Luxury Villas Yeosu-si
Yeosu-si in South Korea is a coastal gem, where pristine beaches meet lush green islands. Known for its stunning maritime landscapes, this city offers a mix of traditional Korean culture and modern attractions. Explore the historic temples and vibrant markets, or enjoy panoramic views from the iconic Dolsan Park. With a rich maritime heritage and delicious seafood cuisine, Yeosu-si is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a blend of nature and culture.ARTIST Cream House (아티스트)
안녕하세요~ 아티스트 하우스 입니다. 펜션전경 > 여수의 빛나는 물빛과 음식의 향연. 바다 위에 섬처럼 떠있는 곳. 새 소리에 눈 뜨고, 노을 하늘에 취하고, 쏟아지는 별을 헤아리다 잠드는 곳. 바라만 보고 있어도 절로 힐링이 되는 펜션입니다 ^-^ *도자기,테라코타 원데이클래스 운영* - 월/수/금/토 예약 가능합니다. - 1인 40,000원 (2인부터 가능) 입니다. - 펜션 내에 있는 공방에서 운영합니다. *바베큐 운영* - 4인 기준 20,000원 입니다. *주변 갯벌체험 가능* *숙소 앞 데크길 산책가능*
Yeosu House 여수정
📍여수시 진남관 인근에 위치한 넓은 마당과 바비큐 시설을 자랑하는 "여수정"입니다. 1. 여수 관광지 및 교통시설과 “10분 이내”로 이동 가능한 곳에 위치해 있습니다. 여수 버스터미널과 엑스포역에서 차량으로 10분 거리 이순신 광장 및 어시장(특화시장), 서시장 도보 10분, 게장거리 및 인근 대형 마트 차량 10분 2. 집 전체를 “단독” 사용하는 숙소로, 넓은마당 및 바베큐 시설이 마련되어 있습니다. 바베큐 시설은 날씨와 관계 없이 우천 시에도 이용 가능하게 설비되어 있습니다. * 대문쪽 개별 화장실 이용 가능 3. 입실 시간: 15:00 퇴실 시간: 11:00 4. 기본인원 :4인 (최대12인,추가 인당 3만원) 반려동물:입실불가 5. 파손, 오염, 냄새 피해 발생 시 보상금 청구 될 수 있음. 6. 실내 “절대 금연”/ 외출 시 전자제품 전원 OFF 필수 [주차] 무료 주차: 숙소 윗 길 우선 주차 *숙박공간: 거실(원목3인쇼파 2), 침실 2개(킹1ㆍ퀸1 침대 ), 다과테이블,주방(아일랜드식탁) ,욕실2, TV(65인치,넷플, 유튜브 가능), 8인식탁1, 4인식탁1,에어컨3(공기청정기능있음),선풍기3, 세탁기, 건조기, 구급약품, 와이파이, 사무용테이블 등 *화장실3: 변기(비데), 드라이기, 샤워부스, 세면기, 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 바디워시, 치약, 치솔 , 바디타올, 타월 1인 1박 2매씩 제공 *주방:냉장고ㆍ정수기ㆍ전기밥솥(10ㆍ4인)2ㆍ전자렌지ㆍ토스트오븐ㆍ커피머신(커피제공).