Luxury Villas Austria

Austria, nestled in the heart of Europe, is a land of stunning Alpine landscapes, charming villages, and imperial history. Home to classical music legends like Mozart and Strauss, Vienna, the capital, boasts grand palaces, coffee houses, and vibrant cultural scenes. In Salzburg, birthplace of Mozart, visitors can explore baroque architecture and the picturesque Old Town. Outdoor enthusiasts flock to the Austrian Alps for skiing, hiking, and breathtaking views. Experience the best of art, history, and nature


Our house is in the heart of Hallstatt. The famous lake-street is in 1 minute walking distance, yet it is a very silent place to live in. The kitchen is fully equipped. The balcony is a real treat for summer nights viewing the silent lake. There is one master bedroom and and additional bedroom with 2 single beds (bunk bed). There is no need for a vehicle in town since everything is in walking or hiking distance (marketplace, shopping, ossuary of the chatholic church). A TV is available. First of all you can have a look at to get a good impression. Hallstatt is beautifully nestled to the mountains next to the magnificent Hallstatt lake. In summer and winter there are plenty of activities. Sports: Paragliding, mountainbiking, hiking, mounteneering, swimming a.s.o. In winter there is skiing, with one of the best freeride spots close by and another resort only 20 min. away. All reachable by public transportation. There are also many different places for cross country skiing. In the surrounding area there are many beautiful places with hardly any people around. Perfect for hiking. Our favourite breath taking panaroma is a walk by the Gosau lake. Perfect day activity with kids. But there is much more to vistit: Koppenwinkel Lake, stoneage park for the whole family, ice caves, mamuth caves and many small and big lakes all around. The resteraunts offer good Austrian kitchen. The museum in Hallstatt is also very interesting, as the village has a 4500 year old history. Close by is the town of Bad Ischl (15 min drive) where in the old days the Emperor spent his summer and the citiy of Salzburg (45 min drive). To arrive in Hallstatt by airplane fly into Salzburg and take the train from there to Hallstatt. Ariiving by train at the Hallstatt train station you have to take a small ferry boat to cross the lake and get into town. A great way to arrive. Another option is arriving by car of course. You will have the whole house for yourself so you can enter any room there. There are: 1 livingroom-diningroom (the sleeping sofa is here) 1 kitchen 1 entry area 1 toilet 1 bathroom 1 mastbedroom (double bed 180cm) 1 bedroom (1 bunkbed -> 2 beds) 1 balcony In the surrounding area there are many beautiful places with hardly any people around. Perfect for hiking. Our favourite breath taking panaroma is a walk by the Gosau lake. Perfect day activity with kids. But there is much more to vistit: Koppenwinkel Lake, stoneage park for the whole family, ice caves, mamuth caves and many small and big lakes all around.

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Luxus Chalet mit Wellness in uriger Lage

Das Luxus Chalet befindet sich unweit des Zentrums von Hohentauern, eingebettet zwischen idyllischen Wäldern auf 1275m Seehöhe, umgeben von etlichen Bergen. Das Haus ist mit viel Liebe zum Detail ausgestattet. Outdoor-Jacuzzi auf der Terrasse & Finnische Sauna machen eine Erholung hier perfekt. Das Chalet ist komplett ausgestattet und bietet die Möglichkeit für einen angenehmen Aufenthalt. WiFi, großer TV, Schreibtisch fur den Laptop usw. Im Untergeschoss befindet sich: 1 Finnische Sauna, 1 Doppelzimmer, 1 Badezimmer mit Dusche. Im Obergeschoss befindet sich: Küche & Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer mit Kamin, 1 Wc, Abstellkammer. Der 2 Stock ist das Highlight, die komplette Front von 3 Zimmern besteht aus Glas. Hier befinden sich 2 DZ, 1 Zimmer mit Ausziehbarer Couch, 1 WC, Badezimmer mit freistehender Badewanne mit Blick in die Ferne, sowie Dusche. Im Winter gibt es direkt vor Ort ein kleineres Skigebiet mit 8 Abfahrten. Der Lift ist nur 200 Meter entfernt vom. Am Hotel Moscher gibt es einen langsamen Kinderlift mit einem Hang, der ideal für das Lernen von Kindern ist und einen kurzen Zauberteppich für die Kleinsten ausserdem gibt es schoene Langlaufpisten und das Triebental ist sehr beliebt bei Tourengehern. Eine weitere ausgezeichnete Winterattraktion ist die 5 Kilometer lange Rodelbahn von der Edelrautehütte. Hier können Sie sich auch Schlitten ausleihen. Im Sommer bietet die nächste Umgebung von Hohentauern unzählige Möglichkeiten an Bergtouren auf die benachbarten Gipfel und Sättel. Außerdem gibt es auch eine Menge an attraktiven Spaziergängen und Ausflügen mit kleineren Kindern in den Tälern entlang von Bächen, zu Fischteichen mit einer Forellenzucht bei Pfahlbaudorf und um den Scheibelsee. Hunde 🐶 sind willkommen!

