Luxury Villas Nagasaki
Nagasaki in Japan boasts a rich history and stunning natural beauty. This coastal city is renowned for its peaceful parks, historic temples, and vibrant cultural scene. Visitors can explore the moving Peace Park, the striking Glover Garden, and the iconic Oura Church. With its mix of Japanese and Western influences, Nagasaki offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity that captivates travelers from around the world.The Sloope Nagasaki Entire House with night view
当館は車が通行しにくい長崎らしい丘の上にあるホテルです。 そのため、途中で資料を読まれずに、迷われても、 コンシェルジュのようなお出迎えサービスを希望される方は、 当館ではそのようなフルサービスをご提供いたしておりません。 その為、本館ご予約済みの方で、もしそのようなサービスをご希望される方は、 別のホテルへのご予約変更を強く御願いの上、 他のご希望されるゲストへ部屋をお譲りくださいますよう御願い申し上げます。 資料をお読み頂ければ、必ずたどり着けます。 当館は、「長崎らしい付近の景観を味わえるならば、坂道を1~5分程度であれば上り下りすることを厭わない」お客様向け、ご家族向けの現地体験型宿泊施設となっております。 なお駐車場は19時以降は近隣の有償の駐車場のご利用となります。 環境問題対策のためにも、極力お車ではなく、電車やバスなどの公共交通でお越しください。 The 5 reason to choose The Hotel Slope Nagasakl 1: [Fully renovated for only one group per night, very clean, new toilet with bidet function, new bathtub with hand held shower] 2: [Best access to tram, bus, to major spot,within walking distance] 3: [Here is on the middle of a hill, enjoy the harbor view and feel the wind.Feel and experience like locals!] 4: [Party, BBQ, are largely welcomed here :-).] 5: [Host family is living next door, enjoy feeling of safety and we’re welcome to dine with, if you need!] Here is a typical Nagasaki/Japanese style house fully renovated by interior designer into a guest house. It is exclusive to only one group per night. It has a good location, close to major tourist spots in Nagasaki and you can come here from Nagasaki JR(Japan Railway) the main stop by tram and take off at Shianbashi tram stop. We hope you will enjoy your stay here staying & feeling like locals. The major tourist spots are everywhere within walking distance from here. [Our Concept] Nagasaki city set on a large natural harbor, with buildings on the terraces of surrounding hills. Nagasaki was also the only port town which was officially allowed to trade with foreign countries during the isolation period. That’s why we come across traces of Eastern and Western cultures everywhere. Enjoy walkking around the city to discover its history. ‘SARUKU’ means to ‘stroll or walk around’ in Nagasaki dialect.So, the concept of here is "In Nagasaki, once you climb the typical slope and do SARUKING, then you can stay like living in Nagasaki, and also you can be in the loop! "[Sloope] is a coined word combining Slope and Loop.The only house on the slope you can stay exclusively, with night view, and within walking distance to major tourist spots. It is making your stay even more memorable than any luxurious hotels in Nagasaki. That’s why you should choose here to stay from many rooms in Nagasaki.