전기주전자ㆍ전통다기세트(각종차) ㆍ냄비4개, 후라이팬 2개ㆍ기본 조리도구ㆍ 식기ㆍ 간단한 양념(간장, 소금, 설탕, 깨, 고춧가루, 식용유,액젓 등)ㆍ대중소접시ㆍ 커피잔ㆍ와인잔ㆍ맥주잔ㆍ 소주잔 *보안을 위한 CCTV가 대문과 현관 밖에 설치되어 있습니다. (내부는 촬영되지 않습니다.) *바베큐장 이용 시 * 🥩🍻 바비큐 장 내 바베큐그릴(대형)ㆍ12인테이블ㆍ미니냉장고ㆍ 와인냉장고ㆍ 아이스박스ㆍ가스버너ㆍ 무쇠고기불판ㆍ선풍기ㆍ조리기구(토치,집게, 가위,후추소금, 쟁반, 젓가락, 종이컵, 휴지, 행주등) 완비 ‼️주의: 🪵숯!! 숯은 꼭 사오셔야합니다!!‼️ *대문쪽 외부 화장실이용 🌙 마당 뷰 : 돌산대교와 케이블카 야경 ☆☆주의사항ㅡ애완동물 입실불가. 🍔이순신수제버거🍔 🍓여수딸기모찌🍓 🐟복춘식당🐟 🍻낭만포차🍻 🌉돌산대교🌉 🚄여수엑스포역🚄 🚌여수버스터미널🚌 ✈️여수공항✈️ *퇴실 시 설거지 및 분리수거는 필수입니다. (쓰레기 봉투는 제공합니다.) *전원주택 특성 상 외부로부터 벌레가 유입 될 수 있으며 이로 인한 환불은 불가합니다 *조식 미제공 [볼거리] 🌊이순신광장, 진남관, 오동도, 돌산대교, 케이블카, 유람선,여수 엑스포,여수시티투어 버스 여행, 야간 버스킹, [먹거리] 🍽 게장거리, 어시장(특화시장), 낭만포차, 서시장, 유명 디저트 (딸기모찌,탕후루,여수샌드,키스링,이순신버거,옥수당 등)
여수 오션뷰 풀빌라에서 휴식을 대형 미온수 수영장과 제트스파, 워터슬라이드에서 즐거움을 몽돌해수욕장과 해변 산책로에서 힐링을 대형 가스그릴과 실내 바베큐장에서 행복을 감성 충만한 백야 풀빌라&키즈 +Special Point+ Point-00 여수 전역을 다 둘러볼수 있는 최상의 아름다운 오션뷰 을 가진 백야도절경의 감동을 한눈에 담아보세요 여수 백야풀빌라&키즈 풀빌라에서 바로출발가능한 끝없는 오션뷰 해안도로에서 자전거&드라이브 산책 즐기시고, 백야등대와 연안바다목장에서 상괭이를 만날수 있는 행운도 가져보세요. Point-01 객실별 실내 대형 미온수(아침까지 온도 유지) 수영장과 워터슬라이드(수영장 미끄럼틀) 캐릭터 튜브, 원형튜브, 보행기 튜브, 아동 구명조끼 준비하고 있습니다. Point-02 객실별바베큐장과 바베큐장 전용에어컨이 설치 되어 쾌적한 저녁식사 가능합니다 대형가스그릴이 있어 숯과 연기에서 해방되실수 있습니다. Point-03 여수 백야 풀빌라&키즈 바로 앞 몽돌해변(해수욕장) 해변산책로에서 마음에 힐링을 찾을수 있습니다 갯바위에서 낚시와 액티비티 즐기실수 있습니다. Point-04 백호산 등산로에서 일출과 일몰 그리고 푸른 바다와 어우러진 남해의 모습이 절경과 함께 즐거운 등산 백호산 정상에서는 금호도와 여수바다 전역과 우주 발사대인 나라, 사도와 팔영산, 남쪽의 다도해까지도 조망해 볼수있습니다. Point-05 키즈풀빌라 객실 사계절 날씨와 상관없는 실내 놀이터와 장난감 수영장 워터슬라이드 거실에서 수영장을 관통하는 통유리창으로 아이들이 수영장에 안전하게 즐기고 있는지 확인 가능합니다. Point-06 세탁건조기(세제,섬유유연제) +LG스타일러가 준비 되어 수영복과 물놀이 용품 뽀송뽀송고 산뜻하게 유지 할수 있습니다. Point-07 전객실 공통 객실별 실내 바베큐장 스파월풀, 대형 미온수 수영장, 수영장 미끄럼틀 거실 85인치 TV, 각침실 마다 55인치 TV, 4구 바베큐가스그릴, LG스타일러, 세탁건조기, 전자레인지, 전기압력밥솥 비스포크냉장고, 비스포크청소기, LG오브제정수기. 