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Ferienhaus Freizeit mit privatem Pool und Sauna

Ferienhaus/Berghütte in herrlicher Panoramalage mit privater Sauna und beheiztem Sommerpool. Ideale Unterkunft für Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter. Sonnenkollektoren, Wärmepumpe und überdachtes beheizbares Schwimmbad im Frühjahr, Sommer und Herbst. Das Haus liegt zentral gelegen zu den bekanntesten und ausgezeichneten Skizentren im Westen Tirols. Der Kachelofen und die Stubenvertäfelungen aus Zirbenholz im Wohn- und Esszimmer sowie die Holzböden vermitteln eine gemütliche und heimelige Atmosphäre, eben einfach eine schicke Hütte. Das Ferienhaus/Berghütte bietet Platz für 12 Personen. Die neurenovierte Saunalandschaft lädt zur Regeneration ein. Sonnenkollektoren und Wärmepumpe in Verbindung mit überdachtem beheizbarem Schwimmbad im Frühjahr, Sommer und Herbst (im Winter ist das Schwimmbad nicht nutzbar) verlängert die Badesaison, Wassertemperatur bis zu 32° im Hochsommer. Das Haus liegt zentral gelegen zu den bekanntesten und ausgezeichneten Skizentren im Westen Tirols. Der Kachelofen und die Stubenvertäfelungen aus Zirbenholz im Wohn- und Esszimmer sowie die Holzböden vermitteln eine gemütliche und heimelige Atmosphäre, eben einfach eine schicke Hütte. Den Weihnachtsbaum mit Schmuck stellen wir natürlich gerne zur Verfügung. Genießen Sie im Sommer eine traumhafte Kulisse bei Tag. Sie liegen im Pool und genießen die weite Aussicht auf die fast 3000er Gipfel der Tiroler Bergwelt. Das Schwimmbad kann im Sommer nachts beleuchtet werden und bietet eine vorzügliche Abendstimmung durch Unterwasserbeleuchtung. Nehmen Sie Ihren Drink doch mal im Pool. Musik im Freien gehört ebenso dazu wie das Internet dank WLAN. Erholung ist Ihnen garantiert. Was bleibt hier noch zu wünschen. Gute Laune und nette Menschen um Sie herum. Besonders Vergnügen: Im Herbst vergangenen Jahres hatten wir ein besonderes Vergnügen. Am 12. Oktober genossen wir ein aussergewöhnliches anschliessendes Badevergnügen. Die Wassertemperatur betrug 22 Grad. Nach dem Schwimmen genossen wir den im Haus erwärmten Kachelofen. Sehr angenehm! Dort warteten 30 Grad Wärme auf die Abgekühlten und ein warmer Tee mit Schuss stand auch schon bereit. Na, wäre das nicht auch was für euch? Besonderheiten: Landeck ist der ideale Ferienort für Erholungssuchende, die auch das Milieu einer Kleinstadt suchen. Idealer Ausgangspunkt zu zahlreichen Bergwanderungen. Gönnen Sie sich den Besuch einer Almhütte, einen Kurztrip nach Innsbruck oder Meran (dabei Station am Reschensee), einen Besuch des Schweizer Zollfrei-Gebietes Samnaun (günstig Tanken, günstiger Einkauf alkoholischer Getränke und Tabakwaren sowie Marken-Kosmetika), einen Silvrettabesuch nach Galtür über Ischgl oder eine Gondelfahrt, z. B. eine Sonnenuntergangsfahrt auf den nahegelegenen Venet zum Bergsommerabend im Panoramarestaurant, übrigens im Sommer mit der Premium-Card kostenlose Bergbahnfahrt jederzeit während der Öffnungszeiten. Oder interessiert Sie ein Tandemflug? Suchen Sie Ideale Fahrrad- oder Motorradrouten über unsere nahegelegenen Pässe. Wildwasserfahrten mit Canyoing, Besuch der mystischen Klamm in Zams. Interessant wäre auch ein Besuch bei Swarovski Kristallwelten in Wattens oder die Area 47 in Roppen, besonders bei Jugendlichen beliebtes Ausflugsziel mit Kletterwänden, Springturm, Veranstaltungen