Luxury Villas Chongqing
Chongqing in China is a vibrant metropolis where modern skyscrapers blend seamlessly with ancient temples and traditional teahouses. Nestled along the Yangtze River, this bustling city offers a mix of urban energy and natural beauty, with lush green hills surrounding the bustling downtown area. Explore the vibrant street food scene, visit historic sites like the ancient Ciqikou village, or take a leisurely cruise along the river to experience the unique charm of Chongqing.Q【七禾页】90平米套房落地窗江景公寓/近索道/龙门浩老街/滨江公园/观朝天门来福士
此房之前是一处艺术家工作室 客厅全落地景观玻璃窗 窗外尽览长江滚滚东流 晚间往沙发上一躺就能享受到重庆最好的灯火夜景,堪称夜景中的夜景,比重庆著名的一棵树夜景观景台更能接近那灯火辉煌 不远处的过江索道与江面游船穿梭眼前 朝天门码头就在对岸 窗如画框能让人静观数个景点 楼下是一个大型商圈 有上千种美食任你挑选 过街就是重庆最文艺的一处南岸小坐咖啡店 房间除了床上用品与洗漱用品是酒店配置 其氛围就是一个艺术之家 九十平米的空间 可容纳一家三人居住 有健身器材 冰箱 洗衣机 电磁炉 床垫是从泰国购进价值几万元乳胶床垫 我们会定期更换各种书籍 还有一个贴心服务就是我们以重庆人自己的美食线路推荐一些当地的特色门店给大家,让你在重庆吃好玩好。 一室两厅一厨一卫 90平米精装公寓 居住期间房客本人可任意使用整套房子,但不允许商业拍摄,不允许举办派对。 有问题请添加房东联系,谢谢 楼下1891时光道商城,小吃、火锅、川粤菜、日料、茶楼、咖啡馆、酒吧,ume电影院一应俱全,商场b2停车库停车方便,可直达公寓,步行至龙门浩老街10分钟,索道站15分钟。 如果您是自驾,房源有需缴费车库可以直达房间。房源到江北机场驾车距离约21公里左右,到重庆火车站驾车距离8.9公里,约14分钟,到海棠溪地铁口-1口驾车2公里,约8分钟,距离龙门浩老街,上新街长江索道1.7公里左右,步行20分钟左右
ChongQing Fairy Mountain Art Villa
It is close to all scenic spots of Fairy Mountain. The environment is beautiful and quiet. The villa is full of cultural and artistic atmosphere. The theme is the original works of painters, calligraphers, poets and writers. Each bedroom has a unique layout, large area and independent bathroom. The villa has a courtyard, flower shed, garden, terrace, coffee and tea room, reading and writing area, with floor heating and air conditioning, which is very warm in winter. Complimentary coffee, fruit, snacks, drinks and breakfast, butler service.