Luxury Villas China
China, a land of ancient wonders and modern marvels, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the iconic Great Wall winding through rugged mountains to the bustling metropolises of Beijing and Shanghai, China offers a diverse array of experiences. Explore vibrant markets, sample flavorful cuisine, and immerse yourself in traditional festivals and ceremonies. With its breathtaking landscapes, intricate architecture, and deep-rooted traditions, China is a captivating destination waiting to be discovered.Star lake view double - entry bed room
The hotel consists of 4 independent villas, equipped with Chinese restaurant, book bar and other supporting facilities, is a courtyard resort hotel. All rooms can be wireless Internet access, equipped with the United States of air conditioning, cloud rice super water purifier, millet LCD TV, xiaolin bedroom high-end bed products. At the same time, equipped with advanced intelligent equipment, voice control air conditioning, television and other intelligent configuration. Hotel has court scene big bed room, courtyard view twin bed room, the sky court scene courtyard lake view room, big bed room, sky court scene big bed room (double), the starry sky lake lake view of big bed room (double), sky etc. A total of 34 family suites, and most of the room facing the lotus lake, through the room floor overlooking a lake view and the distance of green mountains, beautiful scenery into the eye, the relaxation of body and mind. The hotel adheres to the service standards of star-level hotels and integrates the personalized services of high-end homestays. Whether it is holiday travel or freehand residence, you can enjoy the warm, attentive and considerate all-round butler one-stop service here, so that you can enjoy the natural, comfortable, leisure and leisure life and enjoy the leisurely holiday.
Kong【远山闲庭雅奢大床房】白族式别墅私享庭院丨天台望洱海转头即苍山 丨感通索道丨寂照庵 3晚接站
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。 山色无远近,看山终日行,透过屋内落地窗,秀丽苍山别致小院就在眼前,四周千亩田野带给你的是大自然的宁静,房内语音智能空调、电视、音箱带给你的是现代的舒适,门开芳杜径,室距桃花源。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务。您可以随时找到我们。 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 房间配有投影音箱设施,可以尽情观影。窗外是几株风姿卓越的核桃树,充满勃勃的生机。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务,您可以随时找到我们。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。可以逛古城,领略白族的民族风情,以及进行山野徒步。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
Z【鹪鹩 -自然房】体验成都生活 人民公园/宽窄巷子/地铁200M 提供发票 闹中取静 古色古香
【鹪鹩】坐落于成都会客厅宽窄巷子景区内,隐于宽巷子。比邻春熙路、锦里,出入便捷,四通八达。出可品四川小吃、赏川剧变脸,感成都文化休闲之乐。 进入酒店,则一草一木皆幽致、一竹一石皆雅趣。酒店客房占地1400多平米,每套房配有书房、会客厅、厨房等套房功能。且它是将SPA配套到客房里的酒店。旅行下榻,会客访友,修身养心,都很舒心别致。 成都鹪鹩人文精品酒店因庄子名句:“鹪鹩巢于深林,不过一枝。”故此而得名。寄寓了一种抛却纷扰俗尘,静守本心,归真自然,得自在逍遥的诗意栖居。 【小贴士】现有房源10套,如果此屋的时间和您的行程不匹配,查看其它房源:点击房东头像,在房东个人资料可查看所有房源链接。 酒店距离4号线宽窄巷子站仅200米,去所有市内景点都有便捷的轨道交通到达。酒店配备机场及高铁站的接送服务,如有需要可提前跟酒店前台预约。 入住期间为每一间客房配备了24h的私人管家服务,随时帮你解决在入住期间遇到的所有问题 出门即是宽窄巷子街区 宽巷子的宽,窄巷子的窄, 井巷子的井, 小通巷里有哪家好吃的小馆子, 奎星楼街的甜品店也有不错的, 泡桐树街撸串也别有滋味, 西安路的火锅宵夜大排档, 琴台路逛逛吃二两那什么面, 吉祥街的糖油果子大叔炸的一绝, 皆可步行到达。 酒店距离4号线宽窄巷子站仅200米,去所有市内景点都有便捷的轨道交通到达。酒店配备机场及高铁站的接送服务,如有需要可提前跟酒店前台预约。
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。 此房型名为疏影,房如其名。湘帘卷处,甚离披翠影,稀稀疏疏,树影婆娑,窗外核桃树下千亩田野,透过屋内全景落地窗远望,可观洱海日出,傍晚为你送上一壶香茗,于屋内便可观如锦晚霞,漫随天外云卷云舒。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务。您可以随时找到我们。 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
Yunshui Mountain View Air Conditioning Twin
Lijiang Pujing Lanshi Holiday Villa Inn is located in Shuhe Ancient Town. It also has a variety of room types including European style, New Chinese style, American style and Naxi style. The inn offers quality service and accommodation, high quality supplies for bedding, giving you a comfortable night's sleep, and a larger public area will give you a different experience in Lijiang for an unforgettable trip. It is 34km from Lijiang Sanyi Airport and 15km from Lijiang Railway Station. Including the Black Dragon Pond Park and the Naxi Ancient Music Performance are all around the hotel, which is convenient for travelers who want to take a dip in the area. The beautiful environment, combined with meticulous service, the hotel's leisure area will meet your quality needs.