mit Live-Musikgruppen und vieles mehr. Gerne besuchen unsere Gäste auch den Alpin-Coaster in Imst, poores Bahnvergnügen in den Bergen. In Fiss begegnen Sie dem Fisser Flitzer oder dem Skyswing und für die Kleinen ein Spielpark mitten in den Bergen. Verlängerte Badesaison: Durch die Überdachung unseres 8 m x 4,50 m großen Schwimmbades und die Anbindung an ein Sonnenkollektor-System in Verbindung mit Wärmepumpe können wir die Badesaison verlängern und die sommerlichen Wassertemperaturen bewegen sich immer um 27 Grad Celsius. Selbst bei schlechtem Wetter können Badelustige das Schwimmbad benutzen, da die Schwimmbadhalle die Wärme speichert und Schwimmgäste windgeschützt dem Badevergnügen nachgehen können. Bei sehr guter Wetterlage kann das Schwimmbad bis nahezu Spätherbst benutzt werden. Guter Tipp: Saunen, Abduschen und anschließend ins Schwimmbad. Badevergnügen pur. Es ist kaum zu glauben. Aufgrund der hervorragenden Wettersituation konnten wir unser Schwimmbad bereits Mitte April einlassen. Die Wassertemperatur betrug damals 28-29 Grad. Am 28.4.2007 war das Wasser 29 Grad warm und lud natürlich zum Schwimmen ein. Selbstverständlich wird das Schwimmbad bei Schönwetterperioden (min. 18-20 Grad) so früh wie möglich eingelassen. Wir möchten doch die Schwimmsaison verlängern. Weitere Skiinformationen: Die Wintersportregion TirolWest ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt zu den bekanntesten Tiroler-Ski-Arenen wie St. Anton, Ischgl, Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis, Kaunertaler Gletscher, Nauders etc. Wedeln auf den WM-Strecken in St. Anton, winterliches Highlight in der weltberühmten Skischaukel von Ischgl, mit den Skiern von Tirol aus, die Schweiz und Italien erobern - alles ist möglich! Die eindrucksvolle Skisafari erhöht den Adrenalinspiegel der Pistentiger. Partylöwen tanken Energie bei Einkehrschwüngen in den vielen zünftigen Hütten. Ski 6 – der Skipass für 6 Skigebiete in und um die Ferienregion TirolWest mit über 340 Pistenkilometern: Skigebiet Venet, Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis, Nauders, Kaunertaler Gletscher, Fendels. Für Kinder besonders geeignet sind die Skiregionen auf unserem Hausberg Venet (5 Minuten entfernt) in Zams, See (15 Minuten), Kappl (20 Minuten) und Serfaus, Fiss (20 Minuten). Problemloses Handling mit Verleih der Skiausrüstung vor Ort auf oder bei allen umliegenden Skipisten. Apres Ski darf natürlich nicht fehlen ! Sauna, Schwimmbad im Sommer, Waschmaschine, 2 Loungeplätze, Parkplatz, Schachspiel im Freien, überdachter Grillplatz mit Rauchabzug über das neu gestaltete Hausdach, tagsüber Musik im Freien. Im Winter Nutzung des beheizten Skischrankes für Schuh und Skier. Ja Das freistehende Ferienhaus bietet dem Urlauber freie Sicht auf die umliegende Bergwelt. Bus 2 Minuten, Zug 10 Minuten, Flughafen 1 h. Idealerweise fährt man mit eigenem Pkw in die nahegelegenen Skigebiete. Parkplätze beim Haus oder beim Vermieter. Es besteht jedoch die Möglichkeit mit dem Regionalbus zu den Skibussen am Fusse des Perfuchsberges oder bei Bushaltestellen in der Stadt zu den Skiregionen Paznauntal, Kaunertal oder St. Anton a. Arlberg zu fahren. Bettwäsche&Handtücher buchbar zum Preis von 13€/Person, Sauna (2,--Euro pro Stunde) Waschmaschine 6,-- Euro pro Waschgang (Baumwolle), Endreinigung 330,-- €, Kurtaxe 1,80 EUR pro Person/Nacht.