캡슐커피머신, 와인잔, 와인오픈저 각종 조리도구, 종이컵, 일회용 젓가락, 숟가락, 물티슈 준비되어 있습니다. Point-08 매일매일 직접만든 조식 작은베이커리에서 직접만든 샌드위치와 쥬스 조식으로 오전 9시에 객실까지 배달 하여드립니다 * VIP-01 대가족 단체 풀빌라: 6인 기준 최대 15인 거실 3, 침실 3, 욕실 3, 주방 2 - 킹/킹/퀸/싱 스파월풀, 대형 미온수 수영장, 수영장 미끄럼틀 2층 유리거실 120인치 빔프로젝터, 1층거실 86인치 TV, 2층거실85인치 TV, 각침실마다 55인치 TV 닌텐도스위치, 제빙기 대형 독립 실내 바비큐장, 단체석 3미터 바비큐 테이블 최고급 가스 6구 가스 그릴, 소주 냉장고 야외자쿠지,불멍파이어플레이스, 100평 오션뷰 전용정원. * A-01~04 풀빌라 : 4인 기준 최대 8인 거실 1, 침실 2, 욕실 2 - 퀸/퀸/킹, 객실별 실내 바베큐장 * KIDS 01~04 키즈풀빌라 : 4인 기준 최대 8인 거실 1, 침실 2, 욕실 2 - 2층 침대/퀸/싱 키즈 실내 놀이터 객실별 실내 바베큐장, 아동용코스튬, 장난감 (KIDS-04객실은 2층침대 >>패밀리침대) * 보호자를 동반하지 않은 미성년자의 경우 이선, 동성 모두 숙박 불가합니다. * 예약안내 / 0507-1344-7511 * 인포메이션 / 010-8680-2350 * 문의 / 네이버톡톡
MORIAH THE CLASSIC 여수 오션뷰 독채 가족 엔틱 정원펜션
예술인들이 고풍스럽고 평화로운 장소라 여겨 자주 찾는 곳입니다. 여수의 조용하고 노을이 예쁜 사곡리 마을에 카페문화를 이끈 가장 오래된 곳이기도 합니다. 20년을 넘게 노부부가 정성스럽게 정원을 가꾸어 꽃이 피는 봄이 되면 항상 오래 다녀간 손님들이 꼭 다시 찾아옵니다. 부모를 따라와 팥빙수를 먹었던 어린아이가 성인이 되어 갓난애기를 데리고 찾아옵니다. 그리고 노부부인 사장님께 어린 추억을 잘 보관해 주셔서 감사하다 전합니다. 이런 카페와 집을 함께 공유하고 싶어 에어비앤비를 시작합니다. 조용히 시간여행을 하고싶거나 여수의 한적한 시골에서 정원과 노을지는 바다를 감상하고 싶은 분들께 추천합니다. 1층은 카페입니다. 숙소는 2층과 3층이며 2층에 방두개와 3층에 방하나 있으며 화장실은 총 1개입니다. 1층 카페는 오후 1시부터 5시까지 운영됩니다. 에어비앤비 손님의 경우 30% 할인해 드립니다. 저녁시간에는 1층 카페를 단독으로 공간대여 가능합니다. 가끔 스몰 파티나 가족행사를 위해 대여하는 분들이 계시는데 에어비앤비 손님의 경우에는 50% 저렴하게 대여해 드립니다. 주인이 옆집에 있고 1층 카페를 운영하고 있어 필요한 경우 직접 접촉이 가능합니다. 공항과 ktx 모두 이용가능하며 각각 차로 15분거리에 있습니다. 주차공간은 넓으니 불편함이 없습니다.
