Ville di Lusso Taiwan
Taiwan, an island nation in Asia, offers a captivating blend of traditional culture and modern innovation. From bustling night markets and ancient temples to towering skyscrapers and scenic mountain landscapes, Taiwan is a destination of diverse experiences. Discover the vibrant street food scene, explore lush national parks, and immerse yourself in the rich history and warm hospitality of this unique island night jiufen hostel
one night jiufen hostel Never miss a single attraction in Taipei when staying at one night jiufen hostel . Getting around in Taipei is easy when staying at this home, strategically placed right in the heart of the city. Every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable by providing the best in services and amenities. Keep up with all your communications easily with the home's free Wi-Fi. Designed for comfort, all guestrooms offer a range of amenities to ensure a restful night. For your comfort, some rooms at the home are equipped with air conditioning.
Koju Business Guesthouse (Private Cottage)
国に登録済みの安心宿 台南古い町の中心にある観光の好立地 少人数の貸切制(1~6名様まで承ります) 1日1組限定のため、完全プライベートな空間でお寛ぎいただけます。 ダブルルーム1室+4人部屋1室、最大6名迄の宿泊が可能です。 (人数によって料金が異なります) 独立のバス+トイレ、専用リビング、キッチンもダイニングも付き T-Bike、PX Mart、7-11、ファミリーマートが50メートル内 長い駐在にも短い観光にも最高な生活利便性 是非ともご参考くださいませ 館主キャッシーに関して、 親切、食いしん坊、名古屋に7年間働いていました。 いまは貿易会社を経営しています。 日本語観光案内士の国家資格取得済。 座右の銘:「人生の醍醐味が愛すると愛されること」 ちなみに、日本人大歓迎です。 本館位於台南市中西區康樂街249號 北臨三級古蹟風神廟、五條港遺跡神農街 東有海安路商圈、國華街商圈 南近正興街、河樂廣場。往西300公尺即為安平運河 徒步至赤崁樓或美術館二館也只需要1公里路程,觀光地理位置優越 方圓50公尺內即有iRent、T-Bike、全聯、7-11、全家超商,生活機能便捷 合法民宿登記編號: 臺南市民宿565 有關館主的描述: 南部人, 特別親切 台南人, 特別愛吃 居住過高雄7年, 宜蘭2年, 新店3年 在名古屋工作7年, 回台灣後開設自己的貿易公司 待過製造業、紡織業、電腦業 為了周遊印尼, 學過3年印尼文 喜歡做蛋糕、麵包, 曾經在夜市擺攤 免費教授日文, 有日語導遊資格 喜歡投資不動產, 有不動產經紀業務員資格 對長照很有興趣, 超愛老人, 近期計畫考照顧服務員資格 對水電也很有興趣, 遠期計畫考室內配線技術士資格 近年長期援助台北關愛之家、慈光心智關懷協會、烏山獼猴保護區 人生座右銘 Life is to love and be loved 歡迎來交朋友~ 100 meters to convenience store/supermarket/main tourism area 300 meters to Tainan Canal, romantic view and downshifting Reasonable price of room and with tour guide free of charge Friendly on English, Japanese, and Cantonese.