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Naturhotel Schutterbad

Experience Tranquility and Nature at Naturhotel Schutterbad Nestled in the picturesque town of Unken, Austria, Naturhotel Schutterbad offers a serene retreat amidst the stunning natural beauty of the surrounding mountains. With its 4-star rating, this charming hotel provides a perfect blend of comfort, relaxation, and outdoor adventure. Whether you are seeking a peaceful getaway or an active holiday, Naturhotel Schutterbad caters to all your needs. Upon arrival, guests are welcomed by the warm and friendly staff, ensuring a seamless check-in process. Check-in begins from 02:00 PM, allowing you to start your vacation at your own pace. The hotel's check-out time is until 10:00 AM, giving you ample time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast or make any last-minute preparations before bidding farewell to this idyllic retreat. Families with young children will find Naturhotel Schutterbad to be an ideal choice. The hotel's child policy allows children between the ages of 0 to 3 to stay free of charge, making it a budget-friendly option for families. The hotel also offers a range of amenities and activities designed to keep little ones entertained, including a dedicated play area and a variety of outdoor adventures suitable for all ages. Unwind and Rejuvenate in Naturhotel Schutterbad 's Entertainment Facilities Naturhotel Schutterbad in Unken, Austria offers a wide range of entertainment facilities to ensure a memorable and relaxing stay for its guests. Indulge in the hotel's bar, where you can sip on refreshing cocktails and unwind after a long day of exploring the picturesque surroundings. For those seeking ultimate relaxation, the hotel features a salon, massage services, sauna, and spa, where you can pamper yourself with luxurious treatments and therapies. If you are a nature enthusiast, you will surely appreciate the hotel's beautiful garden, which provides a serene setting to relax and enjoy the fresh mountain air. The hotel also offers a games room, perfect for some friendly competition with friends or family. Additionally, there is a shared lounge/TV area where you can gather with fellow guests and catch up on your favorite shows or movies. For those looking to achieve a golden tan, the hotel boasts a solarium where you can soak up the sun's rays in a controlled environment. Whether you are seeking relaxation, entertainment, or a bit of both, Naturhotel Schutterbad has everything you need to make your stay truly unforgettable. Experience Active Living at Naturhotel Schutterbad Nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Unken, Austria, Naturhotel Schutterbad offers an array of exceptional sports facilities for guests seeking an active and invigorating vacation. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, a tennis lover, or an avid swimmer, this hotel has something for everyone. Start your day with an energizing workout at the state-of-the-art fitness center, equipped with modern machines and equipment to cater to all your fitness needs. Challenge your friends or family to a friendly match at the tennis courts, where you can showcase your skills amidst the stunning alpine scenery. Cool off and soak up the sun at the outdoor pool, perfect for a refreshing swim on a warm summer's day. For those who enjoy fishing, the hotel offers an opportunity to cast your line and reel in the catch of the day. In winter, guests can take advantage of the nearby ski slopes and enjoy thrilling skiing adventures. Indulge in a friendly game of table tennis or explore the surrounding nature by canoeing along the crystal-clear rivers. Immerse yourself in nature's beauty by venturing out on the hotel's hiking trails, where you can discover hidden gems and breathtaking vistas. For those looking to improve their skiing skills, the hotel also provides ski lessons with experienced instructors. To unwind and find inner peace, head to the serene yoga room, where you can practice yoga and meditation in a tranquil setting. With its wide range of sports facilities, Naturhotel Schutterbad promises an unforgettable and active stay for all sports enthusiasts. Convenience Facilities at Naturhotel Schutterbad : Enhancing Your Stay in Unken, Austria At Naturhotel Schutterbad , we understand the importance of convenience during your stay. Our range of top-notch facilities ensures that you have a hassle-free and enjoyable experience. For those in need of laundry services, we have you covered. Our efficient laundry service will take care of your clothing, allowing you to pack light and have fresh clothes throughout your stay. If you prefer to dine in the comfort of your room, our dedicated room service team is at your service. Whether it's a late-night