Double bed room with starry sky lake view
The hotel consists of 4 independent villas, equipped with Chinese restaurant, book bar and other supporting facilities, is a courtyard resort hotel. All rooms can be wireless Internet access, equipped with the United States of air conditioning, cloud rice super water purifier, millet LCD TV, xiaolin bedroom high-end bed products. At the same time, equipped with advanced intelligent equipment, voice control air conditioning, television and other intelligent configuration. Hotel has court scene big bed room, courtyard view twin bed room, the sky court scene courtyard lake view room, big bed room, sky court scene big bed room (double), the starry sky lake lake view of big bed room (double), sky etc. A total of 34 family suites, and most of the room facing the lotus lake, through the room floor overlooking a lake view and the distance of green mountains, beautiful scenery into the eye, the relaxation of body and mind. The hotel adheres to the service standards of star-level hotels and integrates the personalized services of high-end homestays. Whether it is holiday travel or freehand residence, you can enjoy the warm, attentive and considerate all-round butler one-stop service here, so that you can enjoy the natural, comfortable, leisure and leisure life and enjoy the leisurely holiday.
Dali ancient city Shasha chengzhang minsu
Dali ancient city Shasha chengzhang minsu With a wide range of services catered to both business and leisure travelers, Dali ancient city Shasha chengzhang minsu makes sure you get the best out of your stay. The superior services and facilities offered at Dali ancient city Shasha chengzhang minsu will make for a memorable stay. Parking is provided free of charge for guests. Smoking may only take place in restricted designated areas. Guests are guaranteed a comfortable stay while at Dali ancient city Shasha chengzhang minsu . To enhance your stay, some rooms at the home come with linen service. The home's in-room entertainment is second to none, with television and cable TV provided to guests in select rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer, toiletries and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms.
ChongQing Fairy Mountain Art Villa
It is close to all scenic spots of Fairy Mountain. The environment is beautiful and quiet. The villa is full of cultural and artistic atmosphere. The theme is the original works of painters, calligraphers, poets and writers. Each bedroom has a unique layout, large area and independent bathroom. The villa has a courtyard, flower shed, garden, terrace, coffee and tea room, reading and writing area, with floor heating and air conditioning, which is very warm in winter. Complimentary coffee, fruit, snacks, drinks and breakfast, butler service.
江苑精品客栈潮州古城西湖店 Have a hassle-free trip while enjoying the services and amenities offered by 江苑精品客栈潮州古城西湖店 . Keep up with all your communications easily with the home's free Wi-Fi. Feeling lazy? In-room conveniences like daily housekeeping let you get the most out of your room time. Enjoy the services offered at 江苑精品客栈潮州古城西湖店 from the convenience of your guestroom. For your comfort, some rooms at the home are equipped with linen service, blackout curtains and air conditioning. In-room entertainment amenities are available in some rooms and include television and in-room video streaming. In some select rooms, you can find instant tea at your disposal. It's good to know that a hair dryer, toiletries and towels are provided in some guest bathrooms.