Pingtung Liao Bean Fish Homestay
我們是枋寮漁港旁海邊第一排的獨立公寓。住這裡您可以悠閒的坐在陽台聽著海浪聲,看著夕陽落下。晚上天氣好的時候還能看到小琉球的燈火喔。 我們距離枋寮車站只需步行7分鐘,沙灘及枋寮漁港皆可步行到達。附近有全聯超市,餐廳小吃應有盡有,生活機能很便利。房間配有簡易的廚房及洗衣機,方便您多天的住宿。 我們的公寓沒有豪華的設備,但我們很在意清潔。床單被單一定每次清洗,室內地板、浴室也會每次清潔消毒,只希望能讓您住得安心睡得舒適。 由於招待的施先生年紀稍大,我們不接收超過晚上10點入住的住宿,也不接待不會說中文的客人,請多見諒。 We do not accept stays that exceed 10 pm, nor do we accept guests who do not speak Chinese. 我們是一間位於海邊的獨立公寓,有獨立的大門,內部空間也是獨立使用。 此公寓位於大廈七樓,有獨立的大門、室內空間及衛浴。 這裡是個漁港小鎮,歡迎來感受漁村風情。 枋寮車站是南迴鐵路的起點,是前往花蓮的中繼站。如要前往墾丁或海生館,也有墾丁快線約一個半小時可直達! 出站後,沿著正前方的中興路往海邊方向走到底,約7分鐘即可抵達。
[墨書室Scholarly] 📌訂房後將獨自擁有房間不會與他人共用/有公共區域所以禁止預定外的房客進入住宿點。 📌雙人入住僅開放使用其中一張雙人床,如需分開兩張床,請下訂三人入住。 ✓雙人床鋪2張(入住上限4人不可加床) ✓衣櫃、衣架 ✓吹風機 ✓插頭、wifi、延長線 ✓簡單咖啡點心(不可帶離) ✓共用衛浴(於一樓)、沐浴乳、洗髮精 ✓無提供:大浴巾、個人毛巾、拋棄式牙膏牙刷、洗衣機、晒衣場 ✓機車位、汽車位(需提前一日預定) -------------------- 如果不想透過agoda預定房間,可加入官方line@ ID:@884piuwj,有相關資訊可聯繫我們! 📌請「實際入住者」務必在入住「前一日」加入官方line@ ID:@884piuwj,並告知「訂單編號」。入住當天14:00前會告知鑰匙位置。如未加入導致入住狀況,概不負責。 📌火車站離住宿點多遠、附近有無洗衣店等問題,因各人認知不同,請善用手機查詢功能。
Executive1F house3Rooms4Beds near101/CBD FREE RIDE
**Book 5 nights, we will provide you a free pick up / drop off service** 1F+Patio 110 m2 ; B1 46 m2 3x Bedroom 4x Double beds 3 x Living area 2 x Bathrooma 1 x Kitchen SPECIAL OFFER: 1 x PS4 1 x Coffee machine 1 x FREE Wifi potable router provide Extra bed is available for up to 12 people for families. Perfect for a family trip in Taiwan.
這是一間自己跟家人也會住的溫暖舒適的房子 安靜與乾淨是絕對的要求 全新低調奢華裝潢家電齊全 全新高級無甲醛建材裝潢 全新廚具鍋具齊全方便烹煮 全新小米吸塵器打掃方便 全新TECO東元 12公斤變頻洗脫烘滾筒洗衣機 全新飛利浦70吋超高清全面屏4K液晶電視 網路+安博電視盒800台電視節目 全新Whirlpool惠而浦250L雙門變頻冰箱 全新櫻花牌13L數位恆溫強排熱水器 全新Panasonic國際牌浴室三合一暖風機 全新HERAN 禾聯冷暖變頻冷氣(1對1)4台 全新智能燈具可以搖控 全新全自動智能免治馬桶 全新大理石中島吧台 全新家俱及進口家電設備齊全 房子沒有電梯在2樓 走樓梯時也可以當做運動 爬上下樓梯需要發動不同肌群的肌肉,所以爬樓梯也是一種高效率、低衝擊的有氧運動,對心肺功能有幫助,上樓梯的2大好處:減肥、練心肺,下樓梯是一種肌力運動。下樓梯的4大好處處:肌肉鍛鍊、降血糖、增骨密、平衡感 ★台灣法規規定,不管台灣人或外國人,租房子都必須租滿30天以上並且要打租約 可以用下面line聯絡 Line ID: @096pqisi 讓我們可以即時回應你的問題,謝謝
A One Union Hostel 敏揚365會館[請先看住宿簡介,請勿直接下訂!]