snack or a hearty breakfast, our staff will deliver delicious meals straight to your doorstep. For the safety of your valuables, we provide safety deposit boxes where you can securely store your belongings. This gives you peace of mind while you explore the beautiful surroundings of Unken. Stay connected with our complimentary Wi-Fi available in public areas and in all rooms. Whether you need to catch up on work or share your vacation moments with loved ones, our high-speed internet ensures seamless connectivity. To make your check-in and check-out process a breeze, we offer express check-in and check-out services. Say goodbye to long queues and enjoy a swift and efficient process. Traveling with heavy luggage? No worries! Our luggage storage facility allows you to safely store your bags, so you can explore Unken without any burden. Lastly, our dedicated housekeeping team ensures that your room is kept clean and tidy throughout your stay. Enjoy a fresh and inviting space every day. At Naturhotel Schutterbad , we prioritize your comfort and convenience, providing you with a range of facilities to enhance your stay in Unken, Austria. Convenient Transport Facilities at Naturhotel Schutterbad At Naturhotel Schutterbad , we understand the importance of convenient transportation options for our guests. Whether you are arriving by air or exploring the beautiful surroundings, we have a range of transport facilities to ensure a hassle-free stay. For those flying into the area, our airport transfer service is available to pick you up and drop you off at the hotel. This service ensures a smooth and comfortable journey, allowing you to start your vacation on the right foot. If you're looking to explore the stunning landscapes and attractions nearby, our hotel offers tours to help you discover the best of Unken and its surroundings. From picturesque hiking trails to charming villages, our knowledgeable guides will ensure you make the most of your time in the area. For guests arriving by car, we provide a car park free of charge, offering peace of mind knowing your vehicle is safely parked during your stay. Additionally, we offer a convenient shuttle service to take you to nearby destinations, making it easy to explore the area without worrying about parking or navigation. If you prefer to have your own wheels, we also offer car hire services, allowing you to have the freedom to explore at your own pace. With our car hire options, you can easily visit nearby attractions and take in the breathtaking scenery at your leisure. At Naturhotel Schutterbad , we strive to provide our guests with a range of transport facilities to ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay. Whether you need airport transfers, tours, car parking, shuttle service, or car hire, we have you covered to make your stay in Unken, Austria truly unforgettable. Indulge in Culinary Delights at Naturhotel Schutterbad At Naturhotel Schutterbad , dining is an experience that tantalizes all the senses. With a range of dining facilities to choose from, guests are spoilt for choice when it comes to satisfying their culinary cravings. Start your day off right with a visit to the hotel's cozy coffee shop, where you can sip on a freshly brewed cup of coffee while enjoying the serene views of the surrounding mountains. For a more formal dining experience, head to the hotel's elegant restaurant, where you can indulge in a variety of mouthwatering dishes prepared by the talented chefs. From traditional Austrian cuisine to international favorites, the menu offers something to please every palate. The restaurant's warm and inviting ambiance creates the perfect setting for a romantic dinner or a gathering with friends and family. If you prefer to dine in the comfort of your own room, Naturhotel Schutterbad also offers room service, allowing you to enjoy delicious meals from the restaurant menu in the privacy of your own space. And to ensure that your stay is as comfortable as possible, the hotel provides daily housekeeping, ensuring that your dining area is always clean and tidy. Whether you choose to dine in the coffee shop, restaurant, or in the privacy of your room, Naturhotel Schutterbad promises a dining experience that will leave you craving for more. Experience Comfort and Luxury at Naturhotel Schutterbad Naturhotel Schutterbad in Unken, Austria offers a range of beautifully designed rooms to ensure a comfortable and luxurious stay. Choose from their spacious Chalet, featuring 45 square meters of space and the option of a cozy Sofa Bed or a luxurious King Bed. If you prefer a more intimate setting, the Classic Double Room offers 18 square meters of space and a comfortable Queen Bed. For those seeking a little extra space, the Comfort Double Room provides 22 square