Accommodation: the area of the house is 140m2 (including 15 outdoor yards). A master bedroom, the master bedroom has a tatami and a bed up and down (there is no partition in the middle), tatami can live for five people, up and down to bed can live for three people. In addition, there is a room with a sofabed of 1.8 meters for two people. A total of 10 people can be accommodated. Catering environment: we provide barbecue tools (electric oven, pliers) electric rinse pot, electromagnetic oven, fried pot steaming pot, microwave oven, refrigerator, all cutlery. You can barbecue, rinse hot pot, simple green vegetables, steamed seafood. In addition, the surrounding tourism resources are very rich, seafood farmers have countless dinners, dining is very convenient. Entertainment environment: indoor chess and card games, game consoles, 180 degree sea view platform, do not leave the house to watch the sunrise at sea, tea tasting to listen to the sea is an excellent choice. Go out and walk to the beach in three minutes. All kinds of beach games are children's favorite. It is only five minutes away from the bus transfer station of Laoshan Scenic spot. It is very convenient to climb Laoshan. 4. Supporting facilities: the room is equipped with wireless Internet, air conditioning, hot shower, washing machine, convenient parking.
MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city
MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city See more of Deqen when you stay at MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city and experience all the benefits of a truly central location. MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city offers numerous on-site facilities to satisfy even the most discerning guest. If you plan to arrive by car, you'll appreciate the home's free parking, right on-site. Smoking is limited to designated areas only, for the health and well-being of all guests and staff. Equipped with handy amenities, guestrooms at MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city guarantee a comfortable stay for all travelers. Some rooms at MUZI 's house in ShangriLa ancient city are equipped with linen service for your convenience. The home also offers a coffee or tea maker and instant tea in some rooms for when you feel like it is needed. Knowing that bathroom amenities play an important role in increasing guests' satisfaction, the home provides a hair dryer, toiletries and towels in some select rooms.
我们用色彩描绘的bonita公寓 1层为客厅餐厅以及厨房、室外天井,供您和家人、朋友休闲娱乐的区域 2层卧室为1.8米大床,同样配有沙发休息区 3层卧室为1.8米大床,室外花园休息区,露天星空浴缸(为您提供一个浪漫的泡汤体验) 期望我们的设计给您的旅行带来特别入住体验 公寓内电子设备均可供客人使用,同时每层均有独立灭火器,1楼厨房如需使用建议优先用电磁炉盘,请勿卧床吸烟 公寓可提供无接触入住,同时客人如需帮助可随时联系,我们提供连住接站接机、免费停车(旺季除外)的服务 公寓旁有数家咖啡厅和柴米多素食餐厅、柴米多市集等(市集仅为周末白天开放),距离人民路步行仅2分钟即可到达 停车场在公寓旁边,距大理火车站14公里,距大理机场17公里 如遇雨天请关闭1楼客厅过道门以防雨水溅湿地板
鞍马劳顿的奔波之后,你是否想念家中柔软的被褥,体验过千城百味之后,是否感觉旅途缺少了些什么。左上印象,带您回家。 我们这套初冬暖阳豪华景观大床房采用的是精致简约装修风格,品牌极米投影仪,宽幕影院房,支持手机投屏,wifi连接无线上网,大功率空调(冷热),有独立卫浴,品牌洗浴用品及浴巾、毛巾、洗手液、洗衣液、一次性牙具等,24小时热水,一次性拖鞋。原木宜家纱幔品牌床,宜家床垫、星级床品,给您舒适睡眠享受,整套客房完全私人享用。 一楼大厅设置有前台接待,全天候管家服务~24小时安保监控保障您的入住安全。 客栈提供菊花茶,柠檬片、玫瑰花茶、绿茶等,在您休憩片刻给您温暖。
Cozy Courtyard in Houshayu
My house is located north of Beijing and it has a traditional Beijing style courtyard. My house is 10km from the airport which effectively means that there is no NOISE from the airport but it's still close enough that it is a good place to stay for a layover. My house is also located conveniently near to the Great Wall as most parts of the Great Wall were built in the mountains to the north of Beijing. By the way, I offer an individual service for visiting Great Wall.