*AGODA中所有資訊僅供參考,實際價格、確認訂房等一切訊息以官方LINE帳號為準* *AGODA中所有資訊僅供參考,實際價格、確認訂房等一切訊息以官方LINE帳號為準* *AGODA中所有資訊僅供參考,實際價格、確認訂房等一切訊息以官方LINE帳號為準* 訂房請加我們官方LINE帳號: @aone365 查詢日期 *請勿直接下訂!!! *請勿直接下訂!!! *請勿直接下訂!!! 謝謝!~ 位於宜蘭羅東冬山鄉的「敏揚365會館」,唯一佔地800坪,超寬敞獨棟度假別墅,無論是客廳、餐廳或房間都為特大空間。我們更設有戶外烤肉工具、歡樂戲水池、全宜蘭第一台景觀電梯、免費Wifi等貼心設備,無論是家庭出遊、大小團體住宿或是公司教育訓練,這裡都是您來度假的旅遊首選!
雙層大空間,baby welcome:) 我們電視可以直接看Disney頻道呦 大樓有電梯 雙層樓中樓 第二層高度1.75m不會撞到頭哦~ 房源擁有2張雙人床+2張單人墊 ✧ 開放式的寬敞客廳、廚房、冰箱、微波爐、熱水壺、鍋碗瓢盆設備超齊全 交通:捷運松山站 2 號出口 3 分鐘 &松山火車站 步行7~10分鐘 For your references 台北火車站坐火車一站就到松山站 出門即可到便利商店,小吃店,手搖飲,速食店 下樓即可租借 Ubike *因法規規定,台灣人請先詢問後且提供必要資訊確認後才能預訂 **Please note our check in time is 16:00 pm~00:00 am, addiotion charge for late check in fee TWD$1000 after 00:00 am 推「綠色住宿」配合政府響應環保 恕不提供一次性商品(牙刷牙膏刮鬍刀等個人用品) 我們致力於提供專業的服務,為您提供觀光的建議,精緻餐飲和推薦餐館,出租車呼叫服務,當您的任何需要,我們都竭誠為您服務。 我們提供您私人和充分自由的空間,讓您在外地可以無慮地與朋友、愛人和家人共處 **我們家是嚴禁有訪客,如有訪客視同入住,需加收加人費用**. Double-layer large space, baby welcome(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 。:.゚ヽelevator buildingノ゚.:。 Possession: 2 double beds + 2 single mats, can sleep 6 people The middle floor of the double-storey building is 1.75m high on the second floor so you won't hit your head. Open plan spacious living room, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave oven, kettle, pots and pans are fully equipped Transportation: 3 minutes from Exit 2 of MRT Songshan Station & 7-10 minutes walk from Songshan Railway Station Convenience stores, snack bars, hand-shake drinks, fast food restaurants are just outside the door You can rent a Ubike just downstairs We use 75% Estrong ethanol to sanitize the room before and after your arrival to prevent the entry of the novel coronavirus. Rest assured as all our units are 100% sanitized **Please note our check in time is 16:00 pm~00:00 am, addiotion charge for late check in fee TWD$1000 after 00:00 am Promote "green accommodation" to support the government's response to environmental protection Disposable items (personal items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, etc.) are not provided We are very glad to that you can stay my house,we have a regard for my house so I also hope you can take care of our house.Please take pleasure mood come in Taipei and with a joyful mood to stay here.If you have any questions or problems just tell me,I will try my best to help you, Thank you very much. All tenant must provide ID/ARC/Passport and business card for register. When check in that day must arrive full predetermined people together check-in procedure. No parties allowed,No noise (it will be charged $5000TWD) Visitors (extra one more person will be charged $1000TWD)
2-Story 2BD1Bath Ximen/Longshan Townhouse
2-Story 2BD1Bath Townhouse near MRT Longshan Temple Located just right next to the night market but quiet and safe. Independent 2-story house without the neighbor interference. You can enjoy your staying with your friends and family in a very safe and high-privacy house. Living room and Sofa bed at 1st floor The kitchen and bathroom between 1st and 2nd floor. We also provide kitchenware, tableware, refrigerator and microwave (need to request advance) 2 bedrooms at 2nd floor, which room have one queen-size double bed. Free wifi provide towels(1 bath towel +1 face towel each guest ), Slippers, 2 in 1 shower and shampoo gel also we can provide baby cot, baby bathtub and high chair if you need. (please request advance)
「空間介紹 」 嶄新大師設計精裝海景溫泉套房。依山而居,傍海而生,山景之中的秀石,海韻之中的日出,美景與遠方,時光與情懷,放鬆與釋放,享受與自在! 「奢華公設] 飯店級公設(迎賓大廳、宴會廳、健身房、KTV室、撞球室、麻將室、高爾夫球體驗室、兒童遊戲區、頂樓戶外BBQ、頂樓無邊際景觀泳池),24小時保全。 「房源空間 」 全屋配置精選設計師款燈具,囊括所有熱門頻道娛樂性十足的高清XGIMI投影儀,超級出片的懸浮樓梯,氛圍感網紅冰箱及戴森吹風機。比利時進口一體成型乳膠床墊,100%天然稻草編製榻榻米,舒爽天絲涼感布卡座墊提供貼心舒適設施,滿足休假的舒心與滿足! 「頂級配備]」 雙口電陶爐、抽油煙機、Sampo網紅冰箱、Sharp水波爐、英國Dyson吹風機、德國Keramag面盆、義大利ariston滾筒式洗脫烘衣機、美國Kohler馬桶、日本Panasonic免治馬桶蓋、室內溫泉湯池,車位隨到隨停。 附近有 蘭陽博物館距離1.2公里 礁溪湯圍溝 奕順軒 諾貝爾 名產等6.6公里 週五有頭城當地流動夜市 在地夜市有:宜蘭東門夜市.羅東夜市 新月廣場.幾米公園18公里
LIN Manor(whole villa 4BR)Mountain View Cloud Sea