Yeosu the laon pension
Convenience at Your Fingertips: Yeosu the laon pension 's Top-Notch Facilities Yeosu the laon pension goes above and beyond to ensure that guests have a convenient and comfortable stay. With a range of top-notch facilities, this hotel is the perfect choice for travelers seeking convenience and ease. One of the standout features of Yeosu the laon pension is its provision of free Wi-Fi in all rooms. Whether you're staying for business or leisure, you can stay connected and browse the web with ease. Share your favorite moments from your trip with friends and family, or catch up on work emails without any hassle. With reliable and fast Wi-Fi available throughout the hotel, you can stay connected and make the most of your time in Yeosu. Additionally, Yeosu the laon pension boasts an on-site convenience store. This means that you don't have to worry about running out of essentials or snacks during your stay. Whether you need a quick bite to eat, a refreshing drink, or any other last-minute items, the convenience store has got you covered. It's the perfect option for those late-night cravings or when you simply want to grab something on the go. With these convenient facilities at your disposal, Yeosu the laon pension ensures that your stay is hassle-free and enjoyable. Convenient Transport Facilities at Yeosu the laon pension At Yeosu the laon pension , we understand the importance of convenient transport facilities for our guests. That's why we provide a spacious and secure car park for those traveling by car. Whether you're arriving in your own vehicle or renting one, you can rest assured knowing that there's a designated parking area available for your convenience. Our car park is well-maintained and monitored to ensure the safety of your vehicle throughout your stay. Additionally, for those who prefer not to drive, Yeosu the laon pension offers easy access to public transportation. Just a short walk from the property, you'll find bus stops that connect you to various attractions and landmarks in Yeosu-si. Whether you want to explore the stunning coastline, visit the famous Odongdo Island, or discover the vibrant local markets, getting around the city is a breeze. Our friendly staff is always ready to assist you with directions and transportation information, ensuring that you have a hassle-free and enjoyable stay at Yeosu the laon pension . Indulge in a Delightful BBQ Experience at Yeosu the laon pension At Yeosu the laon pension , guests can indulge in a delightful BBQ experience like no other. The hotel provides top-notch BBQ facilities, allowing guests to gather with friends and family for a memorable dining experience. Whether you are a meat lover or a vegetarian, the hotel offers a wide range of options to cater to every palate. The BBQ facilities at Yeosu the laon pension are equipped with state-of-the-art grills and all the necessary tools and utensils. Guests can choose from a variety of fresh meats, seafood, and vegetables to grill to perfection. The hotel also provides a selection of marinades and sauces to enhance the flavors of your BBQ creations. Enjoy the beautiful outdoor setting as you grill your favorite dishes and savor the aroma of the sizzling BBQ. The hotel's friendly staff will be on hand to assist you with any requests and ensure that your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to enjoy a delicious meal, the BBQ facilities at Yeosu the laon pension are the perfect choice. Discover the Charming Dolsan-eup in Yeosu-si, South Korea Nestled along the picturesque southern coast of South Korea, Dolsan-eup in Yeosu-si offers a captivating blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern attractions. This charming neighborhood is renowned for its stunning coastal scenery, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers alike. One of the highlights of Dolsan-eup is the Dolsan Park, a sprawling green space that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding islands and the crystal-clear waters of the South Sea. Take a leisurely stroll along the park's well-maintained trails, breathe in the fresh sea breeze, and immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere. For those seeking a bit of adventure, hiking up to the Dolsan Observatory will reward you with even more mesmerizing vistas. Aside from its natural wonders, Dolsan-eup is also home to a rich cultural heritage. Visit the Dolsan Bridge, an iconic landmark that connects the mainland to Dolsan Island. This architectural marvel is especially enchanting at night when it is beautifully illuminated, creating a romantic ambiance. Explore the quaint streets of Dolsan-eup and discover traditional Korean houses, charming cafes, and local shops selling unique handicrafts. Whether you're seeking tranquility, adventure, or a glimpse into South Korea's rich culture, Dolsan-eup in Yeosu-si has something to offer everyone. With its breathtaking scenery and diverse attractions, this neighborhood is a must-visit destination for any traveler. Getting to Yeosu the laon pension from the nearest airports Yeosu the laon pension , located in Dolsan-eup, Yeosu-si, South Korea, offers a tranquil and picturesque retreat for travelers. To reach this charming pension from the nearest airports, you have a few convenient options. If you are arriving at Yeosu Airport, which is the closest airport to Yeosu the laon pension , you can easily take a taxi or rent a car to reach your destination. The journey from the airport to the pension takes approximately 30 minutes by road, offering you a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty of the region. Alternatively, if you are flying into Incheon International Airport, you can take a domestic flight to Yeosu Airport. Several airlines operate regular flights between the two airports, ensuring a hassle-free journey. Upon reaching Yeosu Airport, you can follow the same taxi or car rental options to reach Yeosu the laon pension . No matter which airport you choose to arrive at, the journey to Yeosu the laon pension promises to be a delightful one, with stunning landscapes and breathtaking views along the way. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to immerse yourself in the serenity of Dolsan-eup, Yeosu-si, as you make your way to this charming pension. Explore the Cultural Heritage and Natural Beauty near Yeosu the laon pension Located in the scenic city of Yeosu-si, South Korea, Yeosu the laon pension offers a convenient base to explore the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the surrounding area. Just a short distance away, you will find the Geungnakjeon Hall and Stone Walls of Eunjeoksa Temple, which are steeped in history and provide a glimpse into the region's past. For those interested in maritime history, the DPRK Semisubmarine Boat Exhibition Hall is a must-visit attraction. Here, you can learn about the unique underwater exploration vessels used by North Korea and gain insight into the country's naval capabilities. Nature enthusiasts will be delighted to discover the breathtaking Samgaksan Mountain, offering panoramic views of the city and the surrounding coastline. The Baekyado Lighthouse and Baekyado Island Quay are also nearby, providing picturesque spots to enjoy the coastal scenery and witness stunning sunsets. If you're seeking tranquility, a visit to the Hyangiram Hermitage and its Camellia garden is highly recommended. Marvel at the serene beauty of the Gwaneumjeon Hall and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of this sacred place. With its diverse range of landmarks and attractions, Yeosu the laon pension is the perfect choice for travelers looking to explore the cultural heritage and natural wonders of Yeosu-si, South Korea. Delicious Dining Options Near Yeosu the laon pension Located in the vibrant city of Yeosu, South Korea, Yeosu the laon pension offers a convenient base for exploring the local culinary scene. With a variety of restaurants in the vicinity, guests can indulge in a range of delectable cuisines. For seafood lovers, Yeosu Table Galchiya and Awabi are must-visit establishments, serving up fresh and flavorful dishes that highlight the region's abundant seafood. If you're in the mood for a scenic dining experience, head to wind on the hill, where you can enjoy breathtaking views of the city while savoring delicious Korean cuisine. For those craving international flavors, Rafik offers a diverse menu of Middle Eastern dishes, while cafe de mondol is the perfect spot to relax with a cup of coffee and a light bite. Horizon Sashimi Restaurant and Eunha Sashimi Restaurant are renowned for their exquisite sashimi platters, showcasing the finest cuts of fish. Camellia Korean food and Central driver's restaurant provide authentic Korean dishes, perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in the local culture. Lastly, don't miss the opportunity to try the famous balloon fish at Yeosu fish balloon fish, a unique local delicacy that is sure to delight your taste buds. With such a wide array of dining options nearby, guests at Yeosu the laon pension are truly spoiled for choice. Affordable Luxury at Yeosu the laon pension Experience the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and affordability at Yeosu the laon pension . With an average room price of just $86, this charming hotel offers exceptional value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Yeosu-si, which stands at $110, Yeosu the laon pension provides a budget-friendly option without compromising on quality. At Yeosu the laon pension , you can enjoy all the amenities and services you would expect from a high-end hotel at a fraction of the cost. The well-appointed rooms are tastefully decorated and equipped with modern conveniences, ensuring a comfortable stay. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, the friendly and attentive staff will go above and beyond to cater to your needs. Located in the heart of Yeosu-si, this hotel offers easy access to the city's top attractions, making it an ideal choice for exploring the vibrant culture and breathtaking scenery of South Korea. Book your stay at Yeosu the laon pension today and experience luxury without breaking the bank. A Perfect Blend of Comfort and Convenience Yeosu the laon pension in Yeosu-si, South Korea, has received positive customer ratings across various aspects, making it an ideal choice for travelers seeking a comfortable and convenient stay. With an overall rating of 7.6, this charming pension offers exceptional value for money, ensuring that guests get the most out of their stay. The well-maintained facilities, rated at 7.2, provide a range of amenities to cater to the needs of every guest, ensuring a memorable stay for all. One of the standout features of Yeosu the laon pension is its impeccable cleanliness, with a rating of 8.0. Guests can expect spotless rooms and common areas, creating a welcoming and hygienic environment. The pension's prime location, rated at 8.1, adds to its appeal. Situated in Yeosu-si, South Korea, guests can easily explore the city's attractions and enjoy the convenience of nearby transportation options. The staff performance at Yeosu the laon pension is highly regarded, with a rating of 7.6. The dedicated and friendly staff members go above and beyond to ensure that guests have a pleasant and hassle-free experience. Whether it's providing local recommendations or assisting with any requests, the staff's commitment to excellent service is evident throughout the stay. Overall, Yeosu the laon pension offers a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and exceptional service. With positive customer ratings for value, cleanliness, location, and staff performance, this pension is a top choice for travelers looking for a memorable stay in Yeosu-si, South Korea.