meters of room to relax and unwind, complete with a plush Queen Bed. Booking your stay at Naturhotel Schutterbad on Agoda guarantees you the best prices and a hassle-free experience, ensuring that you can enjoy the utmost comfort and convenience during your stay. Experience the Tranquil Beauty of Entach in Unken, Austria Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Austrian Alps, Entach in Unken offers a tranquil escape for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. This picturesque village is surrounded by lush green meadows, towering mountains, and crystal-clear streams, making it a haven for outdoor activities and relaxation. Nature enthusiasts will be in awe of the stunning landscapes that surround Entach. The village is located in the heart of the Salzburg region, known for its untouched natural beauty. Hiking and biking trails crisscross the area, allowing visitors to explore the enchanting forests and meadows at their own pace. The nearby Almbach Gorge is a must-visit destination, with its cascading waterfalls and dramatic rock formations that create a truly magical atmosphere. For those seeking a bit of adrenaline, Entach offers a range of thrilling outdoor activities. Adventure seekers can try their hand at canyoning, where they can navigate through narrow gorges, jump into crystal-clear pools, and rappel down waterfalls. Rafting and kayaking on the nearby Saalach River provide an exhilarating experience, while paragliding offers a bird's-eye view of the stunning landscapes. After a day of exploration, visitors can unwind and rejuvenate at the Naturhotel Schutterbad . This charming hotel is located in the heart of Entach and offers comfortable accommodations with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Guests can indulge in the hotel's spa facilities, including a sauna and a relaxation area, or enjoy a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant, which serves a variety of regional specialties. Whether you're seeking adventure or a peaceful retreat, Entach in Unken is the perfect destination to immerse yourself in nature's beauty and experience the true essence of the Austrian Alps. Traveling to Naturhotel Schutterbad from the Nearest Airports in Unken, Austria Naturhotel Schutterbad , nestled in the picturesque village of Entach in Unken, Austria, offers a tranquil retreat amidst the stunning natural beauty of the Salzburg region. Traveling from the nearest airports to Naturhotel Schutterbad is a seamless and convenient experience. If you are arriving at Salzburg Airport, the most convenient way to reach Naturhotel Schutterbad is by renting a car. The drive from Salzburg Airport to the hotel takes approximately 45 minutes and offers breathtaking views of the Austrian countryside. Alternatively, you can also take a taxi or arrange a private transfer to the hotel. Another option is to fly into Munich Airport, which is approximately 2 hours away from Naturhotel Schutterbad . From Munich Airport, you can take a direct train to Salzburg Hauptbahnhof (main train station) and then transfer to a regional train or bus to Unken. The journey from Salzburg to Unken takes around 1 hour. Once you arrive in Unken, the hotel is just a short taxi ride away. Whichever airport you choose to fly into, the journey to Naturhotel Schutterbad promises to be a scenic and unforgettable experience, setting the tone for a memorable stay at this idyllic retreat. A Serene Retreat in the Heart of Unken Naturhotel Schutterbad in Unken, Austria has garnered an impressive overall rating of 9.1 from its satisfied guests. This charming hotel offers a serene retreat in the heart of the picturesque town, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. With its warm and welcoming atmosphere, Naturhotel Schutterbad provides a truly memorable stay for all who visit. One of the standout features of this hotel is its exceptional customer service. The staff at Naturhotel Schutterbad go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels valued and well taken care of. From the moment you arrive, you will be greeted with genuine warmth and hospitality. The knowledgeable and attentive staff are always on hand to assist with any requests or provide recommendations for exploring the local area. Their dedication to providing personalized service truly sets this hotel apart. Naturhotel Schutterbad also boasts comfortable and well-appointed rooms that guarantee a restful night's sleep. Each room is thoughtfully designed with modern amenities and cozy furnishings, creating a peaceful sanctuary for guests to unwind after a day of adventure. The hotel's commitment to cleanliness and attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the rooms, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay for all.