林莊園心靈渡假villa,擁有千坪戶外空間, 有落雨松、黃花風鈴木、櫻花...還有各種水果,不同季節有不同的風景, 面向開闊的山景,晴天看夕陽,雨天看雲海,晚上的星空更是不容錯過 每天都能看見老鷹在天空翱翔,不經意還能看見可愛的穿山甲、藍鵲...。 林莊園Villa是雙併別墅,一邊是心靈教育導師們的居所,很樂意分享這美麗的環境給所有人,故另一邊設為民宿。莊園裡的一花一草一木都是心靈大師skydoorzi覺者導師的巧思與手作,充滿美與真。有緣還可以分享生命與心靈,亦可預約催眠課程! 在林莊園,您可享有完整獨立的空間,您可以與家人,摯友,愛人,共享歡樂時光 餐廚方面:一樓設有獨立的餐廳及廚房,戶外庭園設有烤肉區(如需烤肉請事先告知) 娛樂方面:備有專業KTV、麻將、桌遊...等設備。 讓我們一同珍惜地球環境(請自備牙刷.牙膏.梳子等盥洗用具),並在此滋養心靈,沉澱自己,擁有絕美放鬆的旅行。 人生最難得的是在一起,真誠邀請您與好友、家人一同享受美好的時光
Jane Bao suite珍寶套房
Discover the Charms of Luodong Township in Yilan, Taiwan Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Yilan, Taiwan, Luodong Township is a charming destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and delicious local cuisine. With its convenient location just a short drive away from the bustling city of Taipei, Luodong Township is a popular choice for both locals and tourists seeking a peaceful retreat. One of the highlights of Luodong Township is its vibrant night market, which is considered one of the largest and most famous in Taiwan. The Luodong Night Market comes alive in the evenings, offering a sensory feast of mouthwatering street food, unique handicrafts, and lively entertainment. Indulge in local delicacies such as Luodong's famous scallion pancakes, braised pork rice, and grilled squid, and immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere as you navigate through the bustling stalls. Beyond the night market, Luodong Township also boasts stunning natural attractions. Take a stroll along the scenic Dongshan River, where you can enjoy the tranquility of the flowing water and the surrounding lush greenery. For those seeking outdoor adventures, head to the nearby Wulaokeng Scenic Area, known for its beautiful hiking trails and breathtaking views of the Yilan countryside. Whether you're a nature lover, a food enthusiast, or a culture seeker, Luodong Township has something to offer for everyone, making it a must-visit destination in Yilan, Taiwan. Convenient Transportation from Nearest Airports to Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 Nestled in the heart of Luodong Township in Yilan, Taiwan, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 offers a convenient and accessible location for travelers. When it comes to reaching this charming accommodation from the nearest airports, you have a few options to choose from. If you are arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), the most convenient way to reach Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 is by taking a direct shuttle bus. These buses operate regularly and provide a comfortable and hassle-free journey to Luodong Township. The journey takes approximately 2 hours, allowing you to sit back, relax, and soak in the scenic beauty of Taiwan as you make your way to your destination. Another option is to take a taxi from the airport to Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 . Taxis are readily available at the airport, and the journey to Luodong Township takes around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic conditions. While this option may be slightly more expensive, it offers the flexibility to customize your travel schedule and enjoy a private and comfortable ride. For those arriving at Taipei Songshan Airport (TSA), you can also easily reach Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 by taking a taxi. The journey from Taipei Songshan Airport to Luodong Township takes approximately 1 hour, making it a convenient choice for travelers who prefer a shorter travel time. No matter which airport you arrive at, reaching Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 is a breeze. With multiple transportation options available, you can choose the one that suits your preferences and enjoy a seamless journey to this cozy and inviting accommodation in Yilan, Taiwan. Discover the Vibrant Surroundings of Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 