesque town of Bagnoregio is a hidden gem that will transport you back in time. With its cobblestone streets, ancient architecture, and breathtaking views, Bagnoregio offers a truly enchanting experience for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat. One of the highlights of Bagnoregio is the magnificent La dimora di Civita , a charming hotel that perfectly captures the essence of this historic town. Situated on a hilltop overlooking the stunning Val d'Orcia, this boutique hotel boasts panoramic views that will leave you mesmerized. The hotel's location also provides easy access to the town's main attractions, including the famous Civita di Bagnoregio, a medieval village that seems to defy gravity as it perches on a cliff. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Bagnoregio as you stroll through the winding streets lined with medieval buildings and charming shops. Indulge in the local cuisine at traditional trattorias, where you can savor authentic Italian flavors and sip on regional wines. For nature lovers, Bagnoregio offers plenty of opportunities to explore the surrounding countryside, with hiking and biking trails that lead to breathtaking vistas and hidden valleys. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway, a cultural adventure, or simply a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Bagnoregio has it all. Experience the magic of this ancient town and create memories that will last a lifetime at La dimora di Civita . Traveling to La dimora di Civita from the nearest airports in Bagnoregio, Italy La dimora di Civita , located in the picturesque town of Bagnoregio, Italy, offers a unique and enchanting experience for travelers seeking a tranquil getaway. To reach this hidden gem, there are several airports conveniently located near Bagnoregio. The closest airport is Rome Fiumicino Airport, which is approximately 130 kilometers away. From the airport, travelers can take a direct train to Orvieto, a beautiful town close to Bagnoregio. From Orvieto, a short bus ride or taxi will take you to the magical La dimora di Civita . Another option is to fly into Rome Ciampino Airport, which is approximately 150 kilometers away from Bagnoregio. From the airport, travelers can take a shuttle bus or taxi to Rome Termini train station. From there, they can catch a train to Orvieto and then continue their journey to La dimora di Civita by bus or taxi. For those who prefer a more scenic route, Perugia San Francesco d'Assisi Airport is another option. This airport is approximately 80 kilometers away from Bagnoregio. From the airport, travelers can take a taxi or bus to Perugia train station. From there, they can catch a train to Orvieto and then proceed to La dimora di Civita by bus or taxi. No matter which airport you choose to fly into, the journey to La dimora di Civita is filled with breathtaking landscapes and charming towns. Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Bagnoregio as you make your way to this unique accommodation nestled in the heart of the town. Discover the Historic Landmarks Near La dimora di Civita La dimora di Civita is nestled in the heart of Bagnoregio, Italy, surrounded by a rich history and breathtaking landmarks. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find the Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, a charming church that dates back to the 13th century. Step inside and admire the beautiful frescoes and intricate architectural details that showcase the region's artistic heritage. Another must-visit landmark near La dimora di Civita is the Cattedrale di San Nicola e San Donato. This magnificent cathedral is a true masterpiece of Gothic architecture and is known for its stunning rose window and ornate bell tower. Take a leisurely stroll around the cathedral's exterior and marvel at the intricate stone carvings that adorn the façade. For those seeking a spiritual experience, a visit to the Chiesa di San Bonaventura is a must. This ancient church, built in the 13th century, is a peaceful oasis where you can reflect and admire the beautiful religious artwork. Step inside and let the serene atmosphere transport you to a bygone era. With these historic landmarks just moments away, La dimora di Civita offers the perfect base for exploring the rich cultural heritage of Bagnoregio. Immerse yourself in the captivating history of the area and create memories that will last a lifetime. A Gastronomic Delight in the Vicinity When it comes to dining options, La dimora di Civita 's surrounding area offers a plethora of choices that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find Bar Pizzeria T R I S, where you can indulge in mouthwatering pizzas and refreshing cocktails. If you're in the mood for traditional Italian cuisine, Del Prato is a must-visit, known for its delectable pasta dishes and hearty meat dishes. For a fine dining experience, Ristorante Il Bocconcino serves up exquisite seafood and meat delicacies, prepared with the freshest local ingredients. Antica Rota is another gem to explore, offering a charming ambiance and a menu filled with authentic Italian flavors. If you're craving a panoramic view while enjoying your meal, head to Belvedere, where you can savor a delicious meal while taking in the breathtaking vistas. For pizza lovers, Tutti pazzi per la pizza is a haven, serving up a variety of creative and mouthwatering pizzas. Don't forget to satisfy your sweet tooth at Gelateria Rugiada, where you can indulge in creamy gelato flavors made from scratch. If you're on the go and need a quick bite, Il Ripi&go offers a range of delicious snacks and sandwiches. And lastly, Ristorante Pizzeria Il Boschetto is a great choice for those looking for a casual dining experience with a wide selection of pizzas and traditional Italian dishes. With such a diverse range of dining options, you'll never run out of culinary adventures during your stay at La dimora di Civita .

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