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Modern boutique apartment. ☆Leopoldstadt☆

May your stay in Vienna be perfect. Stay with us and get a wonderful experience. Fully equipped, beautiful boutique apartment. The kitchen has new crockery and basic spices. At morning, you can make some coffee in the coffee maker. Large living room with Smart TV, comfortable sofa, wardrobe for storing things. There are beds with orthopedic mattress in the bedroom. Location - 2nd district of Vienna. Tram stop No. 2, which provides direct access to the city center, is located right on the corner. A 10-minute walk - Augarten, a 52.2-hectare park The apartment has fast Wi-Fi, a washing machine, lamps by the bed, and many sockets. Our team is constantly in touch. With us, everything will go smoothly and without surprises. ➭This apartment has 1 bedroom and a living room designed mainly for short-term stays. However, it has everything you need for a pleasant stay. ➭The apartment is located on the first floor. It can accommodate up to 4 people Choosing my apartment, you'll get: - Calm location • Easy check-in • High-quality bed linens and towels • Smart TV • Key amenities • Complimentary tea and coffee • Guidebook with favorite places of the locals Living room: - Comfortable couch • Smart TV • Spacious dining table Kitchen: • Fully equipped with all the key amenities • Electric kettle • Coffee machine • Fridge • Cooking stove • Washing machine • Dishwasher Bedroom: • King-size bed (180x200) • Bed linens Bathroom: • Toilet and bath • Toilet paper and soap are provided You are welcome to contact us via platform chat. We will answer your questions as soon as possible! Before, during, and after your stay at us - we are always here to provide you with the best service. :) You will live in a good area, but you will also have easy access to the most important tourist spots: ➩ 10 min. to Augarten ➩ 21 min. to Sigmund Freud Museum ➩ 22 min. to Hofburg ➩ 25 min. to Wiener Rathaus Cafes, restaurants, and supermarkets are located near the house. You can have lunch in a new place or order home delivery. Restaurants with the possibilities of ordering food at home 5 minutes walk: ➩ Dresdnerhof ➩ Ciccio ➩ Gastwirtschaft Zum Nussgart'l ➩ BILLA ➩ McDonald's Wien A variety of transport will take you to any point on the map: A 3-minute walk: Trams: ➩ 2 | 5 The buses: ➩ N29 5 minutes walk: Subway ➩ Wien Traisengasse Bahnhof (R2. R3. R7) Features of the area Currently, Leopoldstadt is one of the most modern and most dynamic districts of Vienna. Its cityscape changes constantly, such that it has become a colourful mix of historic (theatres, cathedrals) and modern buildings (high-rise buildings, shops, residential buildings). The 2nd district is also known for its numerous tourist attractions which guarantee a stable all-year tourist flow: the Wiener Prater, which is a green area being under environmental protection, with its famous amusement park, the 300 year old Viennese porcelain manufactory. Please note that we're obliged to collect personal information from every guest who books our apartment. After confirmation of the booking, you will receive the link where you have to provide us with your personal information that is required by law in digital form. No sensitive information will be collected. You would also need to accept our terms of conditions regarding our house rules.

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Spa hotels in Austria
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Top-rated hotels in Austria
Waterfront hotels in Austria
Wellness hotels in Austria
Yoga hotels in Austria