Nestled in the heart of Yilan, Taiwan, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 offers a convenient location surrounded by a variety of landmarks and attractions. Just a stone's throw away, you will find Yilan Luodong Forestry Culture Park, a serene oasis filled with lush greenery and tranquil walking paths. Take a leisurely stroll through the park and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. For sports enthusiasts, Luodong Sports Park is a must-visit destination. This expansive park offers a range of recreational facilities, including basketball courts, tennis courts, and a jogging track. Whether you prefer a friendly game of basketball or a refreshing morning run, Luodong Sports Park has something for everyone. History buffs will delight in exploring the nearby Luodong Cultural Factory. This converted factory showcases the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Yilan, providing visitors with a glimpse into the region's traditional industries. From pottery workshops to art exhibitions, the Luodong Cultural Factory offers a unique and educational experience for all. Other nearby attractions include Shanfa Temple, Beicheng Tian Jhu Church, Luodong Zhongshan Park, Luodong Catholic Church, Luodong Holly Mother Church, and Rabbit Pencil School. Each of these landmarks adds its own charm and cultural significance to the surrounding area, offering visitors a chance to delve deeper into the local history and traditions. With its prime location and proximity to these captivating landmarks and attractions, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 is the perfect choice for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the vibrant surroundings of Yilan, Taiwan. Convenient Access to Luodong Bus and Railway Stations Located in the heart of Yilan, Taiwan, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 offers guests easy access to the nearby Luodong Bus Station and Luodong Railway Station. The hotel's prime location ensures that guests can explore the city and its surrounding areas with ease. Just a short walk away, Luodong Bus Station provides a convenient transportation hub for guests looking to explore Yilan and beyond. From here, travelers can easily access popular attractions such as the Luodong Night Market, Dongshan River Water Park, and the National Center for Traditional Arts. For those arriving by train, Luodong Railway Station is also within close proximity to the hotel. This makes it a breeze to travel to and from other cities in Taiwan, such as Taipei and Hualien. Whether guests are here for business or leisure, the convenient access to public transport stations ensures a seamless travel experience. Delicious Dining Options Just Steps Away When it comes to dining options, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 is surrounded by a plethora of mouthwatering choices. Guests can indulge in a variety of cuisines, all within walking distance. Start your day off right with a hearty breakfast at A A Jiao Breakfast Restaurant, known for its delicious local specialties. For lunch or dinner, head to Goodnood, where you can savor their signature noodles and flavorful broth. If you're in the mood for Japanese cuisine, Red Lin Teppanyaki and Happiness Teppanyaki are both excellent options, offering a wide range of grilled dishes. For those seeking vegetarian fare, Hui Xin Vegetarian Bistro is a must-visit, serving up delectable plant-based dishes. And if you're craving some authentic Taiwanese flavors, be sure to try the famous North Gate garlic broth and Uncle A-Zao Angelica Mutton Soup and Stinky Tofu. With so many fantastic dining options just steps away, guests at Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 are sure to have a culinary adventure during their stay. Shop till you drop at Yilan's vibrant shopping landmarks Located in the heart of Yilan, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 offers easy access to a variety of shopping landmarks. Just a short distance away, you'll find Yutu Pen School, a popular destination for art lovers and enthusiasts. Explore the school's unique collection of calligraphy brushes, ink stones, and other traditional Chinese art supplies. After immersing yourself in the world of art, head over to Luodong Night Market, where you can indulge in a shopping spree like no other. This bustling market is a treasure trove of local handicrafts, clothing, accessories, and delicious street food. From trendy fashion items to traditional souvenirs, Luodong Night Market has something for everyone. After a day of shopping, return to the comfort and luxury of Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 to relax and unwind. Affordable Luxury: Experience Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 at a Great Price! Discover the perfect blend of luxury and affordability at Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 in Yilan, Taiwan. With an average price of just $92 per room, this exquisite hotel offers a remarkable value for your stay. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Yilan, which stands at $133, Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 provides a fantastic opportunity to indulge in a lavish experience without breaking the bank. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, this hotel offers an exceptional level of comfort and service at an unbeatable price. Immerse yourself in the elegance of the Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 , where every detail has been carefully curated to create a truly unforgettable stay. From the stylish and well-appointed rooms to the top-notch amenities, you'll find everything you need for a relaxing and enjoyable stay. Don't miss out on this incredible deal - book your stay at Jane Bao suite珍寶套房 today and experience luxury at an affordable price!
Pingside suit room/rental room/Pingtung travel(ID)
嗨你們好!來屏東曬過太陽了嗎 我們是屏晒人,在屏東曬太陽的人 夏日的太陽火辣辣 微風吹過一陣清爽 冬天的屏東太陽暖洋洋 氣溫舒適宜人適合避寒 匠心設計 工業風 全新裝潢 等著您來體驗 自助式房源 不用擔心check in時間太晚或打擾到別人 今天的你就是房間的主人 座落在電梯大樓裡 不用氣喘吁吁爬樓梯 行李也不用扛的像在練重訓 大樓下是美味的義朵朵義大利麵 走路10步內有全家還有小7,對面還有飲料店 不怕晚上肚子餓 只怕想吃的太多卻沒有胃可以吃 附設平面式機車及汽車停車場(汽車需先告知) 另可協助租賃機車(位於屏東火車站外) 預訂前有任何問題,可發站內信或可加官方line:@143qemnk(@要加喔!!) 提供入住時所遭遇麻煩及電器故障修繕 推薦當地知名景點及旅遊行程 坐落於屏東繁華鬧中取靜的中正路上,距離火車站5-7分鐘
Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 Take a good wander and unveil the wonder of Yilan with a stay at Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 . Explore the genuine Yilan that most travelers never see, with a stay at Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 -- located only 760 m from Jimi Square - Yilan Station. At Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 , guests are bound to have a stress-free stay. Guests can enjoy free parking right at the home. All rooms at Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 are designed for comfort. For your comfort, some rooms at the home are equipped with linen service and air conditioning. In-room entertainment amenities are available in some rooms and include television and cable TV. Dau.Dau.Lai慢慢來民宿 also provides a hair dryer, toiletries and towels in bathrooms for select rooms. Around the property Experience Yilan like a true local. An afternoon of browsing the works at Lanyang Museum located 15.3 km away can familiarize you with the local art scene. Never forget your time in Yilan with a special gift or trinket from Luodong Night Market just 7.9 km away.
Maura’s house 有漁
.6-minute drive to Fugang Fishing Port (開車6分鐘到富岡漁港) .4-minute drive to Little Yehliu Geopark (開車4分鐘到小野柳) .3-minute drive to jialulan (開車3分鐘到加路蘭) .5-minute drive to Fushan Fisheriers Resource conservation Area (開車5分鐘到富山護漁區) .10 -minute drive to Duran (開車10分鐘到都蘭) .12-minute drive to Taitung city (開車12分鐘到台東市區) .20-minute drive to Taitung Train station (開車20分鐘到台東火車站)